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Themes: Self-Defeat, Master/Slave, Dom/Sub

Summary: Diana loved to lose. She couldn't let anyone know that of course. And she certainly couldn't afford to lose when the stakes were high. Unfortunately, there weren't many options for men who could defeat her that she didn't mind losing respect for her. However, when Wonder Woman finds a young man who lusts after her but has no desire to commit any evil except upon her body... she can't resist giving him the keys to her defeat. 


Part of her couldn’t believe she was doing this. Part of her knew it was inevitable. Standing there in her full regalia as Wonder Woman, Diana places her fists on her hips and glares across the rooftop at the young man who’d called her here.

“Do you have the pictures?”

He squirms a bit under her gaze, but to his credit does not quail or truly back down. Instead, the young man holds himself with a confidence that excited Diana, even as he shakes his head.

“I’ve got them on my phone of course. And in a dozen other places so that if anything happens to me here, they get leaked.”

Of course. He was smart like that. Part of the reason she’d picked him.

“My name is Jason, by the way.”

Diana can’t help but raise an eyebrow at that. She already knew his name of course. But to introduce himself…

“How is this going to go, Jason? Are you going to blackmail me with those compromising photos you somehow got your hands on?”

The young man looks insulted at the idea.

“No! Of course not! I would never… what would be the point?”

Diana can’t help the startled laugh that leaves her lips at how offended he is.

“The point? You could demand anything you wanted of me, Jason. You could have Wonder Woman herself on her knees before you.”

Gritting his teeth, clenching his hands into fists, Jason shakes his head.

“I want that. Don’t get me wrong. But not like that. I want you to submit because I’m stronger than you, not because I’m holding some photos over your head.”

Diana doesn’t respond. She also doesn’t let herself smile. So far so good…

“… That’s why I’m challenging you to a fight, Wonder Woman. You and me, right here and now. If you win, then I’ll give you my phone, go home, and delete every copy of every photo I have of you masturbating. But if I win… I get you. If I defeat you, then you belong to me as my woman.”

And there it was. Diana pretends to consider it for a moment, even letting a light scowl spread across her face to make it seem like she’s pissed off by the very idea. But truthfully, this is exactly what she wanted. Finally, she lets an arrogant, overconfident smirk spread across her immaculate face.

“You, defeat me? You must think you have some sort of trick up your sleeve young man. But whatever it is, you aren’t going to be able to take me down. Fine! I accept your challenge! A fight between the two of us, to decide the fate of those… pictures.”

Jason nods sharply, his hands still fisted at his sides. He looks determined and resolved, and Diana trembles in anticipation even as she drops into a battle stance, looking ready to end their fight in one, single move. With contemptuous confidence and lightning speed, she rushes forward to take him down in an instant and-


Only, her fist is caught in his palm with ease. Diana lets her eyes widen in surprise that she doesn’t truly feel, before quickly following up her first punch with a second… which Jason also catches. Holding both of her fists, Jason overpowers Diana before she can blink, forcing her down to her knees right there on the rooftop, the cement cratering beneath her for a moment.


“W-What… by Hera, what is this s-strength?! N-No… I will not yield!”

Jason growls, looking torn for a second. On the one hand, he clearly doesn’t want to hurt her too badly. That would get in the way of him fucking her afterwards if he broke bones. But on the other hand…

Diana makes sure to shift her hip to the side ever so slightly so that the gold from her lasso glitters in the moonlight. She sees the moment where his eyes light up, getting an idea from her ‘accidental’ movement. He lets go of one of her fists but before Diana can swing it again, he’s snatched the Golden Lasso of Truth off of her belt and wrapped one end of it around her first wrist and then the other. He yanks her arms high above her head with the lasso, leaving her on her knees as her strength drains from her.

“Yield! Submit to me, Wonder Woman!”

With the Lasso around her wrists, the truth is drawn out of her almost instantly. She doesn’t fight it very hard though, to be fair.

“I-I yield! I submit!”

Jason’s wide eyes make it clear he didn’t expect it to be so easy. He lets out a shuddering breath as they find themselves at a standstill for a moment. Then, hastily, he reaches down and begins freeing his cock from its confines. In the process, Diana can’t help it… she sees the golden loop around his waist that he’d had hidden until now. She would have preferred to pretend to remain oblivious to it, but he sees that she sees and suddenly goes still for a moment… before letting out a raspy breath.

“… Yeah. I beat you because of this. Someone sent me this and those photos. And I know I should have just deleted the photos and given this belt to you… but I couldn’t help myself. I’ve always wanted you, Wonder Woman. I’ve dreamed of taking you like this. So now… here we are. Suck it.”

His cock is out and in her face when those last two words spill free from his lips. Diana leans forward, feigning hesitance, but ultimately takes him in her mouth and begins to suck, making Jason groan in appreciation and pleasure.

She’s just glad that none of what he just said was phrased as a question that the Golden Lasso of Truth would have compelled her to answer. She could fight off the urge to blurt out her part in all of this so long as it wasn’t a direct question. She could fight off the Lasso’s power so long as he didn’t ask her point blank.

Because the truth was… Diana was the one who sent him the belt. She was also the one who sent him the photos. She was the one behind all of this… the one who had set up her own defeat.

It wasn’t something she’d done lightly. She’d planned this out carefully, picking over every facet of this scheme a hundred times. Jason himself wasn’t just some random guy she’d picked off the streets either. He was… well, he was perfect for this role. Perfect to be her conqueror.

Staring down at her with wide eyes as she sucks his cock, Jason lets out a shuddering breath.

“I can hardly believe this is real. Maybe I’m hallucinating. Maybe the belt didn’t do what I was told it did and I didn’t actually catch that first punch. Heh, maybe you knocked me unconscious minutes ago and I’m just having a truly spectacular dream. But… just in case it is real…”

His hand comes down atop her head and he pushes deeper down the back of her throat. Diana gurgles and gags as he forces her to take him to the base, beginning to face fuck her right there on the rooftop, with her on her knees before him.

“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”

She’d gotten the idea from her mother’s history with Hercules. Which was why her mother could never find out about this, because that experience was nothing like this one. Diana wanted this. As well, things were a little reversed. Instead of Hercules tricking Hippolyta out of her Golden Girdle, Diana had taken her Golden Lasso, which was in turn made from that Golden Girdle, and imbued some of that impossible strength into a belt that she’d then sent to Jason.

Instead of losing her strength, she’d made him stronger than her. She was still one of the most powerful women in the world… but so long as Jason wore that belt, he was stronger still and she was powerless before him. Exactly as Diana had wanted it.

She revels in being made to suck his cock and deep throat his member. She shudders as he bounces her head upon his shaft, grunting and thrusting forward with a roughness that pleases her immensely. Until suddenly, he pulls back.

“I want to fuck you. I want to make you my woman properly. And I’m going to cum inside of you.”

His matter-of-fact statements send shivers down Diana’s spine as she fights off the impulse to tell him she wants all those things too. He didn’t ask her anything, so she doesn’t have to give in. Instead, she tries to glower at him.

“D-Do your worst.”

Jason smiles at her defiance.

“Heh. You have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear you say that, Wonder Woman.”

Actually, she did. As Jason forces her to her back, pulling down her top and exposing her breasts while also yanking aside her star-spangled leotard and exposing her cunt, Diana whimpers, trying hard not to give the game away. See, Diana knew that Jason was waiting to hear those words because he’d written those words and she’d read them.

The internet was a big place. Even having been an active part of Man’s World since the end of World War I, Diana hadn’t truly understood what the internet had become until much more recently. That was where she’d found Jason’s writings. That was where she’d fallen in love with the young man… or more specifically, fallen in love with his desires to make her his bitch. He’d written plenty of stories involving them together. All with a similar theme of him managing to dominate her and make her fall in love with him and his big fat dick.

As Jason thrusts into her, spearing her upon his cock, Diana bites back a mewling cry. She holds back the wanton moan, and she shudders while he has his way with her. He’s not gentle, but then to be fair he doesn’t really need to be. Even with his belt making him far stronger than her, she’s still very tough. He can fuck her cunt as hard as he wants and not likely injure her. He can maul and knead her tits and not risk bruising them.

He does both of those things, of course. As is his right. She’d yielded. She’d submitted. And now… she was his woman. Diana wishes she could say she holds back her moans forever, but she can’t. Soon enough, she’s crying out as he continues to savage her and squeeze her tits. His cock pistoning in and out of her cunt at breakneck speeds has her eyes rolling around in her skull from the pleasure. Until eventually…

“You’re enjoying this.”

It’s not a question. She doesn’t have to answer.

“No… you’re LOVING this.”

Jason growls, a note of victory in his tone as he squeezes both of her tits. He’s not even holding her bound wrists above her head anymore. She could probably have worked her way free of the Lasso if she wanted to. She does not. Still, he’s not asking her a question, she can hold her tongue. Only, Jason isn’t an idiot. The young man quickly realizes what he needs to do.

Grabbing her by the jaw, he forces her to look him in the eye.

“Do you like being fucked on my big fat cock, Wonder Woman?”

The Golden Lasso binding her wrists glows brightly and the words spill free of her lips before she can try to stop them.

“Y-Yes… I l-love it!”

Jason’s look becomes one of smiling wonder at that revelation.

“I’d hoped… I’d dreamed… but god I didn’t think you’d be THIS easy. Cum for me, Wonder Woman! Fucking cum for me you submissive slut!”

Diana cries out as she cums on command. The Golden Lasso doesn’t force obedience, just truth. But it does coax obedience along and since she’s not really fighting it… cum she does. Orgasming explosively all over his cock, she shudders as Jason gasps and fucks her all the harder.

“You’re my woman now, aren’t you Wonder Woman? You’re my bitch.”

“Yes… y-yes! I’m… I’m your woman! I’m your b-bitch!”

Jason crows as he leans down and sucks at her nipples for a moment, alternating between them and even biting them before pulling back and looking at her with a slightly more serious expression.

“Tell me what you want. Tell me what you need. What do you most desire, Wonder Woman?”

This one, she does try to fight. Whether because she wants to make a show of it, or because she’s afraid the truth will out her entirely… but in the end, it doesn’t matter. Even Diana has never been able to hold back the Golden Lasso’s power forever.

“I… I… I want to be yours! I want to call you Master, to be your slave! I want you to own me, to own Wonder Woman! I want you to control me and fuck me senseless every single day! Make me your bitch! Use me as your cum dumpster! Dominate and overpower me and tie me up so you can have your wicked way with me again and again and again!”

… Not as bad as it could have been. For a long moment, Jason silently stares at her. Then, spurred on by her heartfelt honest words, he roars and surges forward, fucking her harder, doing all that she asked of him as he pounds her solidly into the rooftop over the next several minutes. Diana loses her mind in the pleasure. Fortunately, Jason doesn’t ask her any more hard-hitting questions. The young man seems to lose himself in her, his voice becoming guttural grunts and savage growls as he almost becomes animalistic in a way.

She loves every bit of it, of course. The strongest woman in the world, reduced to nothing but a fuck doll for this young man. Eyes fluttering, Diana can’t help but moan, even as he finally cums. He doesn’t even try to pull out. He just finishes inside of her, filling her with his seed. She wouldn’t have had it any other way.

Afterwards, as they’re both catching their breath, Jason leans in and presses his forehead against hers. His next words are in a surprisingly soft tone in comparison to how he’s sounded until now.

“… I want you to know, I won’t stop you from being a hero. You can keep fighting crime and saving people. Your days can be spent saving the world… all I demand is that your nights be spent servicing me. Do you understand?”

Later, Diana will blame how out of it she is for her response in that all moment. All she had to do was say ‘yes’. Maybe even a ‘yes Master’ if she was feeling bold. Instead, exhausted and drained but also incredibly satisfied, Diana smiles… and blows her cover.

“Mm… just like in your stories.”

She freezes up the moment the words leave her lips. But so does Jason. Slowly, he pulls away from her, looking down at her in growing stupefaction.

“My… stories?”



Josh Snider

That was a funny ending.

Pure Dingo

Lol, now we only need Hippolyta to show up and "save" her daughter.

J l

This Deserves a sequel