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If only Irene had known, the pond she was bathing in was Erolem-territory!

Only a few minutes in the water, she was quickly surrounded by the playful newt-people, that took her undressing as an act of flirtiness! Too late Irene noticed the thick slime that was hovering in the water around her! 

She ghasped in horror, as the slime touched and soaked into her skin... changing it into a slimy, greenish membrane. Her hands and feet mutated into plump newt-versions, and a thick slashing tail grew out of her spine.

Irene felt her head change, as it became more and more difficult to grasp a simple thought... She tried to speak, but it seemed that her vocal chords had mutated as well... minutes later, Irene crawled out of the pond, transformed into one of the slimy newts that lived here... only a single sound escaped her new amphibic maw: "mlem"



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