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Themes: Dom/Sub, Cock Worship, Exhibitionism

Summary: Part 2 of Power & Prestige. Based on this image. Rosalyne's rival was snarky, domineering... and enviously aroused. One thing led to another, and so Markus found himself negotiating with her while Rosalyne eagerly serviced him. His submissive elf was his and his alone, but he wasn't opposed to a... hierarchy of lovers. So long as he remained on top. Surely being a 'concubine with disciplinary privileges' was agreeable? 


The sounds of quiet sucking and slurping fill the room, their source evident as Markus looks down at his crotch with a furrowed brow. There, Rosalyne Feybright, High Elf Noble and his own personal concubine by choice, kneels between his legs and dutifully bobs her head up and down on his cock. Her shimmering white locks, glistening with the colors of the rainbow, move back and forth with her efforts as her knife-like ears twitch.

Finally sighing, Markus looks up from Rosalyne to the person he’s actually having a meeting with, reaching up to rub his forehead for a moment before speaking.

“… Let me see if I have this right. You sought out this meeting with me because you wish to negotiate the right to make use of my concubine for your own purposes… is that right?”

Sitting across from his, Drusilla Darkstone looks out from under the brim of her purple witch’s hat and smirks easily. One leg crossed over the other, the Dark Elf cuts an imposing figure compared to her currently naked High Elf counterpart. She sits primly and properly, but with an air of danger to her… but then to be fair, Dark Elves were said to have a mean streak that High Elves tended to lack.

“That’s exactly right. I’m ready to offer you quite a lot for this, human. I won’t have that bitch Rosalyne slipping through my fingers in this way.”

Markus raises an eyebrow at Drusilla’s words, but a glance down at Rosalyne shows the High Elf barely cares what the Dark Elf has said about her. Indeed, Rosalyne seems to be paying barely any attention to their conversation at all, focused on sucking her Master’s cock to the best of her abilities. Her worshipful attitude seems to grate on Drusilla a little bit as she’s ignored by the other elven woman.

He’s far from convinced though.

“What exactly does that mean? In what way do you feel she’s slipping through your fingers? And how precisely do you wish to make use of her?”

Gritting her teeth, her fingers clutching at her skirt, Drusilla hisses.

“She throws herself at your feet in order to escape me, human. I was already nipping at her heels. It wouldn’t have been much longer before I surpassed her and then she would have become mine, as she is now yours. I seek only to right this wrong. I understand that she is your concubine… but I ask that you grant me some time with her every now and then. Time to own her. Time to put her in her place and make sure she knows I am her better!”

… Oh. Now Markus thinks he’s starting to understand. Though it all sounds a little farfetched still. Drusilla clearly saw herself as Rosalyne’s rival. But he had never heard of such a thing until now, which in his eyes implied that the rivalry was entirely one-sided. Indeed, looking down into Rosalyne’s eyes, he can see that the High Elf is rather ambivalent on the matter. She’s still paying Drusilla barely any mind, focusing solely on her task at hand like the good little concubine she is.

For a few seconds of silence interspersed only with the suckling slurping sounds coming from between his legs, Markus contemplates Drusilla’s offer. To be fair, the amount of resources she was promising him was nothing to scoff at. And she wasn’t asking him to submit to her either like Rosalyne had, so he WAS slightly more inclined to take Drusilla upon on her offer.

Only… when it really came down to it, he simply didn’t want to. Thinking about it all from a logical and rational point of view, he should definitely agree to Drusilla’s deal. It wasn’t like he’d even set out to make Rosalyne his concubine in the first place. But even if that wasn’t his original plan… he found himself attached to her all the same. His rational mind was saying yes, but his emotions were saying no. And Markus… Markus found himself listening to the latter over the former this time.


Even Rosalyne is caught off guard by his answer, pausing briefly before returning to her duties with renewed vigor. Drusilla, meanwhile, goes wide-eyed at his blunt rejection.

“N-No? What do you mean, n-no? Human, I am offering you-!”

“Do you even know my name?”

Drusilla’s face immediately goes blank as she hesitates. Not quite shamefully, but more like she’s covering it up.

“… I…”

“Exactly. Even though I surpassed Rosalyne and therefore surpassed you, you still don’t know who I am. So why should I entertain your offer when Rosalyne is MINE. My conquest. My bitch.”

A shiver runs down the Dark Elf’s spine at that, even as down below Rosalynne begins to bob up and down on his cock even harder.

“You would… you would reject my most generous offer? I acknowledge the highborn bitch is yours! All I want is a small taste from time to time! I would-!”


The finality in his words makes something ugly appear in Drusilla’s expression. She’s starting to get truly angry with him. She can’t do anything in this moment, but he tenses up all the same. However, what happens next… it’s not like he planned it. It’s all Rosalyne’s fault, really. Her efforts finally bear fruit and Markus lets out an involuntary groan as he tips over the edge right as Drusilla’s fury reaches a boiling point.

What was no doubt about to be quite the tirade from the Dark Elf is cut off when Rosalyne pulls back off of his cock with a pop in order to take his load all over her pale, pearl-like skin. His seed covers her from forehead to breast, coating her liberally as she jacks him off onto her face and tits. According to Rosalyne, his mana-enriched cum was the perfect lotion for a High Elf like her, and she wastes no time in massaging his jizz into her flesh.

Coming down from his pleasure high, Markus focuses back on the elephant in the room, expecting Drusilla to be even angrier now. Instead, he’s surprised to see that the Dark Elf is no longer looking quite so furious. Instead she’s staring, gobsmacked and in awe… down at his now exposed cock. To be fair, his dick had already been in Rosalyne’s mouth and down her tight little throat before Drusilla had entered the room, so this is her first time seeing it in all its glory.

Markus raises an eyebrow and is about to ask Drusilla if she likes what she sees, when the Dark Elf surprises him by speaking first.

“H-How about another deal then! One more favorable to you! I shall become your concubine alongside my rival… on the condition that I am above her in hierarchy within your burgeoning harem!”

… Wait what? Markus furrows his brow in honest consternation. What the fuck was Drusilla talking about? Becoming his concubine? Hierarchy? Burgeoning harem? He only had one concubine right now and he certainly wasn’t planning on taking any others! On the other hand… she was serious, wasn’t she? He could see it in her face. She was seriously offering herself up on a silver platter just like Rosalyne did. Were all elves mad?

“… You would be my second concubine. By all rights, Rosalyne should have seniority as my first.”

Drusilla grits her teeth at that, clawing at her skirt even more vigorously than before.

“Y-Yes well… that is my sole condition for becoming your concubine. I MUST be above Rosalyne in authority… but I will also be below you. I will… belong to you and be open for you to use whenever you like, just like my rival. Only… w-when you use us together, I must be allowed to discipline Rosalyne as I see f-fit!”

Markus wouldn’t lie. This offer was much more enticing than the last. There was just one other person it felt wrong to leave out of the conversation. Glancing down at Rosalyne, Markus prepares to ask her opinion… only to find himself making eye contact with the High Elf and realizing… she truly doesn’t care. She’s a submissive little elf slut who LIKES being dominated.

She clearly didn’t see Drusilla as her rival, but she also didn’t mind if the Dark Elf got his permission to ‘punish’ or ‘discipline’ her. Nor would she care if she found herself under the other young woman in the ‘hierarchy’. Because at the end of the day, Rosalyne just wanted to be fucked.

“… Fine. But don’t think you get to wiggle out of this by claiming it’s unofficial. If we’re doing this… we’re doing this right.”

Drusilla bites her lower lip as she glances from his face to his cock, to Rosalyne, and back to his face again before hesitantly nodding.



They do it out in the Academy’s main courtyard. Plenty of people around to watch them. By this point, everyone knows about Rosalyne Feybright’s status as Markus’ concubine. So no one is all that surprised to see him leading the High Elf Noble out into the courtyard on a leash. They do all note Drusilla Darkstone with him however, and as she follows him and Rosalyne over to a nearby bench, plenty of onlookers stop to watch, sensing something momentous occurring.

Blushing profusely, but seemingly unwilling to back down even now, Drusilla reaches up and removes her cloak… only to reveal that she’d stripped naked before coming out here with him. Underneath the cloak, the Dark Elf is wearing nothing but a pair of panties… and of course, her wide-brimmed witch’s hat atop her head. With her small breasts on display alongside her lithe body, Drusilla looks around with a smug smirk fixed upon her face.

It’s obvious she knows just how hot she is, and she relishes in the stares she’s getting as she bares all. Hooking a thumb into the waistband of her panties, she begins tugging them away from her body, even as she speaks in a loud, clear tone.

“I, Drusilla Darkstone of House Darkstone, do declare myself concubine to the Wizard Markus! As per our arrangement, I shall be his Prime Concubine, first in his bed and anywhere else he deems fit to take me.”

Hushed whispers break out all over the courtyard as Drusilla ‘seals’ the deal so to speak by finally pulling hard enough on her panties to rip them clear off her body. Handing the ruined silk underthings over to Markus, he takes them with a nod and then puts them in his pocket before handing her Rosalyne’s leash in turn.

Eyes lighting up with excitement, Drusilla doesn’t waste any time. Her empty hand immediately grabs hold of Rosalyne’s pale, rainbow locks and yanks the High Elf into her crotch, forcing Rosalyne to begin eating her out right there in front of everyone watching.

“Yesss… you stuck up little bitch… at long last, you must recognize me as your better…”

Rosalyne just hums, seeming to be unbothered by the dynamic. She laps at Drusilla’s cunt just as dutifully as she would suck at Markus’ cock. Speaking of which… as hot as watching his two concubines go at it is, Markus would be remiss if he didn’t do some sealing the deal of his own at this point. Freeing his throbbing member from its confines, he steps up behind Drusilla and grabs her by the shoulders, forcing her to turn herself and Rosalyne around.

With this, Rosalyne has her back to the bench… and Markus can easily bend Drusilla over both the top of Rosalyne’s head and the bench itself. The Dark Elf’s hands come down on the stone bench and she gasps as Markus displaces Rosalynne’s tongue with his fingers instead. The High Elf is forced to focus on her self-proclaimed rival’s clit and outer lips while Markus fingers Drusilla to his heart’s content for a moment.

Everyone watching gets a nice view as the stuck up Dark Elf doesn’t say so much as a word in protest of this treatment. Indeed, Drusilla is soon softly moaning as she shudders and shivers bent over Rosalyne’s kneeling form. Finally, when Markus can take it no longer, he replaces his fingers for his cock. Grabbing Drusilla by the hips, he drags her backwards into his thrusting member and pierces the Dark Elf’s pussy with his length.

A loud, lewd cry splits the courtyard in twain as Markus fills Drusilla up with his big fat human cock. She follows up her cry with wanton moaning brought about by his inability to hold back. Once inside of her, he fucks Drusilla hard and fast right from the get-go, causing her to bounce and shake and jolt in a visually pleasing manner upon his dick.

Not only is he enjoying himself immensely, but everyone else is clearly enjoying the show as well. Let them. Markus has no problem letting all of the onlookers watch, so long as they know not to touch. Drusilla is his now, just the same as Rosalyne. If you’d told Markus a few months ago that he would one day have two elves eagerly servicing his cock with their bodies, and publicly no less, he would have laughed at you.

But here they were all the same. Markus wasn’t the kind of guy who wouldn’t take advantage of such a thing. Reaching up and around, he grabs on to Drusilla’s small breasts and pulls her back against his chest off of the bench. Squeezing and kneading her chest in his palms, Markus drills Drusilla hard and fast for everyone to see, forcing her up on to her tip toes in the process.

At the same time, the Dark Elf keeps her grip on Rosalyne’s leash, having wrapped it around her hand several times so she can pull it taut. Though, with Drusilla’s cunt now occupied fully by Markus’ cock, Rosalyne can only continue to lick and suckle at the Dark Elf’s clit, while also lapping at his pistoning prick, nuzzling and suckling on his bouncing balls.

Drusilla Darkstone’s moaning cries fill the courtyard for a good long while as she spasms and shakes, climaxing quite a few times on his dick in front of quite the large crowd of onlookers. There hadn’t been nearly as many people in the library when Markus had first taken Rosalyne, but of course he’d been sure to make use of his High Elf Concubine in more public avenues since then.

Finally, after making sure he gives a good showing, Markus lets out a hoarse groan and proceeds to creampie Drusilla on the spot. Filling her up in front of all of their classmates and then pulling out of her so he can push her to her knees and make her clean him up. She does of course, dutifully sucking his cock clean… but at the same time, she also drags Rosalyne in, taking hold of her hair and forcing her to focus entirely on his balls.

The hierarchy established for all to see; Markus can tell that Drusilla is content with the state of affairs. So is Rosalyne, despite her being relegated to the bottom of the totem pole. He’s quite satisfied as well… but then of course he is. He’s the one on top, after all.


joshua goodwin

I would love to see a wood elf


Bravo! I was very happy to see another chapter to "Power & Prestige", would I come across as greedy if I still want another? Thanks for the chapter!

Josh Snider

How can you go two chapters without impregnation? Inconceivable!


This is probably going to start a cascading effect of female elves begging to become Marcus' concubines