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Once the two new Minigails hit the floor, Tinygail barked:


And with that order, navy blue Minigail started brooming the floor with a paintbrush as for to a broom.

Purple Minigail, on the other, used a paintbrush and a shotglass as for to a mop and bucket.

Under the watchful eye of Tinygail, the little lazy minibrats worked slowly, clearly showing no interest and wishing for to be doing anything else.


Quacked Tinygail, before delivering some electro-motivation to purple Minigail's collar.



MrArgent was very impressed. Very impressed, he said:

"I am very impressed, Bigail. But tell me this: Is there a Minigail in charge of cleaning my toilet!?"


"Was that an evil laugh?"

"I need to pee. Great time as for to show you your toilet Minigail! Come!"




That Tinygail has her work cut out for her! The Minis require a lot of supervision. I think we’ll need a system where the laziest Mini for any given day gets only half a dose of Girl Gruel and no Paw Patrol privileges.