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Themes: Monster Girl Sex, Breeding, Rough Sex

Summary: Based on this image. Strange weather this season threw off her migration instincts and now she is very late for flying South to warmer climates. Stopping to rest and eat at a Human farm, her wide egg-laying hips draw the attention of a man living there... why fly South when she roost here for the mere price of doing so on her back with her legs spread? 


“Elise! How’s it going out there with the strawberries?”

Sitting on her ass out in the garden, a harpy freezes in place, her cheeks already stuffed full and her jaw in mid-chew even as she holds another delectable strawberry mere inches from her face. Between her legs, a satchel full of freshly plucked strawberries can be found as she drops the one in her hand back down among its kin and hastily chews and swallows her current mouthful.

“D-Doing just fine, Benjamin!”

“Great! Bring in your haul then and I’ll make sure to include some of the strawberries in our dinner, I know they’re your favorite!”

Elise the Harpy flushes as Benjamin the Farmer unknowingly strikes right at her heart with his words, cutting straight to her guilty conscience. Biting her lower lip, she hastily rises to her feet and scurries inside the farmhouse, bag full of strawberries held out in her taloned hands before her as tribute. When Benjamin sees her, he shows no sign that he knows of her indiscretion out in the garden as he takes the strawberries from her grasp. Until…

“You’ve got a little something on the corner of your mouth Elise.”

Eyes widening, Elise quickly rubs her face with the back of one of her hands, only for it to come away with the telltale red of strawberry guts. She quickly flushes all over again, mortified at being caught out. But Benjamin… Benjamin just laughs and gets to work making dinner, not even reprimanding her as Elise sits down at the dining table quietly.

If someone had told the harpy that she wouldn’t make it South for the Winter and that she would wind up waylaid by bad weather, Elise would have probably clawed them across the face for putting such bad juju on her! Alas, that was exactly what had happened and she had no one to blame… not even herself. Seriously, she was on schedule and everything before a freak storm had thrown her off course and got her separated from the rest of her flock!

It was something that could have happened to any harpy really… but it had happened to her. It had happened to Elise, the member of her harpy flock with the WORST directional instincts. Normally this wasn’t a problem. She just followed her sisters and that way she never got lost. And it wasn’t like she was a burden or anything either! She was a hard worker and she always pulled her weight!

… But her sense of direction WAS lousy. And after the storm had thrown her off course, she couldn’t find any of her sister harpies. She was sure plenty of them had been blown off course as well, but she hadn’t managed to find any of them. And before she knew it, it was too late for her to go South at all. Winter was upon her and she’d had to find somewhere to shelter in place and roost and hopefully not fucking die from the cold.

That was where Benjamin and his Farm came in. The human man had been surprisingly kind to her ever since she’d arrived. More than kind, he’d been her savior! Elise couldn’t be happier that she’d found him and his farm, especially since she’d heard horror stories from her sisters about the evils of men. Humans could be so, so cruel to harpies. From killing them to be able to harvest their claws and feathers, to capturing them and selling them at market as exotic pets, to all sorts of horrible things!

Well, Benjamin wasn’t like that. He was different, Elise had rapidly found. He was better. And all he required of her in exchange for allowing her to roost with him was that she wear cloth and help around the farm.

As a harpy, Elise wasn’t used to putting human clothing on. And with her limbs all being bird-like and her wings on her back, she couldn’t wear most types of human clothing either. Nor did Benjamin have garments fit for human women in the first place. What he DID have was an apron. It was this thick, heavy woolen thing that draped around Elise’s neck and over her front. It didn’t really do much in her opinion, but he’d asked her to wear it and seemed almost relieved that she’d put it on. Apparently without it she was… distracting.

But besides that, the human farmer had been so accommodating! It was great! She got to hang around and help with the chores and he helped her in turn. Hell, why even fly South for the Winter when she could roost here with Benjamin in his cozy, warm farmhouse?!

“Alright, dinner’s ready!”

Perking up, Elise watches as Benjamin puts a pair of plates down on the table, one in front of her and one for himself. She sees that he sliced up at least half a dozen strawberries over her food and coos in delight, even as she begins to dig in immediately with her talons. Chuckling, he eats a bit more slowly and uses a fork as well, but he doesn’t try to make her use one nor does he force her to conform in any way except for the apron thing.

Ultimately, this is paradise. It’s not long before Elise is nice and full with Benjamin’s cooking, eating much faster than him and cleaning off her plate before he’s halfway down with his own. At which point, there’s just one thing to do, really. Get dessert!

Hopping out of her chair, Elise drops down to her taloned hands and knees, folding her wings in close to her body as she climbs under the table. Benjamin lets out a little laugh as she hastily works open his pants and carefully extracts his cock from its confines, making sure not to let her talons so much as graze his precious member.

“Someone’s eager tonight!”

Mm, a full belly always did make her eager, admittedly. Licking her lips, Elise doesn’t waste time. The raven-haired harpy quickly opens wide and gobbles Benjamin’s cock right up, taking him into her mouth and sucking his dick dutifully. This, of course, was just foreplay. But that didn’t mean she didn’t enjoy getting a creamy treat after dinner each night.

It was an old harpy lesson that she’d taken to heart. Always suck off a mate’s first load. That load is bound to be weak and even a little watered down. The second load will be stronger, so if you want your eggs properly fertilized, you best be waiting for the second before letting him bury himself inside of you. Ancient Harpy Wisdom, her sisters would say. Frankly, Elise just liked sucking Benjamin’s cock. The strawberries in his diet made his seed taste sweeter.

Up above, Benjamin continues to eat his dinner, his consumption of the meal interspersed with groans of enjoyment every once in a while as she sucks him off down below. Until finally, with a sense of triumph, Elise feels the human farmer tip over the edge. His first load of the day flows into her mouth and Elise is quick to suck it down, drinking every last drop as she drains Benjamin’s balls dry.

The moment she’s done, she pulls back and climbs out from under the table, her grey eyes glittering with excitement when she sees Benjamin’s dinner plate clean.

“Now we fuck?”

Still recovering, Benjamin blinks for a second before focusing on her and letting out a soft laugh.

“Yeah… now we fuck.”

Excellent. Honestly, this was soooo much better than going South and having to compete with her sister harpies for respective mates. Roosting at Benjamin’s Farm for the Winter was fantastic… and doing it on her back with her legs spread for him was such a small price to pay that it was barely a price at all!



“Oooooooh! H-Harder, Benjamin! Please fuck me harder!”

The apron is gone. Elise is on her back on his bed. And Benjamin is between her thighs, pistoning in and out of her juicy wet harpy cunt. If you’d told the young farmer that his second Winter in this business would turn out like this, he would have laughed in your face.

Benjamin’s first year as a farmer all on his own had been hard. But then, he had known it would be. He’d persevered all the same, because he’d never had any intention of failing. Most of his first year had been spent clearing the land and planting his first crops. There’d been failures and successes along the way, but in the end he’d pulled through. And for his second year as a farmer, he’d taken all the lessons he’d learned in the first and applied them so that he had a whole lot more success than failure this time around.

Still, he didn’t think any amount of experience could have prepared him for Elise. Beneath him the harpy in question squeals and bucks her wide egg-bearing hips against his pistoning prick. She arches her back and lets out a trilling cry, her eyes closed tightly shut in pleasure as her entire body shakes and jiggles from his rough thrusting.

He knew about harpies of course. Everyone did. One of the things he’d been warned about when it came to his farm was a harpy flock possibly passing by and deciding to strip his crops bare on their way South. Fortunately, that hadn’t happened this year. Instead it had been just one harpy who had shown up on his farmstead and thankfully Elise had turned out to be a pretty good lass.

Completely shameless though. Sure, she might not have been human… but that didn’t change the fact that she was ALL woman. Her arms from all the way up on the shoulder and her legs from thigh down were bird-like in appearance. Feathered and with taloned appendages for hands and feet. Plus, she had a pair of large black wings coming off her back to boot.

But her BODY… meaning her torso… that was very feminine. Very, VERY feminine. From her rather large tits to her massive hips and ass, Elise the Harpy was the most voluptuous, curvaceous woman that Benjamin had ever seen. Never mind that she wasn’t technically a ‘real woman’. She was woman enough for him and that was that.

Leaning forward, he grabs hold of one of Elise’s massive tits and gives it a good squeeze, making the harpy cry out in lustful happiness yet again, even as he centers his mouth over her engorged nipple and bites down. Elise squeals, shuddering and clenching down all the harder around his thrusting cock as she cums for him.

He was just glad he’d managed to get her to wear the apron at least. It wasn’t that he was some prude or anything to be clear… rather, it was somewhat the opposite. Seeing her prancing around in absolutely nothing at all had Benjamin getting all sorts of pent up. Even after they’d finally come to an ‘understanding’ where Elise let him use her body for nightly sexual relief, it had still been way too hard to focus during the day with her prancing around with her tits out.

Once he got her in the apron, it was at least a bit better. Though… his apron was made for a man’s body. Not a woman’s. Meaning that Elise’s tits were constantly slipping out of the damn thing. No matter, she wore it and that was that.

Meanwhile, he got an extra pair of hands for the Winter, as well as a warm fuck buddy to enjoy night after night. Elise’s insistence on always eating dinner as fast as she could so she could then get ‘dessert’ by descending beneath the table to suck him off was… fine enough. But it was what they got up to in bed that Benjamin enjoyed the most.

Alternating between her breasts, Benjamin bites and nibbles at her nipples one after the other. He drags them out from her chest, making the harpy squeal and shake beneath him in orgasmic bliss. And at the same time… he picks up his pace.

“Yesssss! MORE!”

That’s one of the things he likes about Elise as well. They’re just so compatible. They both work hard, they both play hard, and they both fuck hard. Or rather, he fucks her hard because that’s how she likes it.

Benjamin is a fairly well-endowed, but it’s not about the size after a certain point. Rather, it’s how you use it. This is especially true with a Monster Girl like Elise, because they’re tougher than humans on average. She could, if she wanted to, slit his throat with those incredibly sharp talons of hers and take everything that wasn’t nailed down before flying off.

She wouldn’t though, he was fairly sure. As said before, Elise was a good sort. And he was glad to have the company, even if the little gremlin was a strawberry addict who had all but eaten through his crop of the red fruit in half the time it should have lasted. But sacrificing his strawberries, in the end, was a small price to pay for such… delicious company.

Pulling his mouth from her breasts, Benjamin lifts his head up and slides a hand through Elise’s raven-colored locks. Then, pulling her up a few inches, he smashes his lips against hers, taking the harpy by surprise. Her eyes widen briefly before becoming slitted as she moans into his mouth. His tongue pushes past her lips and they duel for a moment while swapping spit.

At the same time, he’s picking up the pace down below. Fucking her faster and harder by the second. Finally, he tips over the edge. Elise’s slitted eyes widen all over again and she lets out a heartfelt squeal into his mouth as she orgasms right alongside them. The two reach a mutual release as Benjamin stuffs the harpy full of his seed, pumping a hot thick load deep inside of her womb.

It’s not the first time he’s done so either, not by a long shot. And it certainly won’t be the last. Elise will be roosting at his farm for a while yet and Benjamin intends to take full advantage of that fact to enjoy their arrangement for as long as possible. To be fair, she seems to be enjoying it just as much.

In the end… it’s a win-win situation for everyone involved.



This was a nice one, very good work!


Gotta say- your ability to setup a good narrative before the sex is damn impressive as always.