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Hi everyone! Slightly different post today!

I've been working on some concept stuff for Karmageddeon. For those who don't know, the comic is getting a sort of "overhaul" of the art and character designs and the style of the comic. I've decided to change how I'm going to do the pages to a more traditional comic style like Sparklecare's pages, and also characters are getting design updates.

Karmageddeon has been a project stirring in the pits of my brain for years, and it's gone through so many changes, and now I've decided to give it another refresh because I feel like it could be better than it currently is. The art style of the original drawn pages is outdated now, anyways, so I think I would have to redraw everything regardless -- so why not make it even better if I'm going to do that? Here's a few designs I've been doing!

This is my current design for the protagonist of the comic, Molly! You all know her! I wanted to make her outfit look a little more... distinct, I guess? And stand out a little more!

And here's a design for Bat! The way I draw him is constantly changing all the time, lol, it's kinda hard for me to be satisfied with a look for him. His jacket is a little different, as well, it looks a little more like an actual real jacket than before. I'm trying to add a bit more detail into the way I draw clothes on my characters.

And here's an updated look for that store that Cece and her brother Neil work at -- the Bunmart! Everytime I draw backgrounds for this comic, I try to make them as dingy and unkempt as possible, because it's charming and gives the "old town" vibes that I'm going for with this comic!!! It also really makes it stand out against my other art. I've had the idea of making the town and backgrounds look like this for years.

Well, that's all for today! Not a super long post, but hey, it's something I'm working on!


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