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With all the wars going on right now in the world: I was going to do a list but turns out there are 32 countries at war right now according to the Google so fuck that.

So yeah.

With all the wars going on in the world right now, I would like to make a message of peace.

Let's take 3 random countries: America, Germany and France.

At some point in time, these peaceful countries were at war.

But you know what?

Not anymore.

They friends now.

In fact, most of America's friends were enemies before.

The UK. Germany. Italy. Japan. canada.

They was enemies once.

But America is so mature and diplomatical that everyone finish as for to fall in love with her.

And that love for America is so strong and pure, that other countries are inspired by that.

Bringing France and Germany together.

They are very good friends now.

They even destroyed the wall separating those two states, the Berlin wall.

Bringing beer and sausages to France and bringing wine and bread to Germany.

They still, to this day, celebrate that day, with a day called Oktoberfest day.

They also made love together and they had a child.

Called Belgium.


So the morale of the story is do peace and ask America for help if can't.




Penguin is looking dapper as always.