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The XXX-Gene Ch. 15 (Marvel)

  • Put a stop to this right now! 29
  • Leave them to it, get out of there 41
  • Leave them to it... and watch them go at it for a while~ 640
  • 2023-07-16
  • —2023-07-29
  • 710 votes
{'title': 'The XXX-Gene Ch. 15 (Marvel)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Put a stop to this right now!', 'votes': 29}, {'text': 'Leave them to it, get out of there', 'votes': 41}, {'text': 'Leave them to it... and watch them go at it for a while~', 'votes': 640}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 7, 29, 7, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 7, 16, 14, 39, 53, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 710}


A/N: Even I didn't know where this chapter was going to go until it went there...


“… Sorry, but I’ll have to pass for now. I appreciate the offer though.”

Gracing Gwen and Doreen with an apologetic grin and a saucy little wink to make it clear he really is ‘sorry’, Thaddeus steps back from the threshold. Doreen blushes while trying not to look too crestfallen. Meanwhile, Gwen just laughs and shrugs her shoulders in a way that makes her chest do an interesting little jiggle in the breezy tank-top she’s wearing.

“No sweat, Thaddeus. I’m sure we’ll see each other around, being in the same dorm and all. There will be other… opportunities~”

Doreen lets out another squeak at that, while Thaddeus chuckles and nods before stepping away entirely. Gwen closes the door behind him and he begins to step down the hall… only to pause and turn back, getting close to the door again in order to-

“Change your mind?”

Thaddeus barely manages to pull back in time before the door swings back open, revealing Gwen on the other side. Clearing his throat, he lets out a sheepish laugh and rubs the back of his head even as he shakes it.

“Ah, no… just trying to decide what to do next. Think I might order a pizza and turn in early or something though for the night. See ya around, Gwen.”

“See ya, handsome!”

This time, when the door closes, Thaddeus starts walking back down the hall and doesn’t stop. His jaw clenches for a moment before he forces it to relax and he very deliberately doesn’t let his hands curl into fists at his sides.

… Both Gwen and Doreen were enhanced. Not only did Doreen have an enhanced sense of smell at the very least, but clearly Gwen had an enhanced sense of hearing because she’d managed to hear him quietly turning back towards the door through said door after it was closed. So… yeah, they were just like the other two pairs of girls he’d met so far.

The difference is, he has no clue who the fuck Gwen and Doreen are working for. That was why he hadn’t been willing to go into their dorm room in the first place. How could he be sure he’d come back out again? Sure, he might have learned more about the two of them… but more likely it would all be lies at the end of the day, lies designed to put him at ease or catch him off guard when the time to strike finally arrived. And if he’d accepted their invitation, maybe that time to strike would be today.

As he passes by the Brotherhood Dorm and the X-Men Dorm respectively, Thaddeus considers knocking on either door to confront one of those two pairs. But in the end… he decides against it. He doesn’t have enough information at this point to feel like he’s got things ‘on lock’. And what Gwen had said was right. They would probably all wind up seeing plenty of each other in the days to come. Despite what he’d told ‘Risty Wilde’, aka the disguised Mystique, Thaddeus highly doubted his dorm situation would change any time soon unless he asked Emma to move him… or she decided she needed to do so herself for his own safety.

… But it’d probably be fine. Assuming that Natalie Rushman was the only government agent in the building anyways. Which… actually was a pretty dumb assumption when Thaddeus really thought about it. Reaching his dorm room, Thaddeus steps inside of it once more, lets out a ragged sigh… and pulls out his phone.

He briefly considers keeping the information he’s already managed to learn so far to himself. But… no, he’s already chosen Emma, hasn’t he? After that brief moment of hesitation passes, Thaddeus sends her what he’s learned. He tells her about Kitty and Laura, ‘Risty’ and Anna Marie, and finally Gwen and Doreen. To the first two, he appends his own observations for the pairs. But for the last two, he asks Emma to look into them, curious to find out just who Gwen and Doreen are working for.

They might not be working for anyone… but call Thaddeus paranoid, he just can’t bring himself to believe it. SOMETHING is going on with those two just like the others he’s met so far. He’s sure of it!

Receiving a thumbs up from Emma in response, Thaddeus sighs and sits down on the edge of his bed. Then… he does precisely what he told Gwen he would do. He orders a large pepperoni pizza delivered straight to his dorm. Its funny… less than a year ago, he wouldn’t go near a pizza. Not unless it was his monthly cheat day.

… But ever since he got these powers of his and started growing his physicality through sex, Thaddeus had realized more and more that he didn’t have to watch what he ate. In the end… he could eat whatever he wanted and his metabolism would just take care of it. So yeah, that large pepperoni? It was going straight down the hatch, more than likely. Thaddeus fully intended to pig out and stress eat his problems away.

The pizza arrives within twenty-five minutes and is piping hot, just the way Thaddeus likes it. The pizza delivery girl is a cute brunette wearing a red and white high-collar top that shows off plenty of her cleavage, alongside a red cap. Thaddeus is half-tempted to invite her inside, but in the end he’s worried about involving any civilians in whatever the fuck is going on in his dorm. So he just gives the delivery girl, who’s name is apparently Siv, a generous tip instead.

Of course, that doesn’t stop her from slipping him her number and giving him a salacious wink as she saunters back down the hall with a sway in her hips.

Amused to no end, Thaddeus gets to work chowing down on the pizza. He’s managed to make it through half of the damn thing… when someone else knocks at his door. In an instant, he’s on high alert. Still, as much as he might want to ignore it, that would likely be bad.

Moving to the door with a pizza slice in hand, Thaddeus pulls it open… only to blink at the sight of one of his dormmates standing there out in the hall.

“… Hey. Is that pizza?”

Laura stares down at the slice in his hand with unerring focus and remains fixated on it even when Thaddeus moves his hand back and forth. Finally, he holds it out… and she snatches it from him, bringing it to her mouth and taking a nice big bite, complete with some serious cheese pull as she hums in contentment.

Just as he’s about to say something… she slips past him into his room, moving with a liquid sort of movement that catches Thaddeus completely off-guard. He squawks as he turns around, but Laura has already sat down on his bed next to his pizza box. She’s still devouring the first piece he gave her, but also clearly sticking close to the rest of the box like it’s now hers or something.

… What the fuck was going on?! What was she, a fucking cat?! Slowly, Thaddeus closes the door behind him and steps back towards the bed, only for Laura’s eyes to snap to him and make him stop dead in his tracks. His instincts tell him that he might be in danger here… if he moves too quickly or gets too close without permission. But that’s some serious bullshit, because this is his room. That’s his bed. AND that’s HIS pizza.

Still, trusting his instincts, Thaddeus swallows thickly and then asks the most pertinent question on his mind.

“What the hell?”

Laura pauses at that, looking at him as a stillness washes over her for a moment. She chews the last bite of her first slice of pizza and then looks over at the box almost mournfully before finally focusing on him and letting out a sigh.

“… S’not fair.”

Bewildered, Thaddeus just stares.

“What? What’s not fair?”

“… Kitty told me not to talk to you anymore. But you smell so good and I want to know why. And also… you bought pizza. And I was hungry. So it’s not fair.”

She somehow sounds more deadpan than childish as she complains to him. What’s that about? And speaking of…

“Where is Kitty now, exactly?”

Laura’s eyes light up… or at least, her equivalent of lighting up. It’s barely a flash as the corners of her mouth turn upwards ever so slightly and she suddenly rises from the bed and begins walking over to him. When her hands go to his pants, Thaddeus squawks and grabs her wrists. However… she’s strong, he notes. Though she does stop after a second of them struggling.

“She’s taking a nap. Which means she can’t stop us. I want more pizza. And I can tell what you want. The smell of arousal is all over you.”

… Seriously? Was he really about to let this happen? As Laura looks him in the eye, Thaddeus’ grip on her wrists slowly loosens and then falls away entirely. In response, she nods as if this was an obvious conclusion… and then descends to her knees before her. It’s clear that there’s something seriously wrong with this girl, but at the same time… Thaddeus has never really turned down a woman. Certainly not one as gorgeous as Laura.

She quickly extracts his cock from its confines and then puts him right in her mouth. A groan leaves Thaddeus’ lips as Laura suctions down her own lips around his dick and begins to bob up and down his shaft. She doesn’t go too far, never moving past the point where she starts to gag on his cock. As a result, she doesn’t ever go past the halfway mark. However, her hands slide along the lower half of his member as well as fondling his balls, making Thaddeus groan some more as she sucks him off almost… mechanically.

She does so with a diligence that more than makes up for her lack of creativity though. In the end, he doesn’t need some artist to suck his dick for him to get off. No, Thaddeus isn’t nearly that ‘elite’ about it. Laura’s technique is perfectly standard and that alone is more than enough. As she blows him however, Thaddeus finds himself taking stock. If it were anyone else, he might not have been so cavalier about letting them into his room.

Not that Laura had even given him the chance to let her into his room in the first place. Still he probably could have kicked her out if he wanted to. Probably. Maybe by giving her the rest of his pizza…

Speaking of which, Thaddeus’ eyes slide over to the open box on the bed, his stomach still growling. He’d eaten half of the damn thing minus one slice that had gone to Laura, but he was still pretty hungry. Surely she wouldn’t mind if he…

Laura abruptly pulls off of his cock with a pop and glances at the pizza box as well.

“… Let’s move to the bed.”

As it turns out, ‘moving to the bed’ also means graduating from oral to full-blown sex. Thaddeus wishes he could say he was more surprised at seeing Laura shuck off her pants and panties and expose herself to him, but he really wasn’t. Not at this point. Bending over the pizza box, she wiggles her hips in his direction and Thaddeus finds himself moving forward and sheathing his cock inside of her from behind.

Laura moans as he does so… but it’s muffled by a bite of cheesy, pepperoni pizza. Thaddeus, meanwhile, holds onto the female mutant with one hand while leaning over her to grab a slice for himself from the box.

As he chows down while also fucking one of his new dormmates, Thaddeus finds himself wondering… how did it come to this? Was this what his life was becoming? And most importantly of all… what kind of power was he going to get from Laura whenever he finally finished? What kind of power would he be helping her strengthen?

He probably should be more responsible about that and find out those sorts of things ahead of time going forward but right now… right now, Thaddeus has a sort of ‘devil may care’ attitude towards the whole thing. So he keeps eating tasty pizza and fucking the anti-social mutant bent over in front of him.

Maybe everything would make sense again tomorrow.



Grunts, groans, and moans fill the air along with the sound of flesh slapping against flesh and a bed being driven into the wall behind it again and again and again.

Kitty Pryde, meanwhile, can only blush profusely as she witnesses her fellow X-Men and current roommate, Laura Kinney, getting positively railed on the bed by the very man they were here to watch over and try to help. When the Professor had first come to her with this assignment, Kitty hadn’t been so sure about it. But the more Professor X had explained, the more intrigued Kitty had become.

Thaddeus as he liked to be called (and boy was the rest of his name incredibly unfortunate) was in a tough spot no matter how you looked at it. It made total sense that a woman like Emma Frost had been able to wrap Thaddeus around her little finger and get him to join the Hellfire Club. But eventually the Professor was sure he would realize just who he’d signed on with and need to be bailed out. And if the Professor was sure, then Kitty was too!

… Only, she might have made a mistake in working so hard to get Laura along with her. Laura Kinney, aka X-23, had had a hard life before she’d wound up at the Institute. And Kitty liked to consider the other girl a friend. But… sometimes Laura could be difficult. Like for instance, right now. Not only had she blown their first impression with Thaddeus by commenting on his smell like a total weirdo, but apparently she’d completely ignored Kitty’s orders once she laid her head down for that nap!

Now, all these hours later after waking up to Laura being gone, Kitty had found her wayward companion… in Thaddeus’ bed. With Thaddeus on top of her. As an admittedly impressive cock pounds into Laura’s cunt again and again, Kitty can see that they’ve been going at it long enough for some… build-up. Seriously, they’re just getting messier the more they fuck. Though, Kitty does find herself wondering what the fuck is with all of the pizza boxes. There’s at least six that she can count from her current vantage point. Six empty pizza boxes… surely they hadn’t eaten ALL of them together, right?!

Honestly, she’s lucky that the room right next to Thaddeus’ was empty, allowing her to just poke her face through the wall and so far watch unseen. But she couldn’t say how long said room might STAY empty. Kitty can only blush as Laura groans underneath Thaddeus. She should put a stop to this… right? She definitely shouldn’t watch of course. But at the same time… Laura was making progress of a sort, right? So maybe… maybe Kitty should just leave them to it?

But no… she couldn’t do that. Anymore than she could watch them fuck like animals. Right?


A/N: Thaddeus fucking Laura over a pizza box while they both chow down isn't a scene I ever thought I'd write but here we are all the same.

Not sure if I really did Laura's character justice here, but maybe in a porn world I've done her justice? xD



Well, it definitely seems like Laura is liable to stick around, given that Thaddeus has demonstrated his ability to provide both great sex and plentiful food.


Was that pizza reference the pizza skin sivir? xD


Nice Pizza Delivery Sivir in there, curious to see if we will see more of her than just a cameo ;P


fufufu, it was completely out of nowhere, just an intrusive thought... but yes, I had to do it xD


If having sex once gives a decent boost to his mutant partner and a decent fraction of their power to him, what will this marathon fetch them both?


Probably won't be more than just a cameo, haha. There's so many marvel characters as is xD


i knew it would be laura but didnt expect pizza sex lol. perfect way to gag laura from screaming too loud. I think if kitty stay and watch, laura is gonna notice and end up dragging her into crazy 3sum. with bit of regenerative power, his willbe able to recover cum production lot faster, 3sum will be best way to test.


How'd you know it would be Laura when even I didn't know it'd be laura?! I literally rolled a six-sided dice to figure out who would visit him! lol


it was likely laura to me because she is already attracted by his smell, and she is the most impatient, animalistic kind of person among the people he met in the dorm. she would follow her instinct. so, i thought she would be more likly to visit to investigate why he smell nice and end up getting aroused and get pounded. i would like to see more of this weekly. it is hard to wait 2 weeks to see what comes next


Haha yeah, its just to be able to write it weekly I'd have to cut my Story Polls from 10 down to 5. And not only do I think the majority of my patrons wouldn't vote for me to do that even if I gave them the option, you would then have to wonder what 5 of my current story polls would survive the proceeding culling. Would TXG even be one of the ones that remained? (probably, but still xD)


Simple man, the One above All seen this series of events and accepted no other alternatives

Josh Snider

They're stuck in a loop, having sex gives them both superhuman smell which turns them on so much they have sex again. They will need Emma Frost to come by with a crowbar.


You know what the best part is? Didn't even plan this but was reading Laura's powers on the wiki and saw this line at the bottom: Psychic Defenses: Laura has demonstrated a level of resistance against psychic probes and attacks: When she first arrived at the Xavier School it took Emma Frost time to finally break through them and be able to freely probe her mind.[16] Her defenses were also strong enough to expel Mr. Sinister's consciousness when he attempted to take over her body.[62] Soooo... that's gonna be fucking funny later.


I wonder how Laura's animal/mating instincts will manifest going forwards. Polygynous mating is a thing after all (ironically enough, Wolverines are an example of an animal that does so) as is lifelong pair bonding in some species (which would basically compromise the shit out of Laura if it was in play). Honestly, the ideal scenario for Thad would be if a combination of both of these were the case in Laura's particular strain of mutant as he not only will have accidentally compromised Laura by becoming her life mate, but her polygynous instincts would also tend towards gathering and helping him maintain a harem of females rather than competition over him (and his Pheromones may change after fucking Laura to further encourage this behaviour in others).


Probably not more than a cameo nah. Plenty of marvel characters to explore as is


Also, the photographic memory and inherent ability to quickly process multiple information streams and a natural disposition to rapid language learning are all gonna be dead useful. This is often (and in my opinion mistakenly) attributed to personal epigenetic factors. Personally, I feel the fact that both Wolverine and Laura exhibited these exact same signs of enhanced intelligence in a nearly identical manner and in the same areas long before Laura was ever rescued from the Facility (and thus had any significant interaction with Logan) clearly points to a genetic factor, likely linked to their X-Gene, being the true origins of these talents rather than it being a case of nurture. If Thad picks up those traits he could likely literally put in the bare minimum effort in his study and still ace his college work to the point of coming out of it with multiple degrees which would only free up more time for fucking around and making useful social connections.


Great chapter, thanks!


Her enjoyment of his scent could go into overdrive. Making him her 'soulmate' she could insist that he is the only possible mate for her. It would be interesting if he got her pregnant.


You know what I’m curious about? How Thaddeus managed to have 5 more pizzas delivered mid fuck marathon without turning it into a full blown orgy beyond just too much too soon story wise?

Ahtu Nyarlathotep

It's a bit odd to let us choose here... Like ofc we want him to get as much from her as he can, and ofc we want Kitty to get attracted to him. But we also know that she was more misssion bound than that. And that it would damage some of the believability for her to just give in at this point... At the same time, we just want the MC to grow... A cursed dilemma. One that most will solve through "horny-brain." PS. Just realized that we could get Laura more attached by having them fight a bit over this. So I picked the least picked option.


Probably took a break for the pizza's. You only have to stop for a minute or two when they're delivered, and a strong timetable of 25 from call to delivery makes that easy Still, the pair of them are going to end up ridiculously unkillable if their relationship goes on like this.