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Rosalie, the very best nurse in the universe.

"What the fuck Bigail!? You told us many times that Delphine was the very best nurse in the universe!? Were you lying to us then or are you lying to us now!?"

"I didn't lie in the past. I didn't lie in the present. And I didn't lie in the future too."

Everybody at the assembly gasped, even the most controlled human gasped. Everyone did. That was there. At the assembly.

"Explain yourself then, witch!!!"

Yelled Sebastien, feeling cheated.

"Calm down Seb. The reason of the why is this: Delphine got promoted to head nurse since. Delphine is the best head nurse in the world."


Realized the entire crowd.

"We're sorry Bigail..."

Said the entire crowd, feeling really bad about making their very favorite heroine feel bad for a second there.

"I forgive and love you all."

Said our very favorite heroine, magnanimously.

The crowd dispersed. They went home. Our very favorite heroine stayed on the stage for a few hours, smoking hashish and asking herself when the assembly is supposed to begin because she forgot that it already happened. Don't worry, Delphine went to get her just before midnight using the GPS tracker she has for to follow Bigail's phone.


So I guess for this story, the morale is... Uh... Trust me always... I don't and can't lie... Everyone is wrong... And try to keep track of time and things you do in time. Yeah.



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