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When the blue Minigail finally understood that it was time for to work, she started for to work.  She wouldn't have but Tinygail, sitting on MrArgent's shoulder, was staring at her:


She ordered? Blue Minigail suddenly started working on an homemade dessert: A Buttcake. She calls it a Buttcake because it's like a tiny cake with a butthole in it.


"Indeed Tinygail, indeed."

Answered MrArgent, who apparently already knew Tinygailian or just learned it right then and there by deduction.

"I'm going to eat that donut in one bite... Looks delicious..."

"A donut? Minigail is making a Buttcake right now."

"A Buttcake!?"

"You are saying it wrong. It's pronounced: Bu-Ca-Ki. It's japanese probably."

Now done with the dishes, teal Minigail came to help the mini chef. She brought a fork, thinking it would help the fabrication of a Buttcake.

"So with these two in my kitchen, I'll never need to clean or cook again!?"

"Exaclty, MrArgent. Exactly. You are absolutely 100% correct. With the exception that you are wrong."

"Damn it..."

"You'll need four Minigails for to maintenance that kitchen. Teal and blue Bigail don't clean floors. For that, you'll need..."

Bigail grabbed her phone again. Using the Appigail, she made the MCS suitcare poop out 2 more Minigails: A navy-colored one and a purple one.




I don’t know what Minisilverigail will make of all this. Hopefully the MCS includes an optional body slave for their Metalligail sisters.