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Themes: Breeding, Fucked Silly, Foursome

Summary: Part 2 of Pool Fun Time. Lillie, Mallow, and Lana are all volunteering at the Aether Foundation for Lillie's mother Lusamine when Lillie finds a file on her mom's computer called 'Secret Pool Time'. None of them expect to see Ash Ketchum fuck Lana's mother Melissa, Lillie's mother Lusamine, and Kahuna Olivia senseless right in front of them. 


“Huh, what’s this?”

She shouldn’t have said anything. The moment the words leave her lips, she knows she shouldn’t have said anything. Lillie is in her mother’s office at the Aether Foundation alongside her friends Mallow and Lana. The three of them are helping out around the foundation, assisting her mother with book-keeping and tidying.

As Lusamine’s daughter, Lillie is trusted the most of course, which is why she’s on her mother’s computer getting some work done for her. Only, Lillie has accidentally found herself in her mom’s files and before she could click off, her eyes read one of the titles and her attention was inexplicably caught.

Secret Pool Time. What could possibly warrant naming a file something like that?

Unfortunately, she’s not alone and having asked her question out loud, both Mallow and Lana have raced over to see what could catch Lillie by surprise so easily.

“Whoa. Secret Pool Time… we’ve gotta check it out.”

“That does sound intriguing…”

Lillie flushes.

“We shouldn’t. These are my mom’s private files and she trusted me not to snoop around.”

“Come on Lillie! It’ll just be a quick peek! If it’s anything too sensitive, we’ll all swear not to ever say a word about it, okay?”

“Yeah! Besides, you know it’s going to eat at you forever if you don’t find out what it means!”

… Damn, they have a point. There’s no reason that they can’t all just keep whatever this turns out to be a secret between them. And honestly, Lillie really is inquisitive enough that it will eat at her forever and ever if she doesn’t look now. Shit, she’s boned.

“F-Fine. Just a quick peek. But nobody says a word, no matter what this is. Alright?”

Mallow and Lana both nod enthusiastically before leaning in on either side of Lillie in anticipation. Lillie hesitates for only a moment longer before clicking the file open. Inside of the file is a video, and Lillie opens that up as well. Then, knowing that she’s going to get in so much trouble if they get caught doing this… she clicks play.

Immediately, all three girls freeze up as the video starts and the first thing they see is Ash Ketchum. It’s nothing too bad… just the young Alolan Champion in his swim trunks, tending to a private pool. Not just any private pool, Lillie quickly realizes, but rather her home’s private pool. The young man, despite being a Pokemon Champion, is currently playing the role of a pool boy she quickly realizes, having watched handsome studs just like Ash fulfill that role over the years while she was growing up in a life of lavish luxury and spoiled rotten living.

Of course, given that Lillie, Mallow, and Lana all have massive crushes on Ash Ketchum easily a mile wide apiece, none of them looks away. Sure, Ash might not be doing anything too inappropriate, but he IS only wearing a pair of trunks, allowing them to see his surprisingly muscular and toned body. Though, it shouldn’t be that surprising. His usual attire hid his chiseled physique and he WAS a bit on the short side, but his travels across the world and his Pokemon Adventures left no room for slacking off or even the barest hint of flab.

Put simply, Ash Ketchum was ripped. He was jacked. And currently they were getting to see all of his muscles in all of their glory, rippling and glistening with sweat as he worked the pool.

… Was this all Secret Pool Time was? Just camera footage of Ash working as a pool boy for some reason? But then… that didn’t make much sense.

Suddenly, Ash looks directly at the camera, making the three young women in Lusamine’s office freeze up for a moment despite it just being a video. It doesn’t help that he gives the camera holder such a wicked grin.

“Recording this now, are we?”

They shouldn’t be surprised, but they all still jolt when Lillie’s mom suddenly speaks up from off-screen, giggling softly.

“But of course. For posterity’s sake if nothing else~”

What definitely IS surprising are the two other feminine voices that follow her.

“I think you mean for perversion’s sake, Lusamine.”

“You just want to finger yourself to this later, you slut.”

The camera swivels around and both Lana and Mallow are suddenly as red faced as Lillie already was when Lusamine shows Melissa, Lana’s mother, and Olivia, Kahuna of Akala Island and Mallow’s idol, laying out on lounge chairs wearing very skimpy bikinis. Of course, they also catch glimpses of Lusamine’s body in the process as well, showing that she’s just as scantily clad. Those bikinis, even for a day at the pool, are positively criminal! They might as well be wearing floss!

“Maybe I do~ Is that so wrong, girls?”

Melissa and Olivia consider this for a moment… before shaking their heads in unison, agreeing with Lusamine’s leading question. Meanwhile, Ash lets out a scoff, turning the camera’s focus back to him as Lusamine and the other two older women reorient on him. Tossing away the long slender pole he was using to clean the pool, he begins walking over to them, his eyes roaming over their fantastic bodies.

“Alright, I think I’ve given you all enough eye candy. We know why we’re here ladies… so let’s get to business.”

“So forceful~”

“As expected of Alola’s Champion!”

“Mm… but where will you start, Ash? You can have any of us… but you’re limited to one at a time, aren’t you?”

Ash just smirks… and immediately moves to Melissa’s lounge chair. Both the blue-haired MILF in the video and her daughter in the office freeze up in surprise at the same time, but Ash doesn’t waste time. He immediately shucks off his swim trunks, exposing a truly massive member to all the feminine eyes watching both in the past and the present. Then, he climbs up onto Melissa’s lounge chair and grabs hold of her ankles, yanking her towards him so that his cock is pressed against her slit.

Only then does Ash pause for a moment, giving her a shit-eating grin.

“I trust you don’t mind going first, Melissa?”

Lana’s mother blushes profusely but happily shakes her head ‘no’. She definitely doesn’t mind going first and when Ash thrusts into her a moment later, she moans wantonly, taking most of his cock in one go as he begins to fuck her atop the lounge chair. Her breasts are soon bursting free of the skimpy string bikini she’s wearing, not because Ash tugs them free or because of anything she does, but simply because he’s jackhammering into her so fast and so hard that not only is the lounge chair rocking with the power of his thrusts, but also her clothing just can’t withstand the amount of jiggle.

None of the girls in the office look away. One would think Lana might… this is her own mother after all. But it’s also Ash Ketchum, the man that she wants to be with more than anything in the whole world. Most might call Lana’s feelings for Ash a simple crush, but she knew better… and seeing his big fat cock drill in and out of the older version of her only confirmed those feelings… she was meant to be impaled upon Ash’s massive schlong just like her mother had been.

Eventually, Ash reaches up and gropes Melissa’s chest, squeezing and playing with the MILF’s breasts as he leans in and kisses her deeply. There’s plenty of passionate tongue involved there, causing the three girls watching the video to blush even harder. None of them have ever so much as had their first kiss let alone lost their virginity. But while they wouldn’t really know what to look for, all of them are thinking the same thing… Ash looks like a really good kisser.

With a grunt, Ash cums in Melissa at long last. He fills Lana’s mother up with his seed, making her eyes roll back in her head and her lips form into a small ‘o’ as she moans wantonly and climaxes along with him one last time. Then, he pulls out of her and stands back up.

The camera work has stayed relatively steady throughout all of this, but now that Ash is no longer fucking Melissa, it becomes clear that it’s also gotten a little shaky. The reason why becomes apparent when the camera swings around to follow Ash as he moves from one lounge chair to another and reveals Lusamine’s body for a moment… and the fact that Lillie’s mother is holding the camera with just one hand while giddily fingering herself with the other.

But Ash doesn’t go to Lusamine next… he goes to Olivia instead. The dark-skinned Kahuna from Akala Island and Mallow’s mother figure moans as she eagerly throws herself onto her front, getting on all fours on the lounge chair and wiggling her ass back in Ash’s direction. Chuckling, Ash reaches out, grabs her hips, and slides into place behind her. A moment later and he’s fucking the beautiful Kahuna from behind, pounding one of Alola’s leaders hard and fast like some cheap whore.

But Mallow doesn’t take offense to Ash’s treatment of her idol. How can she when Olivia clearly isn’t taking offense either?

“Yes! HARDER! Fuck me harder!”

The Kahuna is certainly acting like some cheap whore right now too, though at the same time she’s acting like one that’s being completely overwhelmed by her client. Maybe the analogy is getting a little out of hand. Either way, Olivia is much more expressive about her emotions and feelings than Melissa was, with her eyes rolling back in her head and her tongue lolling and wagging wildly out of her mouth in no time at all.

The camera captures all of it of course, even as the camera work itself gets shakier and shakier with Lusamine trying to match Ash’s face with her fingers. As Olivia is fucked, Lusamine whispers to herself just loud enough for the camera’s audio to pick up, but not loud enough for Ash or Olivia to hear.

“Yes… that’s right… take her, Ash. Take us all. Make us your women. Conquer us~”

But all three girls in the office hear it, and blush profusely at Lusamine’s words. It’s not too far off from what they all want Ash to do to them as well after all, and even though they know they shouldn’t, their hands begin to slowly slide down below their waists as they continue watching the young Alolan Champion fuck these older women right before their eyes.

Olivia squeals, creams herself again and again, and thrusts her hips back into Ash’s cock until he finally fills her up. At which point, Olivia’s back arches more than ever before, her shrieks of pleasure reaching a fever pitch as she cums and cums upon his cock.

Again, once he’s done Ash pulls out of Olivia, leaving her to collapse forward onto the lounge chair. The Kahuna winds up prone and face down, her limbs splayed out and dangling off the lounge chair as Ash’s seed seeps out of her freshly fucked cunt.

Finally, Ash moves to the middle chair, where Lusamine has been lounging back and fingerbanging herself while recording the entire video. To her credit, she doesn’t stop recording, even as Ash moves onto the lounge chair and slides up between her slender legs. There’s a grin on the Pokemon Champion’s face, even as he looks down at Lusamine… and also right at the camera.

Lusamine moves the camera between her body and his face, giving almost a first person perspective of what’s about to happen to Lillie, Mallow, and Lana. Of course, the blonde MILF could have had no way of knowing that the three girls would wind up watching this video. It was like the other two women had said back at the start, Lusamine was just recording this video so she could watch it and masturbate to it later.

In that regard, it made perfect sense to record the entire thing from her perspective. Having just gotten done watching Ash fuck Melissa and Olivia into twin stupors, Lusamine lets out a shuddering breath as he plants the head of his throbbing cock against her slippery, sopping wet sex.

“S-Saved the best for last, didn’t you Ash?”

Ash just smirks at her, palming a breast and giving it a good squeeze as he takes his time seemingly enjoying her body. The girls in the office can practically feel Lusamine’s impatience through the way her camera work becomes even more choppy than before, but just before she can say something… he thrusts in wordlessly.

He doesn’t have to say anything. Lusamine takes his cock like a champ, but Ash IS a Champ and his technique has her squealing and moaning wantonly in no time at all. He begins to fuck her relentlessly and in response, Lusamine’s free hand comes up to grope her free breast, while Ash takes his pleasure from her body with a look of determination and resolve on his face.

For the three girls in the office… it’s the hottest thing any of them have ever witnessed. Lusamine’s body color might be a little off for Mallow to pretend it’s her instead of Lillie’s mother getting fucked, but the first person perspective is still enough to let them all fantasize about that exact thing at least a little bit. They’d already begun touching themselves there in Lusamine’s office, leaning forward to stare intently at her computer together, but once they get a taste of watching Ash fuck a woman from a first person perspective, they can’t help but dip fingers into their wet cunts.

Moans fill the office, both from the computer’s speakers but also from the three girls’ lips. They all moan in unison, barely paying each other any mind with how their eyes are glued to the scene in front of them instead. Ash might not be acting especially tender, gentle, or loving at the moment, but that doesn’t matter in the slightest to them.

He has this intensity to him that drives them all wild and just makes them all want him more. And his physique is on full display along with his big fat cock as it drills in and out of Lusamine’s cunt.

Finally, Ash proceeds to cum inside of her. Not before Lusamine climaxes so much that the camera is barely staying up in the air though. As one last explosive orgasm rocks the woman’s body while he fills her womb with his seed, the camera is finally shut off and the video comes to an abrupt end. Suddenly, the only sound in the office is Lillie, Mallow, and Lana’s moaning… which they all stop as they blush profusely, barely able to look one another in the eye.

And yet… and yet, the same exact thought is running through all of their heads.

They need to get themselves some of that.



That was a pretty fun one. Very nicely done, quite enjoyable.