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Themes: Bimbofication, Rough Sex, Fucked Silly

Summary: Part 2 of Bodacious Bombshell. It doesn't take long for other witches to start approaching Hermione about her new spell. Some are chased away by her warnings of the side effects, as well as her stringent requirements. Cho Chang is the first to accept both the side effects... and the fact that her new body needs to be at Harry's beck and call from there on out.


 “What do you think, Harry? Like what you see?”

“… Merlin, is this real? Or is it the Room?”

Hermione giggles at that. Dressed in a slutty version of her Gryffindor Schoolgirl Uniform, she stands not alone… but with another witch at her side, wearing a slutty version of HER House Uniform as well. Though to be fair, these days almost anything that Hermione or her companion wore counted as ‘slutty’, mostly because all of their clothes were ill-fitted at this point in time, with the way their busts strained against their blouses and their hips and asses made even the school regulation pleated skirts ride up over their width.

That said, these were decidedly not normal school uniforms. They were very much even skimpier than all of that, leaving Hermione’s tits practically bursting out, and her pussy one simple movement away from being exposed. And the same could be said for the girl at her side as well. The Ravenclaw Witch, Cho Chang.

One year older than them, Cho was on her way out of Hogwarts… but that hadn’t stopped her from being Hermione’s first recruit, much to the brunette’s surprise.

Oh, don’t get her wrong. She hadn’t been shocked when the Asian Witch had first approached her. After all, a number of witches had all approached Hermione about her new magic. And Hermione had been honest with them all… to an extent. She’d explained the side effects. How she was a little ditzier and absent-minded, but still mostly herself. But also how she NEEDED to have sex on a regular basis now, and that simple masturbation wouldn’t do once you got a taste of the real thing under her magic.

Basically, she was honest about the costs associated with her new spell. The side effects were nothing too drastic, but they were still there. And most witches weren’t willing to accept them in exchange for the beauty that Hermione now sported.

However, some were still interested. Some still wanted to learn her new spell. Those scant few were oft-times chased away by Hermione’s other requirement… that being that they needed to make themselves available to Harry Potter, to be at his beck and call from the moment they started using the spell.

Most had balked at the very idea. Some had been… intrigued but hid their interest behind a mask of indifference or disgust. But only one had jumped at the opportunity to join Hermione in Harry’s bed right off the bat. And that was Cho Chang.

Clasping her hands in front of her in a way that frames her now massive bust all the better, Cho gives Harry a brilliant smile, the Asian Witch’s pretty face even prettier now, her plump lips curling into a lurid sort of grin.

“I’m quite real, Harry. And I’m eager to prove it too. I wanted to apologize for how things ended between us last year. I wasn’t in a good place just yet after Cedric’s death. But… I’ve finally managed to move on. And I recognize how I used you last year. I not only tried to use you to be close to Cedric again, but I also dumped all of my trauma onto you. That was wrong of me… and I’ve been eager to make it up to you. To apologize… properly.”

Harry just stares at Cho for a long moment before coughing and rubbing the back of his head.

“Well… err, apology accepted? It’s no big deal…”

Hermione giggles at that, unable to help it. When Harry looks over at her confused, Hermione gives him a saucy grin and thrusts her own tits out in his direction.

“She wants to apologize PROPERLY Harry. Won’t you let her?”

It takes him a moment to finally get it, making Hermione wonder just who the ditz was here. But then his emerald eyes light up in understanding, widening as he looks back to Cho now.

“Oh… oh! I mean… sure. Feel free to… apologize however you like.”

Even though he gives Cho permission to do whatever, his gaze feasts upon her tits most of all. So Hermione moves in and grabs Cho by her skimpy top… then, she yanks. Cho gasps, a slightly faked reaction as buttons fly everywhere and her new massive cow udders go bouncing out. The Ravenclaw Witch moans as Hermione gropes her breasts for a moment before grabbing hold of her large nipples in particular and using them to drag Cho over to where Harry is standing.

Once they arrive directly in front of him, Hermione yanks Cho downwards, dropping to her knees herself as they find themselves positioned right in front of his crotch. Moving into position behind Cho, Hermione continues to molest the other witch’s tits, even as Cho moans through pillowy lips and eagerly reaches up to divest Harry of his pants and boxers.

Soon enough, the green-eyed wizard’s throbbing erection has been freed from its confines and set loose right before Hermione and Cho’s eyes. It even smacks Cho across the face, something that makes the Asian Witch coo as she begins planting eager little kisses up and down its length. Hermione is tempted to lean forward over her shoulder and do the same, but no… this is Cho’s time. Hermione is just here to facilitate things.

Truth be told, the Ravenclaw Witch was right. After how she’d treated Harry the previous year, he deserved this apology from her. Harry himself would never admit it of course, he was too damn nice. But Cho had effectively used him as a rag to cry herself out into and then dropped him like a sack of potatoes. It was wrong… and Hermione was all too happy to help Cho make it right.

To that end, she grabs the Asian Witch by her nipples again and pinches and pulls them, causing Cho to cry out and tilt her head back from the sudden burst of sensation. Then, Hermione tugs the other witch’s tits up by their teats, until she can finally, firmly wrap them around Harry’s shaft. He groans in response, Cho’s new cow udders winding up being the perfect size to embrace his cock, giving it a warm and soft tunnel for him to fuck into.

And fuck he does, thrusting forward almost involuntarily at first. In fact, Hermione is pretty sure Harry doesn’t even know he’s doing it initially. It’s all subconscious, completely performed by his body’s overenthusiastic response. But she doesn’t want him to stop, obviously… and neither should Cho. Leaning forward as Harry thrusts up through the valley of Cho’s breasts again and again, Hermione purrs into the Ravenclaw Witch’s ear.

“Suck it.”

Cho, who had been almost mesmerized by seeing her tits being used in such a way, jolts at Hermione’s command. But to her credit, she doesn’t hesitate to obey. Leaning forward, the beautiful Asian Witch opens wide and lets Harry’s cockhead slip between her pillowy lips. She moans as her tongue lolls out, swirling around the tip of his dick and the first couple of inches.

In response, Harry groans even louder, throwing his head back in audible and visible enjoyment of Cho’s efforts. Well, Cho AND Hermione’s efforts to be clear. Hermione’s body might not be in play here, but its her hands that are no Cho’s tits. Its her hands that are squishing the Asian Witch’s bust to the sides of Harry’s throbbing member. Hermione might not be touching Harry directly, but she can feel the heat from his cock coming through Cho’s breasts and she can see how good she and the other witch are making him feel.

Cho’s hands, meanwhile, are not idle either. One is between the witch’s legs, fingering herself like the horny little slut she is. Hermione doesn’t begrudge her that for two reasons. Number One, Hermione’s new magic does make the user incredibly lustful. Cho might have been a huge slut before this, but Hermione somewhat doubts it. She was probably only a minor slut at best, and the magic she’d learned at Hermione’s feet had made her into a major slut.

Number Two, Cho isn’t completely selfish. Not only is she sucking the head of Harry’s cock at Hermione’s instruction, but she’s also using her free hand to fondle his balls, stroking and kneading and squeezing them as the whole sexy, debauched business takes place. With that, with Hermione using Cho’s titties to jack Harry off and Cho using her mouth and hand to pleasure him even further… well, it’s no surprise that he doesn’t last long.

“Fuck… here it comes!”

That’s all the warning the two witches get, but it’s also all the warning either of them need. Craving cum, craving satisfaction, Hermione and Cho both moan. Cho pulls back off of his cock and tilts her head up, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. Hermione, meanwhile, leans forward and pushes her cheek against Cho’s cheek, her own pillowy lips spreading wide and her own tongue also lolling out.

As they gaze up at him in adoration and anticipation, Harry looks down at them both… and then lets out a groan as he proceeds to cum all over their faces and tits. He cums and cums, covering them both with his seed, coating them in his jizz. He doesn’t leave a single inch of their faces clean, and in Cho’s case, her breasts get just as sticky and wet and painted in white, hot spunk.

Its so fucking hot, seeing Harry splooge all over them both like this. Hermione shudders, damn near cumming on the spot… and she’s not even the main focus right now! Cho, meanwhile, is the main focus… so it’s not all that surprising when she does climax from the experience, shuddering and shaking in Hermione’s arms.

Giggling again, Hermione makes eye contact with Harry, even as she licks her plush lips clean of his cum.

“Do you accept Cho’s apology NOW, Harry?”

Looking between them, his cock twitching back to life quite rapidly, he slowly nods.

“… Yeah. Apology accepted.”

“Well then… it’s only right to show Cho just how appreciative you are, isn’t it?”

Before Harry can respond, Cho lets out a gurgling moan, blowing a cum bubble… then, she pulls free of Hermione’s arms and turns around, bending over right there on the spot and thrusting her new derriere up into the air. The incredibly skimpy skirt she’s wearing does nothing to cover her up in this position, of course. It acts more as a particularly thick belt conveying her Hogwarts House than any sort of protection from exposure. Her fat ass, wide hips… and most importantly of all, her plump pussy lips are now all on display.

Reaching back, Cho spreads her cunt nice and wide as she looks over her shoulder at Harry, her cum-coated face and tits pressed into the floor of the Room of Requirement.

“Please Harry. Please, I need your cock. I need you to FUCK me. Oh Merlin, I’m so HORNY!”

Well, that’s all Harry needs to hear. All but lunging forward, the wizard grabs Cho by her hips and sinks into her cunt without another word. The only sound from his lips is a grunt as he expels air from his lungs while pounding down into Cho’s cock-hungry twat. In response, the Asian Witch groans, moans… and then howls as Harry rapidly picks up the pace, fucking her hard and rough into the floor.

Watching this from the sidelines, Hermione leans back on her haunches and touches herself, fingering her cunt with one hand and playing with one of her tits with the other. As she rolls a nipple in between her fingers, she reflects that it was best when she was the one getting dicked down by Harry… but also, this was very nearly just as good.

Seeing him with Cho… it was so incredibly hot. Especially getting to watch him really let loose. He’d done the same with her of course, but it was a little different when it was another woman… especially another woman that SHE had fed him. As he jackhammers into her from above, Harry grunts and groans while Cho squeals and screams in ecstasy and glee. The Asian Witch’s eyes roll back in her head and her tongue wags out of her mouth, slurping up the cum that’s seeped off of her face and tits from the floor.

Cho’s toes curl and her feet kick back and forth in the air behind her, but Harry doesn’t have to worry about that because he’s straddling her fat ass, holding onto her plush backside with both hands and with his feet planted firmly on either side of her kneeling form. He pounds her pussy nonstop and with a reckless abandon, leaving Cho to howl and cry out, orgasming again and again upon his cock.

And sure, it would be awesome if Hermione were in Cho’s place… but this is good too. Because Harry deserves a harem. He deserves as many witches as Hermione can possibly sway to her side. Sure, some of the ones who had turned her down… she knew they would never go for it. Some were just impossible to convince.

But there were others that Hermione could tell were interested, even if they would deny it until their dying breath… for now. But that was just it. They could say ‘no’ now because it was just Hermione. She was the only bimbofied beauty in the school, so they could just point at her as an example of what not to do and ignore it.

But what would they say and do when they saw Hermione AND Cho walking around looking like drop-dead gorgeous bombshells? What would they do when there was not one, but TWO witches they could no longer compete with?

The best part was, those who had already approached her and turned down her offer to be Harry’s fuck toys would know what Cho must have agreed to. They would know what the Asian Witch had done behind closed doors. And if a Ravenclaw, said to be super smart, saw the merit in Hermione’s deal… then why shouldn’t they, right?

Cho was just the beginning. And watching Harry rail her into the ground and eventually fill her with his seed, Hermione can hardly wait to see who she gets for him to fuck next. Every witch who she can convince to join his harem will get access to her magic. They’ll be as beautiful, gorgeous, and imminently fuckable as Hermione and Cho are now.

All they have to do is submit. All they have to do is agree to be at Harry’s beck and call. And she thinks… she thinks more of them WANT to be Harry’s fuck toys than they care to admit. Many more.

At this point… it’s only a matter of time.



Hmm if there doing it in the room, I wonder what sort of things he could do in there.

Talia Rock

Highly unlikely, maybe downright impossible, but I wonder if McGonagall could see the light? Maybe she tries to stop the harem from growing and ends up changed... unlocking her "youth" again, more like cutting her age in half so she still has that matron vibe but still bimbofied. To prevent further meddling by her head of house Hermione can hold the countercharm for ransom. McG herself feels an amplified desire she hasn't dealt with in years and we get the lurid details as a combination of inside and outside pressure has the head of lions crossing the line. Just a thought. Or possible food for another crappie. I'd imagine it'd be like recasting the actress Maggie Smith with Sara Jay, or someone along those lines.