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Themes: Transactional Sex, Rough Sex, Fucked Silly

Summary: Based on this image. Tsunade's debts catch up with her shortly after she takes up the mantle of Hokage. It turns out one man has gone ahead and bought out every debt she still had. He makes her an offer the beautiful busty blonde can't refuse. One night and she'll never have to worry about debt collectors again. Of course, it's obvious to Tsunade that he's planning on trying to rock her world... she just doesn't expect it to actually WORK. 


“I wish to reiterate my commitment to keeping these events between us, Lady Hokage. I have no intention of letting anyone know about what happens here tonight.”

… The Merchant Lord’s words were of little comfort to Tsunade Senju as she sat there on the edge of the bed in the attire he’d picked out for her, wondering if she was really doing this. Between the incredibly skimpy underwear that doesn’t so much hide her crotch but instead accentuates it with a string of pearls wedged up between her pussy lips and the incredibly tight, scantily top that barely covers her nipples and pretty much nothing else… she knows what she looks like right now. She looks like a whore.

But then… for this night and this night only, that’s precisely what Tsunade Senju, Fifth Hokage of Konoha and Member of the Legendary Sannin… is. Tonight she is not the Hokage. She is not Lady Tsunade. She is a whore… a prostitute. And there’s nothing to do but endure until it’s over.

Still, she’s not completely fangless. Shooting the Merchant Lord a glare, Tsunade’s nostrils flare.

“That should go without saying. If I hear even a whisper of tonight’s events on anyone else’s lips I will hunt you down and rip out your spleen before feeding it to you, politics be damned. Am I understood?”

Letting out a soft chuckle, Haru just nods in response. The young Merchant Lord has a smile on his face as he shrugs his shoulders.

“I would expect nothing less from the Legendary Tsunade Senju.”

Tsunade huffs at that. His attempts at buttering her up through flattery and praise are as transparent as they are ham-fisted. That doesn’t mean they’re completely ineffective, however. She’s always enjoyed a good bit of flattery. Still, no matter what he says, it doesn’t change the facts. They are not conventional lovers. He is her debtor, end of story.

Funny how just a year ago if you’d told Tsunade Senju that all of her debts would wind up being consolidated under just one man, she would have been absolutely ecstatic and thrilled to hear it. Even if it was this man. Haru was a Merchant Lord who had taken the Elemental Nations by storm. He’d begun life as a shinobi in one of the many minor ninja villages that cropped up and died just as quickly as they were formed. He’d managed to pass a Chunin Exam but then his village had been swept away, just like that.

Rather than trying to continue his ninja career by looking to be recruited by a larger village, Haru had hard pivoted and taken the handful of men and women from his old village with him. First it had been a courier service. Then, more. Until eventually, he was a Merchant Lord who could say that he had the appreciation of ever Daimyo in the Elemental Nations. A man who could walk the halls of power and bend the ears of the powerful. Politics. Ugh.

Unfortunately, Tsunade had walked smack dab into politics when she’d let that brat Naruto convince her to return to Konoha and take up the mantle of Hokage at long last. It wasn’t a title that she ever wanted regardless of her being the so-called ‘Princess of the Senju’. But where Jiraiya had failed to convince her, Naruto had changed her mind. She’d have to punish the brat most severely for tricking her into such a lapse in judgment the next time she saw him.

As a result of her new status, the fact that Haru had bought up all of her debt was no longer a good thing. Before when she and Shizune were still wandering around, it would have been great because it would have meant Tsunade just had one asshole to avoid. But now? Now that she was Hokage, she couldn’t just run and hide anymore. Especially when a man like Haru came knocking.

And so here they were, the two of them. Haru had come to her with a simple enough deal. He would wipe away all of her debt as though it had never existed and she… she would spend one night obeying his orders. One night in bed with him in exchange for never having to worry about dodging debt collectors ever again.

In the end, it was a deal she couldn’t refuse. Not because she didn’t have a choice, but because she would have been an idiot to say no. If she’d rejected his offer, Haru could have leveraged her debt in any number of ways to fuck with Konoha. And that could not be allowed. So yes, here she was dressed like a whore, waiting for him to give her an order. Unfortunately, he seemed much more interested in just enjoying the view.

Scowling furiously, Tsunade finally breaks the silence as she narrows her eyes at the admittedly handsome Merchant Lord.

“Well? What will you have me do for you first? I assume you wish for me to spend some time on my knees, to find out if rumors of the “Legendary Sucker” are true?”

Smiling softly, the Merchant Lord shakes his head.

“Nothing so crass, Lady Tsunade. Rather… I wish for you to allow me to give you a massage.”

At that, he produces a jar of lotion. Tsunade blinks at it, even as he holds it out to her.

“Feel free to inspect it. Tell me everything about it. I have nothing to hide.”

Eyes narrowing further into slits, Tsunade takes the jar and uncaps it, looking within. Dipping a finger into the lotion, she immediately breaks it down to its base components, understanding it in an instant. But then, that just comes with being the best Medic-Nin the Elemental Nations has ever produced.

“This… this is laced with an aphrodisiac.”

Haru’s smile grows and he looks unsurprised.

“Is that all? Good, that’s how it was sold to me. But I wanted to be sure and I knew you would be able to tell immediately if there was anything else added without my knowledge.”

A growl leaves Tsunade’s throat.

“You expect me to let you put this on my body?”

The Merchant Lord’s smile becomes crooked at that.

“You can say no. That will not void our deal. However, I thought you might like such a thing… to make tonight easier if nothing else.”

Tsunade purses her lips tightly together in thought. He has a point. She’s not expecting to have fun tonight. Or rather, she wasn’t. She was expecting it to be something she endured rather than something she enjoyed. But the lotion… it would help her out quite a bit. Make her enjoy it. Make her enjoy… him. The Merchant Lord’s intentions are obvious. He’s trying to cozy up to her. Trying to make tonight memorable enough that she goes for a Round Two later on. Amusing to say the least, but not happening.


“Very well.”

She hands the jar back to Haru and then lays on her front on the bed. Wasting no time, the Merchant Lord dips his fingers into the jar, scooping out some of the lotion and applying it to her back and backside. Then, he gets to work.

Almost immediately, Tsunade feels a heat radiating out through her body. There’s pleasure to be had here as the aphrodisiac swiftly gets to work, absorbed into her skin in mere moments. She lets out a shuddering breath, her eyes closing briefly as she allows the experience to wash over her. She could have neutralized the aphrodisiac in a heartbeat of course. She can still do so whenever she wants in fact.

She does not. It’s been a while for her since she had her last man. And really, if Haru is going to be somewhat kind about this, she might as well take advantage of his generosity. She would have expected a man as powerful and influential as the Merchant Lord to want to take advantage of her, to want to abuse his power over her. But instead of having her suck his cock or even give HIM a massage instead, she’s the one getting a massage.

He's really pulling out all the stops to try and leave a lasting impression on her. It’s not going to work of course, but Tsunade nevertheless enjoys the experience for what it is. The more lotion he rubs into her scantily clad body, the more she heats up. The pearls riding up between her pussy lips feel better and better, until she’s slowly humping her hips against the bed, moaning lightly.

Still he continues to work over her body with his hands. And… even ignoring the aphrodisiac, Tsunade is forced to admit that he has fantastic hands. He knows exactly what he’s doing and she can’t help but let out a blissful groan as she shudders under his touch. He’s using Chakra Techniques she belatedly realizes. Nothing harmful of course. Rather, what he’s doing is more in line with her own medical chakra and healing techniques. Too much medical chakra could harm the recipient, but Tsunade would know immediately if he used too much.

He doesn’t though and she’s forced to further admit that Haru is bringing her closer and closer to climax. The thought of cumming just from his massaging hands unsettles Tsunade though, so before that can happen she abruptly shifts under him. The Merchant Lord immediately pulls his hands back as though afraid he’s hurt her in some way and Tsunade takes advantage of that to flip over onto her back.

Her entire body is glistening with either the lotion or her own sweat at this point and with how the two have mixed together, it’s hard to say where one ends and the other begins. Either way, Tsunade’s face is hot as she looks up into Haru’s eyes.

“Enough playing around. Fuck me already.”

That wasn’t the deal of course. He was supposed to be in control tonight. He was supposed to be giving the orders. And yet… Haru tilts his head to the side in amusement before inclining it in easy agreement. Then, his cock comes out and Tsunade’s eyes flicker down only to widen at what she sees. It’s not the size that surprises her, though he’s certainly well-endowed. It’s the fact that his cock is glistening just like her body is. Meaning that he’d already coated his shaft in the lotion before even getting started with her.

The self-control that would take, to have subjected yourself to that much of the aphrodisiac and then NOT just throw yourself at the first woman you saw… Tsunade hates how impressed it makes her. But worse still…


Grabbing her by the hips, he pulls the thong made of pearls right out from between her pussy lips, making her gasp and cutting her off.

“As the Lady commands.”

Then, eyes twinkling, he places his lotion covered cock against her sex and without further hesitation, slams right home inside of her. Tsunade chokes on her own spit as the aphrodisiac-laden lotion winds up coating her insides from entrance to cervix in that very first thrust. She shudders as her eyes very nearly roll up in her head right then and there.

The pleasure makes her gurgle, even as Haru begins to fuck her on her back, pounding away at her cunt like a man possessed. They’re both being influenced by the aphrodisiac at the moment. And it seems now that he’s inside of her, his self-control has frayed to the point of nonexistence. But Tsunade doesn’t mind one bit. Feeling him filling her up like this… it’s good. No, better than good, it’s great.

Letting out a loud, lewd cry, the Fifth Hokage throws her head back, reaching back behind herself to claw at the bedding. Her back arches and her massive breasts bounce and jiggle right in front of Haru’s face as a result. That’s all the invitation he needs and a moment later he’s yanked away the skimpy top he gave her, freeing her huge chest from its barely-there confines and grasping at her tits with both hands.

Tsunade cums on the spot again the moment he squeeze her chest. His palms rub against her rock hard nipples and roll her teats back and forth as he continues to thrust in and out of her. Meanwhile, the Fifth Hokage shudders and gasps, moaning beneath the Merchant Lord. He is… not what she expected, she realizes. Even when she’d found out about his past as a shinobi and how surprisingly young he was, she’d still thought he would be like most of the civilian merchants she’d had to deal with throughout her life. Scummy, to put it succinctly.

But she’s forced to revise her opinion of the man now. Haru is not scum. He’s… he’s giving her some of the best orgasms of her life. Tsunade squeals as she cums a third time. And then a fourth time. A fifth. A sixth.

Over and over again, she finds herself orgasming upon Haru’s cock. Meanwhile, the Merchant Lord grunts and pants as he fucks her as hard and fast as he dares. He takes her roughly but then they’re both ninja after a fashion. Tsunade’s body was made for battle, so it can handle a bit of rough lovemaking. And Haru… well, his big fat cock feels quite good stirring up her insides.

That said…

“N-Not inside… you m-mustn’t cum inside…”

Grunting, Haru just nods… and then pulls out a moment later. She hadn’t realized just how close he was, but it seemed he was right at the edge and her words had tipped him over it. A moan leaves Tsunade’s lips as his white, hot spunk winds up coating her from chest to navel. He cums all over her shivering, trembling, sweat-coated body. From her bosom to her mound, he drapes her in ropes of white seed.

Finally though, it’s over. Tsunade basks in the feeling for a moment, enjoying how good the aphrodisiac makes being covered in sticky cum feel. Then, almost reluctantly, she purges her body of every trace of the aphrodisiac, cycling her chakra as she does so. Her shaking and shuddering quickly dies down and her breathing evens out.

Looking up at Haru, she can tell that the Merchant Lord knows what she’s done. Giving her an appreciative smile and nod, Haru leans back from her.

“We can end here if you wish, Lady Hokage. I am satisfied.”

A lie, she immediately notes. The second part, not the first. He might say he’s satisfied but unlike her, the aphrodisiac still runs through his veins. His cock still throbs and twitches down between his legs, giving away the lie inherent in his last three words. And yet… she can tell he’s serious about letting her go if that’s what she wants.

Funny, she’d assumed once she purged the aphrodisiac from her system that she would be able to put this entire experience behind her without issue. But… looking at Haru and his twitching cock and feeling the memories of everything that just happened… she shakes her head.

“N-No. I promised you one night. And I will have nobody call me a liar.”

Haru grins crookedly at that.

“I already swore on my life not to tell anyone of this night, Lady Tsunade. Who would call you a liar?”

Scowling at his logic, Tsunade reaches up and grabs the Merchant Lord, spinning them both around and pinning him to the bed as she straddles him and sinks herself down onto his cock again in one smooth motion.

“Shut up.”

Then, to make sure he shuts up, she kisses him deeply, their tongues exchanging spit as she begins to ride him with bruising force. But to his credit, Haru just grabs onto her hips and returns the favor with upward thrusts of his own the entire while.

It’s not love or anything like that. But by the end of the night, the Fifth Hokage does find herself wondering if she can possibly justify meeting with him again. If nothing else, such an encounter would make for excellent stress relief…



I am so glad this won! Always love a good Tsunade story.

Osiris Sundavr

I wonder if they can meet again too. Part 2 anyone?


If we're lucky. Polls are a bit of a crapshoot. You get good shit no matter what you vote for so gotta hope a sequel appeals to their fetishes.