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Vincenzo - Episode 17.mp4

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Sham Sham

Ok now I will be a good student today and watch when I get home. I say watching ur post in class😂

Melo Melody

In the end of this episode everyone was looking like the cat and the crying woman memes, everyone was like " We were rooting for you 😭😭" But I wasn't so surprised by his decision because he is his brother's brother after all... 👀


i think they keep showing that lil kid just to show his guilt bc hes an orphan himself? i dont rlly rmbr there being an explanation for that in future eps though someone can correct me if im wrong


yeah like yasmine mentioned, they're showing the kid because the person he killed was probably the parent of the child in that car, and the child likely became an orphan. so the memory of that haunts him. also (kind of unrelated but a nice detail i just noticed bc of that), in the beginning of ep10 when vincenzo and cha young arrive at the crime scene where the victim's families died in the car, there is a focus on vincenzo looking at one of their hands hanging out of the car and a flashback cuts to that scene of him shooting that person back in italy and discovering that there's a child in the car. it's a parallel in order to show his guilt of involving innocent people in his crimes, something that is strictly against his moral code.


anthony i have a question about paying do i need to pay at the 1st day of the month right? also you are going to love enhypen & hi season 2 yo can see behind the scenes of their first fanmeeting i loved that season


looking forward to the next season of en&hi, will check it when i get back home! it’s the 1st of every month despite the join date, yes. kind of weird but correct!

Estherlynn Lubin

Me laughing at Anthony being stressed at the end of the episode 😂😂