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In canada's France, we have a weird language. Even people in europe's France can't understand our shitty ass french.

"S'Péter Une Trolle" is basically untranslatable but I'll try.

S' stands for "Se", which is, sadly, untranslatable. Let's put this one on the ice for now and forget about it.

Péter stands for "Faire", which in english is the verb To Do. Although "Péter" actually means "To Fart" or "To Explode". Don't ask.

Une is NOT easily translatable. You see, in french, even THINGS have gender. I know some of you would say that Une is One, but they would be oh so wrong. Une is One, but female. Un is One, but male.

Try to follow along for fuck sakes it's not that complicated.

The last word is Trolle. A Trolle has nothing to do with trolls and trolling people online. A Trolle is a way to fish. That is when you passively let the line behind the running boat, instead of actively throwing and reeling the line. That is why we call the smoking I do a Trolle, because I place a tiny poox of hashish at the end of my cigarette and passively let it fill the bottle instead of actively smoking a joint.

So, S'Péter Une Trolle basically mean: "As For To Smoke Some Hash Using A Bottle And A Cigarette".

As for to Troller yourself, you gonna need:



-An empty bottle with a hole in it.


-Coca-Cola, ice-cold.

-A place as for to place your poox.

The poox, (Tiny balls of hashish), must for to place on something, like a table or a... Desk.

But personally, I prefer feet.

"Stop struggling, Thea! The more you move, the higher the chances of me burning your soles! Hehehehehehehehe!!!"



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