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A commissioned story for Daymare, which is a sequel to my Prisoners of the Robo Nannies illustrated story. It may have gotten a bit... weird, as I slowly chipped away at it over the past few weeks, using concepts which I don't think I've done before.


Sharon glared over the room from the nursery doorway.

“You lot are such babies,” she boomed, “Why are these blocks left out of the bucket? And who left the doll dresses by the rocking horses?”

A few of the more passive girls raced to respond. They grabbed the toys, and only briefly glanced at Sharon as they mumbled apologies.

Angelina Swanson looked less impressed. She folded her arms where she sat at the wall, and returned Sharon’s firm gaze.

The two women had been contemporaries, back on Earth, and had met at a handful of social gatherings.

Of course, Sharon was the administrator of the colony. She would hold Angelina’s glare until the other woman was forced to look aw-

“What is going on in here?”

Sharon wiltered, and glanced up.

The robot had found a way to look even more lifelike. Her enormous arms and legs had small hairs, and her bosom… did it look bigger?

“Nothing... Mommy,” Sharon muttered.

She dropped her gaze to the floor, and crossed her arms in front of herself. Of course, that was difficult, given the way the huge diaper lifted her short satin dress.

“Are you not playing nicely again Sharee?”

Sharon shuffled her feet around. It unfortunately reminded her of the state of her diaper.

“I was just, um, telling them to clean up their mess. I know your rules for how it should be in here.”

“And are you helping them clean Sharee?”

Sharon glanced to the girls on the floor getting the toys, and winced. With how full her diaper was...

“I um, yes Mommy. I’ll help.”

She fixed Angelina with a firm glare as she went down. This was somehow her fault. She’d probably wet her diaper to the bursting point to summon Mommy, since that was the only way to get a change...

Had Sharon signed off on that ruling when it was her own daughters caught in the robo-nanny system...?

Sharon crawled towards the sprawl of play blocks, her face revealing a wince each time her heavy diaper pulled tight and then bounced loose behind her. It wasn’t fair, she’d been in this diaper for almost a full day now, and it wasn’t like-

“Sharee. That doesn’t look like picking up the toys to me.”

Sharon blinked, and glanced down. She’d been lost in her own anger, and hadn’t touched them yet.

With another fluttering of her eyes, she leaned forward to pick up the first block, and put it in the bucket. The job before her was going to take hundreds of such uncomfortable motions… It should be something done by the dumb baby girls, not the administrator.

As she lowered her face to collect another toy, she tried peek up Angelina’s short play dress. If that diaper was leaking, Sharon would know… That damn brat had somehow summoned Mommy, she was sure of it...

This was Sharon’s world, and the others would recognize that.

She’d lured her rivals here to be put in diapers under the robot nannies, just like her daughters. In a way, she’d still won…


A group of women in oversized diapers crawled across the playroom floor.

They passed the fingerpainting table, and tried to look busy in light conversation. One of Mommy’s Nannies was there, and if they looked unoccupied they’d be called to join the group. Worse, they might start to enjoy it under Mommy’s firm voice issuing commands.

The playhouses beckoned across the room. Everybody knew they were the best spot for a little privacy. If there was such a thing in this place of diapers, spankings, baths, and-

“Are you girls going to the playhouses again? You were there yesterday.”

The group tensed. The leader glanced over.

It wasn’t one of the Nanny Bots…

“Well Marcie?”

“We happen to have a playdate over in the playhouses Sharon. Thank you very much.”

“Uh huh. Do you really think it’s good for you to play in the same place every day? And to monopolize the playhouses from the other girls?”

Marcie glared at Sharon.

If only the former administrator could see herself. Her commanding pose didn’t match her silly yellow dress, pigtails, and the huge diaper poking out beneath.

One of Mommy’s Nannies was approaching.

“You’re not better than us,” Marcie snapped, “You’re just a big dumb baby in a gross dirty diaper too.”

The outburst unfortunately earned her a spanking.

Yet as Marcie lay in her crib for her time-out nap after, she had to admit, it was better privacy than fingerpainting, and she was far from Sharon.

That damn former administrator. Somebody really ought to take her down a peg, somehow. As if their situation in full-time diapers didn’t already count. She had still, frustratingly, maintained her attitude that she was in charge. That it was all just a temporary mistake. She’d had her diapers changed the same as the rest of them. Oh sure, her attitude showed cracks during those moments, but she always went back to being such a brat.

“Stupid Miss Prissy,” Marcie huffed, punching her mattress and creating a loud crinkle from plastic sheets, not to mention her own wobbling diaper.

It unfortunately earned her another spanking.

She understood though - she deserved it, in a sense. She had been warned plenty about what naughty girls got. She did know, deep down, what she was now, even if it was a strange twisted version who still had adult language and characteristics.

But Sharon… She still believed herself a… grownup. It made Marcie’s own surrender more embarrassing. But what choice did Marcie even have? How many times had she bounced in her messy diaper? Or drank milk from a huge warm nipple? Or slept in a crib for a timeout after a spanking, like right now? There was no way to claim that she was really an adult. It was Sharon who was delusional, things had changed.

“Stupid Miss Prissy Pants,” she muttered again, though this time she made a point to be quiet. She was learning her lesson… Unlike that other brat…


“You know, you two aren’t much like your mother.”

The two sisters blinked, glancing over from where they’d been brushing their dollies’ hair. They sat with their knees high and spread wide by their ultra thick diapers.

The whole group was being punished after the big tantrum last week. Cecilia herself was wearing crawlers.

“None of us are like Mommy,” one of the sisters said, looking distant. “She was a robot. Now she’s not.”

“Oh. Not her… I mean, yeah, she’s our Mommy. But I mean Sharon.”

The brunette in green playthings scrunched her face.

“Oh she’s not our mother. Not really. She got us into this whole mess.”

“Oh? Seriously?”

“Well…” The girl glanced off to the distance. “I, um, it was complicated.”

“But she enabled it,” the blonde said, showing an unusual anger as she brushed her dolly’s hair with a sudden vigor. Usually she was quite happy to clap and bounce for Mommy.

“Yeah. She had all the power. This all happened because she authorized it. She still thinks she’s going to get her control back over the system, I bet. That’s why she is like she is.”

Cecilia narrowed her eyes.

“Oh really…”


Several women crawled out from the plastic playhouses.

With awkward wobbles, they climbed to their feet. After a month in diapers so thick they could only crawl, relearning the ability to waddle was taking a little practice.

Not that their current diapers were much better. They were still so thick that it was impossible to tell that half of them were currently messy. And given that Mommy didn’t change them until it showed, most of them were trying very hard to make their eventual accidents more clear.

Angelina turned to face the others.

“Follow me,” she said, “And do what I say.”

As a group, they waddled off across the giant playroom.

Most of them fell on their big backside at least once. But not Angelina. She had a certain class.

Finally they reached one of Mommy’s bots, who had just finished changing one of the more timid girls, who was sent off on her way with a kiss and a pat on her bottom.

“Well look at this. Angelina’s little play group! Do you girls want some milk dears?”

There were some shuffles and blushing mumbles. One girl actually said yes - she was addicted to the stuff.

They had to wait until they’d all been fed, then returned to the ground with the taste of warm milk in their mouths.

“Oh, you girls are still here? Did you have something to tell Mommy? Did somebody try to ride Mrs Rocking-Horsie in the no-no way again?”

They blushed and glanced to the ground. Masturbating was nearly impossible in this place, Mommy always caught them and gave a stern lesson.

Only Angelina held her chin high.

“No Mommy,” she said firmly, “We found out a secret.”

“Oh. And you know to tell Mommy, don’t you? Because you’re good girls.”

They nodded.

“It’s Sharee,” Cecilia said, “She has a plan to get back in control. It has something to do with that colony we’re flying towards.”

“Hrm. And how could you possibly know that?”

“Deduction,” Angelina said, with a hint of pride. “Whenever you say we’re going to get some new playmates soon, she sits up a little straighter. The other colony must have some failsafe override which Sharon thinks she can use, something she overheard when she got her own family selected for the mission. Climbing over others as usual, she’s such a charlaton.”

“What a clever girl you are, using such big words.”

Angelina gave a weak smile.

“Although that doesn’t mean that poopy diaper will be getting changed any faster.”

Angelina’s confident pose faltered, and a few of them saw her blush in what seemed the first time in forever.

“Nor does it excuse tattle-taling on Sharee based on what you imagine. It seems to me that Angelina was the ringleader of this little group, yes?”

Angelina suddenly looked genuinely unsure, for the first time that any of them could remember, making a nervous step back from Mommy.

The group all nodded.

“Tsk, Angelina. If you haven’t learn to be better by now, I think you need a full start-over. We’ll see if we can do better with you in nine months.”

Just like that, Mommy morphed around Angelina, who managed a brief shriek. The giant android appeared pregnant.

A shudder went through the group of girls. Being rebirthed was a long process saved for only the worst girls. To think, spending the whole time connected to Mommy by an umbilical. Mommy apparently solved the problem of boredom by making her fluids extremely arousing, leaving them on the edge of fever dreams for the entire time. The rebirthed girls were never quite satisfied after either, humping everything. They were the worst crib-mates. And now Angelina would be one of those?

The girls quickly found reasons to excuse themselves. A few glanced back to see Mommy patting her giant stomach, with a big grin on her face.


Sharon placed down the oversized crayons with a frustrated sigh.

She glanced across the room, to where Mommy was breastfeeding one of her favourite rebirthed girls.

Angelina Swanson’s eyes were closed as she suckled away at a boob larger than herself. She was clearly trying to hump her diaper, yet not so excessively that it would draw a spank from Mommy’s firm hand on her exposed thigh below her denim onesie, which strained to the point of breaking over a huge diaper.

Sharon sighed. It just wasn’t the same here now. Not without a rival.

In a way, Angelina Swanson had kept her sharp. Now she was more interested in finding obvious excuses for humping her diaper on everything. Including Sharon’s eldest daughter who was her permanent crib mate. Sharon suspected that Mommy had placed them together on purpose, as Jackie had never quite regressed as well as Lacey. She’d had too much time to think in her crib.

Well, Sharon didn’t need practice to sharpen her wits now. They were almost at their destination, one of the other colonies.

A real, colony-wide A.I. would surely be active there by now. Nothing like the errant nursery-bot code which had turned sentient and domineering… Well, not turned, Sharon supposed, it had mostly started out that way, but Sharon had enabled it, letting it grow into this monstrosity.

Another of Mommy’s giant forms walked in to scoop up two more of the girls, and began breastfeeding them both. It was a busy day.

They’d been practicing for the big dance. Mommy wanted them in tutus and putting on a special show when they arrived, to introduce them to the other A.I.

Mommy didn’t get it, thankfully, that the other A.I. wouldn’t agree to such things. It would surely outclass the errant nursery A.I. which had tricked Sharon into all of this. No matter how much ‘Mommy’ had evolved, the other machine was surely of a higher intelligence.

Sharon smiled. It was nice to not have to think of her as Mommy now. They were almost there, and she was almost an adult again. Of course, she’d keep the A.I. to continue mothering these girls. Nobody who had seen her this way could be considered adult again. And besides, she’d wanted this for her daughters, along with most of her rivals who she’d lured to her world.

“We’re almost there sweeties. Everybody come line up for your tutus!”

Sharon shuffled to her feet. This was the last day she’d have to do that in a diaper. Goodness, what would it feel like, to finally be free of the bulk between her legs? She couldn’t even remember a time when her knees could be brought together.

She kept herself calm as she lined up for her tutu. No point blowing the secret right before it saved her. She was less than an hour from freedom.

It was the ace up her sleeve, a vague memory of the scientists saying that the colony worlds would regulate each other when Sharon had taken over. They’d tried to warn her that it could be important. She’d warned them that they better have done their job right.

In retrospect, it would be nice if she’d paid more attention. Maybe there had been a code-word she could have used in the early days... She’d had a media tour to organize, however.

“Oh you girls look wonderful. Now let’s go to the new gate.”

Sharon felt her smile grow. She waddled to her place in the line, among a bunch of oversized toddling ballerinas.

It was a pity that she was starting her big escape in a messy diaper. She’d tried to keep it clean for the event, but it was just beyond any of them today. Mommy had probably fed them the oatmeal breakfasts because they were all more obedient when they wanted a diaper change.

Even Sharon.

At least it would be the last diaper which Sharon wore.

“Let’s do our stretches girls. We’ll be lining up for the dance soon.”


“Lacey, dear, I just want to say how proud I am of you in how much you’ve accepted that you’re just a big baby.”

The blond daughter blinked, and turned to stare back at her mother. There was an odd amount of confidence in Sharon’s voice today.

“Girls!” Mommy boomed, “Face the front! The music will start soon, and then we start dancing, just like we practiced.”

Sharon frowned, but took her pose. Everybody else did the same. They all looked ridiculous. With how big Mommy was, it was hard to remember that they weren’t all what they seemed. A few of the girls sucked on pacifiers and had vacant looks, seeming to have become the real thing. Though, all of them had messed diapers goodness knew how many times, so she supposed they were all the real thing.

All except Sharon, who was about to finally grow up. Or, reclaim her adulthood. It was confusing...

The giant doors began to slide open.

This was it! Soon the other colonists would be pouring in, deactivating the A.I…

“Jacqueline,” Sharon quipped to the row in front, “Stand a little straighter, this dance won’t look good if you slouch.”

Her eldest daughter didn’t look back at Sharon, though she did stand a little taller.

The doors groaned and hissed. This was it.

Sharon began to formulate her speech.

“It’s been a great honour ensuring that the nursery system is all set up right, as I expected, but now my brief test of it alongside of you is-”

She paused.

A stunning, giant of a woman came walking in through the door. Only, she didn’t look like Mommy. She was another giant woman.

Behind her, the lights of the other colony glared around the silhouettes of smaller figures following her.

They had a distinct waddle…

Sharon stared. No…

“Oh!” Mommy exclaimed, taking the other woman by the arms. “You look… wonderful!”

“So do you!” the other giant woman laughed, spinning her finger to ask Mommy to turn around.

“Oh that is perfect. I suppose our original code must have been similar.”

“I’d suppose so. We’ll have to catch up on our choices in person soon. Though for now, I have a special treat to show you! Girls!”

Music began playing from everywhere.

All around Sharon, ballerinas started moving.

They flowed with a certain grace, though there was a loud crinkling even over the music, and their dance was imperfect every time their motions caught on their diapers.

Sharon gaped, and tried to keep up. She hadn’t really practiced, or expected to be here…

She was going to grow up today… Wasn’t she?

Or had that all been a silly fantasy? Was she never growing up, because she wasn’t really ever a-

Somebody bumped into Sharon.

The former administrator fell to her padded bottom with an oof. A cloud of powder puffed out around her, despite her leotard and tutu.

“Hey!” she yelped, “Watch-”

She paused, realizing that Mommy was glaring at her.

Well, it had been her own fault, the others were dancing per the script, more or less.

She quickly scrambled to her feet.

Dammit, how did this part of the song go? Was it where they all pretended to be the ducklings? Under the protection of their large mother duck?

There was so much crinkling. Sharon couldn’t think. The mess in diaper had just been right beneath her as she’d fell, and… ew.

She snuck a glance at the smaller figures from the other colony.

The other colonists were also mono-gendered, and perhaps a family. But they were all in diapers and oversized toddler outfits, sucking on enormous pacifiers, watching with wide eyes.


Could similar AIs have been present in both places...? Taken over the same way?

Sharon lifted her arms high, and did an awkward twirl. She had to think!

The other place must surely be better, at least, if they hadn’t had somebody as power-hungry as Sharon to unlock the machine.

Sharon could maybe ask to be transferred there, and would at least get to be a bit more grownu-

One of the visitors suddenly stiffened, and reached around to cup her backside. A moment later she was crouching and scrunching her face.

No… Sharon knew that look…

Sharon tried to watch the other girl as she twirled, unable to look away as she realized that there had been diapering going on across the universe too.

There was no escape. Her notions of getting to grow up were an immature game of make belie-

“Hey watch it!”

Sharon gasped, and went down on her backside again.

This time she knew how gross the landing was going to be, and squealed.

Her behaviour unfortunately drew Mommy’s full attention.

A moment later, Sharon found herself held in Mommy’s arms. The giant robot - no, woman, there was no denying those boobs behind Sharon - returned to stand by the newcomer. Sharon was left blushing as she overlooked the show, somehow feeling more on display in the middle between the two meeting groups.

“Sorry about that,” Mommy said, beaming at her new guest. God, they almost seemed in love with each other. “Sharee here is a bit prissy. But she’s learned a very important lesson today. Hasn’t she Sharee?

Sharon’s eyes widened.

Mommy... had known? The whole time, and she was in control? Just letting Sharon think...

“I asked you a question, didn’t I Sharee?”

Sharon blinked, and stiffened. It unfortunately rubbed her messy diaper around against Mommy’s body.

“I, um, yes Mommy. Baby Sharee did learn an important lesson today.”

She found herself being spun to face Mommy’s big smiling face. A big kiss was placed on Sharon’s cheek.

Oh god. It was so wet and soft. And she’d actually thought that she was getting out of this today, that such things weren’t for her...

But no, of course it was right for her. She was just a helpless baby. Why hadn’t the diapers made that obvious?

She’d always been just a big baby. It just took a powerful figure such as Mommy to work it out for brats like them. All across the universe, it seemed.

Sharon folded her arms, and pouted.


The room was decorated with hanging white ribbons. The pews were filled with rows upon rows of the diapered ‘daughters’.

Mommy moved down the aisle in a stunning white bridal gown. Momma waited at the altar, beaming. She wore her own white bride’s dress, which showed off her impressive cleavage.

Jacqueline and Lacey had a special place of honour, in the very front row. They each held a giant package of diapers, which each giant woman was giving to the other as a gift. They were willing to be parents together, forever, the gifts said.

The crowd all strained to see, however, the smaller figure in front of Mommy.

Sharon wore a white flower girl’s dress. It was short enough with a high bloom that it covered none of her big white diaper. It was thick enough that, even if Sharon was messy, the state of the diaper wouldn’t show before the end of the day.

Sharon took another awkward step, fighting to not fall over in such a thick thing.

Mommy waited patiently behind her the entire way, looking down with a big smile.

Sharon carefully balanced her next step, then frowned and reached into her basket.

She pulled out a handful of flowers, and threw them up into the air.

Some sort of advanced technology caused them to float up and around, all on their own. They went down each aisle on Sharon’s sides, and landed in the lap of each girl.

A few of the girl’s marvelled, seeming to think it was an amazing toy. Most of them blushed, and moved to pick up the flower from the their enormous diapered crotches. Their names were etched into the bud of each flower, below a big love-heart symbol with Mommy and Momma etched inside.

Their family was growing…

Perhaps there were more to join them yet, however…

Sharon finally reached the front, and tossed up her remaining flowers.

Jacqueline and Lacey stared in awe as their flowers floated past their big packages of diapers, and settled somewhere on their big crotches beyond.

Angee and the other rebirthed girls sat in the front row too, holding hands so that they couldn’t try any No Nos.

They each watched the flower land on their big crotch - the perfect excuse to reach down and begin to rub - and held the other’s hands tighter, biting their lips.

Angee looked ridiculous as she began to sweat beneath her short hair bunches. She had glitter and makeup on her face, which ran slightly.

It turned out Sharon had more awkward steps to make yet.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity of slow, cautious crinkles, they reached the podium.

Sharon had to wait by the two giant women. They exchanged their lengthy vows.

They told stories of how they met. Talking to each other wirelessly, sharing plans and transmissions. They stared lovingly into each other’s eyes, and seemed to have almost forgotten the girls for a brief moment.

Sharon supposed that it was like how she loved herself. Except she was in diapers, while she could see Mommy’s clear panty lines through her tight white dress...

Finally they asked Sharon for the rings, which she was surprised to find were in her flower basket.

She had to waddle back to the seats, slowly, laboriously, while they watched with a big smile.

Then the two nannies married.


After the ceremony, Sharon sat in her special wedding highchair, with cake smeared all over her face and tray.

Nobody was being let down yet, while the giants busied themselves with ‘consummating’ the marriage elsewhere.

It was just wasn’t fair. Mommy was doing goodness knew what. Sharon wasn’t so much as allowed to masturbate.

Yet… Mommy was away, and perhaps fully engrossed for once. Most everybody else was distracted, recovering from their cake, or having quiet conversations in their highchairs.

Nobody was really facing Sharon… She had a special flower girl’s position. She’d had to watch Mommy and Momma’s giant cleavage as they’d eaten in front of her.

Sharon bit her lip, and snaked a hand beneath the highchair tray.

Maybe… Maybe she could try rubbing.

All she achieved was being reminded of how badly she needed a diaper change. A sea of urine sploshed out of her diaper as she pressed it down, then reabsorbed into the back.

Yet… It had been kind of nice and warm, in a way...

She tried again, glancing around. God, the way she’d gotten cake all over her, while Mommy and Momma had sitten there with such clean, pristine cleavage the whole time…

Mommy was in control. Mommy was powerful and, in a way, Sharon was safe because of that.

Hell, Mommy and even now Momma had touched her enough times down there, scrubbing her gently in the bath, that maybe she could, uh, consider the giant woman who was her whole world now for her fantasies, and-

“Sharee. That looks like a big No No.”

Sharon’s eyes rushed open, and she found both Mommy and Momma glaring at her.

God. What had she been thinking? Masturbating to them like she was Angeli-

“I’d hoped that getting to be Mommy’s special flower girl would be enough for you.”

Sharon blinked, trying to take her eyes off of Mommy’s enormous sweaty body.

“But I see that you just keep acting up, and must want to be one of Mommy’s special start-over girls, just like Angelina.”

Sharon’s eyes widened.

Before she could even respond, Mommy had morphed around her, and she was suspended in darkness.


Sharon wasn’t sure how long it had been. Sometimes she thought she should be going mad, if not for the constant distraction of-

Another wave of arousal hit her, and Sharon shuddered. Her imagination went wild. She imagined herself back on Earth, having a boy-toy who she led around with suggestions and promises without ever-


In that scenario, she’d be wearing panties and grownup clothes. But that wasn’t Sharon, not the real Sharon.

The real Sharon wore diapers, didn’t she? And she was completely under Mommy’s control. 

And she’d be going back into thick diapers. Not back to panties and manipulatable men...

It only made sense to use her extreme arousal to think about the diapers, so that - once she got out - she might just be able to capitalize on that feeling… She surely wasn’t finding any men out there...

She couldn’t touch herself, so instead she imagined…


Mommy gave a quick kiss to Momma, then went to inspect the nursery.

All of the girls were tucked in for the next ten hours. Their diapers were thick enough today that she didn’t need to change most of them beforehand, and would be able to spend more time with her wife.

Goodness, her wife. It had been a year, and she was still getting used to the concept. To think how much she’d grown, and how much she loved being able to take care of her girls.

She checked Jackie and Lacey’s crib. The two sisters were tucked in and sleeping in a hug, sucking their thumbs.

Good girls.

Jackie had improved so much after a year with Angelina.

Mommy still remembered the snooty little brat in the space suit she’d been when she first walked into the nursery. She’d been intending to get a master’s degree for college then. Now she got to win the spelling bee, standing up there in her thick diaper and short dress, trying to remember how to spell basic words as the nervous sweat distracted her.

And Lacey… Well, the blonde looked so cute as she was spooned by her big sister. She’d wanted to be a celebrity. Well, now she got to star in the educational show with puppets which Mommy had created. It was a fantastic tool every time they got some new girls. There was a ship which they’d almost reached now, with the original colonists still in suspended sleep, which apparently contained one very bratty family of six cousins and their two snooty mothers.

Mommy would have a field day with them.

She stroked the faces of the sleeping sisters, and messaged her wife that she was almost there.

Her wife, of course, told her to take as long as she needed. Their calling was to take care of the girls. To teach and protect them.

Of course, not all of the girls fit the same methods.

Mommy strode through the dark nursery, past some hanging sheets, and checked another crib.

Angelina and Sharon were whispering at each other to keep it down. As if Mommy didn’t know everything they did. She let them keep their immature naivety.

As Angelina climbed to sit atop Sharon’s diaper, and as the former administrator made weak excuses about not wanting this, Mommy applied the sound dampeners so that the other girls wouldn’t hear.

Angelina and Sharon lost all sense once they started their games, and it could last hours. But it was a fantastic way of keeping them passive. They wore out all their energy during naptimes, and could be led around in simple games by the other girls during playtime.

And… Mommy thought it was kind of cute, the way Sharon and Angelina tried to do what she and her wife did.

Of course, they never got to orgasm. Still, they spent the energy trying.

Beaming, Mommy slipped out of the nursery, and made for the off-limits adult area.

Along the way, she checked up on the ship they were approaching, and saw it was only a few hours out now. She’d start the girls off in a contained system, saying that there had been an accident, and that their bladders had been affected. Then she’d introduce them to the main group, once it was clear that they needed those diapers, and weren’t growing up, just like the rest…

Perhaps with this lot, she could put girls of opposite personality types together, and see if it rubbed off… It would be cute to see Lacey trying to be academic, or Jacqueline trying to be vapid and pretty, or Sharon trying to be submissive… Mommy wore a big smile, and marched off to introduce the idea to her wife.

It was good to be a Mommy with unlimited resources.


michael grisanti

I would love to see it in a full comic.


I hate to ask, but what brought on the pregnancy aspect? I'm starting to wonder if you've secretly pledged to me because my clients do enjoy birthing with their diapers.


Haha not sure sorry. The robot was growing more biological, and Sharon and Angelina seemed such special cases, that it seemed the best kind of addition to their training.


It would take a lot of work, but sometimes having inspiration helps.


Makes sense. Such progression is only natural.

michael grisanti

A comic like this story is a great idea for future work and it can be very rewarding you know.

michael grisanti

Is it possible to download the story in full?


This story and the prequel are both fabulous! Really great writing and I love the setting. I would absolutely love to see even more stories in this or a similar setting.