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Themes: Willing Hypnosis, Master/Pet, Dom/Sub

Summary: Obviously he knew who Blake Belladonna was. He still wasn't sure why she picked him for this. He'd mentioned reading a bit about hypnosis one time in the cafeteria to his friends, mostly in the context of how hypnosis could be used to build good habits like training and break bad habits like overeating. Then, the next thing he knows, Blake Belladonna is cornering him in the hallway and demanding that he hypnotize her into being his obedient pet. Lucky him~


“You sure about this, Belladonna?”

“I’m the one who propositioned you, Black. The real question is, can you even do it?”

Cole Black straightens up at that, his competitive nature rearing its ugly head in the face of Blake Belladonna’s dry sarcastic tone. She’s doubting him, and admittedly the young man has always had a problem with doubters. Namely, he finds himself striving to prove them wrong, no matter what.

Though… this admittedly might be a taller order than he’s used to. Blake Belladonna was… well, most of Beacon knew about her and her team. They were a bunch of gorgeous young women who could also kick ass with the best of them. Unapproachable, most would argue. Cole certainly hadn’t thought he had a chance with any of the RWBY gals.

He’d just been minding his own business, chatting with his team about hypnosis, when Blake must have overheard him. And that led them to this moment after she’d cornered him in the hallway after a class and asked if he thought he could really hypnotize someone. Now they were both sitting in a small room that people could sign up for time in to study and what not away from their dorm rooms. And Cole was really going to do this.

“I can do it. I just… want to make sure we lay down ground rules or whatever. Any limits you don’t want me to pass?”

Rolling her eyes, the cat faunus sighs.

“The obvious ones, I suppose. Don’t make me hurt myself. Don’t make me publicly humiliate myself. Other than that… do what you want. I already told you, didn’t I? I want you to hypnotize me into being your obedient pet.”

She tries to say it nonchalantly, but she’s blushing by the end of things. Cole is too, just a little bit. He would have been happy just having a girlfriend… but Blake was way too kinky for something as vanilla as that. Though…

“Alright but if this does work, you’re going to have to be my girlfriend in public. Otherwise people might get suspicious about what we’re doing all alone together.”

Blake hesitates for a moment… before finally nodding.

“Fine. If it works.”

Then, she gives him a very pointed look, one that says ‘get on with it already’. Cole inhales and then exhales explosively. Time to do this. Fortunately, he had a bit more experience with hypnosis than anyone really knew, or this would probably have never worked. In fact, Cole Black had a secret he hadn’t ever told anyone… his Semblance was Hypnosis.

Not even the Beacon Faculty knew about that, seeing as he’d kept it hidden at all costs. In fact, him bringing up hypnosis with his team in the cafeteria had been him testing the waters… while also discussing the benefits of hypnosis that he’d learned from his research. Look, the thing was, Cole wasn’t a bad guy. He didn’t want to take away anyone’s agency. That was why he’d kept his Semblance under wraps and never used it again after accidentally making his sister do the dishes with it.

… But that didn’t mean he didn’t wish he COULD use it. He wouldn’t have done all that research into hypnosis if he didn’t want to one day make it part of his toolkit. It just sucked because it was useless against Grimm… but there were always human and faunus criminals, right? So maybe…

Ah, he was getting distracted. Regardless of all that, the fact was he now had a willing young woman in front of him who had a fetish for being hypnotized. And that meant he got to utilize his Semblance for the first time.

He starts by slowly snapping his fingers back and forth in front of Blake’s face.

“Eyes on my fingers. Focus on my voice. You are falling into a trance. You are relaxing. You are submitting.”

Blake wants it to work. The cat faunus wants this to work more than anything. She does everything he says. She focuses on his fingers and voice. Her shoulders slowly slump. But without his Semblance, Cole knows it wouldn’t ever truly work. With it though… he brings his fingers right to the middle and snaps them again, watching as Blake’s face suddenly goes slack. She’s in a trance now. She’s all his.

“Can you hear me, Blake?”

“… Yes…”

“Good. From now on when you’re in this state, you can call me Master. Because that’s what I am to you. Because deep down inside, all you want to be is my obedient pet.”

Something lights up in Blake’s eyes. Excitement, for sure. Her face heats up a bit and she even smiles slightly.

“Yes… Master… I am… Master’s obedient pet…”

It was just that easy, Cole realizes. More than that, he realizes how much power this truly is. He… he won’t ever use it for evil. He swears to himself right then and there that he won’t. In fact…

“Blake. Listen to me very carefully.”

The tranced cat faunus straightens up, both sets of her ears twitching in response to his order.

“Listening… Master.”

“If I ever hypnotize someone against their will or without their consent… I want you to stop me. By any means necessary. Do you understand?”

The look of determination that spreads across Blake’s tranced face is honestly cute. Adorable, really. She nods resolutely, even though she’s still entirely out of it.

“Understood… Master.”

Cole’s mouth is dry as he considers her for a moment.

“… Am I hypnotizing you against your will or without consent, pet?”

The head shake is slow but immediate.

“No… Master… this naughty… kinky sex kitten wanted to be hypnotized. She… consented.”

Straight from the mouth of babes. Blake couldn’t lie to him right now, he was pretty sure. Letting out a sigh of relief, Cole grins a little bit.

“… Fuck you’re sexy like this, pet. You’d be even sexier without your clothes on though. Take them all off. Now.”

Rising to her feet, Blake Belladonna strips naked right then and there. If anyone else could see them right now… well, the boys would be insanely jealous and so would some of the girls, Cole is pretty sure. But most of the girls would just try to kick his ass for ‘taking advantage’ of one of their own. Blake though… well, why not ask? After all, part of what made hypnosis hot was coming out of it.

Once Blake is fully naked and Cole has admired her body for a moment, he nods.

“Alright pet. Listen carefully. When I count back from ten and then snap my fingers, you will come out of trance. When I rub your ears and call you my kinky sex kitten, you will fall back into trance. Do you understand?”

“Yes Master.”

Cole quickly counts back from ten and snaps his fingers. The effect is immediate as Blake’s vacant expression immediately clears up and she blinks for a moment.

“Did it work, Master?”

Then she pauses, no doubt noticing herself calling him Master. Noticing that she’s naked takes place a moment later and she squawks as she belatedly covers herself and blushes profusely. Cole just grins.

“Yeah Blake, it worked.”

Scowling at him, Blake narrows her eyes.

“Then why did you pull me out of it you jerk?”

“Because this is hot too! The realization that you were hypnotized, that you’re completely at my mercy… the look on your face when you figured out you were naked?”

Blake blushes harder and harder as he speaks.

“T-That’s… o-okay… yeah, that is pretty hot…”

Cole just grins at her, knowing out of everyone that she would see things his way. They were two peas in a pod, he supposed. Both of them were kinky as fuck and loved hypnosis. Fuck, he never thought he’d find a woman as amazing as Blake.

“I’ll put you back under now, but first answer honestly… when you next come out of it, do you want to be filled with or covered in my cum?”

Blake freezes at the question for a moment before biting her lower lip and looking down.

“… C-Coat me please, Master… I’m not ready to be a mother yet.”

Yeah, that was more than fair. Nodding, Cole reaches over to the cat faunus and scratches her ears.

“Alright my kinky sex kitten, back under with you.”

The mortified, scandalized look Blake barely has time to give him before she’s in trance again makes Cole laugh loudly, even as she stands there swaying back and forth, now once more under hypnosis. He doesn’t leave her just standing there for long though.

“Kneel and bend over the couch, pet. I’m going to fuck you now.”

He couldn’t hold back any longer. His cock was straining against his pants and he quickly frees it from its confines as Blake does as she’s told, moving over to the couch. For a moment he does consider making use of her mouth first… but frankly, he can’t wait. He wants to jump straight to the main event. And besides, they’ll have all the time in the world for Blake to suck his cock going forward if they’re going to explore this consensual hypnosis to its fullest potential.

Once Blake is in position, Cole steps up behind her and runs his hands over her shapely ass before a sudden thought hits him.

“Wait… Blake, are you a virgin?”

“No Master… I had a previous lover… things ended poorly.”

Well damn, but at the same time, probably for the best. She would come out of this feeling whatever he put into it, and he didn’t want part of that to be the pain of her first time. With that in mind, Cole feels up Blake’s slit, pleasantly surprised to find that she’s already nice and wet for him. Grinning wickedly, the young man quickly lines up his throbbing cock.

“Already so fucking ready for me, aren’t you pet? Eager for your Master to fuck you…”

“Yessss Master~”

Without further ado, he sinks himself into Blake Belladonna’s depths. If you’d told him he’d be fucking Blake of all people back at the beginning of the year, he would have laughed in your face. She seemed so… unapproachable. And while yes, he had come to Beacon fully aware of the abusive potential of his Semblance, he’d had no intention of using it in that way. Ever.

Blake was only getting the hypnosis treatment because she’d asked for it, and now she existed as a check on his incredible power. If he ever stepped over the line, she would stop him… he’d quite literally hypnotized her so she would.

For now though… fuck is Blake tight. Tight, wet, and oh so hot. Her insides wrap around his dick snugly and Cole wastes no time whatsoever fucking her up against the couch. Said couch was supposed to be used for studying purposes, not for students to fornicate upon, but… what the Beacon Faculty didn’t know couldn’t hurt them, right? Besides, they had to have some idea of what went on in these rooms sometimes. And if they were supplying them anyways… well, Cole wasn’t about to pass up on such an opportunity.

Growling lustfully as Blake moans softly in monotone, Cole leans over her shuddering, quivering form and reaches around to grab hold of her tits and give them a good, hard squeeze. He massages and kneads her breasts even as his crotch meets her ass again and again. At this point, every last inch of his cock is slamming home into her pussy. He’s burying himself in her hot, wet depths and loving it all the way through.

Of course… he could make sure they both enjoy it even more, couldn’t he? And test the limits of his Semblance at the same time. Leaning forward, Cole whispers in Blake’s ear.

“Cum for me. Cum for me, pet.”

On command, Blake’s body jerks and spasms and she most definitely orgasms. A broad grin spreads across Cole’s face at this discovery. It seemed if her body was capable of it, he could make it happen, even if she couldn’t do it on command outside of the trance. That was something he was happy to make use of… judiciously.

“Cum. Cum. Cum.”

Blake moans wantonly and loudly as she cums over and over again for him. Cole groans right into her ear as he experiences the best sex ever, her insides constantly flexing and milking his cock for all they’re worth. It’s so good he almost forgets what she asked of him… but at the last second, he remembers to pull out.

“On your knees! Present yourself for a facial, pet!”

Yanking himself free of her cunt, Cole grabs Blake by the shoulders and spins her around. She moves with him thanks to his command, still in the trance as she kneels down before him. Her hands go up under her breasts and lift them up as though they’re on a silver platter, while her head tilts back and her tongue slips out as her mouth opens wide.

She looks… positively perfect and Cole finds himself unleashing his seed a moment later, exploding all over her face and tits as she offers herself up to be coated in his jizz. It is, hands down, the best orgasm of his life, truth be told. But when he’s done, there’s only one thing left to do…

“Ten… nine… eight…”

Counting all the way down to zero, Cole snaps his fingers and watches as the hypnotic trance breaks. Blake comes back to herself and blinks for a moment, staring up at him and his still throbbing cock before looking down at herself. The blush that spreads across her face goes all the way down to her chest as well, but after a moment she begins to scoop up his cum and bring it to her tongue, licking her fingers clean all too eagerly.

Cole’s dick twitches at this sight. He’s sure he’d been about to go soft again, but watching Blake happily and even greedily slurp up his seed without even being hypnotized… it’s hot as fuck. Finally, she looks to him again and smiles broadly.

“Thank you, Master. Thank you for making me your obedient little pet.”

Cole swallows thickly at the heartfelt tone and the clear happiness on Blake Belladonna’s eyes. That wasn’t him. That wasn’t the hypnosis talking. The cat faunus really was that kinky. Letting out a shuddering breath, he gives her a broad smile right back.

“You’re welcome, pet. Now… thank me properly. Not with words, but actions.”

Smiling perversely, Blake leans up on her knees and reaches out to grasp his cock around the base.

“Mm, of course… Master~”

She takes him into her mouth right there on the spot and while Cole is tempted to put her back under with a quick rub of her cat ears and the secret phrase, he refrains for the moment. There would always be plenty of time for more hypnosis later…



I wouldn't mind a continuation of this, maybe Weiss as smart as she is figures it out but instead of calling him out on it makes him use it on her.


I second this! This was a great story, and a continuation with Weiss would be awesome!

Collar Spider

This turned out perfect, love how you handled the themes