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Themes: Master/Slave, Threesome, Virgin Sex

Summary: Part 3 of The Sorcerer's Pet. Based on this image. Every good adventuring party needs a healer. Acquiring said healer by rescuing a nubile Aasimar from nefarious forces only for her to pledge her life to her saviour is optional. Naturally, Nethie jumped at the chance to show her the ropes. This wasn't how Alfred had envisioned himself forming a party, but he was hardly complaining.


“Haha! Fuck yeah, take that you stupid orcs!”

Alfred can’t help but roll his eyes. For all that Nettie is a rogue and thus supposed to be the stealthiest member of their party, she sometimes seems to forget that. Case in point, she’s just managed to get the drop on the leader of the orc warband they’re currently clearing out. As the orc’s corpse falls to the ground and she rides it down, perched on his back with her daggers buried in his neck, blood spurting everywhere, she crows her victory.

This, of course, draws the attention of every other living orc still in the camp, all of them having originally been surrounding Isabella, their party’s tank. But Nettie’s taunting has the unintended effect of redirecting their anger. While a few definitely look disturbed by the easy death of their leader… orcs aren’t a species that scared easily. No, in the end they tend to fight to the last, no matter what.

Realizing belatedly what she’s done, Nethie squeaks and yanks her daggers out of her kill’s neck just in time to dodge the first orc’s axe. From there, it’s a whole lot of dodging on her part, a whole lot of getting in the way and tanking blows on Isabella’s part… and a whole lot of spell slinging and picking off targets on Alfred’s part.

So in the end, nothing too different from how every single one of these quests their little threesome goes on turn out. By the time things are over, all three of them have taken a couple blows but nothing too life threatening. Blood seeps from a cut here and there, but between Alfredy’s magic, Isabella’s armor, and Nethie’s agility, none of them takes an enemy attack head on.

As they stand there in the middle of the cleared camp, Alfred lets out a low sigh and begins heading towards the orc Nethie originally killed, intending to finish the job she’d started by cutting off his head with a fire spell. Less messy than using blades, really.

However, before he can do the deed…

“I-Is it done? Are the monsters truly defeated?”

All three of them tense up as a tentative, trembling, feminine voice comes from one of the nearby tents. Alfredy, Nettie, and Isabella all exchange a quick glance for a second before Alfred grunts and pipes up.

“Yes, the orcs are all dead. You can come out now… but please do so slowly for us.”

There’s a pause and then the tent flap opens up and Alfred has to blink as a vision of beauty comes out into the open. She’s… definitely not what he was expecting. Aasimar, obviously. With brown hair and red eyes, she has a pair of truly beautiful feathery white wings coming off of her back. At the same time though, she’s dressed down… very down. Clad in nothing but a bra, panties, and stockings attached to a lacy garter belt, the Aasimar’s current appearance has Alfred immediately checking her over for injuries or signs that the orcs had… made use of her.

He immediately realized that checking for those sorts of things also might look like him ogling her though and quickly stops. But not before ascertaining through that cursory glance that she’s surprisingly untouched. Sure, she’s not wearing much, but she doesn’t have a cut, scrape, or bruise on her. Nor is there an ounce of… other fluids anywhere on her body.

She looks surprisingly pristine for being a prisoner in an orc camp if Alfred is being honest.

“Who are you, huh? Why does it look like the orcs barely touched you?”

Trust Nettie to throw empathy and caution to the wind and ask the blunt questions. Isabella squawks at Nettie’s attitude, but the Aasimar just flushes and glances down at herself. After a moment, a golden shimmer flashes over her body, very close to the skin and feathers.

“Ah… my name is Clarissa. And I was able to block these monsters from touching me further… but not before they tore my dress from my body. I’ve been holding out for three days now… but my internal magical reserves were running rather low. They believed they could wait me out… and they were almost right.”

Clarissa, for all that she looks innocent, pure, and untouched, has a look of vicious satisfaction on her face as she gazes around at the slaughtered camp. If nothing else, dead orcs don’t make her squeamish at least. Though, then her eyes land upon them and widen.

“O-Oh! You’re all hurt! Please, let me help you!”

Rushing forward, the scantily clad Aasimar raises her hands and a golden flash of magic flies out to touch each of them. At first, Alfred and his party tense up, Nethie especially. Radiant Magic can be as harmful as it is helpful. But in this case, Clarissa is above board. She means what she said and even Nethie gasps in relief as the few cuts and bruises she received from the fight heal over instantly.

The same goes for Alfred and Isabella, and on top of it they all stand a little bit straighter, the fatigue from the battle also fading somewhat. After which, Clarissa looks at all of them.

“Which of you is in charge of this party?”

Before he could even reply, both Nettie and Isabella gesture to him. Nettie follows up with a cheery chirp.

“Alfred, of course!”

Alfred has to admit, he’s never put much thought into healers before… if you get a big enough injury, you go to a temple of course, but adventuring healers were so rare that it just wasn’t worth considering. Like one in a thousand type rarity.

This is all to say, when Clarissa zeroes in on him in particular and drops to a knee in front of him with her head bowed, Alfred is a little too stunned and speechless to stop her from what she does next.

“You saved me from humiliation, degradation, and almost certainly eventual death at the hands of these monsters. Once my magic ran out, the things they would have done to me… I shudder to think about it. As such, it is only fitting I pledge a life debt to my saviors… and specifically to the leader of my saviors. I, Clarissa Lightheart, swear myself to you, Leader Alfred. I will follow you into battle, tend to your wounds, and smite your foes from now until I draw my last breath.”

There’s a brief pause as a flash of golden covers first Clarissa and then Alfred as well, signifying that her words are not just words, but a literal Oath of Servitude. Until he releases her from said oath, she is bound to him now.

… Alfred finds himself a little speechless as he glances at Nettie and Isabella. Isabella is blushing profusely… while Nettie is giving him a shit-eating grin and two thumbs up while a very small trickle of blood comes from one of her nostrils. It’s obvious what his other party members expect him to do with the nubile, scantily clad Aasimar in front of him. And Alfred would be lying if he said he wasn’t tempted. But…

This really isn’t the time. Or place. Looking around at the still cooling orc bodies, Alfred sighs.

“Right… let’s get you some clothes and then get out of here, I suppose.”

“As you say, Master Alfred. I am at your disposal.”

Nettie lets out a high-pitched whistling noise from the back of her throat that sounds like steam escaping a tea pot. Fuck. This was just his life now, wasn’t it?


“Master, Nettie has explained the dynamic of the party to me more, and the relationship you share with her and Isabella. I am here to submit myself to your voracious lusts in the hopes that you will not be as distracted by our bodies during our quests in the daylight.”

… Yep, this was his life now.

Alfred just stares for a moment as Nettie beams at him, hands on Clarissa’s shoulders. They’d gotten the brunette healer some clothes, collected the orc leader’s head, and made their way back to town. But you wouldn’t know it by looking at her now. Once more stripped to her bra, panties, stockings, and garter belt, the Aasimar kneels before him, blushing but also thrusting out her chest in open invitation as she gazes at him with no small amount of desire in her eyes.

So much for pure and innocent. But then, she wasn’t an angel. She was an Aasimar, a mortal creature that came from angelic stock. By their very nature, Aasimar tended to be just and righteous and of the Light… but not innocent. The world was still a shitty place for their kind as well. Case in point, how they’d found Clarissa in the first place.


“Only if this is what YOU want, Clarissa.”

Nettie scoffs.

“Of course it’s what she-!”


The Tiefling falls silent and Alfred beckons to her.

“Come here.”

Tail swishing behind her, Nettie approaches… only to get out a single solitary squeak as Alfred uses his magic to strip her naked and bind and gag her in an instant. He also floats her up off the ground at the same time and tosses her over onto the nearby bed. Clarissa watches this with wide… but also interested eyes.

“Master… I am… that is to say, I DO want this. Please. But also… it will be my first time. So please… be gentle?”

Smiling softly, Alfred nods and beckons for Clarissa to stand and come to him as well. The Aasimar does so, looking like she half-expects the Nettie Treatment. But he just takes her by the shoulders and runs his hands down her arms.

“Of course, Clarissa. You don’t have to call me Master if you don’t want to either. You can call me Alfred or Leader if you like.”

Blushing more profusely now, Clarissa taps her fingertips together.

“Ah… Master in private and Leader in public, maybe?”

… Okay yeah, she’d fit right in to their group, wouldn’t she? Letting out a half-sigh, half-huff of laughter, Alfred just smiles and nods.

“Sounds good to me.”

Then, he leans in and kisses her. He’s gentle and slow, but also in control and maybe a little domineering. But the angelic healer responds favorably to that sort of treatment so he keeps it up. She moans softly into his mouth, welcoming his tongue past her lips. When his hands wander across her body, she pushes herself into his palms, shuddering as he fondles her breasts and hips and ass.

Eventually, Alfred removes the bra and panties that the orcs had not ever been able to touch before meeting their demise at his party’s hands. He leaves her stockings and garter belt in place, even as he feels her nipples grow pebbly against his fingertips, her sex growing slick and wet across his palm. Finally, he pulls back, leaving her to lean forward as he does so, trying to follow for a moment before remembering herself.

“Since it’s your first time… I would like you to decide what position I shall take you in, Clarissa.”

“A-Ah… yes Master…”

She hesitates for a moment… and then looks over at Nettie on the bed. He’s not been a completely cruel master to the Tiefling. He tied her up in a way that she could get her hands to her cunt and touch herself while he and Clarissa got acquainted.

Now though, Clarissa gets this look in her eye… and sashays her way over to the bed, swaying her hips all the while. Then, much to his and Nettie’s mutual surprise, Clarissa climbs on top of the Tiefling, getting on all fours above Nettie before reaching back to spread herself apart and show off her glistening wet virgin cunt to him.

“Here please, Master. Take me like this.”

Doggystyle isn’t what he would have expected a virgin Aasimar to go for… but in hindsight, he probably should have. After all, those big wings of hers make it rather hard to enjoy being taken on her back, don’t they? Or maybe she’s just that kinky. Nettie is certainly looking shocked that Clarissa is currently hovering over her.

Either way, Alfred moves in, grabs Clarissa by her hips… and slowly sheathes himself inside of her cunt. He encounters her virginity quite early on, but their previous foreplay has made her wet enough that he just keeps going right on through it. Due to her arousal, all Clarissa feels is the slightest pinch of pain before it’s all pleasure as he fills her right on up.

A soft moan leaves the Aasimar Healer’s mouth as Alfred shudders from her tightness. If you’d told him that today’s quest would end with him getting yet another sex slave, this one a nubile healer who had sworn a life debt to him, he would have laughed… and then gotten nervous. Because after Nettie and Isabella, this felt both insane as can be and also par for the course at the same time.

Still, who is Alfred to look a gift horse in the mouth? Besides, just like Nettie and Isabella, each in their own ways, he’d earned this. He’d earned Clarissa. With a grunt, he steadily increases the pace until he’s fucking the no longer virginal Aasimar at a good, solid speed. Nothing too much for the young female healer of course. She’d asked for gentle and he was giving her gentle.

Still, her moans soon fill the room. Nettie’s moans are muffled but also audible from under her as the bound and gagged Tiefling continues to finger herself, matching the pace of Alfred’s thrusts. She gets a front row seat to Clarissa’s claiming, just like she wanted though perhaps not in the way she’d planned.

Clarissa, meanwhile, is getting things precisely as she wanted and planned. She’s been deflowered and filled with his cock and her wanton moans and mewls make it clear she’s all too happy to be able to give him her virginity… instead of a bunch of filthy orcs who would have used and abused her until they’d wrung her dry just like she’d said.

Better this than that… but Alfred swore to himself he wouldn’t be the lesser of two evils either. Clarissa might have bound herself to him with her own magic, but he promised himself then and there that he would do right by her and never take her for granted. Even if this party was starting to look more like a harem than an adventuring party, Alfred couldn’t afford to let it go to his head. That was a good way to get you and those you loved killed.

… Loved. Heh, he supposed he did love Nettie and Isabella at this point. And with some time, he would likely come to love Clarissa too.

For now though, theirs was a new relationship. With that in mind, Alfred ends things by pulling out of Clarissa at the last second and flipping her off of Nettie and onto her back next to the Tiefling. He proceeds to cum all over the both of them, coating their tits and faces in his seed as they moan in unison, Clarissa’s the loudest since she’s not gagged like Nettie is.

But regardless of the difference in their circumstances, they both have the same look in their eyes as he finishes emptying his balls all over their beautiful, nubile bodies. A look that screams one thing and one thing only.




It's that dragon blood that's making him crave more. Might as well give him more


"He leaves her stockings and garter belt in place, even as he feels her nibbles grow pebbly against his fingertips, her" you misspelled nipples jsyk. Can't wait for more keep up the good work


I just see his dad coming to visit with the classic “Are you winning son?” Seeing his budding harem and going “Ah, so you are I’ll leave you to it.”


If you do, do another post in this series can you include an image of Alfred as while we know what the rest of the party looks like we don’t know much on him.


I'm also interested in seeing what the dragon wizard looks like


A very enjoyable chapter. Admittedly, I have to agree, an elven ranger would absolutely hit the spot!


Hey cambrian, for some reason I can't seem to get your continuous stories like lightning strikes twice, or coming of age. Do you know why?


What do you mean by get them? You can't see them? Even when you go under Collections?


Love the third instalment! But isn’t the tiefling supposed to be named Nethie, not Nettie?