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Tomorrow I will be posting another Artifact art update, and later this week (or possibly next) hope to release either another small update or hopefully a big update with Priya.

This has been an insane month. My phone broke which, while just an annoying problem in and of itself, could not have happened at a worse time and has both caused and exacerbated a multitude of issues. 

For example, I wasn't able to take as many pictures of my beloved dog as I would have liked before he crossed the rainbow bridge, and it's also made it so much harder to get through the past couple of days which I've spent in the ER and burn unit. My stepdaughter had a bonfire-related accident and while it sounds like she could be fully healed within 1 year, the daily screams of pain are heart-wrenching. 

However, we're back home now. I'm still in mourning, but after the chaos of the past couple of days I think I'm ready to just get back to business as usual. I'm exhausted, but will try to get some rest while I also try to get back into the swing of things. 


Not N. Octopus

Jesus man, that is an obscene amount of trauma you've been put through this month. Do whatever the hell you've gotta do for yourself, you absolutely deserve a break from all that.


Thank you. It is insane how much has happened in such a short time! October is my favorite month, but it's blown right past me with these winds of change.