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Poll Winner

Themes: Fucked Silly, Rough Sex, Breeding

Summary: Part 4 of Pool Fun Time. A flashback chapter to where it all began. After becoming Champion, Ash joins Cynthia and Diantha for a photoshoot, but a storm has delayed them and kept then locked in for a few weeks. Diantha and Cynthia decide to tease and have fun with Ash, only to realize they'd awoken a man who would have them calling him daddy in no time. 


“Alright, I just received word that the crew made it back to the city safely. Unfortunately, it’s looking like we’re liable to be snowed in for the next two weeks. Might as well get comfortable.”

“Well, I’m sure we could find a few ways to… get comfortable~”

Ash could hardly believe this was happening. It felt almost surreal, really. Becoming Champion of Alola was one thing. Being asked to take part in a Photoshoot with two other Pokemon Champions… that was crazy, but still manageable. The photoshoot taking place at a ski lodge that had been emptied out so they could have it all to themselves, well, Ash chalked that up to him just needing to get used to the perks of being a Champion.

The photoshoot had gone well, he was pretty certain. He, Diantha, and Cynthia, along with their most cherished Pokemon, had been the subjects of an entire crew for what felt like an eternity but was really only three days. Then, once the crew had all their photos, they’d left the lodge behind and headed back to the city for the next stage of their work.

With Ash, Cynthia, and Diantha having done their part, they’d all spent an extra day at the ski lodge to rest and recuperate, a sort of metaphorical pat on the back for a job well done. And that’s when the freak snow storm had come in, a veritable blizzard that had completely locked them in place. The lodge was well-made, fully furnished, and incredibly well-stocked, so they weren’t in any real danger or anything like that… but they also weren’t going anywhere any time soon.

All of this, Ash could have handled. What made the whole situation surreal was how Diantha and Cynthia were suddenly reacting to the news. Sauntering up to him, the two older women both have wicked grins on their lips as they suddenly push in on either side of him, pressing his head between their busts.

“What do you think, Ash?”

“Do you think we could find a way to pass the time while we wait?”

To be fair, this wasn’t coming completely out of left field. The two female Champions had been making both subtle and unsubtle overtures in his direction the entire week. They were careful not to be too obvious about it in front of the photoshoot crew, but Ash wasn’t an idiot. He understood what was happening.

Of course, that was really only thanks to Serena and that kiss. She’d awakened a part of him that he hadn’t known existed until that moment. And in doing so, she’d opened his eyes to what a… well, late bloomer he was in some ways. It wasn’t just that he was naturally short, because Ash had long made peace with that. It was more that he’d never even seen girls in that way before. All his life he’d been so zeroed in on becoming a Pokemon Master that he’d completely missed all of the cute women in his life.

Until now. He really was grateful to Serena, because if not for her, he might not have understood exactly what Cynthia and Diantha were after here. He might not have appreciated the gravity of his situation. Looking up at the both of them from between their busts squished on either side of his head, the short, built young Pokemon Champion hums.

“Yeah… I think we could.”

Then, he reaches up and honks Cynthia and Diantha’s tits, making the two older women squawk at his audacity. But they don’t back away and soon they’re moaning as he gropes and squeezes and mauls their breasts.

“Ooooh… who could have guessed you would be so forward, Ash~”

“I didn’t think you’d be so quick to leap into things, but I definitely don’t mind it~”

They rub themselves against him for a time as he fondles their tits, but eventually they can’t hold themselves back anymore… and its THEIR hands who begin to wander next.

“Let’s see what we’re working with, shall we?”

“Mm, agreed~”

Their hands rub against his crotch and both Cynthia and Diantha coo at finding his bulge there. Then, they begin working open his shorts, reaching into his boxers. Ash lets them of course, sliding his own hands from their busts down and around to their asses. As he palms a handful of their buttocks each, he feels the moment they both freeze up in shock. And then…

“Oh… oh my.”

The two female Pokemon Champions collapse to their knees before him as Ash’s cock flops out of its confines properly. They wind up facing him, side by side, staring cross-eyed at his engorged length. He’s not even fully hard yet either… but he’s certainly getting there with time to spare.

“You… you are quite well-endowed, Ash Ketchum.”

“Well-endowed?! That’s more than well-endowed! He’s sporting a veritable BITCH BREAKER!”

Ash blinks, a little caught off guard by hearing such crass language spill forth from Diantha of all people. Even Cynthia blushes a little bit. Diantha doesn’t seem to care though about keeping up appearances though, because she happily leans in and moans as she nuzzles Ash’s big fat cock.

“Mm, what are you going to do to us with THIS big thing, huh daddy? Going to make us squeal? Going to make us sing your praises?”


Cynthia sounds shocked and aghast, leaving Ash to raise an eyebrow. Why was the blonde Champion suddenly so uncertain? Fortunately, she answers his unspoken question with her next words.

“I thought… I thought we were doing this to teach Ash a little about how to please a woman… b-by taking charge?”

Diantha smiles up at him from beneath his cock, leaving his massive member draped over her face as she giggles.

“That WAS the plan yes… but look at our new Pokemon Champion, Cynthia. Look at his big, juicy cock and that look in his eyes. Tell me truthfully… do you feel like you’re in charge right now?”

Before Cynthia can answer, Diantha follows up her question by yanking her fellow Champion in close, forcing Cynthia under his girth as well as their faces press together and his cock rubs across both of their features. Shuddering, her eyes fluttering in excitement and arousal, Cynthia moans wantonly.

“N-No… no I don’t…”

Well shit. He didn’t expect this. But staring down at the two beautiful women kneeling at his feet, Ash Ketchum knows he can really only do one thing here… what he’s always done. And that’s diving into things feet first without hesitation and without reservation.




He certainly has no intention of doing that. Both Cynthia and Diantha are currently bent over a large couch in the central lounge area of the ski lodge. Completely naked, the two women are shuddering in unison because even as Ash is ball’s deep inside of Diantha, he’s also got three fingers pistoning away at Cynthia’s cunt, matching his pace with the first woman to keep the second just as engaged.

They’re moaning wantonly as he fucks them from behind, their faces covered in his first couple of loads from when he’d fucked their throats. Though truth be told, it was more like they’d fucked their own throats upon his cock, eagerly skull fucking themselves along his shaft after he told them both to ‘get him ready’.

Ash might not have expected his day to go like this, but that didn’t mean life by the horns and riding it into the ground all the same. More specifically, he doesn’t want to let these two women down. Hearing they wanted to make him their… boytoy or something had lit a fire in him, especially when Diantha proved to be so eager to flip the script and become HIS toy instead.

Even now the short-haired Champion insisted on calling him daddy, something that had him blushing almost as hard as it did Cynthia. But Ash couldn’t deny he kind of liked it… he’d be their daddy, if that was what they wanted.

Reaching around with his free hand, Ash grabs one of Diantha’s breasts and proceeds to maul it as he continues to fuck her juicy wet cunt from behind. She moans all the harder at that, shuddering in response.

“Y-Yes! Give it to me! Squeeze my tits! Fuck me silly! Knock me up so that next time I squirt milk every time you play with my breasts!”

That last bit actually gives Ash pause. He blinks and slows down for a second, only to pick up speed again when Diantha whines piteously. Still, even as he continues to fuck her clenching, drenched cunt, Ash can’t help but clarify.

“Err… do you actually want me to cum inside of you or is that just something you’re saying in the heat of the moment?”

Looking back over her shoulder at him, Diantha just laughs.

“C-Can’t it be both? Why do you think I’ve been calling you daddy, huh? Put a baby in me, Ash! Make a mother of me! I’m not getting any y-younger and I’ve waited long enough for a man worthy of inseminating me!”

Well, when she put it like that… Ash growls as he picks up the pace. His fingers leave Cynthia’s cunt for a second and both of his hands fall upon Diantha’s breasts as he molds himself to her back, mounting her properly from behind. The short-haired Pokemon Champion moans up a storm as he slaps his balls against her clit with every full-body thrust into her cunt. Until finally…


Diantha hisses out her happiness as Ash proceeds to cum and cum inside of her. Her eyes flutter back in her skull and she moans up a storm as she quivers and climaxes alongside him. He fills her for what feels like an eternity, having the best orgasm of his life in the process.

… But even as he finishes up, Ash knows he’s not done. It’s like a little voice in the back of his head telling him he’s only halfway through. Letting out a shuddering breath, Ash pulls out of Diantha’s insensate form and looks to Cynthia.

The blonde has turned over onto her back and is sitting up on the couch now, looking at him with wide eyes as Ash’s attention falls upon her. For a moment, silence falls as something unspoken passes between them. Did Cynthia want the same thing as Diantha? Or did she just want something more casual?

Finally, the female Pokemon Champion reaches down and uses her fingers to spread her pussy lips open as wide as possible, also spreading her legs at the same time for him.

“P-Please daddy… please knock me up too…”

Heh, Ash got the impression that this wasn’t how Cynthia thought today would go either. And yet, here they both were. At her heartfelt request, all he can do is give her what she wants. Surging forward, his cock still messy from creampieing Diantha, Ash plants his hands on the top of the couch on either side of Cynthia’s head and drives his entire length inside of her in one go.

He’s only able to do so because the female Champion is just that slick and wet for him already, but then Ash already knew she was from fingerbanging her while he fucked Diantha. Wasting no time, he leans in and kisses Cynthia on the lips, even as he begins to plow in and out of her drooling cunt hard and fast right from the very start.

For a tough as nails woman like Cynthia, that’s just the way she wants it and she moans heavily as she reaches up and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him deeper into the kiss. She also wraps her legs around his waist for good measure, her feet kicking in the air behind him as he pounds her into the couch cushion, her toes curling in ecstasy and pleasure as she cums again and again.

The kiss also isn’t just a kiss either. Ash quickly dominates Cynthia’s mouth with his own, his tongue forcibly exploring every nook and cranny while all her own tongue can do is submit to that exploration. She moans as he conquers every part of her with his actions, from her mouth to her cunt… even her breasts.

After a time, Ash moves his hands down from the back of the couch and right atop Cynthia’s tits, groping and squeezing them just like he did Diantha. He mauls her chest to his heart’s content and thanks to both Diantha and Cynthia’s requests, finds himself imagining what they would be like if they were full of milk and squirting because he’d impregnated her. That only serves to spur Ash on even harder, his cock pistoning in and out of Cynthia’s cunt as she moans beneath him.

“A-Ah… y-yes… yes! H-Harder daddy! Fuck! Fuck, I’m cumming agaaaaaain!!!”

On the one hand, Ash gets the impression that Cynthia is only calling him daddy because Diantha did, and that it wasn’t normally to her preference. On the other hand it didn’t matter because she was still clearly having the time of her life and greatly enjoying his big fat cock spearing her insides. Her eyes roll up in her head and her tongue sticks straight out of her mouth as Ash brings her to another explosive finish.

Seeing that look of pure ecstasy on her face, feeling her gushing insides squeezing down on his cock… Ash surges forward one last time. He kisses Cynthia once more, dominates her mouth a final time, and then proceeds to cum deep inside of her. He fills her womb just like he did Diantha’s, without hesitation and without reservation. It feels right to conquer these two women. These two Pokemon Champions. It leaves him feeling immensely satisfied… and complete.

Pulling away from Cynthia, Ash steps back, intending to admire his conquests side by side. But Diantha proves to be a bit too much for that, as she’s already dropping down to her knees before him, taking his cock in her mouth and swirling her tongue around to clean off the mess. The twinkle in her eyes makes it clear that this is far from over… and as Ash glances to the windows where the blizzard continues raging outside, he realizes they’re all just getting started…


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