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Themes: Bath Sex, Loving Sex, Big Dick

Summary: Based on this image. Tatsumaki is the ultimate tsundere. She's also a bit of a tomboy thanks to her body type. Being the older sister of a stacked, gorgeous bombshell like Fubuki would give anyone a complex. So when she and Saitama start dating, Tatsumaki is all rough edges. But in response, Saitama is the perfect gentleman. TOO perfect! He won't even cop a feel (mostly because he can't be bothered, not because he's chivalrous)! So Tatsumaki decides to take matters into her own hands... 


What was she even doing? Could she really go through with this?

… No, rather, what was she even waiting for? Of COURSE she could go through with this! She was Tatsumaki! She was the Tornado of Terror, the Hero Association’s Rank 2 S-Class Hero! She could do this! She could do anything! Even arrange an ‘accidental’ naked brush with her bald boyfriend! Yes! She was going to do it!

With a sudden surge of adrenaline, Tatsumaki yanks the bathroom door open with her psychic powers and steps into the threshold. Of course, she immediately freezes up as the eyes of Saitama, her boyfriend, fall upon her naked body. She does have a towel, technically, but she’s holding it up in front of her rather haphazardly, doing nothing to truly hide her small breasts or her naked crotch and wide hips.

For a long moment, they just stare at each other as the heat rises in Tatsumaki’s face. She finds herself stuck in fight or flight mode despite literally planning for this. Fortunately she HAD planned this or she might have fled right then and there. Only the fact that this was actually going all according to her stratagem allows Tatsumaki to stay where she is and scowl angrily at Saitama.

“What are you doing in here?! I told you I was going to take a bath at this time!”

Saitama blinks, his own cheeks coloring slightly at the sight of her nudity. But then… because he is who he is, he gives her the exact response she’s expecting.

“… No you didn’t.”

Tch! TCCCCCHHHH!!! He was ALWAYS like this! Tatsumaki doesn’t have to even fake her scowl as she stomps her foot a little bit.

“Yes! I! Did!”

But of course… no she did not. This too is part of her plan. Before Saitama can respond however, the green-haired tomboy quickly reverses course, going from indignant and outraged to flippant and nonchalant in an instant.

“Well, whatever. Just scoot over, we’ll take a bath together.”

Closing the door behind her telepathically, she tosses her towel to the side and stomps over to the bathtub. At the same time, Tatsumaki reaches out with her psychic abilities and gives Saitama a ‘push’, trying to dislodge him from his lounging position spread out across the entire bathtub. Of course, the key word there is ‘try’… as always when it comes to Tatsumaki’s psychic powers, Saitama is unaffected until he wants to be.

A moment after she begins pushing him with her mind, he realizes what she’s trying to do and goes along with it, pulling himself back up against the side of the tub and giving her some room to climb in on the other end.

It was always a little humbling, interacting with Saitama with her powers. It wasn’t that her psychic abilities were weak or anything like that. No… they were still as powerful as ever. Tatsumaki was still the strongest psychic bar none. However… it didn’t matter to Saitama. Not a single bit of it. She was super powerful! The best! And yet… and yet this damn baldie was on a whole other level.

Of course, that was in large part what attracted her to him in the first place. That and his body. While his face was kind of… well, plain… and his costume sense was… well, stupid as all fuck… his BODY was fucking amazing.

How had Tatsumaki known this if this was the first time either of them were seeing each other naked? Simple, she’d gotten personally equated with every last INCH of his body when she’d tried to use her powers on him. Yeah. She ‘saw’ it all in an instant and… hadn’t been able to get it out of her mind. One thing led to another and after seeing how her sister was sniffing around him, Tatsumaki had made her decision and declared that she and Saitama were dating. Then she’d moved into his apartment. Simple as that.

Except it wasn’t as simple as all of that, because while Saitama had accepted they were dating and even let her move in… he hadn’t so much as copped a feel of her yet! Tatsumaki was at wit’s end over that… which is why she was here, now, doing this.

First, she slides into the tub facing him. Then, she scowls at him for a moment and promptly turns around. THEN, she slides back until she’s between his legs, well aware that his cock is mere centimeters from her ass crack thanks to her powers. After that, Tatsumaki proceeds to ‘ignore’ Saitama, beginning to wash up instead.

She figures that she’s made herself downright irresistible now, right? There’s absolutely no way that any hot-blooded male will be able to resist her! Right? And while she’ll put up some token protests, she fully intends to let Saitama have his way with her. Him and his muscles and his big fat dick…

Except, as she soaps up and hears and feels Saitama returning to his own bath time behind her, the moment never comes. Tatsumaki sits there, literally waiting for him to reach out and grope her… and he never does.

What was it going to take with this guy?! Scowling petulantly, the green-haired tomboy considers things for a moment… and ultimately comes to the conclusion that she’ll have to go all out.

“Hmph. This is too cramped.”

“Well… I’ll be done soon.”

“No! I-I mean… I don’t want soon, I want now. I know what needs to happen.”

Lifting herself up with her powers, Tatsumaki proceeds to plop herself right down on Saitama’s lap. If she weren’t totally aware of where every inch of his flesh was at all times, she might have impaled herself on his cock then and there. As it is, the wide-hipped tomboy instead plants his cock right between her thicc thighs, even as she arches her back like a cat and looks back over her shoulder at her boyfriend, practically daring him to comment with an imperious glare.

Of course, Saitama being Saitama, the bastard opens his mouth to likely do just that. Which is why she cuts him off by sticking a bar of soap in between his lips with her power.

“Here! Use this to wash my back you good-for-nothing lay-about!”

Blinking, he extracts the soap bar from his mouth and does as he’s told, beginning to scrub at her back even as he furrows his brow and frowns.

“… But this was my apartment first. You’re the one who just moved in unannounced…”

Well-practiced at it at this point, Tatsumaki easily ignores Saitama’s muttering. She’s more focused on his cock, still nestled between her thighs. Surreptitiously so as to avoid arousing suspicion, Tatsumaki wiggles and shifts her hips very slowly, doing her best to give Saitama a thighjob without actually making it look like that’s what she’s doing.

He must recognize what she’s up to though by now, right? After all, despite still being the perfect gentleman and only keeping his hands to her back and nothing else, Saitama IS hard. He’s fully erect in just a few minutes of being trapped betwixt her thighs in fact. Looking down, Tatsumaki can see between the bubbly suds filling the tub that he’s very, VERY aroused. More than that, she can feel it with her powers. She can feel HIM with her powers and knows how turned on he is.

And yet… he still does nothing save for what she’s told him to do. He soaps her back up and then uses the bathwater to wash her off from her neck to her tailbone. All without a single inappropriate touch save for what she’s currently forcing on him by sitting in his lap with his erection nestled between her thighs.

“There. Done.”

“G-Good! Now d-do my front!”

“What? Tatsumaki…”

“I said d-do my FRONT!”

Not wanting to hear it from him, Tatsumaki reaches back and grabs Saitama’s hands with her own physical hands, not even bothering to use her powers for this. She’s pretty sure that’s why she gets away with it, because he’s well and truly caught off guard for the first time in their relationship as she yanks his hands around to her front and places them right on top of her chest… her nonexistent breasts squish under his palms, her nipples rock hard as she lets out an involuntary whimper at his touch.

For a moment Saitama is just frozen in place. But finally, mercifully, he starts to move his hands. Tatsumaki thinks she’s ready for it. She thinks she’s prepared herself for what his touch will feel like. She has not. A quiet little moan leaves her lips as he begins to soap up her chest with his sudsy fingers, and she does a little involuntary wiggle in his lap that is MUCH more obvious and far less subtle than her previous movements.


Once again, her name falls from her boyfriend’s lips in an exasperated tone. Scowling, Tatsumaki twists her head back to give him a big intense glare.

“What? There’s n-nothing weird about any of this! This is all perfectly normal things for a boyfriend and girlfriend to do together!”

Saitama just blinks at that, still massaging her pair of mosquito bites… until finally he tilts his head to the side.

“Honestly, I just thought you were joking about the boyfriend-girlfriend thing. Or that you were just using it as an excuse to mooch off of me.”

“W-What?! Why would you think that?!”

Reaching back from her chest to scratch at his cheek, Saitama just shrugs as he glances off to the side, seemingly lost in thought about something.

“… I get a lot of moochers to be honest.”

For a long moment, Tatsumaki just stares. He didn’t even think their relationship was REAL?! Now, it should be clear… it takes a lot for a Grade-A Tsundere such as Tatsumaki to snap. She is effectively the ultimate tsundere in fact, all rough edges as a result of having someone like Fubuki, a stacked and gorgeous bombshell, as a younger sister.

But in this instant… Tatsumaki breaks. She breaks and she acts completely counter to how a tsundere would normally act. She might not be able to move Saitama with her mind… but she can definitely move HERSELF with her mind.

Floating up into the air, quicker than anyone normal could hope to react (which means Saitama could have reacted but chose not to) the Tornado of Terror spins herself around and promptly impales herself on Saitama’s cock. As she sinks down her boyfriend’s meaty, throbbing length, having just taken her own virginity, Tatsumaki whimpers from the anticipated pain but doesn’t let that stop her.

At the same time that she’s now filling herself with his big fat dick, Tatsumaki also reaches out, grabs Saitama by the shoulders, and pulls herself to his lips, pressing her mouth against his and kissing him heatedly and passionately. The tsundere should never make the big moves like this… but damn it all, Saitama had forced her hand!

The end result is that Tatsumaki is suddenly spread open upon her boyfriend’s big fat cock and kissing the ever-living daylights out of him as water from the tub goes flying everywhere at her partial dive bomb. In response, Saitama’s powerful, masculine hands fall upon her waist after a moment and for a brief second Tatsumaki tenses, expecting him to pull her off. But… he doesn’t do that. And he even starts kissing her back after a beat!

Tatsumaki’s tsundere heart flutters as her boyfriend, who apparently just found out he was actually her boyfriend, finally begins to do boyfriend things with her! Her pussy walls clench around his cock and she slowly begins to move up and down his length. It can’t quite be called ‘riding’ because… well, Tatsumaki is too small and he’s too large. His dick is so long that she’s barely moving up and down a single portion of it.

Still, that doesn’t stop her from having sexy, fun bathtub sex with her boyfriend. Of course, when they finally pull apart from their kiss, both of them needing to come up for air, Tatsumaki bites her lower lip and gives Saitama a weak scowl.

“D-Don’t read too much into this or anything… i-idiot. I just… g-got impatient with your s-slow ass.”

Saitama blinks at that before doing that thing he does where he goes from looking like the plainest guy imaginable to the mega, ultra giga chad of her dreams. Tatsumaki freezes up as he looks at her with that face, suddenly super serious while his hands grip down on her hips.

“… I suppose out of all of the moochers in my life… you are my favorite, Tatsumaki.”

W-What?! WHO SAYS SOMETHING LIKE THAT?! Whining, Tatsumaki begins to pound Saitama’s perfectly chiseled chest with her tiny fists.

“Idiot! I-Idiot, idiot, IDIOT!”

But she also grabs his face again and pulls him into another tongue-filled kiss before he can respond. Because as much of an idiot as he might be… as much of a pain in her ass as he might be… he’s hers. He’s her boyfriend. He’s her man. And that means the world to Tatsumaki. She’s his girlfriend. Not her sister. Not anyone else. No, it’s her.

Moaning into Saitama’s mouth, Tatsumaki begins to ride him a little harder and a little faster. More of the tub water gets displaced as she bounces up and down on his very solid, very thick cock. Throbbing inside of her, pulsating away, Tatsumaki moans as she feels every last inch of his member. Until suddenly…

Saitama’s eyes go wide and his grip on her hips tightens up. He yanks her off of his cock so fast that Tatsumaki can’t even react, a squeak leaving her lips from the weird sensation of being so full one moment and then completely empty the next. As he lifts her up and off of him and holds her just in front of his dick, Tatsumaki is just about ready to throw a fit and ask him what the hell he thinks he’s doing.

Then, Saitama’s cock twitches… pulses… and explodes. His actual meat cannon is unharmed of course, but his load… his thick white seed that Tatsumaki would never admit she wanted inside of her… it shoots out with more force and speed than ninety-nine percent of the ATTACKS that the Tornado of Terror has had to deal with in her life.

Flying upwards, it goes right through the ceiling of the bathroom… and then keeps going, traveling through multiple ceilings until it hits the top of the building and leaves THAT as well. Tatsumaki and Saitama both stare after his discharge through the rays of midday sunlight suddenly shining down from the small holes in the ceiling.

… Did his cum just achieve escape velocity? Looking back down at his cock, incredulous and a little frightened by how close she’d just come to… well, best not to think about it actually. Shaking her head, Tatsumaki leans in and plants another kiss on her boyfriend’s lips.

Nothing was going to ruin this moment for her. For them. Nothing.


Jack Reaver

This was just the right balance of funny and horny, truly the essence of OPM


Is it just me or is it kinda sad she didn't get the ultimate creampie... anyway awesome story and you honored OPM with it

Zitronen tee

Perfection. You really nailed the characters and the tone.


Lmao you pulled that from the movie Hancock lol

daniel riggle

Considering how the rule of funny does seem to have a place in OPM especially around Saitama I would say she would probably get launched.