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Themes: Domination Loss, Rough Sex, Breeding

Summary: Koyanskaya was a proud Beast, the self proclaimed mother of animals and, of note, a hunter of men. So naturally, when a certain Master became her contractor; she made the decision to teach him his place. Not with violence, not with those in Chaldea's ranks.  No, she would pounce in the bedroom. After all, what could a measly human accomplish against one such as she? 


Some might consider it a humiliation to be summoned to serve one’s enemies after being defeated by those same enemies… but not Tamamo Vitch Koyanskaya. No, she wasn’t nearly as narrow-minded as all that. In fact… where others saw humiliation, she saw opportunity!

The Master of Chaldea was a young man with black hair named Ritsuka Fujimaru. On the face of it, there was no world in which a guy like him should have survived all of the challenges that he and Chaldea faced. There was no world in which he should have been able to survive HER. But not only had he beaten Koyanskaya in battle, he’d summoned her afterwards, contracting with her to become his Servant!

Hehe… foolish Master~

Oh certainly, Koyanskaya would follow his orders in battle and serve dutifully and faithfully. That was her role now and she would carry it out as expected of her as a Servant of Chaldea. To do anything less would be to break her contract. To try and attack her new Master just because he was her former enemy would also break her contract.

And if there was one thing Tamamo Vitch Koyanskaya did not do, it was break contracts! Well… unless she really, really wanted to~

Regardless, in this case, the Beast of Cherishment had no intention of attacking her Master. The pink-haired bunny girl had a different idea for how she could put Ritsuka in his place. And frankly, he would probably thank her for it in the end. A young man like him with the weight of the entire world on his shoulders? He was probably already nearing the end of his rope. Even for all his victories, he was only human right?

With that in mind, Koyanskaya finds herself outside of the Master of Chaldea’s bedroom. Her puffy pink bunny tail twitches in excitement as she licks her lips and lets out a perverted little giggle. In the end, breaking into her contractor’s room might be stretching the terms of her contract… but it’s all in good fun, right? Besides, she’s able to sneak in without actually breaking anything, meaning she can lock the door behind her just fine.

There, now her Master is secured against any and all threats once more. It’s just that SHE is in the room with him now~ Oh, but she’s not a threat. She doesn’t intend to hurt a single hair on her Master’s head.

Giggling again, Koyanskaya sashays her way over to the bed, swaying her hips back and forth as she perfectly maintains her poise and grace in her high heels. Not that Ritsuka is awake to see how beautiful, gorgeous, and alluring she is right now. Hmph, such a lazy Master, daring to be asleep in the middle of Chaldea’s night cycle!

Reaching the bed, Koyanskaya considers things for a moment. Her contractor is so cute, peacefully resting there on the bed with the blankets up to his chin. It just makes the Beast of Cherishment want to gobble him up all the more. Oooh, but she does enjoy the moment for what it is… the last moment where the young Master of Chaldea remains uncorrupted and pure. One might even say she… cherishes it.

Then, as the moment passes, the bunny girl proceeds to strip down, taking off her black, skintight suit and high heeled boots. Starting to pant with excitement, she pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose. Her bunny ears twitch in anticipation and her tail bounces up and down in enthusiasm.

She considers her approach for a few seconds, of course. Does she sneak under the covers and fellate him first? Does she sit on his face and wake him up by making him eat out her cunt? Does she… but no. In the end, there’s only one possibility here. Only one avenue that Koyanskaya will accept. She’s the Beast of Cherishment, yes… but she’s also a hunter of men.

And while it is fitting for a hunter to lie and wait for the perfect moment to strike, when that moment finally comes it needs to be swift and uncompromising. No half-measures. With that in mind, Koyanskaya hesitates for only a moment more… before pouncing!

With a gleeful cackle, the pink bunny girl leaps up onto the bed, ripping the blankets back and exposing Ritsuka’s body. Which she then sits astride of course, pinning him in place with her weight and straddling him as she rides her ass back into his crotch, feeling his bulge immediately. Ooooh~ Either Ritsuka had been having a naughty sort of dream… or her Master was packing more heat than Koyanskaya had thought possible!

Either way, she grinds down without reservation and without hesitation, until finally Ritsuka fully wakes up. It starts with a groan after she first impacts upon him, then with his eyes fluttering open. At long last though, the young man’s gaze focuses on her and even in the darkness of his room, he seems to be able to recognize her.

“Koyan… skaya?”

Giggling perversely, she arches her back and looks down her nose at her groggy contractor.

“Hello Master! So lazy~ Not to worry… I, Tamamo Vitch Koyanskaya will be sure to help you out with that!”

Indeed, she can feel his bulge growing more and more down below. Riding back against his crotch is proving to be more pleasurable by the second as his cock strains against its confines and slides against her naked ass crack and puffy wet pussy lips.

“You… what is the meaning of this?”

When Ritsuka tries to sit up however, Koyanskaya pushes him back down. Her hands plant on his chest and she shakes her head in amusement. She’s glad that the Master of Chaldea sleeps bare-chested, with just his boxers on. It makes this much more amusing. And much easier as well.

“You don’t have to worry, Master. I would never harm you. This lowly Servant never breaks her contracts!”

A growl comes from Ritsuka’s throat and his hands go to her hips but Koyanskaya bats them away and giggles some more.

“But that doesn’t mean I can’t do the opposite and make you feel good, Master~”

Going still, Ritsuka narrows his eyes at her for a moment.

“And if I said I wasn’t interested?”

She notes how careful he is to not say he’s actually not interested. Beaming now, the pink bunny girl leans forward, letting her eyes glow just a little bit.

“You wouldn’t say that, Master. You’re a good Master, aren’t you? You wouldn’t be so… rude~”

Ritsuka falls silent at that and Koyanskaya smugly sits back, knowing she’s won. Reaching behind herself, she goes ahead and flicks out a sharp nail… cutting right through Ritsuka’s boxers and causing them to fall away from his body on either side. This in turn frees the Master of Chaldea’s cock… which is in fact as big and fat as Koyanskaya had begun to suspect since she started grinding against it.

The young man’s throbbing mast slides up between her perky butt cheeks and in response Koyanskaya coos.

“Soooo big~ Amazing, Master. Truly spectacular.”

Of course, even now there’s a note of derision in her voice. Her tone is somewhat condescending, even as she reaches back to jerk him off with one hand while still looking down at him. In response, Ritsuka continues his silence. Hmph, is he trying to give her the silent treatment? Is his ploy to not react at all and act like a dead fish so she leaves him alone? How boring… but unfortunately for her Master, Koyanskaya is not so easily dissuaded!

If he won’t react to a handjob, then she’ll just have to escalate the situation. With a ‘hup!’ sound and a hop, the bunny girl bounces herself backwards… and lands right atop Ritsuka’s cock. In an instant she goes from hot-dogging his dick with her ass to impaling her gushing wet cunt upon his massive mast.

An involuntary moan leaves Koyanskaya’s lips as she descends halfway down Ritsuka’s dick right off the bat. She’d known to expect his size, and he wasn’t even the first massive cock she’d ever had. But at the same time, he WAS very big… and that always took time to adjust to.

Unfortunately, she didn’t have the time to spare. She couldn’t afford to show weakness right now, not in the middle of ‘negotiations’ so to speak. If the Master of Chaldea thought she was floundering, he would-!

Suddenly, Ritsuka’s hands are back on her hips again. But this time, before Koyanskaya can brush him off of her, he grips down hard and YANKS her the rest of the way down his cock.



The Beast of Cherishment’s eyes widen as one of her contractor’s command seals flares up and disappears. A half a moment later and the absolute order is carried out as she experiences the most explosive, exquisite orgasm of her entire life.

Squealing, the bunny girl’s eyes roll back in her head and her tongue lolls out of her mouth for a moment as she shakes and spasms upon her Master’s magnificent member. But… it’s only for a moment. She is Tamamo Vitch Koyanskaya after all! She quickly recovers, panting heavily but still holding her own as her breasts heave up and down with every breath.

Narrowing her eyes, Koyanskaya reaches up to fix her glasses for a second and glares down at Ritsuka.

“Master… using a Command Seal so frivolously… allow me to peel back the curtain for a second and give you a piece of unvarnished advice. You’re going to want to save those Command Seals for hours from now when I’ve drained you dry and you need to make me back off so you don’t die from dehydration! Got it?”

Ritsuka just looks at her, completely unperturbed. And then…

“Become weak for me.”

Another Command Seal flares up and vanishes and Koyanskaya squawks as she finds herself flipped over onto her back a moment later. The Master of Chaldea is still buried inside of her as he takes the top position, his hands grabbing her ankles and forcibly pushing her legs back against her body. Folded up like that and under the effects of the Command Seal, Koyanskaya can do nothing but take her Master’s cock as he begins to piston in and out of her.

Right now she’s ‘weak for him’… which has multiple meanings, she quickly figures out. Number One, she’s as weak as a kitten and can’t push him off or struggle out from under him. Despite Ritsuka being just a normal human being, he’s able to easily overpower her just like she was doing to him mere moments before.

Number Two, however, is a bit more… metaphysical. ‘Weak for him’ also apparently means being more easily aroused and turned on by him, because in just a few short thrusts of his massive cock, Ritsuka has her throwing her head back and squealing at the top of her lungs as she cums upon his cock again. Shameful. Humiliating. To have the tables turned on her like this… it doesn’t matter how much pleasure he gives her.

Ignoring the way her glasses are beginning to fog over, Koyanskaya glares up at Ritsuka. The pink bunny girl growls up at her contractor, annoyed at how he’s looking down at her without a single ounce of fear or desperation in his face. He’s definitely taking her seriously or he wouldn’t have broken out the command seals so early… but at the same time, doesn’t he know he’s shot himself in the foot with this?

“You… are… guh! Y-you can’t seriously think that you’ll, nngh, g-get away with this! O-Only one… hah, Command Seal left, M-Master! What do you think w-will… oooh, h-happen to you when you run out, h-huh?!”

Inwardly, she curses herself for sounding so weak. But then, that’s the power of a Command Seal. ‘Become weak for me’. That was the absolute order that Ritsuka had given her. And damn it all, she had definitely become extremely weak for him at this point, getting mating pressed into the bed when it should have been her on top, dictating how her Master’s corruption was going to go.

“I know.”

Ritsuka’s answer tears Koyanskaya out of her internal thoughts, making her blink up at him as he nods in response to her threats.

“Only one Command Seal left. And once they wear off, you’ll probably be such a pain to deal with. That’s why I have to be careful, don’t I? That’s why I need to think up a way to make you a bit more manageable for a while.”

Koyanskaya opens her mouth… and then closes it. What is he talking about? Why do his words send a shiver down her spine? What could he possibly mean by wanting to make her a bit more manageable for a while?

“That’s why…”

Suddenly, Ritsuka’s expression transforms into something incredibly intense. The determination and conviction in his eyes startles Koyanskaya. She’s just about to ask him why he suddenly looks like that… when he growls and redoubles his pace.

“That’s why my third order to you is to get pregnant, Koyanskaya!”


“Get pregnant! Get pregnant! Get pregnant!”

Koyanskaya’s eyes widen to the size of dinner plates as he fucks her harder and faster than ever before. Still so very weak to him, she can’t help but squeal and cum her brains out, orgasming again and again under his body. Meanwhile, his last Command Seal flares and disappears. By all rights, he’s now defenseless. She can do whatever she wants to him once his second order finally fades away.

And… he’d wasted the third Command Seal, right? He’d totally wasted it! After all… Servants can’t get pregnant, can they?! There’s no way that Tamamo Vitch Koyanskaya will get pregnant from this! Even as he cums deep inside of her, the pink bunny shakes her head back and forth from side to side. Sure, she considered herself a mother of animals… but becoming an actual mother?! There was just no way!

But Ritsuka doesn’t stop at just one load. The Master of Chaldea doesn’t even hesitate to keep thrusting after his first release. He fucks and fucks her all night long, surprising Koyanskaya with his intensity. And… so long as he continues to fuck her, she continues to be weak for him. Her strength never returns to her even as he cums inside of her over and over again.

… She’d thought she would get to corrupt something pure and innocent. She’d thought a young man like Ritsuka Fujimaru would have to be at the end of his rope by now. But only too late does Tamamo Vitch Koyanskaya realize that she’s been outclassed from the very beginning.

And indeed, she does wind up getting pregnant off of their night together. Command Seals are bullshit.


Osiris Sundavr

I honestly did not see that last Command coming.


Why do you keep calling her a Bunny she's a fox girl?


Nah the original one was a fox girl, but she's a bunny. Says so on her wikia page and apparently throughout all of her dialogue in FGO