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Themes: Foursome, Monster Sex, Corruption

Summary: Part 2 of True Happiness. After taking out Orochimaru and retrieving Sasuki, Naruko thought her life couldn’t get any better. Her master quickly proves her wrong by revealing that there are many more of her fellow kunoichi out there just LONGING for domination at his claws. Naruko is all too happy to help show Ino Yamanaka and Hinata Hyuga her Master's glory. And hey, if it gets her one step closer to the position of Hokage, that's pretty cool too! 


“Is this for real? You two aren’t just spies trying to take Kurama from me, are you?”

As Naruko stands there defiantly, blonde pigtails and all with her arms crossed over her chest… Ino Yamanaka and Hinata Hyuga exchange a glance. Hinata is definitely the more nervous of the two, fidgeting and squirming under Naruko’s mistrustful gaze. Ino on the other hand just scoffs and flips her ponytail back over her shoulder as she stares Naruko down.

“If we WERE spies, Naruko… telling us the Kyuubi’s actual name would kind of be a big red flag, knucklehead. Honestly, since when are you so paranoid anyways?”

Naruko blushes profusely at that. Ino has a point… on both counts in fact. She really shouldn’t be throwing her Master’s name around all willy nilly. Calling Kurama by his name out in the real world was about as bad as addressing him as Master out here was. Talk about setting off alarms. On top of that, Ino was also right that Naruko was normally a lot more naturally trusting. It was just…

Hmmm… you’re worried that you’ll lose my focus, pet.

Kurama’s voice echoes through her mind and Naruko shivers, her eyes half-rolling back in her head as she bites her lower lip in delight. He’s hit the nail right on the head, that’s for sure.

You needn’t worry. You’re my host, are you not? You will always be the primary source of my attention. And besides… these two will help you in your quest to become Hokage.

Naruko’s eyes snap wide open at that, and she looks at Ino and Hinata in a new light. Truly?

“You both… you’re going to help me become Hokage?”

Both Ino and Hinata freeze up at that, before Ino steps forward and whacks Naruko upside the head.

“Not so loud, idiot. You don’t go around discussing a coup in anything but hushed voices, got it?”

Wait, a coup?!

“But I-!”

At Ino’s glare, Naruko quiets her tone to a whisper… well, a whisper-shout, really.

“B-but I don’t wanna coup Tsunade. I just want to become Hokage after her!”

Rolling her eyes, Ino shakes her head.

“Look, Naruko… we can discuss this inside.”

At that, Hinata perks up and shuffles closer, the Hyuga Kunoichi pressing her fingertips together in shy excitement and anticipation. Naruko, meanwhile, furrows her brow.

“Inside? Inside where?”

Heh, you’ll like this, Naruko. Just do as the Yamanaka says. Relax.

“Just… relax your mind alright? This is going to be hard enough without you fighting it… so don’t. Got it?”

If not for her Master’s words just now, Naruko might not have listened to what Ino was saying. But because Kurama had made it clear she was supposed to do what Ino said, Naruko lets out a low sigh and relaxes, her shoulders slumping. Ino, meanwhile, pulls Hinata in a little closer, causing the Hyuga to squeak. Then, she begins performing hand signs.

Suddenly, Naruko finds herself experiencing a sense of vertigo… the surroundings, that being her apartment, don’t SEEM to change… and yet… and yet…

“Good. Very good.”

It’s him. Kurama is there, dominating the area of her apartment with his bulk. Not his full size of course, not even close, but the Nine-Tailed Fox still towers over the three of them all the same. Immediately, Naruko feels herself growing wet under his gaze. Her inner thighs rub together and she whimpers as she imagines all the FUN they could get up to like this.

She’s not entirely sure what Ino has done, but she’s grateful all the same. Except, when she turns to the other blonde to thank her… she finds Ino looking at Kurama with no small amount of lust, blushing up a storm and rubbing HER thighs together as well as the purple-clad kunoichi squirms at the sight of him too. And even Hinata is doing it as well!

Naruko really hadn’t believed them before… but now she does. Coming back to the village after beating Orochimaru and saving Sasuki, Naruko had been riding high on life. She’d felt like a winner… though Sasuki was still in T&I. But Tsunade had promised Naruko that so long as the Uchiha cooperated, she would eventually be released. That said, Naruko had worried that part of that cooperation might involve Sasuki telling them about her experience with Kurama in Naruko’s mind. Even though Kurama had told her there was no way Sasuki would betray them, she’d still worried.

And then Ino and Hinata had shown up at her door, telling her they were there because a certain fox had contacted them and brought them to her. And Naruko had half-believed it was a trap. The other half of her had just been afraid that they would wind up replacing her if this continued on.

But now… now they were all here. The three of them… and their Master. She might not know everything, but she knew now that she’d been silly before. Kurama would never replace her. No matter how many women she fed to him.


Naruko wastes no time in obeying her Master’s order. Ino and Hinata rapidly do the same, even as Kurama prowls around the three of them, growling in satisfaction under his breath. While they all strip naked, Ino glances at Naruko with a knowing look in her eye.

“We’re not actually in the real world right now, Naruko. This is a Mind Safe House. A Yamanaka Technique that allows me to connect the minds of multiple people together. The three of us, you, me, and Hinata, are all back in your apartment, our heads pressed together and our eyes shut. But so long as we’re connected, we can communicate without fear of being overheard. And more importantly for our purposes… the Kyuubi can do whatever he wants with us.”

No sooner does Ino say that… then Kurama pounces. Naruko watches, her breath hitching as the Yamanaka is suddenly pushed to the ground, her naked body completely at the mercy of the hulking Nine-Tailed Fox as he looms over her.

“That’s Master to you, brat.”

Moaning… mewling even, Ino wriggles under Kurama and lifts her hips high into the air, eagerly giving him access to her dripping wet pussy.

“Yesss Master… sorry Master. Please punish this worthless sow… please treat me as your personal fuck toy!”

Kurama snorts… and then thrusts into her from behind, filling her with his demonic fox cock. Naruko pants as she watches this. As she takes in the sight of her Master claiming another woman for his collection. How could she have ever wanted to avoid this? Sasuki was great after all… so obviously, any other women who could get involved should!

Though that did leave a certain elephant in the room… Naruko looks to Hinata, who blushes and quickly looks away as she covers her admittedly voluptuous body with her hands. That causes the blonde to blink because… why was Hinata staring at HER rather than at the sight of Kurama fucking Ino silly?

“She wants you, Naruko. She wants you even more than she wants me.”

Hinata freezes at that declaration, blushing and stammering. She tries to deny it, seemingly out of fear, but Kurama just laughs and flicks a few tails in her direction dismissively as he continues to pound Ino into the floor of Naruko’s make-believe apartment with every last inch of his massive member.

“There’s no use trying to lie to me, girl. You thought to deceive me, but I always knew where your heart truly lay. And yet… to have Naruko, you MUST submit to me. You understand that well enough… don’t you, Hyuga?”

Throwing one last furtive glance in Naruko’s direction, Hinata bows her head to the Nine-Tails.

“Yes… Master…”

For a moment, Naruko just stares… then, she squees.

“So cute!”

Kurama’s chuckles are drowned out by Hinata’s gasping and Naruko’s exuberance as she all but bounces over to Hinata and drags the other kunoichi into a hug. Their breasts squish together as they nakedly embrace, and Naruko is all smiles.

“Wow, Hinata! You liked me so much you were willing to submit to my Master just to be with me?”

“… Y-Yes?”

“That’s awesome! I never knew you liked me like that!”

Hinata blushes and nods her head, opening her mouth to say something… but whatever it might have been, she never gets it out because Naruko has already leaned in and kissed her right on the lips. The other kunoichi freezes up for a moment… and then melts into Naruko’s enthusiastic kissing. Admittedly, the blonde had never done this before… made out with anyone that is. Not before Kurama had her makeout with Sasuki anyways.

But she’s found that she’s developed a taste for it. And she has to admit, devouring Hinata’s lips with her own and wrestling their tongues… it’s a lot of fun. Especially with the sounds of Ino’s domination and breaking in the background. The Yamanaka Kunoichi can do nothing but take their Master’s big fat monstrous cock inside of her again and again. As she cries out and cums for Kurama, he doesn’t let up, pounding away at her pussy with reckless abandon and really… really giving it to her.

It's super-hot, Naruko realizes. But it would be even hotter if it was Hinata instead. Hinata, who liked Naruko so much that she answered the call when Kurama reached out to her! Hinata, who liked Naruko so much, was willing to submit to Naruko’s Master just for them to be together!

It was so fucking sexy… so as soon as the Nine-Tails lets out one final grunt and finishes deep inside of Ino, filling her with his seed, Naruko breaks away from Hinata immediately. The two of them watch as Kurama pulls out of Ino, leaving the blonde face down, ass up, and completely insensate on the ground before him. And they watch as he looks at them both knowingly, a wicked grin on his foxlike face.

“Your turn, Hinata!”


Eager as can be, Naruko drags Hinata over to the couch and sits down, pulling the Hyuga into her lap. The shy kunoichi squeaks as she does so, finding herself with her back against Naruko’s tits and her legs spread wide by Naruko’s knees. Meanwhile, Naruko reaches around from behind her, one hand going to her breasts while the other goes down to between her thighs… where Naruko uses her fingers to splay Hinata’s pussy lips nice and wide in offering to her Master.

Kurama chuckles at this, his gaze feasting upon the two of them.

“Mm. A delectable sacrifice, pet. And all mine for the taking, is that it?”

From over Hinata’s shoulder, Naruto nods enthusiastically.

“Yes Master! Take her! Make her your bitch just like you did with me, Sasuki, and Ino!”

Prowling over, Kurama’s cock throbs and pulsates with anticipation as he moves into position and places the tip of his huge monstrous member against Hinata’s spread sex. The Hyuga Kunoichi pants even heavier at that, staring down at where she’s about to be taken in trepidation and anticipation alike.

“Hm… I will if she asks for it first.”

“Go ahead, Hinata! Let our Master know how much you want it!”

Blushing up a storm, Hinata carefully nods.

“Y-Yes. I… I want it. I want your… your p-penis inside of me. I want you to claim me. I want… I want to serve you at Naruko’s side… f-forever.”

Naruko beams up at Kurama as he looms over them both. In response, he just grins wickedly… and thrusts in. His cock spears Hinata’s quim, making her cry out as he claims her at long last. He fills her pussy with his dick and begins thrusting into her hard and fast. Meanwhile, Naruko coos into Hinata’s ear, so very excited for her. Getting fucked by Kurama for the first time was always an experience. An insanely pleasurable one at that.

But even better… with how they’re positioned, it’s almost like Naruko herself is getting fucked. She’s not actually impaled upon her Master’s cock of course, but she does feel every jarring thrust he makes into Hinata as the shy kunoichi squeaks, squeals, and moans in equal measure. She also gets to feel Kurama’s balls slapping against her own cunt as she holds Hinata on top of herself, effectively acting as a sort of bed for the other girl.

And finally… they’re in the perfect position for Kurama to lean past Hinata and stick his tongue right into Naruko’s waiting, enthusiastic mouth. They don’t so much kiss as Kurama dominates her mouth with his tongue, just as he’s dominating Hinata’s body with his cock. Naruko moans throatily and thrusts her hips upwards, humping into Hinata’s ass which in turn causes Hinata to involuntarily hump upwards into Kurama’s thrusts.

Trapped between them, sandwiched between the Nine-Tailed Fox and his eager little pet, Hinata Hyuga cannot escape. She can’t do anything but take her new Master’s big fat cock all the way to the hilt time and time again. Naruko is so happy for her. She’s glad that Hinata gets to experience the same pleasure that she did. That Sasuki did. And now that Ino has as well.

Finally, Kurama lets out a lustful growl. It’s the only warning before he proceeds to cum and cum deep inside of Hinata’s cunt. He fills her to the brim just like he did Ino, and then pulls out, leaving her splayed against Naruko’s front and in a similar state of insensate.

Of course, by this time Ino has recovered… and Naruko is raring to go. Which is how the two blondes find themselves both on their hands and knees before their Master while Hinata recovers on the couch. Sucking Kurama’s cock and slurping at his balls right alongside Ino is a treat and a half, even as he hums his deep-bellied approval and speaks in a certain tone.

“You are not the last kunoichi in this village who crave domination. The Yamanaka and Hyuga might have answered my calls first, but they are just the beginning, my pet. And with them, your pathway to Hokage will eventually be secured.”

Biting her lower lip, Naruko pulls back from Kurama’s member for a moment at that.

“Ah… I’m happy to obey Master, but do we really have to coup Tsunade?”

“Perhaps… perhaps not. Even Tsunade Senju has her regrets. Her failures. A coup might not be necessary… if she decides to join us of her own free will.”

Oh! That sounds nice! In fact, it all sounds quite lovely. Naruko beams as she goes back to sucking her Master’s monstrous member alongside Ino. It sounds to her like Kurama already has it all planned out. So in the end, all she has to do is follow along and do as he says. And so long as she does… she’ll continue to find true happiness.


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