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“Hey Luke, could you please put on that shirt again?!” The angry Bolgan saleswoman looked over to the young man that just took a deep sip from his bottle. “I told you, you can always come over and get a drink for free when cleaning up, but please.. please don’t walk around my customers half naked!”

“Pfft” Luke made a warding gesture. “Dont be silly.... most people are running around half naked here... its summer time!” He dragged the blue vacuum cleaner out of the small maintenance room. “Don’t be so prude”

Millie, The shopkeeper of the Candy bar threw him an angry look, but Luke couldn’t care less. This was only his holiday-job anyways in and in a few weeks, he would leave this whole damn town behind him.

“The Sora Slush is really tasty this time, thank you Millie!” Luke waved and threw the Bolgan a grin back. Somehow, Millie looked a bit confused out of a sudden and ignored her customer. She turned around and looked over to the milk-bar.

“LUKE!” She shouted ”Have you took the milk from this silver decanter?!”

-But Luke was already too far away. The Vacuum cleaner rumbled over the polished floor as Luke suddenly felt a strange warmth spreading from below his navel. - “Yeah... the one with Milk written on it!”

“Oh my god!” The drink slipped out of his hand, as Luke realized, that weird bulges had appeared on his chest . His view went all dizzy and blurred, as he moved forwards. Behind him, he heard a female voice calling for him, but she seemed far away and out of reach..

Somehow, each of his step now created a dull sound, like if someone had glued blocks of wood under his feet. Still dizzy, Luke looked down and saw his feet ripped open in a weird way: He had lost his sandals on the way and instead of human toes, soft, white fur had replaced the skin on his feet, which now ended in dark, bovine hooves.

“What the?!...”Luke tried to find his balance and recover from the shock, but with every second it seemed that his legs became fatter and fatter. His human skin started to tighten around his growing hips, as he felt the material of his shorts giving in...

“P-please.... Millie... what was this drink?!” He moaned, while his belt ripped. A warm burning in his chest concentrated around his nipples which also started to bulge up and grow bigger, slowly forming soft, bouncing breasts on Lukes male body.

“This... this feels so good... Ugh... damn...” The sight of his own boobs turned him on so much, that Luke felt his most private part slipping out of his shorts in a rock-hard state. A few more steps forwards caused his newly grown tits to wiggle to the left and right. Again Luke felt his cock twitching in lust, as a hot gush of a thick, sticky substance splattered all over his belly.

Luke turned around to Millie – something weird was going on. Was he fantasizing about all this?... was this real? He felt his hips making a weird cracking noise, as his whole pelvis seemed to slightly bend forwards, giving his ass more room to grow fatter. His shorts felt tight and it didn´t took long until holes appeared everywhere on the fabric.

“My gawd Luke, You took the Sora Breastmilk! Farmer Stan gave it to me to boil it and make Bolgan Sugargtops” 

Insecurely standing on his new feet, Luke felt the tits on his chest swelling bigger and heavier.”B-Breast Mhhilk?” His lips felt numb swollen as he spoke these words. His growing ass had ripped most of his shorts into shreds in the meantime, creating a fitting counter-weight to his growing breasts.

The Ketoran girl on the counter had pulled out her phone in the meantime, obviously filming Luke while he was changing into a fat Sora cow.

“Stooohhp shooooting!” Lukes voice sounded slow and almost stupid as he shouted at the Wolf girl. His words seemed to escape his mouth in a combination of a deep female voice and an animalistic moo. A slim, bovine tail had grown out of his shorts and now wiggled over Lukes fat ass.

He felt is face starting to stretch forwards, his nose felt wet and slimy, as it started to grow broader and fuse with his upper lip to form a bovine muzzle. Before Luke was even able to scream more words towards the Ketoran, a primitive urge was slowly building up in his stomach. At first, it felt pretty much like a belch... but suddenly, Luke became aware that there would be absolutely no way to let this one out without a sound...

With his hard cock still twitching from the last lustful eruption, Luke tried to delay the inevitable. He looked over to the filming wolf girl and opened his mouth, but instead of another slow warning, a loud rutting call escaped his throat.

With all of his clothes gone, Luke carefully inspected his new, soft body. Short, white fur had replaced all of his human skin. A pair of heavy tits dangled on his chest, while the strange warmth he had noticed earlier created a weird, sensitive skin between his crotch and navel.

Curious, Luke touched the soft, red skin, which slowly swelled up with something. Slowly, It dawned on him what was growing right above the remains of his masculinity:

“Thats an Uhdder....I turned into a Sooorah!” The soft, red skin below his navel swelled further and started to form a strange, hanging sack. Small teats emerged at the end of the growing organ that slowly formed into a perfect udder that was hanging right above Lukes crotch.

“Hmm, I always had a thing going for fat cows!” Luke turned his head and saw the Ketoran girl a few meters behind him. She had put her phone to the side in the meantime and obviously enjoyed what had happened to Luke. “Come here, we can do a quickie in the comfort station over there...” she grabbed her crotch to show Luke a growing bulge. “Quick and fun!”

Luke shook his head  “Ihhm noooh cow!...” The udder over his crotch was slowly filling with milk and was now hanging over Lukes erected penis. “Still ghoot phehnus!” He lifted up the udder to proof the Ketoran he was telling the truth, only to reveal his forme rhuman cock, which was slowly changing into a Sora-pussy.

“Hehe, wanna see a real cock?” The Ketoran grabbed her trousers and pulled it down a few inches to let her sweaty, canine cock slip out. “THATS a cock.... I can only see a fat pussy there!”

Lukes knees went weak, as his fingers lifted up his udder even more: His testicles had shrunken back into his crotch and formed a fat, wet slit instead. 

“looks a lot like a cow-cunt to me “The Ketoran smirked. “Just let me know if you’re in for some fun, maybe we can even use this sucking toy you got there!” She pointed at the Vacuum cleaner. I heard hat Soras constantly produce milk and have to be milked quite often!”




Ooooh, teat nipples :o