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Load after load, Dan had swallowed the Lyran´s cum as shi suddenly stopped feeding him. Exhausted and heavy breathing, the snake pulled her hard cock out of his mouth, leaving a thick strand of cum between Dan´s face and her glans.

she smiled and stroked through the young man´s hair as she hissed happily and satisfied. Slowly, the snake loosened the straps around Dan´s head that had kept his mouth wide open. Her grip tightened, as Dan felt an unusual pressure on his chest.

An itching feeling started to spread all over his body, together with a strange feeling of tightness. To his own horror, Dan had started to hiss in pleasure, as the even tighter grip of the Lyran pulled off his old human skin, revealing two huge, scaled tits beneath.

covered in a thin layer of slime, Dan slowly shed his old human skin until his new crotch was revealed: Instead of his penis, a huge, scaled vulva was uncovered, oozing thick non-human liquids. Dan couldn´t help but look further to the left as he noticed how appealing the lyrans throbbing cock had become to him. 

In bliss, Dan felt an weird excitement spreading in his nethers. Something hard was slowly pushing through his new plump cuntlips. Dan almost cried in heat, as he noticed the huge glans spreading the upper part of his new female sex open. the giant cock grew bigger and harder the more he looked at the other Lyrans dripping member. 

Something inside him was aching to spread his giant cunt open, presenting his new opening to his mate. Before he could even thing about getting fucked by the other snake, his huge cock already came, squirting thick snake cum all over his own and the other Lyrans body.




Is "shi" a typo or am I just dumb and missing something? In the first sentence.


Hey there! ٩(◉ᴥ◉)۶ Im not completely sure of this myself, because i am no native english speaker, but as far as I got it, "shi" is used for herms when describing them :3


I am a native English speaker and I've always simply used "she", and have always heard other people use it.