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I'm just now starting to feel a new normal after moving. The busyness of unpacking, reorganizing, and setting up the new place was a lot, of course, but what gave me the most trouble was that I ended up back in my head with everything. A few months ago I was trying to determine what factors that I thought I lacked as a person. All of which is stemming from the pressure I put on myself with becoming someone of some kind of importance. Someone that my mom would be proud of, those around me, and hopefully myself. I noticed how it went from wanting to make videos every day of the week to once a week. How I had always felt tired and dread before even getting out of bed. It sucks. The last thing I wanted to do was show that I was losing the battle I was in with myself within the videos. I still wanted to be of value to you guys even if I was feeling the opposite for most of the week.

In my last post about a similar subject, I mentioned that nothing has benefitted me in terms of growth so I figured the problem had to be me. It's been over a year being around the same subscribers/patrons on Patreon, With more downs than ups, I had been feeling like I "fell off" because I had been equating my worth with numbers. Like there was no more interest in me so I wondered if I should just enjoy kpop and stuff on my own but then I realized from when I started, all it was was curiosity. Wanting to share me checking out new stuff for the first time and maybe do the same with other people through the internet. I had never cared how many people clicked on the videos. I wanted to regain that sense of fun and carelessness with posting which is why I've been posting the way I have - primarily when it's something/someone that sparks a bit of excitement within me so that I can have a bit more of a flame that hopefully shows as well in the video. I don't know how long it would take for me to create this ideal perfect version of myself who can express joy on his face better when excited or scream, shout and let it all out when something crazy happens or cry when something moves me - but as long as I'm being mindful of who I want to be and actively pursuing it, I think I'll work on being less hard on myself about it. 

I have been so wrapped up in thinking about trying to be better that I never stopped to realize what I do have, what traits I already may have, and what impression I have left on those of you who are still around. Despite any times where I've lacked from personal issues or even through the move there's a handful of you who still stayed and regained an understanding. Rather than focusing so much on lost numbers and thinking it's all my fault I wasn't able to do better for everyone. 

I just wanted to share what I'd been thinking a bit lately and leave this as a reminder for myself to remember these thoughts if I start feeling these feelings for more than a day or two in a row and hopefully kick things back into gear. 

I really am appreciative of you all and hope that in times where I express things like this I'm not coming off a particular way. I do care about how many people videos can reach but mainly so I can have more people to interact with and grow the community we have. I think it's dope that I know a handful of you guys on multiple platforms with different usernames and can read you guys' messages and try to match personalities to them. I'll continue working on all this and hopefully, in hindsight, there will be a difference. :) Love you guys fr! 



This is why I have stuck with you for so long you are extremely genuine!! Your videos always make me feel like 2 friends watching things together. You can take as much time as you need your mental and physical health is #1. I know this is better said than done but always Remember never conform yourself to fit others opinions or standards, your you and no one can or should change that.


thank you for your words and that you trust us enough to be vulnerable and open about your struggles anthony:) haven’t been on patreon for a long time but i have been following and keeping an eye on you for a few years on youtube and i have to say your videos and reactions have never been disappointing and are always some of my personal favourites as we share a lot of the same thoughts/opinions! you’re also very funny lmao. you give off a very comforting and chill presence which attracted me as a viewer in the first place, and i believe many others also feel this way! <3 thanks for always working hard to give us quality content and i hope you know it’s okay when things don’t go as planned sometimes. i hope things become easier for you along the way of discovering yourself and may you be able to reach your goals and find answers after these struggles! hugs coming from someone who also still struggle to get up from my bed on most days:)


I wrote this billing post but for some reason it seems to have deleted 😩 Let me try again….Your genuineness is truly what makes me and so many other people stay here. You have created a platform that is so welcoming and you make us laugh and feel at ease. I would much rather you post things when you want to and post about the things you want to…like more fashion reviews etc….then ever put out content just to put it out. Remember that numbers are always fleeting so remember what really matters is the people that will be here for you and enjoy your content for the kind, genuine, and funny person you are ☺️


I don't know you personally but I've been a patron for over a year now and I admire how open and honest you are with us about things you're going through. That's a really hard thing for a lot of people so it's something you should be proud of even on days you feel like you're not doing the best you can do. I know I'm just an internet stranger rambling but being your authentic self is something to be very proud of, esp as a content creator, and I'm glad you're realizing that <3


i'm not great with words but i want u to know that i'm very proud of u! i haven't been a patreon for long but i've been supporting u'r channel for over a year and u are such a lovely person to watch. every upload whether here or on youtube makes my day so much better. and i'm not bullshitting it's true! thank u for being so open, i'm sure it isn't easy. reading this, i understand a lot of the feelings u described and i can relate tons. u have so much to be proud of and i hope u continue to see that bc truly... there is so much you have achieved and i know i only know u through a screen but i can see how genuine and kind u are. u deserve the world and more.




Love u


Love you


Thanks for sharing your thoughts and what you feel... Not everyone has the courage to do so. I stayed with your channel and here on patreon because I always like your honest and genuine reaction and comments on things that you react on. Glad that you were able to sort out everything in your new place and hope you enjoy it there. In times that you feel like taking a little "me time" by all means please do so because you deserve it. Don't think that you owe us anything because we can always wait...and by the time you post again we know you're 100% in that reaction. Also happy to hear that you're feeling much better now. God bless 💕

Caroline esho

One of the many reasons that people really love you and your videos is t you're genuine, if you ever feel tired just take a break and we'll wait for you. Hope that you have had a a good day!😊💜💜


it's really easy to get caught up in what we should be instead of what we are, and i've been struggling a lot with that too lately, but i hope we can all slowly start to appreciate who we are in this moment. even if you haven't reached the ideal version of yourself, i'm glad you can voice out your thoughts like this. i don't know what that version looks like to you, but i think the person you are today is incredible and the person you will grow to be in the future is even more so. i hope good things come your way soon, you deserve it