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Themes: Threesome, Rough Sex, Fucked Silly

Summary: Part 10 of Preemptive Action. After putting Tsuyu in her place, Izuku and company decide to reward Setsuna for being so patient. However, before they can get started Mina pops up out of nowhere and demands another round with Izuku. While a little overwhelmed by just how much attention he's now getting it, Izuku agrees to it; especially with his girlfriends egging him on. 


As Izuku focuses on Setsuna Tokage, having fully put Tsuyu in her place, he can tell that the dark-haired young woman is equal parts nervous and excited for this. And unlike Tsuyu, she knows right where she belongs. She proves as much when she sinks to her knees at his approach, putting herself at eye level with his cock. Reaching up and grasping it with both hands, Setsuna opens her mouth wide with clear intent to take him past her lips and-

“Izuku Midoriya!”

Everyone jolts as someone new shows up out of nowhere. Hands on her hips, Mina Ashido bursts onto the scene with a great big grin on her inhumanly pink face. Her alien-like eyes are filled with excitement as she immediately zeroes in on him and points a finger in his direction.

“I tracked you here for one purpose and one purpose only! To-!”

But then she cuts herself off, going silent as she realizes it’s not just Izuku. Her eyes notice Momo and Itsuka first, both of them looking on rather nonplussed and unimpressed. Then, she sees Tsuyu’s passed out body on the floor, freshly fucked and still twitching and trembling from how hard Izuku had railed her. Finally, she notices Setsuna on her knees before Izuku, blinking dumbly in surprise.

“Ah. Well then, it seems I’m interrupting something aren’t I?”

Izuku, still reeling from Mina’s arrival, can’t even muster up a response. Fortunately, Momo is able to in his stead, her tone undeniably dry as she huffs and crosses her arms over her chest.

“Yes Mina. You are.”

For a moment, the outgoing alien girl has the good grace to look abashed. But only for a moment. Then she’s all grins again as she plants her hands on her hips.

“Hah! Well it’s not like we’re any stranger to threesomes with one another, Izuku! So I’m sure you won’t mind including me in that bit of fun you’re about to have with Setsuna~”

Without waiting for permission, Mina proceeds to all but tear her school uniform off, pulling it from her body way too quickly and stripping naked before anyone can so much as muster up a response. Then, naked as can be and wearing nothing but her birthday suit, the pink-skinned young woman saunters over and drops to her knees right beside Setsuna, giving the wide-eyed girl a bright, sunny grin.

“You don’t mind, do you Tokage?”

Hands still wrapped around Izuku’s cock, Setsuna looks between his member and Mina, stuttering and stammering.

“I… I-I…”

Izuku is just about to step in and tell Mina she has to wait her turn, regardless of how overwhelming her presence is… but before he can do so, Momo is suddenly at his side whispering in his ear.

“Go along with it… and put them both in their place. Mina needs to be taught a lesson just like Kyoka, just like Tsuyu.”

When Momo put it like that… Izuku supposed his girlfriend was right. Of course, not to be left out, Itsuka is soon on his other side, whispering into his other ear.

“Show them whose boss, Izuku. Both of them.”

Well, with his two girlfriends acting like a pair of devils on his shoulders, how is he supposed to say no? Though part of Izuku can’t help but wondering where the angel is, all things considered. Regardless, reaching out he slides a hand through both Setsuna and Mina’s hair, drawing their eyes up to him. Gazing down at them with his best imperious look, Izuku doesn’t hesitate.

“Get to work.”

Mina grins wickedly while Setsuna blushes profusely, but both immediately obey him. Leaning forward, they begin to work their tongues all along his cock and balls, sliding their lips along either side of his member. Izuku groans, firming up his grip on their hair but not quite guiding them for the time being. Instead he lets them both go at their own pace.

Obviously, Mina has more confidence to her actions, while Setsuna is more nervous. Both are eager to please, but Mina is the only one of the two who’s actually been with him before. Setsuna has only ever watched and it shows. Realizing this, the heroine in training eventually decides to up the ante so to speak. Making eye contact with Izuku directly, Setsuna proceeds to disconnect her head from her body.

Izuku can’t help but be a little impressed as he suddenly feels her free floating head in his hand. There’s something to be said about having a weightless head slurping and kissing up and down your member. A head you can manipulate in any way you want without having to worry about hurting the neck or the rest of the body through whiplash or anything like that.

Technically, the best use of Setsuna’s Quirk in this fashion would be to guide her head down between his legs and have her attend to his nut sack. But that ignores the context of the situation. This was supposed to be Setsuna’s time and Mina had barged in on that. As his girlfriends kept whispering into his ear, she needed to be taught a lesson.

That’s why Izuku ultimately directs Mina to under his ball sack, forcing the inhumanly pink girl to turn around and lean backwards on her hands so he can effectively teabag her. As she gurgles and slobbers all over his balls without complaint however, Izuku lets go of her hair and instead takes hold of Setsuna’s floating head with both hands.

Her eyes are filled with joy and excitement as he proceeds to pull her down his cock, filling her mouth with his member. He eventually hits empty air on the other end, which is undeniably a strange sensation… but not entirely terrible. Setsuna has to have one of the weirder Quirks Izuku has ever seen, but there’s no denying its versatility. Especially in sex.

With just a head, she doesn’t really have a gag reflex, but that doesn’t stop her mouth from being hot and wet or her throat from being tight as it convulses around his member. Groaning, Izuku uses Setsuna’s disembodied head like an onahole, thrusting her up and down his member without fail back and forth.

Of course, he’s fully aware it can’t last forever. Setsuna has to eventually rejoin her body together or be forced to regenerate the missing pieces. They’re on a time table. But that just means Izuku doesn’t hold back. And with Mina’s mouth on his balls and Setsuna’s head on his cock, he doesn’t have to worry too much about lasting long. They feel absolutely amazing and it’s not long at all before he lets out a heartfelt groan and begins to cum.

Of course, where does he cum? Not quite in Setsuna’s mouth, but rather through her mouth. In the end, because of their positioning, his seed winds up splattering all over Mina’s front, covering her alien-pink body from her heaving, shuddering chest all the way down to her quivering, trembling quim. He groans as he empties his balls out through Setsuna’s head onto Mina’s body, finding it to be hands down one of the most surreal experiences of his life.

Once he’s done, he lets go of Setsuna, allowing the raven-haired young woman to pull back and reattach her head to her kneeling form. She gasps a bit breathlessly after doing so, even as Izuku steps back to let Mina pull herself back up into a kneeling position as well. As a result, the two girls wind up facing one another for a moment, with Setsuna panting heavily and Mina covered in Izuku’s cum. They stare at one another… and then much to both Mina and Izuku’s surprise, Setsuna lunges forward and tackles the pink-skinned woman to the ground.


Setsuna cuts Mina’s protests off with a tongue-filled kiss before pulling back to growl at her.

“S-Shut up. You don’t get to talk, not when you’re barging in on my Izuku time!”

Izuku tilts his head to the side at that, even as Mina whines… and then squeals when Setsuna lowers her mouth to one of Mina’s cum-covered breasts and gives it a rough bite. The raven-haired heroine in training is none too gentle about it either, gnawing at Mina’s teat while sucking her boob clean of Izuku’s cum.

On either side of him, Momo and Itsuka watch on for a moment. Finally, Momo makes a noise in her throat.

“Huh. Didn’t know Setsuna had it in her…”

On his other side, Itsuka just chuckles.

“She definitely has it in her. But what she deserves is to have some Izuku inside of her, don’t you think~”

Momo nods at that.

“Mm. Itsuka is right. Go get her, tiger.”

With that, his two girlfriends push him forward. Izuku doesn’t quite stumble, but he does pause for a moment once he leaves their arms. His cock is still rock hard of course, but he still hesitates as he tries to decide how he wants to handle this. In front of him, Mina is pinned under Setsuna, with the latter girl using her Quirk to split up her body and restrain Mina in a multitude of ways. Mina could probably break free if she wanted to… but she’s too busy moaning and wriggling and writhing as Setsuna tries to clean off his cum from her pink body.

Finally, Izuku makes his move. Circling around the pair of naked girls, he kneels behind them both and grabs Setsuna by her hips. As soon as she feels his touch, she reforms her body properly, reconnecting all of the pieces. Then, she thrusts her ass and cunt in his direction. Needless to say, Izuku wastes no time in sliding forward… but rather than penetrating just Setsuna, he thrusts his cock between her gushing wet pussy and Mina’s as well.

Both women moan at this, shuddering from the feel of his rock hard throbbing member pulsing and pushing between their sexes. Of course, Mina has already had a turn with him before now. Setsuna, meanwhile, is still virginal as far as Izuku knows. That’s why, after hot dogging their cunts with his cock for a few moments, Izuku pulls back… and finally thrusts forward right into Setsuna’s drooling quim.

Tossing her head back, Setsuna lets out a lustful cry as Izuku claims her virginity. Though even as he feels her hymen tear, he finds himself wondering if it’ll actually stick. Setsuna’s Quirk comes with powerful regeneration. Is it possible that her virginity will repair itself given enough time?

Well, for the time being at least, it doesn’t regenerate between one thrust in the next thankfully. Unless Setsuna turned out to be a total masochist, that would have ruined their fun considerably. As it is, while she does let out a short cry from the sharp pain of initially losing her virginity to his big fat cock, she follows it up with plenty of wanton moaning and groaning as Izuku fucks her from behind.

He’s fully intending to split his attention equally between her and Mina, by the way. Izuku’s initial plan was to fuck Setsuna for a couple minutes and then switch to Mina for the same amount of time, transitioning back and forth between the two girls until he finally cums… hopefully after making them both cum buckets first of course.

That doesn’t happen. Why? Because just a few thrusts into Setsuna and suddenly, the girl’s upper half separates from her lower half. Izuku doesn’t immediately notice this… until she suddenly floats up, spins around, and wraps her arms around his neck, pressing her breasts to his chest and slamming her lips into his mouth.

Izuku’s eyes widen as he finds himself in a lover’s embrace with a girl he’s effectively fucking doggystyle. To say that it’s a unique experience would be the understatement of the century. He’s making out with Setsuna while also clutching at her hips and driving his entire cock into her hungering, clenching twat. His crotch is slamming into her ass with bruising force, making her moan wantonly into his mouth from the pleasure even as she continues to cling to him for dear life.

Eventually though, she pulls back, holding him by the shoulders. As her upper body floats there, she looks Izuku in the eye, her face contorting in pleasure.

“P-Please… h-harder. F-Fuck me harder! Nnngh, y-yes! Cumming… CUMMING!”

Izuku gets to watch in real time as Setsuna’s eyes go crossed and her tongue sticks straight out of her mouth… all while driving his cock into her from behind. Only one girl in the world can do this while being fucked doggystyle, and its Setsuna Tokage. Needless to say, he can’t get enough. His plans to alternate between her and Mina go right out the window.

In fact, Mina herself seems to realize this after a little bit. But rather than get upset, the pink-skinned young woman merely changes positions. Slipping out from under Setsuna’s lower half now that her upper half is too occupied to keep her pinned down, Mina shuffles herself around until she can slide her head right back under both of their crotches.

Izuku can tell the moment she’s in position, because Setsuna’s eyes widen as Mina begins to lick and nibble at her defenseless clit. Meanwhile, Izuku groans when Mina slides her tongue over his swinging balls whenever they come to rest on her nose as well.

The alien-like girl is a team player if he’s ever met one. She really knows how to put the three in threesome, Izuku reflects. She just wants to be involved at the end of the day, and if that means being the fluffer and the bottom of the threesome, then that’s apparently A-Okay with Mina.

In the end, he doesn’t have to put her in her place like with Kyoka and Tsuyu. Mina is happy right where she is. Setsuna, meanwhile… she’s just as happy. And Izuku can’t deny that the feel of fucking her lower half like it’s the most realistic and lifelike onahole in existence while also getting to kiss her and watch her face contort in pleasure… it’s a treat like no other.

They share another lover’s embrace as he continues to pound her pussy doggystyle, and Izuku gets to enjoy the way Setsuna cums for him again and again, moaning and squealing into his mouth all the while. Finally though, he finds himself tipping over the edge and cumming deep inside of the young woman, her eyes rolling back in her head in response. If it were possible, there would likely be hearts in her pupils as he cums and cums inside of her, filling her to the brim with his seed and then some.

Mina gets a treat of her own in the process as his jizz overflows out of Setsuna’s cunt, coating the other girl’s face. She takes it in stride, slurping down the leftovers and swallowing every last drop.

Finally, Setsuna has to pull away from him and reconnect her body parts together. Izuku pulls out of her cunt then and slowly rises to his feet, even as Mina locks her legs around Setsuna’s head and pulls the other girl into a sixty-nine.

He never would have thought that his relationship with Momo would turn into all of this. What had started as a monogamous boyfriend-girlfriend romance had become something straight out of a hentai doujin. But admittedly… Izuku wouldn’t change any of it for anything in the world…



Silly Izuku, Momo is the Angel in this Angel-Devil situation. Probably Fallen, but eh who cares about that?


I'm hoping Uraraka tells a certain 🔞 hero about this PDA.


Love this series!