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I've never done one of these for a show or drama but I had a few thoughts I wanted to share because I think after finishing the show my opinion has shifted with some things I've said in the earlier reactions. 

- After completing the show, I change my mind about Eun-Hyeok (big bro of ballerina girl). In the first episodes he definitely showed that he lacked empathy but as time went on, he started to break in his tough face and show that he's just doing things to survive and no one else stood up to do anything. 

Which brings me to a possible conclusion - the people who did nothing but sit around and complain and stuff - they didn't get infected... is it because they have no desires? The monsters only go after people with desires? Hyun is overall a good person, but he wanted to die... is it his will to continue to be good and not succumb to his desire that makes him able to stay in control over the monster? 

- No one stood to do... anything... AT ALL... What was with the characters in this show?! Up until they're end, most of them sat and watched the whole time (and when someone decides to act, they die). I'd never seen that in a show before lol. 

- Plot holes, lack of information, speed ramping:

  • Mentioned this a few times but some "arcs" with some character information felt rushed, if they were given any to begin with. I also think that during some fight scenes or during the days of Hyun running around for them it just didn't make sense how he was making it back.
  • How did Wook withstand so much damage in the beginning of the show and why was he so strong? It seems like he could've been infected from throwing people through bricks and stomping a monsters head flat. 
  • Why didn't they show any signs of Eun being infected like they showed all the other characters? *unless his temperature was that one 9 degrees celsius one
  • Does the monster take control by keeping you in a memory like a genjutsu??? In the memory of Hyun in the hospital where the people were disappearing off of the street and the monster kept saying tell me what you desire- is that how it takes control of you?

- The MUSIC. I hated them running that same Imagine Dragons song over and over again. It was annoying, cheesy and didn't match the mood to me! BeWhy's song was tight tho! 

- Jae (swordsman), Yuri? (girl that died with Wook)'s, Wook's and Mr. Han's deaths suuuuucked... She literally just panicked from killing someone without any juice in her inhaler... and the swordsman sacrificed himself... apart of god's will i'm sure he'd say. Mr Han's was the best scene in the show to me.

- Hyun's family sucks. Bullying for being nice to someone, no one stands up to this ONE scrawny guy... and he's getting people to try to end their lives like what... & the dude blames HYUN for stopping him from getting hit by a car, leaving his mom without a son and without aid?! like come on man, poor guy...it sucks that all that happened to Hyun literally for no reason at all.

- Yi Kyueng is a badass but she better write her wrongs if they do another season cause this treachery is unacceptable - can't trust the feds

Anyways, I absolutely loved the actors though! I feel we've been on an upward climb when it comes to acting in dramas lately so I'm enjoying the ride! If you have any theories or questions or comments as well, drop em! 

Rating - 9/10!  -- Can't get over the plot holes/rushing but I enjoyed all of it! 



I'm so annoyed, how they gon have eunhyeok get symptoms at the last episode got me crying

Ceyda Nur

It was mentioned how you can kill them and they did it many times. Burn them.

Ceyda Nur

Jisu can't heal herself because she is not a monster or infected

Sham Sham

Damn. U pointed out stuff I never thought about. I never noticed how the people who just sat and watched shit happen never turned into a monster... only the people who(just like u said) helped and had stuff the desired/wanted. And I do believe hyun-su is able to fight off becoming a full monster because he either wants to be good like u said or he just had no desire in dying anymore. I do agree certain parts of the show felt super rushed. Like things would happen and they just skip over it. so I hope season 2 it slows down a bit And yeah Mr. Han did say monsters canā€™t die but i donā€™t think he knew the could of you set them on fire like they did the other monsters (big protein monster, the security guard and sword guy) And Lol not Mr. wook being infected for beating people upšŸ˜‚ but man he honestly was my top fav character in this show besides kang song (hyun- su) his death pissed me off especially since how off guard it was. And I was curious as to why the didnā€™t show sign of big brother being infected too.. once again they rushed through it and just decided to say surprise heā€™s infected. And yeah rewatched it with you the imagine dragons song did not fit at all the shit was so random haha. Iā€™ll give the show an 8 only because of how rushed it felt at times. But yeah the characters were all great even the lame bystanders. Canā€™t wait for season 2

Sharkie Miles

Answer to your plot holes Jisu- she wasnā€™t infected. The scene where they show her with a nosebleed was them doing a test run as if she was a monster Wook- some people have high pain tolerance. He was a bounty hunter so he had to be strong. Heā€™s also not infected but the monster at the end takes over his body since they can move body to body. EUK- I think he been had symptoms thatā€™s why he started to have empathy and stayed behind Monsters- the monster are you. Itā€™s your desire manifesting. You give into your desire you turn. Thatā€™s that why Hyunā€™d monster wanted to know. Basically a gore way to show how to fight againsts the monsters inside you. They said in the show you kill the monsters with fire. Most of the monsters were burned. Firefighter lady(forgot her name) - did not complete the deal with the military so she had to join them. She also was trying to lead them away but that guy had the transmitter in his pocket so thatā€™s how they find them. Remember sheā€™s also pregnant and she wants to find her fiancĆ© so sheā€™s doing what she gots to do. Bullying- the guy was rich and you donā€™t stand up against them. Kids from rich families have a lot of power. Cheabols and some of them abuse their power I think I answered everything lol


I do think that he was the one with that 9Ā° Celsius but yeah that wasnā€™t enough to go off. I thought he was gonna bury the hole or something to help them escape. The ending was so terrible? Like I didnā€™t feel like there was a conclusion at all. Like Alice had them concluding the beach arc with a sense of accomplishment(?)/done with that, before doing the ā€œwhatā€™s gonna happen next season bitā€. This just felt like a clickbait thatā€™s going ā€œlike for part 2 to find out what happened!ā€ Like why did firefighter turn? What tf is up with gangster? How did monster boy end up with him? Why did that dude keep the tracker after the military was shooting at them? Why tf does it matter they got through that tunnel if theyā€™re still gonna get captured by the military? Like it means monster boyā€™s sacrifice means nothing. Idk the actors and the effects were so dope, but the writing was kinda ehh. I also hated the imagine dragons song, but I think itā€™s probably due to Netflix having trouble getting licensing for music (this is why some k shows will be missing segments bc the song is copyrighted) if not I have no clue why they kept using it.


Actually, I thought the side characters in this show were good, in the sense that they were a pretty accurate representation of how people would act in the real world. We have the strong characters, the leader types, the brave fighters etc. who you'd probably also have in real life, but I think it's great that we also have the cowardly, indecisive, selfish characters. I actually think most common people would behave like this lol, but in movies, we just usually focus on the strong characters who make the story interesting.


I watched the show for the second time with you. My overall thoughts of the show is a 9/10. I'm going to have to read the webtoon because I also feel like some things weren't explained enough. -I really liked mostly all the characters, except for the guy that only worry was about saving himself/acne face. Eun yoo and Eun hyuk made me roll my eyes at them a few times, but can understand where they coming from. Also the rest of the residents who would just watch sometimes, made me think, like really? We just going to do that? But can also understand, if they feel like they can't do nothing, why try. -The music did feel out of place at times. It was too loud in some parts too, in my opinion. -A lot of good people died, my man Jae-heon and Sang wook didn't need to die but I guess... -Lastly, I agree that some things were skipped over. Like the slime monster, who was that? Why did he save little man? Myung? How can he posses people and control them like that? What was his desire so that he can do that? Power? To me, that doesn't makes sense. Hopefully if there is a season 2, it will figure some of this out.


Oki, so I only disliked a few things about the series, but they hardly weigh up to all the things I loved about it. - I also really hated the usage of the song ā€œwarriorsā€ I disliked it when I first came out and I still donā€™t like it to this day. Firstly because it has become such a cliche song for ā€œepic battle scenesā€ and such and secondly because the energy of the song did not match the tempo of the fight choreography. HOWEVER, I do think the experience of listening to the song might be different for non English speakers somehow. Back when it came out ā€œWarriorsā€ was a pretty big song as well now Iā€™m thinking about it. It was literally the soundtrack to League of Legends. But still, I hate the song and thatā€™s on PERIODT. - The show felt very fast paced at times. Just the standard kdrama formula of either 12,16 or 21 episodes should have been followed. 10 episodes was too short for all that happened. It would have made so much difference here if there were just two more episodes. But I guess the budget ran out or somethingšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø - So finally we come to ā€œThe Golden Timeā€. As far as I could gather from watching the show itā€™s either certain actual TIME of the day where monsters can be killed. The sky is literally orange 24/7 though. So if there was some visible indicator of when this ā€œtimeā€ starts and ends idk what that would be. It could also mean that a monster is killable if you sufficiently break it while regenerating. As far as we can gather Hyunsu is very capable of regenerating himself but it always takes time, and the more substantial the injury is the longer it takes ( at the end he literally wakes up presumeably days later in that truck after being shot to bits by those soldiers and left for dead) Either way, I wish they had taken more time to explain that. - Why did the little boy receive his badge in such an emotional scene only to have it discarded a mere 10 minutes later when hyunsu goes outside?? I wish he had at least worn the scarf or something damnit. Iā€™m just salty he lost something so meaningful so quickly. Now onto theories: - I 100% believe glasses guy isnā€™t dead. He was too much of a pivotal character in the show and in the end it seems like his nose was bleeding even though they didnā€™t show his face, there is literally no other reason why he wouldnā€™t go back to the rest of the group. - Either our burn guy was a ā€œmonsterā€ all the time disguising himself as a human ( dude literally went BEASTMODE in multiple episodes lol), or itā€™s the psycho monster mush that has jumped bodies. Honestly thatā€™s what I believe happened. Our fire gangster was probably the strongest closest body to hop into. It actually happened in that flashback in the lab I think. The monsters host , the dude getting tortured, died, and it moved into one of the researchers on the floor. - This isnā€™t a theory but on the subject of the dog, little dogs can get in the smallest places and shii so it could have easily found itā€™s way into the tunnels through some vent or even the same trapdoor all the people went through, itā€™s not like they ever closed it. And even though they donā€™t bring the image to mind of being great sniffers or anything, all dogs still have a splendid sense of smell and can follow scent trails, no matter how cute and fluffy they arešŸ„ŗ so thatā€™s how the little doggie found itā€™s owner. (Just have to flex my unnecessary animal knowledge as a vet student everywhere I go lol, helps ma self esteem) What I loved about the show - The honest and oftentimes frustrating realistic portrayal of unimaginable situations. The selfishness of those residents holy heck. I hated them just as much as you did. And their ā€œquick to judgeā€ mentality. But realisticly speaking. Everyone just wants to live. And not everyone wants to be or has the guts to be a leader or a fighter. - The really surreal but oddly lifelike appearance of the monsters and the way makeup and effects was combined with the CGI, It really grew on me. It made the monsters feel ā€œotherworldlyā€ but not ā€œfakeā€. - THE ACTING. Was. So. Good. That scene at the end where Hyunsu is just crying his eyes out and he doesnā€™t know whyā€¦ damn that hurt. And the kids šŸ˜³ They looked so genuinely terrified, angry, afraid and hesitatingly happy.. they portraid their characters so well I was honestly dumbfounded. - I really liked BeWhyā€™s soundtrack hehe. Have you seen the 1MILLION dance studio choreography to this? Itā€™s pretty cool šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼ - The whole story itself though, is just A+. I never finished reading the webtoon, since when I first checked it out I wasnā€™t much into ā€œdarkā€ stuff but as soon as I finished watching the show I started again. The Characters - So the two characters that grew on me the most where the two siblings. In the beginning I thought the girl was just a rude nasty kid but pretty quickly I came to realise she only says something nasty when she is concerned or worried about someone/ something. My sister is like this in real life and honestly it has to be one of the most frustrating things in the universe, but people cope in different ways and if that works for them then, Iā€™ll bear with it as long as it helps them get better in the long term. - As for the brother. Heā€™s just incredibley rational about everything, maybe coming off as a bit inhumane in the beginning, but I just think that he started off a bit ā€œover-rationalā€ due to the shock of the situation and as the show progressed and the situation became more normalised he eased up a bit .Heā€™s what kept everyone alive so big kudos to him. Ps. Sorry for the essay. I had no Idea I had this much to say. šŸ˜… Oh so overall a good 8.5/10 for me. Yep. Iā€™m done now. I promise.


I love the series but man they took out so much stuff... the webtoon explained the backstory for the monsters which was really helpful šŸ˜… the ending for the webtoon is so different from the series which is expected since they donā€™t want it to be the exact same. i hope they make a season 2 because the ending was way too open djskdkd


ahhhh right! i wrote this a few weeks ago very very late at night when i finished the show, i guess my first watch it didn't register that she wasn't infected at all - she was just hurt from the appendix thing. lmao - i updated it! - i mean i guess on wook lol he was built like a tank and was throwing people through brick walls just from the momentum ahah, but the show is exaggerated and i guess i can leave it at that. - i get the desires manifesting but hyun pretty much said he didn't have one so it was why he was stuck in the middle ground, but he got to the middle ground solely from wanting to die as much as he did. him just being in the middle ground made me wonder if that was the case, because he said screw you to the monster when it asked what he wanted. - fasho with the baby but the fiance, i feel like this situations always are a scam but we'll see next season! - bullying ... i don't even wanna talk about that part, the power abuse and stuff yeaa i see that being a thing but the reason and how a whole classroom AND his family following this guy was just too much for me. irked my soul.


that could be the case, but apart from that i don't feel like they served a purpose here - but with what you said i guess it makes sense. i normally am not one to only care for the main character/s when watching shows/anime i tend to like the characters you only see every once in a while more - but here it was just annoying - we had a few people pushing the story and then a whole apartment complex watching and running aha


I don't want to come off as snobbish because I read the webtoon, but the things they changed in the live action remake took away from what its supposed to be. They changed some characters personalities, added in new characters, etc. I'm guessing they wanted to have some creative freedom so they made these alterations, (which is fine) but it did bother me that they glossed over important information, or didn't really explain it. My hope is that in season two, if there is one, that they go more in depth of these things. But man they did Wook and Yuri dirty


" Also the rest of the residents who would just watch sometimes, made me think, like really? We just going to do that? But can also understand, if they feel like they can't do nothing, why try." this! like, idk i feel like in shows and heck even if i were in an apocalyptic situation (used to play tons of video games i used to want zombies to actually happen lmao) i'd be like welp... we gotta do something otherwise we'll just get eaten and die and what's the point of that. we try to live everyday already as it is. - slime monster also saved hyun when he got snatched by the spider monster in the garage too apparently so i feel like it would have been good to learn about the monsters, even if it expanded the show a few episodes.


i too hated warriors ahah! rip to the lil guy's badge :(. true that, i don't think eun is dead either. i did not reply to all of your points but i do appreciate all of your pros/cons and i did read all of em! would be sick if we could talk about the shows with like voice or something lol. i think that's an enjoyable part when watching shows. op changed on eun for sure after realizing that, but i'm not too sure about the sister - people pointed that out in the comments of other eps but i just dunno man, ofc people cope in different ways but does that change how that can affect the people around them? have not seen 1million dance choreo, they danced to warriors? jk


it seems because she trusts the gov't about her fiance and also has a baby to protect - babies in post apocalyptic movies/shows are always a bad idea - not like she can do anything about it lol i just wonder how they'll deal with the baby alarm alerting the monsters next season.


man he did more than beat people up - it's cause the writing set it up like "signs of aggression and violence and blah blah" then they're on the watch list- so i thought his strength was from that like he was strong as heck.

goonghana .

I like your afterthoughts. You should do them for all dramas and movies your do. There were stuff I did not think about that you have mentioned. When I first watched it, I loved the drama for the intensity and questioning your humanity and how far you would go to survive. I liked Imagine Dragon Song, but it was too much after a while, they should have done more music, even bgms (background music/instrumental music ) would have made the story more compelling than having the same thing over and over. Hope they do a season 2 for more character development for the leads. Favorite character was the gangster surprisingly. He started out as a very intense, creepy character at first and then he developed into someone who does care about the people around him in his own way.


am i the only one who really liked the ending?? yeah it felt like a checkpoint/crossroads for the characters rather than a conclusion, but i usually find with shows that have multiple seasons that having some false sense of conclusion early on takes away from the story arc overall. idk that's just me. i thought the pacing was definitely too fast but i can't even complain bc i find slow pacing to be so unbearable to sit through that i'd rather have it too fast. also i really enjoyed the acting, felt like everyone was super solid. obviously the cgi was a mess but the cinematography overall was pretty nice, the apartment building sets were well done, they worked well for the tone. i really liked the practical effects. one example that stood out to me was the makeup around hyunsu's eyes in the climactic scene. sorta like black veins. idk i thought it was cool and it added something to the scene in a noticeable way for me


All I can say is I totally enjoyed this one! Itā€™s not typical for Korea to produce a drama like this (from what Iā€™ve seen) so itā€™s kinda refreshing (weird right? Lol) Though I totally agree with using the song at some points just took away from how extreme/ intense scenes were but then again I feel like thatā€™s pretty common in Korea. I hope they can produce another drama with a similar genre to this because I really enjoyed this! It worked really well as a live action. What I can say is that the plot holes (due to not exactly adapting the webtoon) did leave a lot of confusion and it was like they tried to squeeze in elements that really needed development like the slime monster. I DIDNT NEED TO SEE MY GUY EUNHYUK GOOO (I donā€™t believe it). It was hard to watch for me since I love his character a lot but I agree with what someone else had said. He had too much of an important role in the show to go like that for me but you know. There are a lot of elements in the webtoon that I felt the show deffo needed but all in all I really enjoyed this one. I was so focused (which is hard for mešŸ˜‚) 9/10!


When I watched it the first time I thought the biggest flaw of the drama was that we don't really get to know what kind of desires turned those people into those monsters. However, now I realize it's all from the residents' perspective so if they don't know, we don't know either and that's actually pretty great. Like, we knew why the first monster lady wanted to eat everything and everyone because Hyunsoo heard her complaining about dieting through the thin walls. We also learned why that monster with the massive hands turned out to be like that from the letter he wrote about wanting to grab onto his son and keep him safe but failing. I really appreciate that they din't go out of their way to explain to us every monster and instead, it kept us guessing and theorizing. Totally changed my mind on that upon this second watch lol.


I really enjoyed rewatching this series with you. Iā€™ve noticed so many details I missed on my first watch where I mainly skipped some parts lol šŸ˜‚ I canā€™t wait for season 2, I remember being confused why in final scene gangsta guy didnā€™t have his burn scars but it makes sense if the blood monster took over his body to runaway with hyun

hayun lee

bullying and hierarchal culture in south korea can get VERY bad so unfortunately this drama was somewhat accurate in that, but otherwise i agree! this drama strayed away very heavily from the webtoon which imo had a tighter plot, but it was enjoyable nonetheless. if you really want to see top tier acting in a kdrama then i recommend signal! its one of the most highly rated dramas ever and has a bunch of famous movie stars starring in it so the acting is >>>>. its also a crime drama with very very minimal romance so i feel like itd be a better fit for you.


Was yi kyeung really a traiter tho? I dont think she was a double agent or anything. I think she just decided at that moment to get the info about her husband from that army lady and find him. Prior to that she wasnt even gonna use the botton. Im very interested to see what she's gonna be doing in season 2 cause she just went off on her own. Her storyline will probably explain a bit more on how this all started


I got a little theory. And i havent read any of the comics so pure guessing here. I noticed that yi kyungs husband worked as a doctor in a prison. And from his blog he said "I have to be a subject and solve this phenomenon" and "Subjects enter a stable period after 15 days". It was written a little while before things started to break out all over and he already knows about the 15 day rule. The word 'subjects' makes me think government was doing expirements on prisoners and thats maybe where it started from. He was said to have died in a fire but his body was never found seemed sus. The guys at the building fire site that yi kyung spoke to acted like they didnt want to find him. Like faking his death. And if the army lady really knows "where he is and what he looks like" then id say he's working with the gov and he's a special infectee that can body swap like sungcheol Overall i think the government was doing some shady shit to cause all this


I like these thoughts it's nice to have a post to talk about the after show without being worried about spoiling people who come to watch later but definitely just leaving a voice note would be lovely LOL. I'll give this show an 8.5/10. It's true there are plot holes throughout but I kind of put them in two categories one category I'm okay with the other really annoyed me. 1) The category that annoyed me was the weird jumping between scenes like you mentioned, they glossed over many of the days Hyun-su was running errands around the building and it wasn't even clear how much time was passing at that point like to this moment I'm not sure what day of infection he is on but especially the scene where the fast monster attacked him then they cut and next thing you know he shows up downstairs fine with no explanation. I get that monster wasn't meant to be a big plot point but just show us the fight and how strong he is at that point. Also Wook idc how much of a gangster he is they made him out to have an inhuman levels of strength and resilience throughout the show. I was paying so much attention to all of the little things he did in order to put the bread crumbs together whenever they did a big reveal about what's going on with him. I thought he could be infected or just resisting in some other way or at the very least have something else genetically going on with him that would be shocking and yet explain his character and then... nothing. He had a good arc emotionally but I felt a little cheated that I was paying so much attention to him for no reason on the supernatural side. this last one might just be me not paying enough attention but I'm still trying to understand why Ui-meong started shooting. I feel like it came out of nowhere and him just being psycho didn't track with how they were setting up his character beforehand. I get that he didn't have any care for humans but it felt like a reallyĀ  weird scene to me. Eun hyuk being infected. I think they didn't show signs just so that they could have that moment of surprise for the audience which I don't really like in shows. it's not great writing to hide things from the audience with no hints. I much prefer that they hinted subtly and take the risk that people who are paying close attention are going to catch on then go for the shock factor that doesn't feel earned. I also think/ hope we will see him again. Like, is it even a drama if someone we think is dead doesn't randomly show up in the future šŸ˜‚. 2) the second kind of plot holes I'm not mad at which is the overall mystery of the monsters, what's going on, how the infection spreadsĀ  (I get the desire but what triggered this to happen at all), what the military is up to, etc it seems pretty clear to me that they wrote this show to be multiple seasons and when adapting to a show from a webtoon they have very different progressions so I have no problem with the idea that they may have wanted to keep back certain reveals for a season 2 or onwards I just think that most people who watch k-dramas are used to fully completing the story in one season so it's a little weird. I'm still torn on reading the webtoon I want to fill in the blanks and I know it will be different but I also want to leave myself open to keep being surprised by the show if they decide to include some webtoon storylines later. I also don't think Yi-kyung intended to betray the residents. once she returned from the military the first time yes she wasn't forthright but when she surrendered the buzzer I think that was her making the decision to stick with the them but then that dumbass pressed it anyways so the military caught up with them. Not sure how that briefcase plays a role though. They still need her and she does still want to know about her fiance so make sense that she would try to infiltrate their ranks to get more information. P.s I might be in the minority but the music in the show didn't bother me at all. I think it's because I didn't know that Warriors song before so it was just whatever. I wouldn't have minded a variety of songs for the action scenes instead of the same one though. Like someone mentioned these are my nitpicks in an otherwise really cool and entertaining show so it still ends up ranked highly and I anticipating more.