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Themes: Dom/Sub, Anal Sex, Breeding

Summary: Part 2 of Fangirling Spider-Man. Jessica’s had some fun teasing Spidey since their rooftop encounter, but nothing else has happened between them despite her attraction and admiration for him growing with each day. But when she hears some concerning rumors after he starts wearing a strange (yet very sexy) black suit, the PI decides to investigate her hero’s recent actions. And while she was certainly impressed with him the first time, nothing could have prepared Jessica for this newly aggressive and fully dominant Spider-Man when he tracks her back to her apartment. 


“W-Wait, p-please don’t!”

“Shut up, bitch. Quit your struggling or I’ll give you something to really cry about!”

“N-NO! Please, someone help m-mmph!”

Jessica Jones is already moving before her brain even truly catches up with what her ears are hearing. Racing down the street towards the alley her enhanced hearing picked up those words from, the Private Investigator is just about to burst onto the scene when she hears a familiar voice and skids to a stop instead.

“Let her go.”

“Oh fuck, Spider-Man! You-!”


Breath hitching, Jessica peeks into the alley just in time to see the man sliding down a wall, having been pulled off the girl and thrown clear by Spider-Man himself. Except this isn’t your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man anymore. Gone is the red and blue costume he’d become so known for. Now… now he’s in all black, with white and silver lines to present the old webbing pattern he’d had before.

“T-Thank you… thank you so much!”

“Don’t sweat it. Get out of here.”

“Y-Yes sir!”

The would-be victim hurries on her way, barely any worse for wear. Her clothes haven’t even been torn, though she certainly looks disheveled and shaken as she hurries past Jessica without even noticing her. Meanwhile, in the alley…

“Wait! I give up! I surrender! Just web me up and leave me here for the po-gurk!”

Spider-Man buries his fist in the man’s gut and Jessica can’t help but wince when she hears ribs crack under the force of the blow. Not that the bastard doesn’t deserve it for what he’d been trying to do to that girl.

“Yeah, sorry, I don’t bother with that shit anymore. The police have their place and all… but they can’t be everywhere at once, can they? More than that, they can’t exactly arrest you if there’s no evidence of a crime, can they? And seeing how I already had the girl leave, I guess I just have to let you go.”

Wide-eyed, the would-be criminal looks up at Spider-Man in shock.




With a single kick, Spider-Man knocks the man out, but not before sending teeth flying everywhere and almost certainly dislocating if not fracturing his jaw. As the bastard slumps down unmoving, the black-suited hero looms over for a moment… and then looks up, directly to the mouth of the alley. Jessica barely pulls back in time, listening carefully for a second longer before hearing the telltale thwip of the webslinger leaving the scene and ascending back to the rooftops.

… She doesn’t bother sticking around to make sure the guy Spider-Man just beat up is alright. Scum like him deserved everything coming to them and more. Still, as she thrusts her hands into the pockets of her leather jacket and starts making her way home, Jessica Jones finds herself deep in thought.

It’d been about six months now since she and Spider-Man had their rooftop encounter together. And while they’d had a couple of run-ins with one another since, nothing else had happened between them… in spite of Jessica wanting it to. Indeed, her admiration and therefore her attraction to the young hero had only grown with each passing day.

But then about two weeks ago she’d started to hear certain concerning rumors through the grapevine. She’d heard that Spider-Man had started wearing a strange, but sexy black suit. And she’d heard that he was getting more aggressive with criminals. Still a hero, still a savior of the weak and helpless and defenseless… but with very little fucks to give when it came to sparing the baseline humans he found himself fighting.

Tonight had certainly proved that, but Jessica didn’t really know how to feel about it all exactly. Should she be upset that Spider-Man wasn’t quite the beacon of righteousness and light she’d looked up to anymore? But he was still doing good. And scum of the earth like that guy back there didn’t deserve mercy anyways.

Reaching her office and apartment, Jessica fishes out her key and unlocks the door, slipping inside and moving towards the desk to get out the bottle of liquor she has stashed in a drawer. However, just as she’s pulling the drawer open, a voice calls out to her, making her leap back in honest shock.

“Following me, Jessica?”

How had he done that?! There, looming in the shadows of her apartment, is Spider-Man. Still dressed in that new all-black costume, he tilts his head to the side as he slowly approaches her. Jessica’s heart begins to hammer in her chest, even as she pushes the desk drawer closed and flushes a little bit.

“Just… checking up, Spidey.”

He huffs at that, even as he gets ever closer. Part of her almost wants to back away. For a moment her instincts are screaming at her that he’s a predator and she’s his prey. But… that’s ridiculous. On so many levels. Jessica holds her ground and Spider-Man… Spider-Man circles around her desk until he’s right in front of her.

“Yeah? Worried about me?”

Jessica swallows thickly as he cuts to the heart of the matter. But before she can answer, he’s suddenly pulling her in, surprising her. He’s stronger than last time. Or maybe he was just holding back. She’s not used to men being able to manhandle her, truth be told. She’s used to being the strongest person in a room, most of the time.

“Something the matter? Last time… you told me I didn’t have to be careful with you. You told me how strong you were. You told me that you can handle whatever I have to throw at you. Is that still true, Jessica?”

His voice is the same, but his demeanor is almost completely different. Where is the nervous young man she’d felt somewhat guilty for seducing all those months ago? Where’s the guy that’s only half her age and had to be coaxed out of his shell before he turned out to be a freak in the sheets?

“I’m… h-how do I even know you’re the same Spider-Man?”

He literally just repeated her own words from their night together back to her, so Jessica knows how stupid her question is. But rather than get angry with her, Spider-Man just tilts his head to the side again for a moment… and then suddenly, his costume melts away. Jessica blinks dumbly as the black and white costume just straight up peels back off of him, almost seeming to meld into his skin.

Suddenly, there’s a young man with brown hair and blue eyes standing in front of her. His youthful visage is counterbalanced by his height and musculature, however. Underneath that suit is the most fit, toned male body that Jessica has ever seen. The perfect amount of muscle without it becoming body builder worthy. The perfect masculine physique.

“My name’s Peter, Jessica. Peter Parker. And I’m the same guy who you let fuck your ass six months ago. I’m just better than I was before. In every possible way.”

Down below, as if reacting to his words, Peter’s cock twitches and rises between his legs. Soon enough, his massive member is pointed directly at her, prodding at her belly button between their bodies as Jessica shivers. Before she can formulate a response, Peter growls lustfully and leans forward, capturing her lips with his own.

She lets him. It’s not like he really proved he was the same man. She didn’t know he was Peter Parker before now. But at the same time… in her heart of hearts, she knows this is Spider-Man. The one and only. And… she kind of likes his new domineering attitude. She likes it a lot.

A muffled moan leaves her lips only to be swallowed up by Peter’s mouth as he dominates her tongue with his own, wrestling it into submission. He’s still holding her in that impossibly strong grip, but her hands are free to reach down and grab hold of his cock, stroking his length up and down where it’s pulsating with need between them.

This continues on for a few moments until Peter pulls back, leaving Jessica gasping for air. His eyes slide up and down her body and he lets out another growl.

“Take off whatever you don’t want to lose, Jessica. Because I can’t be held responsible for anything that gets in the way of what I’m about to do with you.”

Jessica’s eyes are wide as she sees the utter conviction in Peter’s gaze. Unwilling to break eye contact, the PI quickly shucks off her leather jacket and then her jeans. She stops there though, not bothering with the shirt or her panties and bra. That brings a gleefully savage grin to Peter’s face and he wastes no time grabbing hold of her by the hips and spinning her around.

A somewhat uncharacteristic and thoroughly undignified squeak comes from Jessica’s lips as she’s subsequently bent over her own desk by the stronger young man. Her panties are ripped off of her body a moment later and then shoved into her mouth, humiliatingly enough. But Peter doesn’t let her spit them out, instead covering her mouth with his hand as he explains.

“Wouldn’t want to alert the neighbors, right?”

Normally she would disagree… but then he takes that cock of his and prods NOT her cunt, but her asshole. Jessica’s eyes widen all over again and Peter barely hesitates before shoving his dick right up her ass. She’s expecting it to hurt, especially without lubrication… except Peter’s cock IS lubricated somehow. She doesn’t know how; all she did was jerk him off a bit. But his dick is wet and slimy while it slams home into her ass and while her backdoor might not have been ready for it… Jessica’s squeals are only a fraction of the volume they should have been thanks to the panties and that strange lube.

Peter grunts and groans and eventually settles for grabbing her by the shoulders as he jackhammers into her, plowing her bent over form against her desk. Jessica has to admit… he certainly knows how to treat a woman. The roughness and brutality is unexpected, but the domination… that feels good. She likes being treated like Spider-Man’s own personal butt-slut. She loves the thought of being a form of stress relief for New York’s greatest superhero.

Maybe that’s how she can help him. She might not fully understand where the change in personality or costume came from, but maybe she can just be there for him like this. Maybe she can be whatever he needs and let him use her however he likes.

“Fuck Jessica… your ass is just as tight as last time. Haven’t had any other men since me?”

It’s not the kind of thing that the old Spidey would have asked. Jessica moans through her panties as she shakes her head back and forth.

“Good girl.”

There’s a tone of vicious satisfaction in Peter’s voice at that… and Jessica shudders in surprise as his words take her over the edge, making her cum from the combination of his surprisingly lubricated cock in her ass and his words. His overall treatment of her might be surprising, but that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily unwanted.

She loses track of just how long he fucks her ass for. And how many anal orgasms he brings her to before he finally fills her bowels with his seed as well. Finally though, he cums inside of her ass and Jessica half-expects that to be the end of it. Maybe she’ll just be Spider-Man’s private butt slut from now on. Maybe he’ll only ever come around when he needs some free anal sex.

But no. As soon as Peter pulls out of her, he spins Jessica around and lifts her up onto the desk. Jessica barely has time to worry about leakage from her gaping anus getting on the desk or the floor, because Peter immediately spreads her legs apart, clearly intending to fuck her cunt next. Jessica’s eyes flash open at that, glancing down between them out of worry… but to her shock, Peter’s massive cock is completely clean. There’s not an ounce of mess on his dick as he lines up with her pussy lips and gives her a grin before thrusting forward.

Jessica tosses her head back and moans out through her panties again, shuddering as her inner walls clench and squeeze down on the intruder suddenly impaling her pussy. Not wasting any time, the new and improved Spider-Man starts to fuck her relentlessly and unceasingly, his eyes filled with a dark longing.

Part of her wonders exactly what happened to cause this shift in personality. It wasn’t like he was all that different, really. He still fucked like an animal. More importantly, he still saved people. He helped that woman escape that man earlier tonight and he clearly went out and fought crime just as much as before.

But something had changed his attitude. Something had introduced darkness to the young man currently fucking her twat oh so relentlessly. Jessica doesn’t know what it is… but she does know she’s going to do her best to be there for him in whatever fashion Peter needs going forward.

Reaching up, Jessica removes her panties from her mouth. Before Peter can do much more than flash his eyes at her, she speaks up, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding on for dear life.

“I’m yours, Peter. I’m yours. Do what you want with me. Use me as you see fit. I want to help in any way I can. Please. Fuck me. Use me. Put me to work on cases. Just let me be of use to you.”

Peter pauses for a moment at that before returning to fucking her hard and fast. But she can take it. Her desk on the other hand might give up the ghost any moment from how powerful his thrusts are. Still, for the time being it’s all gravy.

“… You’re a little old to be my sidekick, Jessica.”

His tone is more amused than anything and Jessica laughs in response, a breathy thing as his cock drives the air out of her lungs with every thrust.

“I-I’m pretty sure sidekicks don’t get plowed silly on the r-regular either. I’ll be whatever you need me to be, Peter. In the bedroom or on the s-streets. Just let me help you.”

Peter’s eyes narrow thoughtfully at that… before finally he nods. They kiss to seal the deal then and his pace picks up until she knows he’s about to cum inside of her. It’s not exactly a safe day, but Jessica doesn’t try to stop him. She’s not about to put limits on their new relationship, whatever form it might take. Peter cums inside of her and she takes every last drop of his seed, moaning into his mouth as he creampies her right there on the spot.

She might not know what’s gotten into Spider-Man exactly, but she knows exactly what… or rather who has gotten into her. And she wouldn’t change a single second of it, not for anything in the whole wide world.



Well, guess Dani Cage will be Dani Parker or at least Dani Jones in this verse


Good chapter. Hope he adds another girl. Shehulk maybe? Red or green.