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This was an experiment in new writing techniques, and in retrospect it's not easy to read at points, which I apologize for.


"There's one rule here. No diapers."

Leesa winced. "Really? None?"

"Absolutely. You will wear panties here, and panties only. I'm unsure what they do to you girls in that other dimension, but whenever one of you falls through the crack, you're half obsessed with humping yourself mad in diapers. It seems most of you are even wearing some form of diapers under your clothes. But if I check now...?" the hostess said, stepping forward.

"N-No," Leesa squeaked, stepping back. "Of course I'm not wearing a diaper. They make people wear them in the other place. These giants who could never fit through the dimensional crack. You wouldn't understanding."

The attendant gave her only an arched-eyebrow, then turned and led Leesa down the chrome hall.

"This will be your dorm. Once you've had your immunization shots, you'll be free to get a social security account and bank account set up, and will be assigned to an agency which will help you in locating a job."

"Really?" Leesa asked, "Just like that? Unceremoniously dumped into the 9 to 5 grind with no special adjustment period or anything?"

The attendant rolled her eyes, and pointed into the room.

"If you like living cheap, I'm sure you can delay in getting a job. Of course, maybe you'd like to just go back to those giants you escaped and just wear diapers while they look after everything?"

Leesa winced. "N-No thanks..."

"What I thought. Now I'll get your forms for the immunization, simple medical consent stuff. There's a computer over by your bed too, feel free to - I don't know - browse tax policies and job listings. You've got all the exciting benefits of being an adult for good now."

With that the blonde attendant left, her heels clipping down the chrome hall as she swayed in her white dress.

Leesa watched from the doorway, then winced, and stepped back.

Taking a breath, she lifted her sun dress, and stared down at her pink pullup. Dammit. It had scaled across into this dimension just fine, still looking like a real, and durable, pullup, only in her size.

She slipped her fingers into the waistband, and pulled out a tiny radio, which looked like a small round battery.

Quickly dropping her dress, she tapped the radio twice and held it to her mouth.

"Okay, uh, Mommy. I'm in."

There was a pause. Did the radio maybe not make it back through the rift after all? No, they said they'd detected this place’s radio signals just fin-


Leesa winced.

“Yes, er, Mommy, I’m in. You know these pullups almost got me into trouble here. I really think panties would have been-”

“Aw, little Leesee, I’m sure you’ll be ready for trainer panties one day. No need to get ahead of yourself.”

“I already wore-” Leesa took a deep breath. “Look, I followed the instructions in your letter, and have snuck into this other dimension. Who are you anyway?”

“Is it the dimension you came from?”

Leesa sighed, and plopped down on the stiff bed. A plastic cover. Great.

“No. I don’t think so. Nobody knew about dimensional travellers in my world, and I haven’t been gone very long. This is somewhere else, which is intent on ‘rehabilitating’ them.”

She poked at the stiff bedding, and made a face. If anybody saw her in the pullups, what would they think here…?

“Well Leesee. You’ve done very well. Mommy would just kiss you all over if she was there.”

Leesa tensed, suddenly picturing the amazon giantess having plans to step into this world. That would somewhat negate her escape. Could she really help allow that?

“Is my sister still with you?”

“Namee is having her nap. She doesn’t get to play all day like you right now.”

Leesa winced again. She would need her step-sister to activate the damn gateway mechanism, if she could even climb back up through the portal rift into this third world. The device took two of a kind, two of a mind. To think, she finally had confirmation that she and her sister had the same damn fetish - it must have been something they’d watched as kids...

“Look. If Naomi isn’t put on the radio soon, I’m calling off this whole thing.”

Tsk. Somebody’s got a foul mouth as bad as her sister. For Namee it’s about quiet time in her bouncer while Mommy reads, when her diaper barely needed a change, and for you it’s about a fun little game into another dimension. I already know you like those games, Namee told me about that getting you here. You’re just getting overtired.”

Leesa pinched the bridge of her nose. If she didn’t get confirmation that this mysterious letter sender even had-

A faint voice carried over the radio.


“Shh sweetie. Nap time is only just started still. Mommy is just stacking up your diapers for changes later. Now what do we say?”

“I… uh… love you Mommy.”

“I love you too sweetheart. So much. Now kisses.”

Naomi’s voice was louder now, and was followed by some wet squelches.

“Paci back in dear. And I’ll get your mobile started up. That’s a girl.”

A relentlessly-looping nursery tune began, which soon faded into the distance, followed by the gentle closing of a door.

“Well I suppose uppity little Leesee heard all that, so got what she wanted anyway. So what do we say dear?”

“I, uh…” Leesa scrunched her eyes, “Thank-you Mommy.”

“Of course.”

Leesa could have stomped her foot. It would have only have looked ridiculous in the short little sundress, maybe even flashing her pink pullup. Dammit, she’d almost managed to forget about the pullup. Then again, it sounded like she had it easy in that sense… God, her sister had been with that giantess for, what, a week? While Leesa had run and blended in? There was no way Naomi had managed to, er, hold everything in for that long. So did that mean… Ew!

“Now! I want you to listen very carefully.”

Leesa sighed. “And you’ll deliver Naomi to the portal here if I do it?”

“Of course! Sisters should be together! Think of all the fun you’ll have!”

Leesa guessed the giantess’s version of “fun” and immediately pictured play blocks and a padded nursery with two diapered bottoms sitting on the floor, toys spread before them…

No way. God, what a dumb fetish she had. Now that she was here, facing it…

“Okay, uh, Mommy, I’m ready.”

“Of course you are dear. You are to always do what Mommy tells you. Maybe you’re a bit better behaved than Namee after all. Now, I want you to go out of your room, and glance down the hallway.”

Leesa shuffled over to the doorway, wincing at the pull-up and suspecting that she could never get used to that, let alone the bigger version.

“There’s nobody there, Mommy.”

“Good. Now take a left.”

Leesa frowned, and did as instructed. Did Mommy have the layout of this place? Had they hacked something remotely from the other side?

Oh, goodness, she’d actually thought of the woman as Mommy. Well it wasn’t true. Just because she wore a pullup at the giantess’s insistence and was still terrified of taking it off without permission, even here in another dimension, didn’t make the woman somehow really her-

“Oh honey. Remember to tell Mommy what you see.”

“Just a long hall Mommy.”

“Good. Well, don’t dawdle. There’s nobody to change your diapers there, and if your poopies are anywhere near as big as your sister’s...”

Leesa had to stop to making a face and dry heave, and then shuffled on.

She touched the end of the hall.

“It’s an intersection Mommy.”

“Good. Now do you see a panel on the wall?”


“There’s always time for manners sweetheart.”

Leesa could have stamped her foot.

“Yes, I see the panel, Mommy.”

“See? That wasn’t so hard. Now, I want you to twist the radio so that the top comes off, and put it inside the vent covering.”

“I, uh, what for Mommy?”

“Funny girl. Now is not that the time to play a game of Mommy’s word being negotiable.”

Leesa turned scarlet. She would stop this, before it went too far. For now she could play along however.

She twisted the radio, and disconnected a piece, which slipped easily inside the control panel venting, even if the grating was too small for even her slim flingers to fit into.

“Uh, okay, that’s in. What’s next?”

“Good girl! Oh such a clever girl! That’s just a little relay of course, so that Mommy can keep in contact with her little one. Now, turn left.”

Leesa did so.

After a few steps an alarm went off.

Feet came pounding down the corridors.

It was her attendant who was upon her first. Even here, in a world without people of dramatically different sizes, the slim woman still had a few inches on Leesa, and felt somewhat intimidating. Of course, it was laughable after having dealt with a amazon giants over the past week, and Leesa reminded herself to stand straighter.

“Oh, sorry, was this the wrong way? I’ll go back to my room now.”

The attendant eyed her coldly, and guided her back with a grip on her arm.

“Inside,” she barked.

Leesa shrugged and stepped in. A moment later, the door was locked behind her.


“I’ll inform the administration that we have a spy.”

“I’m not a spy!” Leesa yelled through the door.

“A spy who goes where she isn’t supposed to and lies about wearing crinkly diapers.”

“They’re pullups!” Leesa blurted out, her face going red as she tugged down her short sundress.

“Look, I’m not a spy! Hello?”

With a huff, she marched back to the bed, and plonked herself down.

“Are you still there, uh, Mommy? Giant woman? Bitch?”

Great, they’d locked down the radio waves. Well, good, she didn’t much want Mommy to come here anyway. At least she was on the other side now. She could work on getting her sister here later. Of course, by then Naomi might be entirely dependant on diapers for doing big gross-

Leesa frowned, and for the first time noticed her own need to go to the bathroom.

Well, the room came with a small metal toilet. She shuffled over, lifting her dress, and yanked at the pullup.

Only, it wouldn’t budge…

The waistband had somehow tightened... 

Was it a side-effect of transferring into this universe? Or had Mommy somehow rigged the pullup which came with the instructions?


It was twelve hours later when the door opened. Leesa stood looking miserable in her sagging pullup.

The attendant stood at the open door, and immediately pinched her nose.

“Oh gros-”

Leesa looked up hopefully. The zeel had gone from the attendant’s eyes. Maybe she’d been reprimanded by her superiors for acting overzealously without good proof.

“I, uh…” the blonde woman began.

“Yes?” Leesa asked hopefully.

The blonde woman began to blush, then suddenly squatted, and moaned.

A giant set of high heels stepped behind her, aiming a remote at the crouching girl.

“Very good dear! You’ve led me right to my precious girl!”

Leesa gasped, and stepped backwards. The act reminded her of why she’d tried not to move at all since filling her own pullup, except for short shuffling trips over to the water fountain.

“Oh,” the cheerful deep woman’s voice continued above the attendant, “Don’t worry about how quickly you filled that. Your Daddy is on his way. He’s been watching you for months on the security cameras, you know? Has everything prepared for you and is head-over-heels in love for his little blonde rascal as he calls you.”

The attendant gasped, then took off at a wide-eyed waddle down the hall.

A moment later a huge, smiling face crouched down outside the doorway to beam in at Leesa.

“Oh hello my Little Leesee! You’ve played Mommy’s game like an angel, and overloaded their rift clamp just wonderfully.”

A smaller figure appeared by the giant’s side, in all pink and white with frills, pinafores, and petticoats, which did little to hide her big round diaper which itself was compressed under the straps of a full-body harness. Leesa almost didn’t recognize her beneath the comically large pigtails.

“Lees..ee…” the girl gasped, then waddled forward.

Leesa blinked, and accepted the uncharacteristic hug from her step-sister. Though she had to lean over the enormous diaper pushing into her crotch to do so.


“Come out to Mommy wit’ me,” Naomi insisted.

She looked… slightly hopeful.

“Mommy found this little pocket dimension, you see,” Naomi said, tugging Leesa’s hand, who for her part could only stumble along after her with wide-eyes. She added her own bow-legged walk to mirror Naomi’s own, except in her case was only trying to avoid the mess in the seat of her pullups. Of course, with how thickly Naomi was diapered and knowing these giants, Leesa might not be the only one in that state… But then again, if so then the diapers did a great job of hiding the smell, and maybe were almost preferable to the damn pullups… Well, not that she belonged in either, but if she, like, had to compare them....

“I um, Naomi maybe we can just stay in h-”

Before she knew it, she was pulled into a powerful hug, while some sort of harness was clicked over her.

“OH my precious Leesee! Ohhh Mommy is so glad you’re snug in her arms.”

Leesa opened her mouth, there had to be one last desperate way she could negotiate.

“You said you’d bring my sister-”

She gasped, feeling a firm pat on her backside which undid hours of attempts to keep that mush in one place, which had only grown hotter and slimier while trapped against her.

“Oh of course honey. That’s the funny thing. This pocket universe was right under my house the whole time! That little drain rift I asked you to enter? The one next to that gated yard with all the toys and slides? That was my yard! Those are your toys! Oh aren’t you sooo lucky!”

Leesa blinked, realizing that she was glancing down the woman’s enormous cleavage while something was affixed under her.

Wait…. Had she just been put into a big thick diap-

“But… Mommy! I already need a change!”

The giantess actually laughed, as if it was the silliest thing ever.

“Of course honey! That’s why you need diaper instead of pullups! These can last an entire day longer!”

Leesa cast wide-eyes to her sister, and only got a small blush in return.


Leesee and Namee glanced out the door of their playhouse, then shared a look.

They put down their dolls and teacups, and, with awkward difficulty, climbed to their feet, which wasn’t made easier by the knitted booties which they wore against the autumn chill.

Of course, their legs were still bare, and the diapers were on full display. It apparently wasn’t too cold for that yet.

Last Winter, Mommy had eventually put them into thick tights and big booties. She’d also unfortunately made their diapers even thicker to compensate - can’t check as easily, she’d sang, tapping them on the nose. In those months, they were lucky to do more than crawl, and had to learn how to walk all over again after.

Still, it wasn’t as bad as the Winter before. That had been their first Winter, and Mommy had already been keeping them in crawler diapers year-round, since back then they weren’t very good at being angels.

The two girls waddled and stumbled through the yard, and went to look through the fence bars.

The science department men were loading another batch from the portal into a foster van today. The final people who had snuck into that pocket universe long ago were being brought back out. Then the pocket universe would be unravelled, and suddenly there’d be a whole bunch more space beside their yard. It was some sort of science experiment by a clever Little, apparently. Leesee had a hard time imagining a Little being clever, given that she mostly only interacted with other waddling droolers at daycare and at the parks.

Still, sometimes she saw them marching about in adult suits, on apparent errands. She and her sister had even played at grown-ups once, for a little while. Though Mommy had made it clear that claiming to be grownups was a no-no game now.

Still, Leesee’s naughty thoughts couldn’t be completely oppressed. She still sometimes wondered - perhaps her own former home was another of those pocket dimensions, which had forgotten that it was once part of the larger world, hidden away all the same. Was she, in truth, always a Little, and there had been no such thing as dimension hopping? Only hopping out of the pocket dimension back into the real world? Was Earth just another little pocket of escaped babies who didn’t know how close they were to being returned to their proper state and put back into thick, inescapable diapers? They did have legends of giants after all...

Well, she didn’t think about that one much anymore. For the most part, her naughty time was spent trying to hide the humping in her diaper from her sister. It was almost impossible to feel anything through it though, and she was fairly sure it was mutual that they were both trying their best to pretend that they weren’t. Just like it had been, back when they’d been trying to hide their obvious diaper fetish from each other, all the same… Well, Leesa supposed, attempting a subtle grind against the iron fence post, maybe this time she’d manage it. She was getting closer to the second orgasm since coming here, and maybe that would make the whole thing worthwhile…

For all its faults, Leesee wasn’t sure if she could truly want to turn it back, not until she at least got some relief and pleasure out of it… Maybe then it would all revert back by itself. Maybe the portal stone they’d first touched had put all this in their head, and she hadn’t even moved yet… Maybe she could escape this fantasy if she just finished the three-year long attempt at masturbation and-

“Leesee! Namee! Your little blonde friend from the pocket dimension is having a party. Now do you want your blue dresses or your pink dresses?”



The format is a bit hard to read. Otherwise, great job!