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Patreon Check In - October 2021



hope you are feeling better Anthony! totally understand the pressure you are under and think next month’s schedule sounds good if it works for you!


I’m really really sorry about your kitten. I know that was an exceedingly difficult decision to make that wasn’t easy on your mental health. 😢 Your ideas sound good and I think the streams are a good idea (for whenever you want to do them and are able to of course). Would this include the Patreon requests streams as well, out of curiosity? Also btw, my many many NoEasy albums are on the way to me, so you can expect those soon from me. Thank you for everything you do! 😊💙


can't believe you had to give up that adorable lil cat, that must've been really hard to do :(


I totally get where you’re coming from because I hate deadlines too and it takes the fun out of everything. I think you should take things to your own pace so you can actually get to enjoy the content along with us. I am sorry about the cat… life sucks but it’s really not your fault :<


i needed to do the same with a cat but with a cat i had since the birth , but because he got older and every time the 2 males fought for the female one we thought one needs to go and deserves a chill life and damn that feeling is so fckd up

Sham Sham

Totally understand ant. I think going back to the Monday Wednesday Friday schedule is good. just having us know what we will be watching during the month instead of have a specific date to except when something is supposed to drop should help lower some stress from everything and not have to record even when ur not in the best state because of a time frame. And ugh I never understood the limit on having animals especially when it’s small animals like cats. That sucks. But I hope this allows you to do things at your own pace now. As I always so I hope u are getting some rest. Have a nice Sunday today👐🏾


So sorry again about the kitten I wish it had all worked out. It was very obvious even from the few appearances/mentions she made in videos while you had her that you cared for her very much so don't feel like you did anything wrong, you just got stuck in a crappy situation. I hope next month works out for you well both personally and with the new way of posting.


super sorry about the kitty!!!! she was so pretty ᓚᘏᗢ the schedule sounds good and deffo understand the whole homework feeling... its the whole due date scenario, it rlly sucks. hope you feel like you can relax a bit now & looking forward to upcoming reactions !!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks for the update, Anthony! As a cat lover myself, I could imagine how upsetting it would be to give up your cat so abruptly like that 😭. Looking forward to the new schedule and personally, I feel like I'd be able to keep up more with the new schedule.