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A/N: Thayla and Mikael say their goodbyes~


Mikael is certain that he knows what to expect when he arrives outside of Thayla’s quarters the night before he and the others are due to depart for the Sylian Woods. And yet, after knocking on the door and announcing that it’s him, only to be verbally invited in… he’s still taken off guard by the state he finds Thayla in.

Kneeling in the center of her bedroom, the white-haired Knight of the Rose is on her knees with her hands resting palm down on top of her legs. She’s completely naked… if one doesn’t count the impressive rope bondage she’s apparently layered herself in. Crisscrossing over her flesh in a lattice of diamond-like shapes, Thayla has effectively bound herself from her neck all the way down to her sex in tight, restricting rope that doesn’t confine her movement but DOES restrict her blood flow in certain areas.

Her breasts in particular are both ‘grasped’ by the rope around the base, causing them to protrude outwards and turn a little red in the process. From what Mikael can see, she’s definitely cinched the rope a little too tight across her body, making sure she’d find herself in a state of constant discomfort while she waited for him to finally come to her.

Given it had been hours since she’d asked for him to meet her in her rooms at night, Mikael actually had no clue how long Thayla had been like this. But she certainly seems to have been enjoying herself if the wet spot on the floor between her thighs is any indication.

“Sir… Sir Hero… you’re here.”

Her breathless tone also makes it clear how much being in this much discomfort is turning her on. Mikael sighs as he steps into the room and closes the door behind him. There wasn’t likely to be anyone in this part of the Citadel at this time of the night save for the four of them anyways, but it had still been a mistake on his part to stand there in the doorway gawking like an idiot for so damn long anyways.

“Thayla… I’m pretty sure I told you that you don’t need to call me that.”

Then, realizing he needs to couch it differently, Mikael gives the kneeling female knight a meaningful look as he moves deeper into the room.

“Actually, I’m pretty sure I told you I prefer you DON’T call me that.”

Flushing, Thayla ducks her head in shame, averting her gaze.

“I know, Sir Hero… but I do not think I deserve to call you by your name either. You can dress it up in whatever terms you like… but we both know why you’re leaving me behind.”

Freezing for a moment, Mikael presses his lips together into a thin line. Yes, it was a little obvious. But he hadn’t thought Thayla would just call him out like this. With a scoff, he decides to be flippant.

“Yes. I’m leaving you behind because three women is one too many. I already have my hands full satisfying both Avina and Bula, so I’m dropping you at the first chance I’ve got.”

It’s a cruel, callous, mean thing to say. It’s also not even remotely true, but that’s what makes it so shocking. Indeed, it jolts Thayla right out of her stupor, causing her head to snap up and her blue eyes to widen as she stares at him in disbelief for a long moment. Of course, after that moment passes, the female knight’s good sense catches up with her and she realizes he’s teasing.

“… Sir Hero, please. I’m trying to be serious.”

Huffing, Mikael strides right up to Thayla and grabs her rather roughly by her hair, yanking her head back and forcing her to look up into his eyes.

“Fine. Let’s be serious, Thayla. Foss Sangrey, bastard that he is, is invading your homeland. He’s murdered your country’s ruler and his family and left the Zuverian Empire in complete disarray as he launches his attack. Assaulting Zuveria at the head of an undead army, he stands poised to run roughshod over the Empire… unless someone stands in his way. Only, the only people in any position to do that are here in this Citadel.”

Looking at Thayla, Mikael frowns.

“… Your father is leading what amounts to a suicide mission against Foss’ forces. Whether this long-shot with the Sylian Elves works out or not, things are really, really dire. And I… I would have to be a monster to force you to leave behind your father, your fellow knights, and your homeland while they’re all under the threat of attack.”

Thayla bites her lower lip at that, but before she can muster a response, Mikael continues on, ranting a little bit now as he begins unbuckling his belt with his free hand while still holding her hair with the other.

“Of course, on the other hand I really do have my hands full, don’t I? Avina turned out to be a Runaway Princess who just wanted to tinker with her Soul Engine and wile her days away working as my Mechanic. But that bastard Foss wouldn’t let her because he’s too much of a bastard. So now she wants revenge… and to put an end to Foss Sangrey once and for all so he can never hunt her ever again.”

Thayla blinks as Mikael slaps his cock down on her face at the end of that statement, dragging it across her features. Blushing profusely, she lets out a soft moan and darts her tongue out to slide it across the underside of his shaft. Mikael smirks, but he’s not quite done yet.

“Meanwhile… Bula is apparently some sort of Elven Big Shot. Hell, I won’t be surprised if she winds up being an Elf Princess too. Oh, I know we don’t know anything for sure… but your father all but spelled it out. Whatever connection Bula has to the Sylian Woods, where the trees are taller than this entire Citadel and the wild life is apparently just as big, it’s almost certainly why the elves are trying to bring her home. They need her for something. Because she’s special in some way.”

Thayla hums and opens up obediently as Mikael slides his cock across her lips. A moment later and he pushes inside of her mouth, causing her to let out a muffled moan as she begins to dutifully and eagerly suck his cock.

Looking down into her eyes, Mikael snorts derisively at the contented expression slowly overtaking Thayla’s face. She’s still listening to him, still as attentive as ever… but she’s much happier with his dick in her mouth, the silly woman.

“And then there’s you.”

As expected, Thayla pauses at that, but Mikael just smiles down at her, raking his fingers through her hair and his nails across her scalp in a way that makes her shiver in delight. Like one raking their fingers down the back of a cat, Mikael finds himself thinking.

“Oh, you don’t need to worry, Thayla. You’re perfectly fine. In fact, you’re officially the most normal of the group. Between Avina being a Runaway Princess, Bula being some sort of Elven Chosen One, and me being… well, me… you and your Knightly Order are the most ordinary among us. Even with your father being the head of said Knightly Order.”

Frankly, he should have seen all of this bullshit with Bula coming. Or rather, he had… but he’d asked the wrong questions. And he hadn’t asked the right follow up questions either. He’d let things rest at finding out Bula killed his dad, when asking a simple ‘why’ would have probably revealed her elven heritage a week ago. That was on him.


Thayla’s response is more moaning as she sucks and slurps at his cock. By this point, Mikael is fully erect, especially with how… eager the female knight is. Firming up his grip on her hair, he pulls her off of his cock inch by inch until finally, he pops free of her lips, leaving her gasping and panting for breath. Her bound chest heaves up and down as she looks up at him, her arousal obvious.

“All that said… I get it, Thayla. I do. So we’re going to compromise, alright? You can call me ‘sir’ as much as you want… but no hero nonsense, got it? You address me as ‘sir’ and ‘sir’ alone for the evening. Otherwise… I’ll walk out that door right now and not look back. Am I clear”

Thayla’s eyes widen with panic at that ultimatum. Admittedly, he’s pretty sure she would have agreed without it, but he wants her to know how serious he is. See, Mikael doesn’t consider himself much of a hero. Even if the circumstances of his arrival on this world entitled him to the moniker, he doesn’t care. He’s not in this to save Zuveria or Ocreatha, or even to necessarily stop Foss out of some principle or moral obligation.

He’s in this… to protect his girls. The women he’s come to love since arriving in this world... they’re all that really matter to him. Unfortunately, that also means what matters to them also has to matter to him. Because he’d be a pretty terrible lover and human being if he professed his affection for them in one breath and then ignored their wants and needs in the next.

“Yes… sir. Crystal clear, sir.”

Nodding, Mikael pulls Thayla up off of her knees and onto her feet. She squeaks as he thrusts her towards the bed and then follows. Once there, Mikael looks over her rope work for a moment, quickly locating the ties. Then, he sets about… changing things up a bit. Thayla gasps and moans but doesn’t resist. And when he’s done… her arms are bound behind her back while her sex is suddenly available, her slit no longer occupied by a thick rope digging up between her lower lips.

Thayla’s wanton moan has a hint of relief to it when Mikael finally drives into her from behind, pushing her face first into the bed and penetrating her deeply. Mikael, meanwhile, lets out a grunt in response.

“P-Please sir… harder… fuck me harder…”

That, he can do. As he begins to pound down into Thayla harder, Mikael reflects on his decisions today. See, one might wonder… if all he cared about was Avina, Thayla, and Bula… then why is he so willing to leave Thayla behind?

… It’s precisely because he’s not a hero that he has to do this. See, Mikael is very, very tempted to take his girls and run. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t. When Timothal suggested that they do exactly that if they failed to convince the Sylian Elves, Mikael wanted nothing more than to agree with the man. But… in the end, he couldn’t.

Not because he was some big damn hero. But because it would destroy Thayla if they ran. It would ruin Avina too. Bula could have been convinced. Sure, she wanted the fight that had been originally denied to her back in Alether, when they’d had to flee Foss and his undead army. But she could have been convinced to just leave Zuveria and Ocreatha to their fates.

Thayla though… she would have obeyed if he ordered it of her, but something in her would die. She would never be the same. Avina, meanwhile, would only go kicking and screaming. And their relationship probably wouldn’t survive Mikael’s heavy-handed decision making.

Speaking of heavy hands…


Bringing his palms down on Thayla’s backside to clap her cheeks with both of his hands, Mikael smiles ever so slightly as she squeals and tightens up around his thrusting member. He’s giving it to the masochistic knight as hard as he dares, making sure to fulfill her every wanton desire without going overboard and potentially hurting her. He wants to make this a night to remember for both of them. And to give them both something to look forward to when they see each other again.

… That was why Mikael had to leave Thayla behind. To make sure he wasn’t tempted to go against Avina’s wishes and all but kidnap his Soul Mechanic to get her away from the fighting. Even if Zuveria might be doomed, Avina wasn’t ready to give up. Even if the Sylian Woods turned out to be a crapshoot, she would still want to come back, to face Foss Sangrey on her own terms.

Leaving Thayla behind… ensured that Mikael did too. He would not abandon her anymore than he’d abandon Avina or Bula, at least not permanently. That didn’t make it any easier though. In fact, it was probably the hardest decision he’d ever had to make. He could have kept Thayla by his side. Kept her safe. But in doing so, he’d be killing her just as effectively. She might continue breathing, but the loss of everything she’d ever known would break her.

Instead… he’d had to let her go. Didn’t mean he was happy about it. In fact, he might be taking a little bit of his frustration at the situation out on Thayla right now. Fortunately for him, the female knight loved it. As he slams home into her yet again, her inner walls clench around his shaft once more and she tips over the edge, experiencing another orgasm upon his length.

Mikael shudders and picks up the pace one last time, taking himself to the absolute limits of what he knows Thayla can handle. He pushes her further into the bed, completely silencing her squealing and begging for more as her face is buried in the blankets. And a few moments later… he finishes, grunting as his balls empty into her cunt.

A full body shudder goes through the masochistic knight under him, but Mikael only lets her luxuriate in the feeling for a second before pulling out of her and dragging her up off the bed. Slowly, he begins untying her and unwinding the rope from her body. He has no intention of letting her permanently hurt herself by accident, and he quickly begins rubbing the parts of her body that she’d probably constricted the blood flow of a bit too much.


“Hush, Thayla. We’re going to take a bath now, you and me. Then, we’re going to bed. No arguing, understood?”

“Ah… yes sir.”

Mikael smiles softly at that and they do exactly as he said as he continues to rub feeling back into different parts of her body. Of course, it’s just their luck that Thayla had been the least kind to her chest. He has to spend a LOT of time rubbing her breasts to make sure they get back to their natural color. The result is that after the bath, they wind up going at it one more time in bed before exhaustion finally takes Thayla and she passes out cuddled against his side.

On the other hand, Mikael doesn’t sleep. He doesn’t really need to. Instead, he lays there, one arm curled protectively around the female knight as she rests her head upon his chest, slumbering peacefully. Staring up at the ceiling, stuck alone with his own thoughts and contemplating the future, Mikael wonders if he’s signing Thayla’s death warrant, leaving her behind like this.

No. He won’t let this be her end. They’ll just have to hurry back quickly. Even if Mikael has to bash a few elven skulls together in order to make the stuck-up pricks see sense as fast as humanly possible.


A/N: Mikael out here giving himself a reason to return so he doesn't just kidnap Avina and skedaddle. Is this healthy coping behavior? Probably not, but it's not like Vaclatora has therapy, now does it?

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I was almost half-expecting her to have also wanted him to knock her up. Both as further incentive for him to return to her, and to ensure that she'd have 'something' of him in the event she survives and he doesn't.


You know, for as morbid of a thought as it is, Mikael kind of has a perfect "plan b" for any unforeseen circumstances that might arise from their coupling. I mean, he can suck out rat souls without issue, so...


Excellent chapter, thanks!