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Themes: Defeated, Rough Sex, Anal Sex

Summary: Part 4 of A Quiver, An Arrow. It had been Artemis' idea, of course. A friendly competition wherein he would pursue her. Her choice of clothing, an incredibly skimpy version of the Hunters' silvery attire, made it clear how she wanted said competition to end, as did her unwillingness to make much use of her divine abilities and millennia of experience. He could only hope there weren't any nymphs watching. 


Percy grunts as he races through the underbrush, a certain Goddess of the Hunt right in front of him, barely keeping ahead of his reach. It should be clarified… this wasn’t anything sane like Artemis inviting him out to hunt in the forest or anything like that. No… no, that would have been much too obvious. Much too sensible as well.

This was a hunt… but rather than it being a cooperative activity between the two of them, Artemis had decreed it would be a competition. And rather than the Goddess of the Hunt being the hunter… she’d named herself the prey.

Oh sure, his divine wife had dressed it up a certain way, just like she was always prone to. She’d gone ahead and justified it by saying if she couldn’t handle a single day as the prey, she didn’t deserve to be a huntress. But Percy could smell bullshit a mile away by this point and Artemis’ excuses positively reeked.

This was just another way of her getting exactly what she wanted from him and Percy knew it. This so-called ‘friendly competition’, where he was the hunter and she was the hunted, was very obviously a ploy to get him to continue treating her in the way she wanted to be treated, without Artemis having to come out and actually SAY what she wanted to happen to her.

Still, she didn’t really need to say anything. Not when she was dressed in an incredibly skimpy version of her own hunters’ silvery attire along with a pair of high heeled sandals of all things. Her choice of attire made it obvious what she wanted from him. As did her unwillingness to make much use of her divine abilities and millennia of experience.

There’s no doubt in Percy’s mind that she could have easily given him the run-around for hours out here if she really wanted to. But a mere twenty minutes after the five minute head start she’d insisted would be enough, here they were. He’d found her bent over a stream cupping her hands and getting some water of all things. And the moment she’d realized he was there; the chase had been on.

And now… the chase was at its end. Because Artemis had ‘foolishly’ allowed Percy to corral her in a circle, right through the very stream that he’d found her at in the first place. And as his feet make contact with the running water while he’s mere inches behind her, Percy feels a surge of power from his Divine Father’s boons rush through him. His status as a demigod gives him a boost that sends him flying forward into Artemis’ back.

Wrapping his arms around the bared midriff of his scantily clad wife, Percy tackles Artemis to the ground, grunting even as she squeals and struggles beneath him. However, between his contact with the stream and her all around unwillingness to leverage anything close to her full divinity against him, there’s no escape. He very easily manages to pin her down, pull her arms behind her back, and then bind her wrists together with some rope as she kicks and squirms beneath him in the dirt.

Finally, once he gets the knot secured, Artemis goes still. After all, binding her was the victory condition. Just managing to get his hands on her wasn’t ‘enough’. But restraining her? That was a triumph.

Letting out a low sigh as he feels the momentary boost in physicality ebbing away, Percy glances back at the stream behind him and momentarily considers sending some thanks his father’s way. He thinks better of it though… no good can come of drawing Poseidon’s eyes to this… altercation.

“I guess I win, wifey.”

Squirming under him, Artemis pants heavily.

“N-No… not… not your wife. I’m your prey. Just a… f-feral bitch. You have to t-tame me now. Have to turn me into a loyal hunting h-hound~”

She can’t quite keep the tremble of arousal out of her voice, nor does she quite manage the derisive tone that she would normally put on in order to make it seem like she was just putting up with the situation rather than giving in. Heh, this scenario must really be a massive turn-on for her. That alone makes it worth any headache in Percy’s eyes, even as he hums in faux consideration and runs his hands up and down her body.

“Yeah? And how do I break in a feral bitch, hm? How do I take my captured prey and make her a tamed… loyal… hound?”

Artemis moans as he slips his hand under her silver skirt and into her panties, pushing past her divine folds themselves to find her absurdly wet. As he fingers her cunt, she looks back over her shoulder at him, hands still restrained behind her back.

“Can’t… can’t always… be n-nice. Sometimes… sometimes you have to m-make it hurt first. Take them b-by surprise… make use of a… different sort of hole…”

It takes Percy a moment to parse her words. And then his eyes are darting down to Artemis’ pert little behind, which is currently lifted off the ground ever so slightly, resting against his groin. Now, one might think her hips were raised because he was currently fingering her… but no. Belatedly, he realizes her hips had been raised since he tied her hands behind her back.

His eyes narrow for a moment as he considers Artemis’ ‘advice’. He knows full well that anything she’s ‘reluctantly’ saying is something she actually wants. But even still… he’s never done anal before. He doesn’t want to hurt her. Then again, she’s literally a Goddess. He’s not sure he CAN hurt her, physically anyways. But he also doesn’t want to hurt himself.

… This calls for preparation.

“Interesting. Good to know.”

Then, pulling away from her crotch, Percy reaches up and grabs a fistful of Artemis’ hair. She gasps, both in surprise and slight pain as he gives her a firm tug, lifting her up off of the ground and into a kneeling position. With her hands tied behind her back, she makes no effort to fight him. She does, however, give him a curious look right up until he turns her to face him right as he frees his cock from its confines.


Artemis’ breath hitches as his dick slaps down on her perfectly sculpted features. The Goddess of the Hunt goes cross-eyed just looking at his member, her tongue subconsciously tracing out to lick at the underside of his cock before she remembers herself and pulls it back with a scowl.

Percy just grins at her though and pushes his cock against her lips.

“Suck it.”

She growls like she really is a feral bitch, but Percy just tugs sharply on her hair, causing her to cry out more from the shock than the pain he suspects. In that moment, he slides his cock right into her open mouth, forcing her to suck his dick or choke on it. After a little while, it’s not even one or the other. He quickly sets a proper pace, thrusting in and out of her mouth as she kneels there ‘angrily’ before him.

“Hulghk! Hulghk! Hulghk!”

However, for all her glaring, she nevertheless does as she’s told. She even slides her tongue back and forth over his cock, slurping at it as he face fucks her on her knees. At the same time, Percy is considering what she wants from him… and he thinks he can make it work. It’ll take a little bit of doing though. First…

Reaching down, he pulls the skimpy silver top that Artemis is wearing down off of her breasts, letting them bounce free. As he gropes them roughly with one hand while continuing to hold her by the hair with the other, Artemis moans along his cock length, even as she continues choking on it.

“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”

He doesn’t let up, not even for a second. As more and more drool and saliva coats his cock, Percy grimly thinks to himself that he’ll need every drop if he’s going to survive claiming his wife’s final virginity. Unless somehow Artemis has secretly been engaging in rough anal sex all this time, but given what he knows about her, Percy doesn’t think that’s likely.

No, it’s far more likely that his repressed wife is once again using him to finally fulfill her depraved fantasies. Fortunately for the both of them, Percy is more than willing to do so.

By the time he pulls back out of Artemis’ throat, the Goddess of the Hunt is breathing heavily, her naked tits heaving up and down and her nipples standing on end. He likes that look on her and he knows Artemis likes it too. Either way, his cock, still rock hard, is covered in so much of her spit and drool that it glistens in the moonlight overhead.

With that said… it’s time. Still being rather rough about it, Percy yanks Artemis down and around again, forcing her face back into the dirt where he’d initially pulled it from. Moaning, she lifts her hips high into the air, causing Percy to snort as he reaches down and grabs hold of her by one of her ass cheeks.

“Bit too eager for a feral bitch, Artemis. One would think you wanted this… to be reduced to my loyal hunting hound. Maybe I don’t even need to properly break you in, hm?”

Artemis freezes as he casually gropes her ass through her silver skirt.

“… N-No… no, I don’t want it. I’m not t-tamed… I’ll f-fight you to the end…”

Percy chuckles softly before getting on with it. He doesn’t want Artemis to get it into her head that she actually HAS to fight him, after all. Instead, he rips her skirt off, pulls her panties down to her knees… and after a moment of marveling at just how WET her pussy is, he spreads her ass cheeks apart and places the head of his cock, lubed up by only her spit, against her anus.

“W-Wait! T-That’s the wrong hole!”

“… Seriously?”

And then he thrusts in. Artemis’ terrible, porno-level acting aside, she doesn’t make any move to stop him or resist him. She certainly squeals as he penetrates her unbelievably tight virgin asshole. And her feet kick in the air behind him as well. But straddling her ass as he is, crouching down over her and feeding his cock into her backdoor from above, Percy doesn’t have to worry about that.

The Goddess of the Hunt cries out as he sodomizes her, her back arching and her head coming up off the ground for a moment. He pushes in as deep as he can get, which turns out to be just a few inches… and then he pulls out, only to do it all over again. Her head falls back to the dirt about three thrusts in and Artemis can only pant as Percy slowly drills deeper and deeper into her ass.

It’s slow going at first. Despite her saliva acting as the perfect lubrication, Artemis’ backdoor is insanely tight. Her anal passage has very clearly never had a man inside of it before. Percy was right, he is taking his wife’s final virginity right now. Just as he claimed her oral and vaginal virginities, Percy now claims Artemis’ anal virginity. And as he fucks the Goddess of the Hunt in the ass, he figures that should probably be stated outright.

Leaning forward, he grabs hold of his wife by the hair and pulls her head back up again. She’s moaning when he does so, even as he drills more and more of his cock into her bowels, fucking her harder and faster with every thrust.

“With this, I’ve taken every last orifice you have, Artemis. With this, I’ve claimed you in every way that no other man could ever say they have, Goddess of the Hunt. I am your husband. I am your Master. Submit.”

“Nnngh… n-no! I r-refuse!”

Percy grunts, knowing full well that she’s ‘asking’ him to fuck her harder with such words. So he does. He fucks her tight little ass until it’s not so tight anymore. He gapes the Goddess of the Hunt right there in the middle of her forest, fucking her backdoor hard and fast until she’s squealing at the top of her lungs… and cumming all over the ground between her kicking legs.


A few minutes of this pass by before finally, at long last…

“I s-submit! I submiiiiit!!!”

Immediately, Percy collapses forward, pushing Artemis down into a prone position. His cock still buried in her ass, he pulls her head up and twists it around, smashing his lips against hers. The Goddess of the Hunt moans wantonly into his lips and kisses him right back, even as their tongues duel between their mouths and they swap spit. However, there’s something undeniably submissive about Artemis’ side of the equation. Even as he slows down but deepens his thrusts into her, increasing the power by which he’s fucking her but decreasing the speed, Percy can tell she’s truly giving in.

Until finally, at long last, he lets out a grunt into his wife’s lips and fills the divine ass of a Goddess with his spunk. He pumps and pumps his seed into Artemis’ bowels, something that causes her to clench down on him all the harder and milk his cock for all its worth. Eventually though, his balls are empty and he pulls out of her incredibly tight backdoor with a grunt, leaving it slightly agape but closing fast without his cock to keep it held open.

The two of them lay there for a moment, Percy panting heavily and catching his breath while Artemis just basks in the afterglow like a particularly pleased cat. Slowly, she turns around under him so she’s on her back, and her hands come up to wrap around him despite the rope binding her wrists together. She gives him a smile, one that Percy returns with a chuckle, his eyes twinkling.

“So then. I have my own perverted little hunting hound now. Is that it? Completely loyal to me and me alone?”

“Mm… yes Master. When we’re in these woods… you command me. I am your loyal bitch.”

Percy likes the sound of that, though from the way Artemis trembles and shivers at her own words, she likes the sound of it even more. Still…

“Heh. And what would a hunter and his loyal bitch do in a forest like this?”

Here, it’s Artemis’ turn for her eyes to gleam and shimmer with mischief and excitement.

“Why… hunt down naughty little nymphs spying on them, of course.”

Percy blinks at that, not having expected that answer. But the squeaks of surprise and the sudden sound of fleeing in multiple directions from all around them is enough to make it clear Artemis is NOT joking. Slowly pulling back, Percy looks up, barely catching a couple glimpses of naked wood nymphs disappearing into the forest here and there.

“… Huh.”

“Shall we, Master?”

“… Sure. Let’s.”

And so the Goddess of the Hunt and her husband, or rather, more accurately the Hunter and his loyal hound… get up and begin their hunt.


Ike Vann

Hopefully next chapter they do catch a few nymphs and punish them.

Phraxius (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-28 19:39:39 Heh, had a feeling that'd be a good setup for a part five! Since this prompt series seems quite popular, I'll probably keep it going at least a bit longer - if anyone has any suggestions (people to introduce, scenarios to play out, or both) feel free to post them below. Oh, and Cambrian? This one seems to be missing the 'AQAA' tag.
2023-07-28 15:27:21 Heh, had a feeling that'd be a good setup for a part five! Since this prompt series seems quite popular, I'll probably keep it going at least a bit longer. If anyone has any suggestions (people to introduce, scenarios to play out, or both) feel free to post them below. Oh, and Cambrian? This one seems to be missing the 'AQAA' tag.

Heh, had a feeling that'd be a good setup for a part five! Since this prompt series seems quite popular, I'll probably keep it going at least a bit longer. If anyone has any suggestions (people to introduce, scenarios to play out, or both) feel free to post them below. Oh, and Cambrian? This one seems to be missing the 'AQAA' tag.

Ronnie R15

Well like Ike Vann suggested they could catch a few nymphs. I also had an idea of Artemis growing to fear the idea of Percy fading after a talk with Athena. So she convinces him to get himself a follower, by breeding himself one with his ex Annabeth Chase.


Love the story first off, but Artemis should use Percy as a recruitment tool or use her godly power to ensure female babies when he breeds her hunters.