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Themes: Loving Sex, Rough Sex, Inhuman Sex

Summary: When Tav is a Dragonborn Sorcerer with inbuilt Heat Resistance, Karlach finds herself experiencing touch again far sooner than she would have otherwise. The fact that he can't just touch her, but greatly enjoys the heat she gives off... well, it might be a bit too on the nose to say it really revs her engine, but it's also undeniably true~ 


“Alright Soldier! You and me, right now! Mama needs to blow off some steam!”

Karlach doesn’t wait more than a second from them getting back to camp before she grabs their illustrious leader by the clawed hand and begins dragging him away to their ‘special’ spot. Not that anyone is surprised for even a second either. Lae’zel rolls her eyes, Shadowheart smiles softly before quickly correcting her expression, Gale huffs in annoyance, Astarion snorts, and Wyll blushes.

But none of them so much as blink twice at Karlach’s behavior, nor do they try to come to Tav’s defense or anything like that. But then to be fair, they all know that the leader of their eclectic, eccentric band of misfits wouldn’t want them to come to his defense in this case anyways. Nor would he need them to.

See, Tav is a Sorcerer. But he’s also a Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer, a type of sorcerer known for being a bit beefier than their fellow spell-slingers. And more than that, he’s a Dragonborn. Despite being a magic caster above all else, Tav stands at ten feet tall, even a foot taller than Karlach herself, and is just as broad chested and square shouldered as his height would indicate him to be.

So when Karlach grabs him by the hand and begins pulling him along, it’s really only because Tav lets her, the Dragonborn smiling good-naturedly as he’s tugged up the hill from their party’s camp a little bit and around a corner to his and Karlach’s ‘spot’. In the end, they didn’t bother using her or his tent anymore. Not only could Karlach get rather loud, but also things could get rather heated. Literally.

And that was the crux of the matter in the end. That was the impetus of their relationship. They hadn’t technically put any sort of labels on this thing between them, but it was probably more than just sexual. In Karlach’s case, it was at least a little bit desperation. The Tiefling Barbarian had been sold to an Archdevil and thrown down into the Nine Hells a long time ago, in the process having a prototype Infernal Engine shoved into her chest.

More recently, she’d escaped her Mistress during a cross-dimensional Mind Flayer attack on both Baldur’s Gate and the Hells. She hadn’t escaped without getting a tadpole in her eye for her troubles, but then in all fairness they all had mind flayer tadpoles in their eyes. It was a whole thing.

Regardless, in Karlach’s case… escape wasn’t supposed to be possible. Namely because the engine stuck in her chest only really worked properly within the Hells. Outside of it, the engine got too hot for her to even touch anyone without burning them terribly, and if she spent too long on the material plane, she was likely to explode in a big ball of fire and flame.

This was all to say… Tav’s Draconic Bloodline came from a Red Dragon. He himself was a Red Dragonborn. That wasn’t normally the case to be fair. Not every Red Dragonborn was born of a Red Dragon or a Sorcerer like him. But in Tav’s case, that was just how the stars aligned. And that meant he had a LOT of resistance to fire. A lot. Enough so that he actually rather liked the heat that Karlach gave off.

It didn’t take long after the Tiefling realized this before she all but jumped his bones. To be fair, Tav most definitely didn’t reject her advances. And thus a relationship was born. One mostly based on skinship and rough, carnal, fiery sex, but a relationship all the same.

The moment that they’re at their spot, the ground marked with blackened soot streaks due to explosive copulation, Karlach tosses her axe to the side and strips naked right there on the spot. Amused by her overeagerness, Tav begins to do the same, but he barely even gets his robes off before she’s kneeling nude before him and tearing down his trousers.

His massive dragonborn cock unfurls from within him, pushing out right into Karlach’s face as she breathes hot air all over it. And not just hot… this air would be blistering for anyone else. It would be painful and almost certainly produce a low level burn to anyone except for someone of Tav’s unique constitution.

For him though, it just feels good. As do Karlach’s hot hands and tongue a moment later as she grabs his cock and begins stroking it while swirling her tongue around the tip.

Tav groans his approval, even as Karlach looks up at him seeking exactly that thing. Smiling down at her, the Dragonborn reaches out and grabs hold of her intact horn, using it as a handlebar as she moans and proceeds to take him even deeper in response. Pushing his massive draconic member down the back of her throat is not easy for Karlach… hell, it wouldn’t be easy for anyone. She just doesn’t care.

“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”

She wants to make him feel just as good as he makes her feel and though Tav has told the beautiful Tiefling a thousand times that he’s just happy being with her, that doesn’t really stop her. She needs him. He doesn’t need her. That alone makes the dynamic lopsided between them despite Tav’s best efforts.

Her enthusiastic attempts at impressing him soon have Tav groaning in pleasure, though not too loudly. This place is downwind of camp, so the noise shouldn’t carry unless they get far louder. Of course, once things move on to the next phase, that might happen… it’s happened before after all.

Karlach doesn’t care though how loud she gets. She doesn’t care who hears them or even who sees them. One of their first times together saw them burning down her tent for instance, and even though the Barbarian realized that the rest of the party was watching about halfway through, she’d still kept riding him, uncaring and completely happy to let them see her in all her naked glory.

Hell, the Tiefling had even made comments to both Shadowheart and Lae’zel, telling them that if not for her inability to touch them, she would happily welcome them into her and Tav’s bed… or rather, soot-covered ground as it were. She’d also offered to Tav that he could definitely fuck the other two female members of the party without her… if he wanted.

Fortunately, Tav wasn’t an idiot. For one, the difference between Karlach wishing they could have a threesome or foursome with Shadowheart and Lae’zel and her offering to Tav that he could go fuck the other two alone if he wanted was night and day. She actually found the first concept hot, but it was very clear that she was just offering the second option because she felt bad for hogging him and needing him so much and didn’t want him to find her too needy for his tastes.

For two, while Shadowheart definitely seemed like she was willing to consider it, Lae’zel was apparently a solo act. Very much so, in fact. Getting her to join them would be a challenge and a half, and perhaps an insurmountable one at that. Shadowheart though… well, that was for later. Karlach had made the comments offhandedly back before they’d met Dammon, without knowing that there might be a chance she could one day touch someone besides Tav if Dammon could modify her Infernal Engine enough.

In the present at least, it was just Karlach and Tav… and neither of them minded one bit. Bobbing up and down his cock, Karlach picks up the pace when she hears him groaning all the louder, his grip on her Tiefling horn tightening in anticipation. She gurgles as she descends down his throbbing draconic member as fast as possible.


Until finally, he tips over the edge and cums, filling her esophagus with his seed. Much of his jizz gets burnt up by the fire raging inside of her, evaporated almost instantly with how hot she currently is. What doesn’t, Karlach is quick to swallow, even as she gives his cock a tongue bath. Receiving one of those after receiving the hottest (both figuratively and literally) blowjob that he’s ever had is always good enough to get Tav rock hard again and ready for Round Two.

As soon as Karlach has made sure he’s not going to go soft on her, the naked Barbarian spins around and bends over, getting on her hands and knees and reaching back behind herself to spread her red cheeks and show off her sopping wet cunt and puckered asshole.

Tav just chuckles, well used to letting Karlach choose the position. Sometimes she wanted to be held in his arms and fucked while he stood there. Sometimes she liked to ride him. Sometimes she liked being on her back, or on her side, or even completely prone.

And sometimes, like right now, she chose doggystyle. In the end, it doesn’t really matter to Tav. He likes fucking her in whichever way she desires. Kneeling down behind the eager, panting Tiefling Barbarian, the Dragonborn grabs her by her hips with his clawed hands. Anyone else trying to fuck Karlach like this might run into a bit of a size difference and not in their favor. But in Tav’s case, the size difference IS in his favor.

Karlach might be a big, beefy red warrior woman, but even though Tav is a spellcaster, he’s still far bigger and beefier than his overly hot lover. His claws easily hold her by the hips, even as his spit-polished dragonborn cock pushes against her slit from behind. He nudges her entrance for a moment and makes Karlach moan… before thrusting in and making her positively squeal.


Almost immediately descending into gibberish, Karlach howls her pleasure at the top of her lungs as Tav begins to fuck her from behind. She’s technically facing away from their camp, but it doesn’t really matter. Doggystyle is very much a position that Karlach gets loud in, without him being able to silence her with a kiss. Ah well, it is what it is.

Pounding into her pussy reveals that it’s easily twice as hot as her throat was. Despite the mouth and throat technically being closer to the raging hell engine buried in her chest, her cunt is just absurdly hot… practically on fire really. Not that it bothers Tav one bit. The Red Dragonborn with his Red Dragon Ancestry tanks the heat like it’s nobody’s business but his and Karlach’s.

In fact, he doesn’t just tank her fiery, hot, clenching cunt… he thoroughly enjoys it. Letting out a growl of enjoyment, he leans forward and begins to pump, really starting to fuck Karlach from behind as she squeals and screams for more.


Harder, he can do. Plowing into her from behind, the hulking Dragonborn huffs, growling some more as he slams every last inch of his cock into her sopping wet, explosively hot cunt. And indeed, the soot marks finally get an explanation as they really start to go at it. Karlach gets hotter and hotter as her emotions get more and more riled up. Until finally, much like happened back at that Toll Collector Station with those disguised agents of Zariel, Karlach completely loses control.

Her very skin lights on fire as she roars, sending out waves of flame in every direction around them. The ground suffers the most from it though, as well as the nearby mountainside that they’re currently hidden behind. There’s nothing for the fires of Karlach’s passion to actually burn like there was back at the Toll Collector Station… save for Tav himself.

But he’s fine, as always. The flames buffet over him, but his heritage means that he handles them without complaint. It’s like taking a nice, hot bath really. Sure, maybe the bath is a little too hot the first time you dip your toe in it, but as you slowly sink into its depths, you become more accustomed to the temperature, until you’re luxuriating in the heat like nothing else.

That’s what Karlach’s fiery passion is like for Tav. A little too hot for a moment at first, but as more flames rush over him, he becomes increasingly accustomed to it, until he’s not just handling it like a champ, but going even faster as a result of just how good she feels. Anyone else would be suffering from heavy burns by this point. But not him. Not this Dragonborn Sorcerer.

They fuck for what feels like an eternity, with Karlach cumming again and again. Eventually at one point, Tav reaches down and around to grab and squeeze her breasts, giving them a good hard grope with his claws. This only succeeds at turning her on even further, making her howl in happy bliss and pleasure as she bucks her hips back into his pistoning dragonborn prick.

Finally though, after bringing Karlach to more climaxes than he can count, Tav tips over the edge as well. Her fiery hot pussy milks him of his seed and he spills it deep in her womb, making Karlach shudder and her eyes roll back in her head. Again, most of his cum is almost immediately evaporated by her incredibly hot body temperatures and blazing internals, but she still gets to experience the sensation of being creampied for a moment, so there’s that at least.

Finally finished, Tav pulls out of her and watches as Karlach rolls onto her back, looking up at him from the blackened ground that they’ve just burnt even more than it was before. She bites her lower lip as the fire dancing across her skin slowly calms down and the pulsing red in the center of her chest where the infernal engine lies in place of her heart also begins to glow less and less.

“T-Thank you, Tav.”

Dropping down beside her, uncaring of the hard ground, Tav hugs her to his chest and lets out a rumbling chuckle.

“Of course, Karlach. I’m here for you. No matter what.”

It’s not just anyone who can turn Karlach of all individuals into the little spoon, but just as Tav is uniquely suited for fucking her, he’s also uniquely suited for making the hulking Tiefling Barbarian look almost small in comparison to him. Curling up in his powerful arms, Karlach lets out a shuddering breath.

“I love you.”

She immediately freezes after saying it, clearly not having intended on letting it out. But Tav just chuckles again and brushes a lock of her hair from her sweat covered face.

“I love you too.”

The wide eyes he gets for his easy response are enough to make him grin, even as Karlach nuzzles back into him after a moment. They might not know what the future holds… but in this moment they have each other and the others. And that’s all that matters.



Yeah this is peak

KOS 1100


Tamsus Karalius

Im a simple man, I see Karlach and im READY. Also, ngl, I thought you had all your stories on here but didn't realize there were Ao# exclusives