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Hello Lovelies, 

I would like to thank you all for making the launch of my Patreon such a huge success. I am absolutely shocked by how well received Conquest of the North has been and I'm looking forward to creating even more and even better content with your support.

But even more so, I would like to thank you all for helping me, Desmond, become a better version of myself. Like most people I experience a lot of anxiety over many things. I experience it over school, work, family and personal matters, and sometimes for no reason at all. 

ASMR has been no exception. I doubt and question myself constantly. 

"Will this next audio be released on time?"

"Will people enjoy the direction in which I'm taking this story?"

"Do people enjoy my content as much as other boyfriend roleplayers? Am I even making the right kind of stuff? Should I be doing something else?"

A moderate amount of self doubt is helpful. Taking a step back to carefully plan can be a good thing. But once it morphs into anxiety and "analysis paralysis", it can become just that- paralyzing. 

Every time I read the extremely kind words you guys leave behind in the comments, words that express just how much you've enjoyed these audios or how they've helped you in some way, it does more for me than you could ever know. Its a reminder and huge motivator to overcome my own anxiety and push forward, because I'm accountable to more people than just myself. 

The knowledge that there are others who are affected by my decisions makes it so much easier to not give in to negative feelings. Ive taken that lessen into every aspect of my life and I have you all to thank for it. So thank you, so much.

More audios will be becoming soon!

- Desmond


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