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Here is a short story about my OC Enikma, the history of Merra itself, and the origin of the star-level-rating of the different races and how it comes that some races are immune to other races TFs ?(???)?

Enikma is a Doomwidow one of the oldest beings on Merra.

Back in the days, Enikma was a human scientist that was desperately trying to stop the GSH(Genetically-spliced-humanoids) -pandemic that had spreaded over the whole planet and brought humanity close to extinction.

Once a colony of Earth, Merra was populated by humans, which had fled from their home.The planet itself was perfect for a second chance of humanity, but like so often, the devil of this world, was hidden in the details: An invisible threat at first, the Merran viruses which cause mutations to human bodies and slowly take over until they are fully transformed into a new mix of human-Merran-lifeform.

The endemic creatures of merra quickly became a threat, as humanity realized that any kind of contact, may it be through consuming, a bite or a mere touch was able to cause horrific transformations to them. To make it even more worse, most of the new mutants also seemed to be more adapted to the planet and populated it with a way higher fertility rate: Their new versions had outrun the humans in the race of survival in any way.

For that reason, humanity started to work on genetic blockers, that were able to stop or prevent a transformation through "unspliceable-base-pairs"

Enikma was one of the first so called "Neos", a human being that was immune to almost all kinds of transformations and for a short blink, humanity found hope again…

To their misfortune, Nature on Merra never stops to develop new threats. So it happened, that one day a new infection appeared way more powerful than the older ones. Since that day, Humanity started to grade each race on Merra into categories, depending on how powerful their infection was.

The humans fled to one of their last ships, located in the middle of the so-called "Akrinan sea", leaving behind all infected to avoid their extinction. Years later, humanity had turned their ship into a new capital in the middle of the ocean.

Enikma tho, which became the first Doomwidow-mutation on the planet and an outcast to her old kind stayed in the forests with her loving husband Stan, who had sworn to stay with her, no matter how her body would look. One night, Enikma wasn't able to control herself due to her new animalistic urges and infected Stan with her DNA.

Not knowing that a doomwidow-transformation was also bearing a secret of being either turned into a female, humanoid spider, or a male, rather defenseless worm mercilessly, Enikma was heartbroken, as she found Stan in his new form at the next morning.

Just as her husband, she promised him to never leave, no matter how he would look like. Since then, Enikma was trying to find a cure for he town sickness. Not only to heal herself, but also to give he partner a second chance.



General Cellron XD

Hmm very interesting it would be interesting to see enikma's original human form transforming into what she is now XD


really instructing about the origin of merra, than a lot for this


Great lore dump, really interesting origin of Merra


Great lore. Will we ever get a chance too vote and see Lu, Enikma and Jezzica getting transformed into their respected characters some day? We normally see randoms, but seeing your actual main character's getting their turn would be amazing.


Really love your work!!! keep it up


I try to work on sequences of that, yeah ^^ i just wanna introduce my 3 OCs properly first :3