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Sam slowly opened her eyes. What happened last night? All she could remember was that she and the other Ketorans had an awesome party last night. On their way home, a weird buzzing sound seemed to follow them and everything went black out of a sudden.

She tried to move, but somehow, her body was stuck. Her hands and feet felt like they stuffed into buckets of glue and something was touching her face. Sam blinked. The light was quite bright around her, but slowly her eyes got used to it as she started to focus on the figure in front of her.

something reeking and slurping was sliding over her cheek, as Sam was finally able to see what was standing in front of her. The stench of the giant insect was breathtaking. A giant proboscis was smearing layers of thick slime over Sam´s face. The mouth of the creature looked like a giant, female genital only with the difference of the long veiny muscle that was pushing into her face.

Sams view travelled down the creatures body and stopped at the two large breasts. Instead of nipples, a swollen, slime-leaking vulva was resting on each of them. Suddenly, the creature grabbed Sam´s face, to hold her jaw in place. The long slimy proboscis came closer and closer to her mouth, dripping in anticipation. Merciless, the reeking organ screwed inside Sams throat, as the young female felt how a gush of disgusting liquids was squirted into her.

One of the orifices on the creatures breasts seemed to move out of a sudden. Slowly, the swollen labia started to stretch, as viscous slime was pressed out of the vagina. With the hard proboscis in her throat, Sam tried to scream as a thick maggot-like worm pushed its head out of the tight slit.

With a screeching sound, the newly born maggot slowly pressed itself out of its mother´s breast.

Sam was so shocked, she didn´t even realize how much she started to enjoy the feel of the thick proboscis in her throat. Out of a sudden, it felt tight, warm and strangely-fitting. It took a moment, before the young girl realized, that all her teeth had gone, and her mouth was reduced to a sucking, needy opining, that slowly started to merge with her nose. like in a heat, Sams Mouth and nose slowly grew together and started to form a giant, vertical slit that eagerly starts to suck in the creatures proboscis.

Suddenly, the creature pulled out its nasty tongue and stepped a few steps back. Sam was almost crying in need, missing the strong muscle between her needy, drooling lips that started to draw the attention of the maggot like worms. One of them had already made it up to her breasts, slowly coming closer her dripping opening.

Sam wasn´t sure why, but in her need, she started to open her vertical lips in front of the maggot on her chest. Like as if it was awaiting for an invitation, the slimy grub started to enter Sams throat and slowly disappeared inside her new orifice.

Sams whole body suddenly started to itch and felt weird. her nipples tickled, as these slowly turned into clots and developed vertical slits on each of them. Her crotch felt awesome, like hundreds of eggs being pushed outside he run a very stimulating way. She looked down and noticed the large egg sack that had started to develop between her legs. After the first feelings of utter disgust, Sam started to enjoy the feeling of the giant organ being filled with new eggs produced by her body.

The need of Sams new mouth was just too much for her now. Besides that every single orifice on her body was sceaming for attention which was already bursting her mind with endorphines, her gaping face-cunt was aching for something to be pushed inside.

Sam felt her vision fading into a weird ultraviolet-vision, as her eyes turned into primitive compound eyes. With her egg sack filled up, Sams old sex had turned into a weird kind of ovipositor. Screetching and drooling from her new facecunt, she gave birth to he every first maggot babies, as they pushed their way through he breast labia.

Sam was happy. Happier than she ever was in her old body as far as she could remember. Finally she found her perfect match, and life wasn't really complicated at all!

Sure, she knew beauty was in the eye of the beholder, but she could´t care less since everything on her new partner was arousing her. Kissing her hairy slit was just so naughty and wonderful, rubbing any of her swollen pussies, pressing them together, licking them out… it al felt just wonderful to her.

Sam never thought seeing life less complicated would be such a bliss.



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