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Themes: Threesome, Breeding, Dom/Sub

Summary: Part 2 of Secret Fun Time. Taiyang died instead of Summer and that made all the difference. Raven returns to Summer's side and the two raise their daughters together. But that's neither here nor there. What really matters is what Ruby and Yang find while snooping on their mothers' computer after dinner one night. Namely, a file titled only... Secret Fun Time. They're looking for dirt to tease Summer and Raven over. They get something else entirely. 


It’s a lovely dinner at the Rose-Branwen Household. Summer and Raven host their two daughters without complaint, with Summer doing the lion’s share of the cooking and Raven helping in her own slightly caustic way. All Ruby and Yang have to do is show up and eat their mothers’ food. Even still… that doesn’t mean they don’t both come with ulterior motives.

“Soooo… you’re about ready to pop any day now, yeah?”

Though that was NOT how they were supposed to broach the subject! Ruby gives Yang a wide-eyed stare as the blonde leans in towards Raven in particular. Both of their mothers are actually visibly pregnant at this point, but Raven is definitely more pregnant than Summer. Scoffing, the former brigand gives her daughter a lidded stare for a moment before letting out a snort.

“Brat. I’m still a month away, at least. Don’t think you can get nosy just because I’m like this. I could still kick your ass any day of the week, you know.”

Before Yang can blow up at that and things can devolve into a fight (of words obviously) Ruby jumps in.

“W-We were just wondering… w-who the fathers were. A-After all, we didn’t know you two were seeing anyone!”

Anyone besides each other, anyways. It was an open secret in the Rose-Branwen Household that after Taiyang died, Raven had come back and she and Summer had been joined at the hip ever since. Neither Ruby nor Yang were idiots… they knew full well that their moms were a couple. But they also knew the pair of women were bisexual, given the two of them existed and all that.

Red eyes sliding over to Ruby, Raven just snorts again.

“Father, actual-eep!”

The former brigand suddenly jumps in her seat, having been very obviously kicked under the table by Summer. Suddenly, Summer is on her feet with her hands on Raven’s shoulders.

“Help me with the dishes, Raven.”

Ruby’s mom’s tone leaves NO room for argument and from the look on Raven’s face, she realizes she fucked up. The two older women retreat from the dining table as Ruby exchanges a wide-eyed look with her older sister. Neither of them saw that coming. And yet… it seems that Raven just revealed the biggest piece of information they’ve managed to glean these past several months. Whoever knocked up Raven… had also knocked up Summer.

Before Ruby can say a word, Yang is up out of her chair and over at their mothers’ shared computer. Squeaking, Ruby quickly rushes over as well.

“Y-Yang?! What are you doing?”

“Finding answers, Ruby. And if not answers, then at least we’ll get some dirt to maybe blackmail the answers out of our moms with.”

Ruby squeaks again at the idea of blackmailing their mothers… but she won’t lie, she DOES want to know who the hell the baby daddy is. Who knocked up her mom? Who gave her a new baby brother or sister?

“Oooh, this is promising. ‘Secret Fun Time’. Heh, gotta be something juicy here…”

Admittedly, that DID sound promising. And so as Yang opens the file and a video player pops up, Ruby doesn’t say a word in protest as her big sister savagely presses Play.


“You sure about this, ladies?”

The first thing the camera shows is already absolutely debauched. Swinging down, a depraved sight comes into view. There’s Jaune’s big fat twitching cock of course, his disembodied voice the one heard at the start of the video recording. But just past his throbbing erection one can see the excited expressions of both Summer Rose and Raven Branwen as the two older women kneel at his feet, naked as can be.

Except, they’re not just naked. No, they’re also both adorned with dog collars of all things wrapped around their necks, marking them as pets… presumably as Jaune’s pets.

Raven gives the camera a savage sort of smile, letting out a bark of aggressive laughter.

“Hah! Of course we’re sure! Want to be able to remember getting bred by this fucking thing!”

Summer, meanwhile, gives the camera a softer sort of smile, before fondly glancing at Raven.

“I still can’t believe I let you talk me into this, Raven. But… she’s right, Jaune. We both know you’re a very busy young man and we appreciate you making time for us old women in your busy schedule. This… video will give us both something to enjoy when you can’t be around.”

As she says that, Summer thrusts out her chest and licks her lips suggestively.

“Please, Master. Command us.”

There’s the briefest of pauses as Raven joins Summer in looking up expectantly. And then finally, at long last…


The two collared MILFs each all but lung forward, their tongues already out before they reach his cock. Together, hands on their knees, both Summer and Raven begin to lick and lap at either side of his twitching member, slobbering up and down his length. Jaune groans and the camera becomes a little less steady, but the overall gist of what’s happening is still recorded. Both MILFs are going to town on the cock right in front of them… for the pleasure of their ‘owner’.

Eventually, Raven begins hogging the tip of Jaune’s cock, even giving Summer a growl to send the other woman away from it. Wrapping her lips around his dick, the aggressive red-eyed woman begins to bob up and down his shaft. Summer, on the other hand, slides down to his balls instead, moving her lips there where she can suckle at his cock while one of her silver eyes peeks out from under and looks up at the camera the entire time.

The adoration, lust, and slutty arousal in both of their gazes is undoubtedly shocking to anyone who thinks they know them. After all, Summer Rose is the matronly, motherly sort. And Raven Branwen is an aggressive bitch, even to the people she’s closest to. Yet… right now, the two women, collared and kneeling before their ‘Master’, are acting like a pair of horny sluts, rather than the accomplished huntresses they both are.

Jaune groans in appreciation of their techniques, even as his camera work becomes worse and worse. Until finally, he reaches out and grabs a fistful of Raven’s hair.

“Enough… much longer and you won’t get my seed where you want it, bitch.”

That’s all Raven needs to hear. She comes off of his cock with a pop while Summer disengages from his balls. The latter MILF then reaches out to take the camera from Jaune’s hands, at which point the scene shifts up a bit and suddenly its Summer who’s recording what’s happening and Jaune and Raven are on the bed before her.

Not all that surprisingly, Raven is on her hands and knees, shaking her hips like a bitch in heat as she pants noisily and needily. Jaune, gripping her harshly by her long black hair, grunts and slaps her ass with one hand before grabbing hold of her and slamming his cock into her cunt. Summer swings around to the front of Raven just as this happens, giving any watchers a proper view of Raven’s cross-eyed, stupid expression as she squeals loudly. It’s a facial expression that’s completely at odds with the badass she’s supposed to be, but in that moment Raven clearly doesn’t care.

“Y-Yes! Fuck me harder! Nnngh! God that big fat cock of yours is so deep inside of me!”

“Yeah? You like that, bitch? You want me to go harder? Want me to breed your slutty little womb and fill you with my seed?”

“You k-know I do, d-damn it! Knock me up! Fucking breed me!”

Summer’s hand suddenly comes out from behind the camera and grabs Raven by the jaw.

“That’s not how we ask our Master for something, Raven.”

Shuddering, her eyes threatening to roll back in her head, Raven whimpers.

“… P-Please Master. Please breed this horny s-sow! Please knock me up, s-sir! I need it! I need your big fat cock to fill me with another b-baby!”

Summer giggles and releases Raven’s jaw.

“That’s better~”

Jaune, meanwhile, just chuckles and shakes his head before continuing to plow Raven. It’s clear he never had any intention of refusing to give the beautiful, busty bitch what she wanted. Though it’s also clear that Raven is completely unable to handle his massive cock. It’s absolutely wrecking her and every few moments the camera captures her face contorting into new levels of pleasure as she moans wantonly and creams herself again and again on Jaune’s dick.

Until finally, with one last animalistic squeal from Raven that seems to signal yet another explosive orgasm, Jaune grunts and pushes forward. He pins Raven down to the bed and proceeds to cum inside of her, filling her womb with what has to be a copious amount of his seed judging by how out of it Raven looks once he’s done.

After he’s finished, Jaune slowly pulls back out of her, letting Raven flop down onto the bed face first, her legs splayed out in either direction. Meanwhile, he looks over at the camera… or more exactly, he looks over at Summer with a raised eyebrow.

“My turn~”

The camera shifts and after a moment it becomes obvious Summer has laid back and turned this into a POV video. The camera shows the length of her body for a moment, even as she spreads her legs and reaches down with her free hand to splay open her pussy lips as well. Snorting in amusement, Jaune moves between her legs, making it so that anyone watching the video would effectively get a first person perspective of what it was like to have Jaune Arc and his big fat cock about to plunder their cunt.

As he pushes into her, Summer suddenly speaks up, her voice hesitant and uncertain.

“A-Ah… I should warn you, Master… I am not quite as fertile as Raven is…”

That causes Jaune to pause for a moment before sinking further into her. But even as he inserts himself inch by inch into Summer’s cunt, he’s furrowing his brow.


“Y-Yes… it’s why my daughter is younger than Raven’s, actually. We were both fucking Taiyang at the same time from the very beginning… but it took years for him to get me pregnant compared to Raven’s months.”

Jaune grunts at that… and then flashes the camera and thus Summer a raunchy grin as he reaches past the camera to caress Summer’s face.

“Well then… if at first you don’t succeed, try and try again, right? We’ll just have to keep going until the seed takes.”

Even though Summer’s face isn’t visible, it’s obvious from the stutter and stammer in her voice that the silver-eyed huntress is blushing like mad.

“I-I wouldn’t want to impose… s-sir…”

Jaune just chuckles and shakes his head as he reaches down and properly grabs Summer by the hips.

“No imposition. None at all, in fact. I made a promise… and I’m going to keep it. By the time we’re through, both of you are going to be knocked up. No matter how long it takes.”

Jaune’s certainty and confidence are absolute as he begins to properly jackhammer in and out of Summer. The silver-eyed MILF groans and moans as her camera work becomes increasingly shaky, her body spasming and seizing up under his thrusts. Even still, the camera manages to capture her perspective quite well, showing her breasts bouncing and her pussy clenching around Jaune’s cock as it pistons in and out of her. Until finally…

“Gimme that.”

Raven has recovered enough to take over the camera from Summer. And suddenly it’s no longer a first person perspective, but the view of Summer Rose in all of her blushing, moaning glory as she’s railed on her back on the bed by Jaune Arc. Wearing her collar, she certainly looks like a delicious little morsel as Jaune chuckles and fucks her even harder, even going so far as to reach up and cup her breasts, groping and squeezing them to her heart’s content.

As he fucks Summer, Raven’s muttering is picked up by the camera, the former brigand panting noisily as she obviously touches herself while recording the fuck fest.

“Yeah… fucking take her. Fucking knock her up. Breed her. Nnngh, god this is so fucking hot…”

Finally, Jaune lets out a wild groan as Summer moans wantonly, and the both of them shudder as they reach an obvious mutual climax together. Raven captures this perfectly… and then the moment that Jaune pulls out of Summer, she leans forward. The camera winds up focused on Summer’s dazed, pleasured face as Raven holds it out in the other MILF’s direction. But the sucking noises are unmistakable even before Summer recovers enough to take it and turn it around to show Raven already slurping away at Jaune’s cock again, moaning as she does so.

Looking at the camera, but actually Summer, Jaune just smiles.

“What a pair of eager, needy pets. Don’t worry my lovely, lovely bitches. We’re just getting started.”

And indeed they were… because the video wasn’t even a third of the way through just yet.


Their own wanton moans filling the air are what finally draw Summer and Raven out of the kitchen. Summer had given Raven a piece of her mind for daring to talk about their shared baby daddy, not wanting either Ruby or Yang to find out that it was their friend Jaune Arc who knocked them both up. Then, the two had actually gone ahead and done the dishes together, acting like the old married couple they practically were.

Only once they’d finished the dishes and turned off the water had they heard the noises coming from outside the kitchen, however. And with that, they found Ruby and Yang both watching their recording of their fun with Jaune. Summer blushes profusely at being discovered. She’d known it was a bad idea to even make the video in the first place… but admittedly, it’d been really, really hot to be recorded acting so… carefree.

That said, she goes to step forward and try to explain, but before she can speak, Raven grabs her by the wrist and stops her, bringing a finger to her lips. Summer blinks, only to have Raven gesture to their daughters, silently telling Summer to look more closely.

… Its then that Summer sees it. Both Yang and Ruby aren’t just watching their mothers get railed, creampied, and impregnated by Jaune Arc’s massive fucking cock. They’re watching it… while touching themselves. The two girls have both shoved a hand each down the front of their shorts and are visibly humping their digits as they finger themselves to the video. They’re not horrified, disgusted, or angry… they’re turned on.

Leaning in close, Raven whispers a single word in Summer’s ear. One that nevertheless keeps her from revealing their presence too soon.


And with that… Summer Rose is convinced.



So, Part 3? Not so secret fun time?


Not what I was expecting when I said a part 2 but yes so now were set for part 3, 4, and 5 with the three daughters in part one, the sisters here and all of them together for part 5.

Zitronen tee

Sounds about right. Unless you put in one more chapter with side characters like Sienna Winter and Glynda. A peace summit involving loads of sex or something. I don't even like the scenario much, but it kinda writes itself really.


That was a very enjoyable chapter. Admittedly, I was thinking the sequel would involve the daughters from Chapter 1, but this was a lot of fun!