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Vulvapods are giant plant hybrids, that are best known for their stimulating pheromones and slime, which is a very strong aphrodisiac if turned into a potion.

They live deep inside of merran forests, often accompanied by Arboreals or one of the rare Ivyblossom-queens.

Unable to move, the female-only Vulvapods just hang from the trees in silence except from their lustful moanings whenever they stimulate themselves with their tongues. 

With a strong pheromone, they catch all kinds of prey to either digest it inside of their fruit-body,or spread their infection - which seems to only affect females.

A person that once has smelled the Vulvapods Sweet smell, cant resist the urge to walk deeper into the forest, looking for the source. Once there, the vulvapod opens her giant, deformed cunt-jar to let the victim drink her nectar.

Minutes later, the victims nethers start to grow sensitive and wet, causing a chain reaction of orgasms, whenever the victim tries to move. 

In heat, these victims now start to get rid of their clothes to stop the stimulation of their ultrasensitive cunts. In their lust, they start to grab branches above them, to spread their legs and stop the constant pleasure.

Once the victim is hanging on a branch defenseles, the transformation into a Vulvapod starts.

The victims feet start to fuse and slowly turn into a fruit-body that merges with their cunt, while their arms grow into the branch and become useless. The tongue of the victim now elongates, taking over all stimulating actions, while the nipples on their breasts grow into pheromone-spreading stems.



Fleur Dryke

This truly is a unique creature.


Honestly you give us some of the weirder creatures, not that I am complaining. Different strokes for different folks as they say. I honestly could see you making a text based Game like Trials in Tainted space or Corruption of Champions. I honestly would love to explore your world and all it's weird and sexy wonder.


Thanks Lu. Next, thelong awaited Alpyus sequence and after that I hope we'll get some Hylar material. I wonder how the hyenas Tf their new mates...

KAZ (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-12 03:04:28 While this TF is really hot & awesome... I'd actually love to see a sequence of the other part you mentioned: trapping & digesting prey! Might we ever see that? Perhaps luring some helpless guy to an untimely, but pleasurable fate, falling into one of these pods?
2020-08-01 02:58:02 While this TF is really hot & awesome... I'd actually love to see a sequence of the other part you mentioned: trapping & digesting prey! Might we ever see that? Perhaps luring some helpless guy to an untimely, but pleasurable fate, falling into one of these pods?

While this TF is really hot & awesome... I'd actually love to see a sequence of the other part you mentioned: trapping & digesting prey! Might we ever see that? Perhaps luring some helpless guy to an untimely, but pleasurable fate, falling into one of these pods?


Much much more of this please, drag it out!