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Themes: Threesome, Virgin Sex, Fucked Silly

Summary: Part 7 of A Quiver, An Arrow. When Zoe died, Artemis turned the proud Huntress into a constellation. Somehow. Not something one usually came back from... except as the result of a heated Olympian argument. Her return was heartwarming, but Percy was not surprised when it turned sexual. Zoe must have seen a great deal from her position in the heavens. Enough to give her some surprisingly kinky ideas, that's for sure. Ideas Artemis happily encouraged.


Let it be said that while Percy was in fact married to a Greek Goddess and routinely found himself taking a position of dominance and control over said Goddess to satisfy her personal fetishes and kinks… he himself was not a God. He was no Olympian, and he did not have a seat on Mount Olympus or really much of a say in the Greek Pantheon’s affairs.

Oh sure, he’d made a couple demands of them here and there on account of saving their divine butts a few times, but even when they’d offered him godhood, Percy had turned it down. As such, he didn’t really have a seat at the table. And that was precisely the way he liked it.

That said, it did mean he could still be blindsided sometimes by things that happened as a result of tiffs between the Greek Gods and Goddesses up on Mount Olympus. Such as opening his front door to greet his wife as she returned home from a meeting only to find that she’s not alone. Percy can’t do much beyond blink as he finds himself face to face with Zoe Nightshade.

The copper-skinned woman, visibly of Persian Descent, blushes slightly as they look at each other for a long moment in silence. Finally though, she waves a hand, wiggling her fingers in an uncharacteristically shy greeting.

“Hi, Percy.”

Raising both of his eyebrows, because sometimes just one wasn’t enough, Percy looks over at Artemis.

“… What did you do now?”

Artemis has the good decency to look at least a little abashed… but at the same time her back is straight and her head is held high, defiant. Huffing, the Goddess of the Hunt crosses her arms over her chest.

“I was provoked.”

To give a little bit of context… Zoe had been Artemis’ loyal lieutenant, a stalwart and ever-present force within the Hunters of Artemis, for over two thousand years. She had also died a while back on a quest, only to be transformed into a constellation up in the sky as a reward for her millennia of service. That said, Percy had never heard of the handful of people who earned such a right then being able to come back. Meaning…

“What’s the fallout from this going to be, exactly?”

Huffing some more, Artemis pouts.

“After Apollo provoked me into bringing back Zoe, Father claimed she could not be allowed to roam freely and disrupt the world with her existence. As such, he decreed that she would only be allowed to stay within our demesne from now on, and if she leaves the borders of our lands, then her life is forfeit.”

Percy tilts his head to the side and wisely keeps his thoughts to himself. Honestly, it sounds like Zeus was being surprisingly lenient all things considered. Zoe on the other hand, doesn’t bother with holding her tongue. Shooting her Goddess an amused look, she clarifies things a bit.

“Lord Zeus was kind to allow my revival to stick in the first place, Goddess. I do not mind my confinement. Your lands around your new home are vast as things stand and I doubt I will want for… entertainment living here.”

The way Zoe says ‘entertainment’ while looking at him meaningfully gives Percy pause. He peers at her for a moment before humming to himself.

“… I would have thought you’d be angrier to find out your Goddess had married and was no longer virginal, Zoe.”

A crooked smile spreads across Zoe’s face.

“Perhaps if it was anyone else, I would be Percy. But out of everyone in the world of any time and place… there’s no other man I think could ever have proved worthy of my Goddess’ love.”

Artemis goes bright red at Zoe’s confident tone while Percy smiles, feeling buoyed by the huntress’ conviction. Until she continues on, then he goes just as red.

“Besides, I was not unaware in my time as a constellation. I saw everything that took place below me on Earth, even during the day when the stars were not out. I watched the people most important to me of course… and the two of you certainly qualify.”

O-Oh. E-Everything? Percy swallows thickly at that thought, causing Zoe’s smile to become a full-fledged grin as she looks to Artemis.

“I understand that there is a new uniform I will need to clad myself in if I am to make myself useful here within this home, Goddess?”

It takes Percy a moment to understand what Zoe is talking about, even as Artemis starts to nod.

“Ah, yes. We should have one your size in the closet I think…”

Holding up his hands before they can wander off and trying his best not to think too hard about the idea of a proud warrior like Zoe wearing a maid uniform (she would most definitely pull it off though to be fair) Percy shakes his head.

“Whoa! Whoa now, we can save that for later, can’t we? I mean… Zoe, you must be hungry right? At least come eat dinner with us. We can talk about any expectations afterwards…”

Zoe hums at that before shrugging her shoulders.

“I could eat. Haven’t been in this new body long enough to truly need to take care of it yet, but food is always good. That said… please understand Percy, food is not what I’m truly hungry for.”

Percy pretends not to know what she’s talking about, even as he turns and leads Zoe and Artemis towards the dining room. The huntress had seen everything. By the Styx, he’d never been more mortified in his entire life…


“Honestly Percy, I’m virginal, not made of glass.”

… This was inevitable, wasn’t it? They were always going to end up here. To be fair, dinner had been a lovely affair. The food was as good as ever. But at the same time, Zoe and then later Artemis had made it something of a living hell for Percy. The resurrected huntress kept going on and on about how much she loved being able to eat meat again. How much she missed meat. How much she LONGED for some good, thick meat inside of her.

Percy had understood the innuendos immediately, but it had taken Artemis a little while longer to realize what her former lieutenant was doing. Of course, once the Goddess of the Hunt figured it out, she didn’t reprimand Zoe or try to stop her. No, she joined in. The two of them were going to drive him absolutely insane!

Fortunately, Percy had prior experience being shared and sharing Artemis with other women. Otherwise he might have been more concerned about potentially inviting Zoe into their bed. As things stood though, if it was what she and his wife wanted… who was he to deny either of them, right?

And so here they were, on his and Artemis’ marital bed, with Zoe Nightshade between them. The two thousand year old huntress hasn’t gotten a chance to put on that maid uniform yet and is instead completely naked, her gorgeous toned body on full display as she lies there on the bed with her legs spread for him. With her head resting in her Goddess’ lap, she watches Percy with lidded eyes filled with desire.

Meanwhile, Percy himself is stroking his cock almost casually, getting nice and hard as he kneels between Zoe’s thighs and prepares to take her virginity. Wild to think that she never had sex, not once in two thousand years. But then it had been even longer for Artemis, hadn’t it? As if to read his mind, Zoe gives him a savage grin.

“I didn’t wait over two thousand years for you to get cold feet, Percy. Come on… fuck me already you big dicked bastard!”

Alright, the name calling was uncalled for. Still, Percy just chuckles and shakes his head as he places his ‘big dick’ as Zoe termed it against her entrance. Her breath hitches and for a moment she looks uncertain so Percy pauses again, more than willing to give her more time to prepare if that’s what she needs. That’s when Artemis interjects, her hands carded through her former lieutenant’s hair as she strokes Zoe’s scalp.


Blinking, the huntress tilts her head back and looks up at Artemis curiously. Beaming down at her, Artemis lets out a happy sigh.

“I am so glad to have you back. And I am so glad to be able to share my husband with you at long last.”

Zoe’s eyes widen and so do Percy’s, but the huntress definitely has the more pronounced reaction. For a moment she’s frozen in place… then, her face goes redder than ever before and she covers it with her hands.

“G-Goddess… w-why would you say something like that at a t-time like this?! I was doing so well too! I had Percy convinced I was c-cool! Gah!”

Artemis just giggles and then leans forward, planting her hands on Zoe’s tits and giving them a good squeeze that makes her arch her back and moan. At the same time, she places a chaste kiss on Percy’s lips before giving him a single sharp nod.

“Fuck her.”

Well then. As his Goddess commands. Percy thrusts forward then and there, finding Zoe to already be plenty aroused. She still yelps when he tears right through her hymen, taking her millennia-old virginity on the spot, but Artemis just eggs him on, telling him to keep going… and so Percy does. He fucks Zoe there on the bed much like he fucked Thalia and the huntress moans, her head still in Artemis’ lap.

Meanwhile, the Goddess of the Hunt leans over Zoe, fondling and molesting her former lieutenant’s copper-toned tits and kissing Percy more deeply. As their tongues duel and twist around each other, they share Zoe between them, overwhelming her with pleasure. In no time at all, Zoe’s body is bucking and shaking and trembling beneath the two of them. Her muscled, toned figure seizes up as they all work up a sweat.

Her pussy walls flex and clench around Percy’s cock, sometimes trying to hold him in place or suck him deeper in or push him out. But Percy is used to tight, squeezing insides. And he’s very good at having his way with beautiful virgin woman. Zoe Nightshade is no different in that regard and as he plows her good and hard, she finally reaches climax… but only the first of many.

Cumming again and again upon his cock, Zoe moans as she claws at the bed on either side of her Goddess’ kneeling form. Artemis, meanwhile, gives the huntress’ teats a pinch, tugging them up and out from her body for a moment before letting go and leaning back. From there, she once again slides her fingers through Zoe’s black locks, carding her hands through her former lieutenant’s hair.

She watches Percy fuck Zoe like a perverse mother watching her daughter finally get the good, hard dicking she deserves. Zoe’s eyes flutter and roll back in her head, her tongue lolls out of her mouth… but Artemis just coos at her. She never belittles or diminishes Zoe’s experience. She never insults the woman’s reactions. She just watches over her, fondly and happily.

Artemis truly is happy to have Zoe back, Percy can tell. For a Goddess, losing a mortal might not mean much most of the time. You’re immortal after all, losing mortals is part of the gig. But that was never truly the case for Artemis no matter how much she tried to put on a brave face. If she were any good at letting the mortals she liked go, she never would have formed a group like the Hunters of Artemis in the first place. A group that ultimately gave each of its members eternal youth and semi-immortality, so long as they didn’t betray the vows to their Goddess or fall in battle.

The fact was, Zoe had spent over two thousand years at Artemis’ side. Not quite the same drop in the bucket as most mortal lifespans. More like a whole cup in the bucket, effectively. And for someone parched and dehydrated and starved for affection, a cup could go a long way.

As he finishes inside of Zoe, Percy grins as Zoe cries out beneath him, moaning happily and cumming one last time right alongside him. Pulling out, he’s expecting her to need time to recover, a break at the very least. Hell, maybe all three of them were going to cuddle for the rest of the night. Wouldn’t that be nice?

But Zoe barely takes any time at all to recover before her eyes snap open and she looks to Artemis, already pushing herself up into a sitting position.

“… So about that uniform.”

And thus, Percy soon finds himself sitting on the edge of the bed with two scantily clad maids kneeling before him and sharing his cock between them once more. Only, this time instead of it being Thalia and Artemis, its Zoe and Artemis. To say Percy has had dreams like this would not be an entirely incorrect statement. But this isn’t a dream, this is reality.

Groaning in appreciation, Percy chuckles as he slides his hands through their hair. On one side, Artemis sucks at his cock and licks up and down his shaft. On the other side, an inexperienced Zoe does her best to follow her Goddess’ lead. The two thousand year old former virgin has no clue how to perform oral sex on a man of course, but she’s a quick learner and she has a great teacher.

Soon enough, his cock is rock hard again and he’s well on his way to another orgasm. Between the two of them, Artemis and Zoe work over his shaft with enthusiasm and gusto until finally, his divine wife hears the change in tone in his voice. At which point, sensing victory fast approaching, Artemis grabs Zoe by her arm and pulls her in front of his cock, pressing their faces together side by side and opening her mouth wide to loll out her tongue.

Zoe barely has a chance to copy her Goddess’ actions before his seed explodes all over their faces, mouths, and chests, coating them and filling their gaping maws in the process. The two ‘maids’ are soon moaning messes as they turn on one another and begin rubbing against each other while licking the other’s faces clean.

Percy just watches this happen, amused and aroused in equal measure. He definitely hadn’t had Zoe coming back to life on his bingo card… but hey, he was happy to have her back all the same. Though really, she didn’t need to become a maid just because Zeus had confined her to their lands. Maybe he could convince her to become something like the groundskeeper or whatever instead… if nothing else so he didn’t have MORE women trying to tempt him in skimpy maid uniforms all day long…


Ronnie R15

Though I generally prefer Pertemis I think it would be neat to see Annabeth brought into these. Maybe to be brought in as a mistress for breeding prepossess since some sources suggest that Artemis is scared of the idea of giving birth and her hunters are needed for other things.

Jonathan Kurtzman

Don't mean to be a nit picker or anything, but I think the author mixed up the name (all of the other ones are a quiver an arrow, not an arrow a quiver)