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Themes: Fucked Silly, Master/Slave, Breeding

Summary: Part 5 of Secret Fun Time. Kali watches on as her daughter is fucked silly by Jaune. She had timed this visit so they would both be in heat, jealous of Raven and Summer's soon to be children~ She may have been a high ranking official in Menagerie, but here, she bears a collar like her daughter and soon happily enjoys as Jaune fucks his pussies full of kittens~ 


“Oh fuck, oh god, oh FUCK!”


“Mm, you’re doing great honey… making all the right faces as Jaune fucks a nice, large LITTER into you!”

Whimpering and mewling between the loud involuntary cries that are being forced from her mouth, Blake Belladonna gives her mother a singular sort of look.


But Kali Belladonna just giggles and puts a finger to her daughter’s lips.

“Hush now, Blake. I only want to hear YOWLING from you~”

And yowl Blake does as Jaune continues to fuck her doggystyle. Or perhaps it would be better to call it kittystyle, all things considered? Kali smirks in amusement at her own internal joke, even as she fingers her hot, wet, and altogether ready pussy, eagerly awaiting her own turn.

Not that she would allow her impatience to get the better of her. This was Blake’s time right now. And Kali was all too happy to watch, despite just how aroused and in heat she was.

Oh yes. Both her and her daughter were in heat. Ever since Blake had graduated from Beacon, they’d been spending more time together. Enough time that their cycles had eventually synchronized. Kali hadn’t thought much of that initially… it was just the sort of thing that sometimes happened among female faunus.

But then Blake found out about her mother’s relationship with her schoolmate, Jaune Arc. And instead of being horrified or disgusted by this revelation, Blake had been aroused… and wholly onboard. She’d positively leapt at the chance to jump Jaune’s bones and impale herself upon the blond’s dick. When Kali had heard, she’d been as proud as can be.

Regardless, Kali was in heat… and so was Blake. And so she’d arranged this little mother-daughter outing… straight over to Jaune’s apartment. And Blake, while initially embarrassed, had been way too turned on from the aforementioned heat to say no. Even when Kali broke out the collars and leashes, Blake had blushed but accepted the humiliation all the same.

Now here she was, on all fours on Jaune’s bed, getting railed from behind by his glorious cock… while Jaune himself held her leash wrapped around a fist, pulling it taut and tugging on her collar so that her back was arching beautifully and her moans were turned into gasps as her pussy tightened up all the more around Jaune’s pistoning prick.

Leaning back, one hand at her crotch to finger her cunt and the other at a breast to grope and squeeze her voluptuous bust, the faunus MILF meets Jaune’s eyes over the top of her daughter’s arched back and gives him a salacious grin, even rolling out her tongue to lick her lips.

“Enjoying your kitten, Master? Don’t forget you have two pets. Mm, don’t let me distract you of course, but once you’re done breeding Blake, you’re definitely going to have to breed me too. Otherwise I might just claw up the furniture~”

Jaune looks on at Kali’s lurid, lewd display in amusement, shaking his head with a sigh.

“You’re incorrigible, Kali. Utterly incorrigible.”

He sounds exasperated, but also fond in his exasperation. Kali preens under his affectionate gaze. Damn right she was incorrigible. But then to be fair… Jaune had been a life savior. She might never have thought she’d wind up like this… fucking a young man half her age alongside her daughter, setting things up so he would breed them both while they were in heat… and yet, here they were.

But to be fair, if it wasn’t this… something else would have had to give. Something would have snapped. Kali had needed this. More than she ever could have known.

She’d lost her husband some time ago. And in the wake of his passing, Kali Belladonna had shouldered his responsibility and title. She had become leader of Menagerie. Unlike the Human Kingdoms, Menagerie wasn’t run by a Council. It was run by its Chieftain. Or rather, once her husband passed, it’s Chieftainess.

Of course, little known fact… Ghira and her had run the place together. He might have been Chieftain, but she’d been right there alongside him every step of the way. Not just as his wife, but as his partner. When he’d passed, Kali hadn’t just stepped into fill his quite large shoes… she’d taken on his workload alongside her own.

It was already too much for two people, truth be told. But just one? Anyone would break under that load. Fortunately, Kali’s subordinates had noticed the strain she was under and stepped in before things could get truly dire. She’d been forced into taking a vacation… and that was where she’d met Jaune and the other mothers. One thing had led to another and… well, there was video of what had happened. Kali should know, she was the camerawoman for most of it.

Regardless, the end result was a net positive. Her mental health had been under fire, but with Jaune she could let go. She could submit. She could be his little pet kitten, rather than the big bad leader of Menagerie. It was… perfect.

Even more so getting to watch Jaune breed Blake silly right in front of her. For the umpteenth time, Blake’s eyes roll back in her skull and her tongue lolls out of her mouth as she orgasms upon Jaune’s cock. For the umpteenth time, Jaune slams his hips into Blake’s ass, pulling back on the taut leash and choking her ever so slightly. But this time is special because this time, Jaune doesn’t pull back out.

Staying sheathed within Blake’s pussy, Jaune grunts and proceeds to unload his thick, sticky, salty, and most important of all, virile seed into Kali’s daughter. He fills and fills Blake, and Kali has no doubt in her mind that he’s just impregnated her daughter. But even if he hasn’t, it’s fine… after all, they have all weekend.

Blake doesn’t know that quite yet, but she’s not going to complain or refuse once she finds out. Kali has already worked it out with the rest of her daughter’s team… not only is Blake off the hook for hunter’s work, but also she and Blake get Jaune for the whole weekend with no interruptions. What fun~

Speaking of fun… as Jaune pulls out of Blake, he finally releases his hold on her leash. Kali’s daughter drops forward face first into the bed, panting and mewling like the well-sated bitch in heat she is. For now at least, Blake is satisfied… but it’s only a matter of time before she’ll be right back to begging for more. Before that happens, it’s Kali’s turn~

Jaune turns away from Blake’s creampied figure and Kali crawls forward, a wide, toothy grin on her face as she shakes her hips and moves across the bed to where he’s waiting for her. Reaching out, Jaune slides a hand through Kali’s short, wild locks, scratching behind her cat ears in a way that has the faunus MILF positively purring in approval.

At the same time, he reaches down with the other hand and scratches under her chin for a moment before taking hold of her leash and sliding it up and around. Wrapping it around his palm a few times, Jaune makes a fist and tugs sharply, yanking Kali into his crotch and forcing a gasp from her lips. She keeps them parted, happily sliding her mouth along the side of his messy shaft for a moment, slurping up the combined fluids of his and her daughter’s joining.

Moaning into his dick, sending vibrations reverberating up his cock, Kali’s eyes twinkle as Jaune groans in appreciation. Blake is a hot piece of ass, there’s no doubt about it. And she knows Jaune loves fucking her daughter. But Kali is a Grade A MILF with all the experience Blake is still gaining through these little outings of theirs.

She has a lot more control over her heat than Blake does as well, which is why she was capable of waiting her turn and giving Blake first go in the first place. But now… she doesn’t have to wait anymore. She doesn’t have to hold back anymore. As Jaune slackens the grip on her leash, Kali lets herself slowly slide back till his bulbous cockhead is resting upon her parted lips. Then, looking up at him needily… she lunges forward, opening wide at the same time and taking him all the way to the base in one go.

“Fuuuuck Kali~”

She hums as Jaune voices his fervent approval. No choking, no gagging, not even an errant gurgle. Just… swallowing. Blake hasn’t quite mastered this technique yet. But then, that’s what makes her the student and Kali the teacher. Swallowing continuously, Kali deep throats Jaune’s entire shaft without gagging a single time. She bobs up and down his length without hesitation or fear and takes every last inch of him into her gullet over and over again.

As a result, his cock is clean of his previous conquest in just a few moments. Kali keeps going after that of course, but only to take Jaune to the veritable edge. She might be wearing the collar; he might be holding the leash… but she was still a cat at heart.

Finally, Jaune growls at her, noticing what she’s doing and pulling her off of his cock.

“You fucking minx.”

Kali giggles, only to choke on her own spit when he shoves her onto her back. He still holds the leash, but he forces her legs apart with little fanfare and positions himself right at her sopping wet entrance. Her eyes zero in on where his cock is about to slide into her pussy and Kali’s heart thuds in her chest. She might be better at controlling her heat then her daughter, but now that she has that big fat juicy dick right at her cunt lips… there’s no holding back.

“Fuck me… fuckmefuckmefuckme!”

She spreads her legs and then bends them at the knees, pulling them back as she half-begs, half-chants the mantra. Jaune just snorts, watching her breasts heave with every breath and teasing her entrance with his dick tip for a moment. But only for a moment. He knows better than to make her wait for TOO long, for all their relationship is akin to that of a Master and his horny little Pet.

Slamming his hips forward, Jaune fills her with every last inch of his cock in one motion, causing Kali’s eyes to widen and then roll back in her skull as she cums HARD on the spot. It’s everything she wanted. It’s everything she’s been waiting for. Her entire body shudders beneath Jaune as he begins to fuck her, tugging on her leash at the same time. Her breasts bounce and jiggle with the jarring impact of his thrusts and her pussy walls clench and squeeze down around his pistoning prick rhythmically.

“My sex pet. My horny kitten. You planned this all out so you and your daughter could be impregnated together. Did you know… you’re not the first?”

Jaune’s musing tone doesn’t penetrate the haze at first, but those last four words hit Kali like a ton of bricks. Blinking rapidly and fighting through the pleasure that’s washing over her mind and threatening to drown her cognizant thoughts, the cat faunus looks up at Jaune owlishly.


Giving Kali a big, wide grin, Jaune chuckles.

“Two weeks ago, Willow brought Weiss over for this exact… same… thing.”

If there’s one thing Jaune knows about Kali outside of her enjoying just giving up control and submitting as his horny sex kitten, it’s her friendly rivalry with Willow Schnee. The two women are actually shockingly good friends given their backgrounds… but they’re also competitive as all hell and are liable to bite each other’s heads off if given half the opportunity.

At hearing Willow beat her to this, Kali freezes up for a second… before scowling and pouting up at him.

“N-Not about who does it f-first, Master~”

Her pussy walls rhythmically clench up and down his shaft as she suddenly reaches up and wraps her arms around his neck.

“It’s about who does it best~”

Then, she kisses him soundly, her tongue filling his mouth and forcing a response. Jaune kisses her back, of course. More than that, he dominates her tongue with his tongue in short order, and fucks her hard and fast, making it clear exactly who’s in charge here. Kali though is much more active than before, thrusting her hips into his pistoning cock and moaning up a storm into his mouth as she shudders in abject arousal.

She has something to prove now, and she goes about proving it, doing her level best to be the best fuck buddy and sex pet that she can possibly be. Jaune clearly enjoys it… he enjoys it immensely, his cock throbbing inside of her and Kali moaning into his mouth as he continues to jackhammer in and out of her pussy.

Its rough, sweaty, animalistic sex. Kali might still have a collar around her neck and Jaune might still have her leash in his hand, but he’s barely keeping control and they both know it. Not that Kali has any intention of going any further than this. She doesn’t want control. She doesn’t want to overwhelm the young man. Instead, the faunus MILF wants one thing and one thing only… babies and grandbabies… and if they get really lucky, before that bitch Willow and her slip of a daughter Weiss!

Of course, Kali doesn’t know that Willow all but guaranteed her and Weiss’ conception through the fertility drugs. She’s already ‘lost’ in that regard. But like she said, it’s not about who’s first, but rather who does it better.

With a loud groan, Jaune finally unloads inside of Kali Belladonna, filling the Chieftainess of Menagerie with his seed. Kali moans into his mouth, their tongues still wrestling as she clings to him for dear life. Her eyes roll up in her head and she cums one final time alongside her Master, like the good kitten she is.

And then… it’s over. Jaune pulls out and Kali flops back, panting heavily as she catches her breath. But it’s not really over. In fact, it’s just getting started. All weekend… they have all weekend together. And now that Kali knows Willow snuck on in and did the deed before she could… well, the faunus MILF just knows she’s gotta make this a weekend to remember for everyone involved.

Reaching over, she runs a hand through her daughter’s hair for a moment… before gripping down harshly and yanking Blake’s head up.

“Wake up, Blake. We’ve got a lot of work to do~”

Blake moans, but it’s a needy moan… meaning that her daughter is just as eager for the next round as Kali is~



Another fantastic chapter in the series! Well done!


I thought it was great, some Belladonna pet play is always welcome! I also was quite tickled pink by the idea of a rivalry between Willow and Kali.