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Chef's Kiss Ch. 22 (Fate/Grand Order)

  • Rider decides that she will be fucked by Shirou 72
  • Rider lets Sakura have this turn with Shirou 7
  • Rider says Shirou should fuck them together, simultaneously 216
  • Rider takes him up on his offer to end things here, testing him 26
  • 2023-11-02
  • —2023-11-15
  • 321 votes
{'title': "Chef's Kiss Ch. 22 (Fate/Grand Order)", 'choices': [{'text': 'Rider decides that she will be fucked by Shirou', 'votes': 72}, {'text': 'Rider lets Sakura have this turn with Shirou', 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'Rider says Shirou should fuck them together, simultaneously', 'votes': 216}, {'text': 'Rider takes him up on his offer to end things here, testing him', 'votes': 26}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 15, 8, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 2, 14, 30, 36, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 321}


A/N: Shirou lays down the law, but it turns out Sakura is into that sort of thing...


With a sigh, Shirou stops patting Sakura’s head. This immediately makes the purple-haired young woman go still beneath him as her eyes dart up to meet his. With her lips still wrapped around his cock, Sakura gives him a look of earnest confusion. That just about settles it for Shirou. She doesn’t even understand that she’s in error, and as her Senpai it’s his duty to correct her when she has a lapse in judgment.

Shifting his hand down from her hair to her cheek, he watches as Sakura slowly pulls back off of his cock so she can lean into his palm and nuzzle her face against his hand. Her eyes remain fixed on him, even as Shirou gives her a soft smile.

“Sakura… don’t you think you’re being unfair to Rider right now?”

Sakura freezes, taken aback by his chiding. Even if it’s as gentle as can be, the fact remains… Shirou doesn’t normally take Sakura to task like this. He’s usually very hands off, in fact. But even as Sakura is nuzzling into his palm, Medusa is still being groped, fondled, and bound by shadowy tentacles right behind her. It’s a jarring juxtaposition to be sure, but more than that… its an issue that needs to be addressed.

“As my darling kouhai, I know you want to try and give me the world. But as your Senpai, I have to step in when it looks like you’re going overboard. This is one of those instances. If Rider doesn’t want to join the harem, then she doesn’t have to, Sakura. And trying to coerce her into doing so… is wrong.”

Both women jolt at his words, even as Shirou takes things up a notch, going from gentle chiding to being far blunter. He can’t be sure Sakura will properly understand if he doesn’t, in the end.

“You also shouldn’t feel like you need to contribute to the harem in some way just because Rin and I summoned Servants who wound up joining in. I can accept that you wanted to bring back Rider in order to be able to fight by my side… but I can’t accept you trying to force her into a role that she’s neither ready for nor compatible with.”

Nodding his head along with his own words, feeling pretty good about everything he’s said so far, Shirou decides it’s time to go for the grand finish.

“Put simply… if we’re going to continue, I think it might be best if you let Rider leave the room. She can acclimate herself to Chaldea for a time until we’re done and then we can all meet back up with the others to get to the next Singularity.”

There. He didn’t want to have to do it to his darling kouhai, but Sakura had left him no choice. She’d forced his hand and made him lay down the law once and for all. Shirou might have accepted that he had a harem now, but that didn’t mean he was going to let his girls force other women to join. Only if they wanted to! And to be fair to her, Medusa had very good reasons for not wanting to, he figured.

Sakura, who had gone still with her cheek still resting in his palm as he spoke, stays silent for a moment longer. Then, she pulls away from his palm and turns to face her Servant, the shadowy tentacles freeing Medusa. The blindfolded woman, however, seems to only have ‘eyes’ for him… metaphorically speaking of course. She’s gazing in his direction with her mouth open but no words coming out.

Silence hangs in the air for a second longer before Sakura suddenly lets out a satisfied ‘hmph!’

“Do you see now, Rider? What I wanted to show you? What you needed to learn?”

Wait, what? What was Sakura talking about? Shirou expects Medusa to be just as confused by her words as he is… but instead, the blindfolded Servant bows her head, baffling as the motion is.

“Ah… yes Mistress. I did not understand before. But… he truly is a good man, isn’t he?”

Huh? Sakura just nods along, grinning happily as she clasps her hands in front of her with a happy sigh. She looks to him and opens her mouth to speak… only for Medusa to cut her off.

“Rather, it is Mistress who is the depraved pervert.”

A scowl spreads across his kouhai’s face as she shoots a glare back at Medusa.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself now, Rider!”

“… Of course, Mistress. This one lives to serve.”

“Hmph, and don’t forget it!”

Thoroughly confused, Shirou frowns as Sakura finally turns back to him, smiling broadly.

“Honestly, Senpai. I was wondering how long it would take you to properly put me in my place. As your most precious kouhai, it makes sense that you would give me the most leeway… but you really took your time! Ah, but more than that… you’re finally calling it a harem! And in such a nonchalant manner as well!”

Err… wait, had this all been a ploy by Sakura? Had she bullied her Servant just to make him come to Medusa’s defense, which would in turn show the purple-haired Rider just what sort of man Shirou truly was? By having Shirou spell it out and tell Sakura to let Medusa make her own choices and leave if she wanted to… she’d effectively socially engineered a situation where he made it clear he wasn’t anything like Medusa’s past experiences with men.

… He wished he could say that he would never have expected such deviousness from his precious kouhai, but actually, this was right up Sakura’s alley now that he thought about it. It was on him for failing to account for this sort of thing from her in the end. Even still…

“Naughty kouhai. You’ve left me no choice. I’m going to have to give you a spanking.”

That gets her attention at least. Sakura’s eyes widen and her face grows red. She wiggles for a moment on her knees before tapping the tips of her index fingers together.

“In… in front of my Servant, Senpai?”

Shaking his head, Shirou looks over at Medusa.

“You can go, Rider. Since my kouhai was kind enough to name me her equal as your Master… feel free to leave and get better acquainted with Chaldea while I punish her properly.”

There’s a scowl on Sakura’s face as he repeats his earlier offer to Medusa. But just because she was using him to prove a point, didn’t mean that Shirou hadn’t meant every word. Not every woman they ran across had to join his harem or suck his dick or anything like that. And he wasn’t going to let any of his lovers bully anyone outside of the harem into joining! That was his promise as a harem protagonist!

“Ah… if it pleases Master and Mistress… then this lowly one will stay, actually.”

Huh? Again, Shirou is caught off guard. Medusa blushes but makes no attempt to move towards the door as both he and Sakura stare at her. After a moment, the blindfolded Servant shrugs.

“After all… if Mistress is receiving her spanking, who then will take care of Master’s erection?”

That… that wasn’t necessary! But before he can say as much, Sakura jumps to her feet.

“R-Right! Spank away, Senpai!”

She quickly clamors on top of him, forcing Shirou to shuffle back a bit and also lean his torso back so she can properly get on her hands and knees across his body. Rather than drape herself over his lap, Sakura does a sort of bridge maneuver so that his rock hard cock, still exposed and twitching in the open air, is left… available.

Meanwhile, Medusa takes up the position so readily left empty by her Mistress and after only a moment of hesitation, reaches out and tentatively wraps a hand around his shaft. Then, she leans in and takes him in her mouth, something that Shirou can’t see due to Sakura’s behind being in the way but can certainly feel as the gorgon’s warm lips wrap around his shaft, her tongue swirling around his tip.

Sakura, meanwhile, arches her back and lifts her hips into the air as high as possible to give Rider room. This has the extra effect of waving her ass right in front of his face as she flips up her skirt and pulls her panties down at the same time. In mere moments, her bubble butt is exposed to him along with her glistening pussy, and the purple-haired girl looks back over her shoulder, biting her lower lip.

“Please… be gentle, Senpai.”

… When had he lost control of this situation? Actually, that wasn’t the right question. The right question was… had he ever had control of this situation in the first place? Obviously, the answer was ‘no’. No he had not. Even now, with him about to punish Sakura with a spanking, he felt like he was dancing to her tune!

Giving his kouhai a dry look, Shirou huffs.

“Do you really think you deserve me to be gentle, Sakura?”

She freezes at that question for a moment, before giving him a truly wicked smile.

“Ah… Senpai is right of course. Don’t be gentle. Make it hurt~”

His darling kouhai was a monster. And yeah, okay… Shirou had already known that about her. And he loved her anyways, every last bit of her. Still, he can’t help but be a little exasperated as he brings his hand down on her ass, still feeling Medusa sucking his cock out of sight. Seriously, he’d expected her to jump at the chance to escape this debauchery… and instead, the Servant had joined right in!

Well, one thing was for sure. Shirou wasn’t letting Sakura get away without punishment. She’d manipulated him and that meant she deserved a spanking, no matter how much she seemed to be on board with it all of a sudden. And so… Shirou begins.


“A-Ah! One, sir!”

And then immediately pauses.

“… What are you doing?”

Looking back at him, Sakura tilts her head to the side curiously.

“Hmmm? Oh! I’m counting, Senpai. When you give a naughty bitch like me a spanking, you should ALWAYS make them count out the smacks for you. And if at any point they mess up the count, you have to start over, alright? It’s the only way someone like your manipulative little kouhai will learn her less-!”


“Eep! Two, sir!”

In the end, continuing the spanking was the only way Shirou could think of to shut Sakura up. Shameless. His precious kouhai was truly, completely shameless.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

“Three, sir! Four, sir! Five, sir! Ah… sir…”

As he finishes up the fifth smack, not even sure whether to continue on or not, Sakura suddenly calls out to him. Looking to her, he raises an eyebrow.

“It’s just… sir is being a little too gentle with me, given how I tried to manipulate you. You should… spank me harder. To really teach me a lesson.”

That… the worst part is, Sakura isn’t mocking him. Not on purpose anyways. She’s completely serious and even well-meaning in her advice. But damn it all, it’s still unintentional mocking all the same, for her to be giving him advice at all on how he should be punishing HER of all people!

With a growl, Shirou does pick up speed and strength for the next set of five smacks.


“A-Ah! Six sir!”


“Seven, sir!!!”


“E-Eight, sir! Niiiine, sir! T-Ten, sir!”

He wishes he could say he feels better by the end of ten spankings, but he doesn’t really feel like Sakura has learned her lesson at all truth be told. Especially not with how she’s shaking her ass back at him, or the way her arousal is dripping from her cunt. And all the while, Medusa has continued to diligently suck his cock down below. Bobbing her head up and down on his dick, swirling her elongated tongue around his member. She’s doing it with an enthusiasm that she wouldn’t have if she still felt forced into it… but even still…

Slowly pulling Sakura back off of his lap and letting her lounge next to him where she can rest against his side, Shirou considers the two shameless purple-haired women for a moment. At least where Medusa is concerned, she can just say she’s following orders. But Sakura…


At his serious tone, Sakura goes still against his side, nuzzling him as she was. He looks at her then and she looks up at him, the barest kernel of concern in her gaze.

“… The next time I need to punish you like this, we’re going to do it in front of Rin.”

The kernel of concern blossoms into full blown fear as Sakura jolts upright, staring at him in horror.

“W-What?! Senpai, please reconsider! The… relationship that me and my sister have at this point has been carefully cultivated! Punish me all you like behind closed doors, but when it comes to someone like Rin Tohsaka, we need to present a united front at all times! A tsundere like her will sense weakness and leap at it at a moment’s notice!”

… Funny, that felt more like something a yandere like Sakura would do, not a tsundere like Rin. Regardless, Shirou just shakes his head, refusing to back down.

“And furthermore… if I have to punish you a THIRD time for unacceptable behavior, then I’ll be forced to let Rin herself perform the punishment. Even if that means I get her a paddle so she can properly match the strength of my hand.”

At that, Sakura blanches, her horror blooming further. She starts to tremble at the mere idea, at which Shirou sighs and pulls her into a one-armed hug.

“Not to worry. So long as my kouhai is a good girl, such things won’t come to pass, now will they?”

“… Y-Yes Senpai. You’ve made yourself perfectly clear, S-Senpai.”

Heh. Damn straight. In the end… Shirou had won! Even if it felt like the score was still one point for him and a million for Sakura. But hey, that was one more point than he’d had before today, wasn’t it?

Hm. Looking down at where a blindfolded Medusa continues to suck his cock, Shirou considers things for a moment… before nodding to himself as he comes to a decision.

“Furthermore… as an extension of this punishment, Rider decides what happens next.”

Both women freeze up at that.

“To be clear, that even includes… nothing, Rider. If you want, we can end things here and get back to work. No pressure.”

Of course, even as he says that, Sakura is glaring down at her Servant, promising eternal suffering if she dares to go for something like that. Which is why Shirou reaches back down and under Sakura and sinks three fingers into the purple-haired girl’s pussy, causing her glare to falter as his kouhai moans softly and gets all cutely flustered. God is she aroused right now.

Regardless, Shirou gives Medusa an encouraging smile and nod and awaits her decision.


Ashwath Raghuram

Sakura, the most naughty of kouhai’s. Hopefully we get more of Shirou taking her in hand throughout the story. Makes sense that she’s the biggest masochist tbh. And also the biggest manipulator for the Shirou harem ending lol


I look forward to Sakura eventually summoning BB, their scheming will reach levels so far unheard of xD

omar amurrio
