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A grinding sound outside of his tent pulled Dan from his sleep.

still tired, the young expeditioner rubbed his eyed before he slowly crawled forward to open the zipper. As he fell asleep last night, he was sure he heard some wild Skirrans causing mischief, knowing these little pests would most likely steal anything useful they could find, but never come too close to the fireplace.

But this sound was so different to Skirrans… like something heavy, that was sliding over the ground mixed with a poisonous, sharp hissing.

Dan had seen a group of Tizzians 2 days ago, probably hunting for Bigons they could catch and domesticate. He just hoped, the 2 meter high reptiles havn´t gotten hungry and decided to raid his camp now.

He stepped into the quite fresh morning air and took a deep breath, after he looked around. The fireplace was untouched and everything else, seemed to be at its place, too. Just before Dan was able to turn around calling it a trick of his brain, something hard and massive hit the side of his body. For a second, the young man lost consciousness and only felt something cold and hard curling around him.

"whatsss thissss?" a deep female, almost demonic-sounding voice hissed "What isss the sssslave doing outssside of the nessst?" Dan couldn't move, the long snake-body of the Lyran had entangled him as he tried to breathe. "Let me go! I am just an adventurer, looking for valuable things in this jungle!"

"valuable thinnngsss?" The Lyran asked with a mix of faked confusion and joy "well, I got sssssomething quite valuable for sssssh you" With a devilish smile, the naga pulled something from her leather belt and wrapped it around Dans head in a quick move. As the clothed part of the snake moved close to his face, something big bulged up through the brown, dirty fabric of the lyrans loincloth.

"Open wiiiide" The Lyran grinned, as Dan felt something tight strapped around his head while something hard was pushed into the sides of his mouth, pulling it open. He wasn´t able to close his jaws anymore, as a salty taste spreaded from the metal clasp that were placed at both sides of his mouth.

With his mouth wide open like this, Dan noticed a wet spot on the Lyrans loincloth growing bigger and bigger. something moved beneath the fabric…. something wet and hard, causing a huge bulge. The lyran moaned and hissed, as the snake pulled away the dirty rag, revealing a giant, oozing cunt underneath, dripping with liquids.

The Naga grabbed Dans head "Here´sss ssssomething valuable for you, ssslave" With a wet, slurping sound, something big and hard slipped through the creatures giant cuntlips. Instead of a clit, a giant veiny and manly cock erected right in front of Dans face, oozing with strands of thick, transformative snake-cum.

"You deserve thisss, ssslave…. you wasss able to run away and proven ssssh worthy…" with this words, the Lyran pulled Dans head closer to hir massive cock. As the wet glans of the penis started to slip between his jaws, Dan tried to scream one last time. A muffled cry escaped, before the veiny lenght of the slimy shaft slipped deep into his throat, filling his whole mouth with the salty taste of the snake´s slippery pre cum.



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