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Hey guys! As you guys probably noticed already, I wasn't able to put out an update yesterday, I've been trying to fix my sleep schedule lately so I've been pretty out of it the last couple of days, just super tired and hungry randomly so it's been a bit rough. In any case, I wanted to get the new chapter out at least today but I have to go to work soon and it's not looking likely. So I'll definitely have the chapter out tomorrow, the sex scenes for Millie might have to wait an extra day. 

I'll also put up the new poll later today for silver+gold patrons. Thank you all again for understanding and your patience!



sounds like you're exhausted; get yourself right before worrying about anything else


Thank you! but don't worry, I'll be fine after I get my sleep schedule corrected!

Darr darr

If it's sleep I know that benzodiazepines work like a charm. Good sleep usually fixes a lotta problems first