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Themes: Threesome, Fucked Silly, Breeding

Summary: Sokan thought he was just going in to interview for an open position at Sato Industries. Unemployed, he obviously needed the money. That said, the interview being conducted by the CEO herself and her Avatar wife was... a fair bit more nerve wracking than he needed. Except it turned out they didn't want to hire him for the company. They wanted to hire him for themselves. Specifically to be their baby daddy and knock them both up.


“Erm, apologies Mrs. Sato… but could you please repeat that?”

He hates having to ask it, especially given the circumstances. But all things considered, Sokan knew that he must not have heard her right. He can only hope she doesn’t get too upset with him for apparently spacing out so badly that he heard something patently ridiculous come from her mouth.

But… far from getting upset, Asami Sato, the CEO of Sato Industries and one of the most powerful women in the world… smiles understandingly.

“Of course, Sokan. I know that it might be a lot for you to take in. But you heard me correctly the first time. This interview isn’t actually for an opening at Sato Industries. Though, if you say no to my real offer, we would still be happy to hire you on. Still, rather than working for Sato Industries… my wife and I would rather you work for us directly. Specifically as our preferred sperm donor.”

And there it was again. He must be going crazy or… or hallucinating or something. Except, even as Asami says it so matter-of-factly, her wife Korra, the motherfucking Avatar, is staring at him with an intensity that has him rooted firmly to his chair. They… they must be testing him or something, r-right?

“This isn’t a test, Sokan. I’m being perfectly serious. Korra and I are incredibly happy together… but we’ve decided we want children. And obviously, the two of us lack the equipment to provide one another with the children we desire.”

Finally speaking up, Korra snorts in amusement.

“Asami wanted me to try to find a way to tap into my past male selves, like that would allow me to grow a dick. But even if that COULD work… it wouldn’t help ME get pregnant, now would it?”

Rolling her eyes, Asami just smiles as she glances back at her wife.

“No, I suppose not. I was being selfish. Korra is right, of course. We both want to carry a child to term. We both want to raise our children, be they sons or daughters, together. And that’s where you come in. We need a… male donor to handle the bit where we actually get pregnant, you see.”

Sokan’s mouth opens and closes as he looks between the two of them, still trying to find the trap, still looking for the sign that they were just toying with him and this was all one big joke. There was Asami Sato sat behind her desk in her stylish garb, and then there was Korra stood behind her, leaned against the wall with her arms crossed over her chest, wearing more rugged water tribe garments.

The both of them are drop-dead gorgeous women, to be clear. And yet… surely not, right? There was just no way this was really happening.

“Korra, I think he needs some proof. Sokan, please stand up if you would.”

Blinking rapidly, he does as he’s told and watches as Korra pushes off the wall and prowls around her incredibly rich wife’s desk, suddenly seeming like a predator. Sokan certainly FEELS like her prey, even as the Avatar reaches him… and promptly drops to her knees before him, reaching for his crotch. He gapes at her, unable to muster any sort of response in time before those hands of hers fall upon his belt, unbuckling it and pulling his pants open and then down.

His boxers come next, and his cock comes flopping out right onto Korra’s face. The Avatar goes still and looks shocked for the first time since this all started, one of her eyes completely covered by his half-hard length, the other wide as it stares at his dick, draped across her face.

For a moment, Sokan wonders if he’s about to die. Then, from behind the desk… Asami giggles.

“Something the matter, Korra?”

Looking back and forth between the two, Sokan is treated to the sight of the dark-skinned Avatar blushing for a moment as she scowls cutely from under his growing log of man-meat.

“He’s fucking huge…”

Now Sokan himself is blushing, feeling a little embarrassed over his size. He’s always known he was overly large when it came to his manhood, but he’d never really thought much of it. Being unemployed and penniless, finding a job was far more important than finding a woman, after all. But…

“Err… sorry. If it’s too big… I understand.”

Both Korra and Asami look at him at that, before Korra scoffs and slaps her hands down upon his length, gripping it with both of them and rubbing her palms up and down his shaft.

“Don’t… don’t be ridiculous. I can handle it. I can handle anything.”

Asami, meanwhile, giggles some more, prompting Sokan to look over at the beautiful CEO. Who, in his moment of distraction, has removed her jacket and opened her blouse, and is now touching one of her own breasts quite brazenly as she watches her wife stroke him off.

“Listen to my wife, Sokan. If she says she can handle it, then she can handle it. Just… let her get you nice and ready.”

He can still hardly believe this is happening, but in the end… might as well embrace it, right? It’s either embrace it or run screaming, and he’s way too destitute for the latter option anyways.

Korra takes his cockhead in her mouth and swirls her tongue around it before bobbing up and down the first few inches of his member. He grows thicker and harder and longer, until eventually he’s rock hard in her grasp, throbbing as she pulls back to inspect him for a moment before nodding.

“Alright, you’re ready.”

Ready to… ready to fuck the Avatar? Holy shit, this was really happening.

“Use my desk, Korra. Plenty of room~”


Sokan watches as Korra hops to her feet and shucks off her clothing in record time. Every last inch of the dark-skinned Avatar’s gorgeous body is suddenly on display, along with her chiseled abs and beautiful muscles cloaked in feminine curves. She is… very, very toned. But then to be fair, a woman like her WOULD be incredibly fit, wouldn’t she?

Hopping back up onto Asami’s desk, Korra spreads her legs wide for him and then splays her pussy lips open with her fingers.

“C’mon big boy. Put that first load of baby batter right fucking here.”

Holy shit, he was really about to fuck the Avatar for the express purpose of breeding her, wasn’t he? No, more than that, he was going to be PAID to fuck the Avatar for the express purpose of breeding her. He didn’t exactly expect to find himself turning to prostitution to make ends meet… but if this was the way things were going to go, he really couldn’t complain.

Stepping forward, Sokan places his cockhead at Korra’s sex… and thrusts in. He immediately encounters resistance in the form of her incredibly tight, well-muscled cunt, and Korra grunts as he’s stopped just a few inches into her. Her hands cling to the desk edge as she stares at where they’re now joined together.

“Don’t… don’t stop. Keep going. I can… I can fucking take it.”

Before he can respond, Asami’s hands suddenly grab her wife by the shoulders and pull Korra fully onto her back. The CEO has completely stripped naked as well at this point, showing off a soft, curvaceous, pale body in stark contrast to her wife’s hard, dark-skinned, toned one.

Smirking at him with those ruby red lips of hers, Asami suddenly stands up on her tip toes and promptly stuffs Korra’s head between her thighs.

“You heard the Avatar, Sokan. She says she can take it… so give it to her. As for me, I’m quite sure I CAN’T take it without an awful lot of preparation and help beforehand… so please, dear wife, get to work on making sure I’m nice and sopping wet for our new baby daddy.”

Not a moment later, Asami is moaning and her eyes are drifting shut as Korra does exactly as she’s told. Sokan, meanwhile… well, he does what he’s told as well. And not just because Asami’s usage of the term ‘baby daddy’ has his cock surging with fresh arousal.

Growling, he begins to really hammer into Korra… and to his pleasure, he makes decent progress despite her immense tightness and glorious physique. Every thrust takes him an inch deeper, so in just a few thrusts, he’s already more than halfway inside of her. But he still keeps going, all the way until he rams up against the entrance of her womb.


“You said you could take it, darling~ So now you TAKE it!”

Asami’s sing-song voice matches with Korra’s rapidly clenching cunt walls as she gushes and cums all over Sokan’s cock. Meanwhile, the young man grunts and pulls out, only to thrust back in again. The more he fucks Korra’s cunt, the easier it gets. The Avatar’s pussy starts out unbelievably tight, but over time he’s able to stretch her out to the shape of his sizable member.

“Mm, that’s it Sokan. Take her. Use that big fat fucking cock of yours and rail her silly.”

It hits him then that while Korra was surprised by his size, Asami wasn’t. More than that, the CEO of Sato Industries had personally head hunted him for this job, hadn’t she? When he’d come in today for the interview, he’d been shocked and understandably nervous to find that it was being conducted by the CEO herself… with her Avatar wife in attendance for some reason.

Now he knew, he supposed. But it did leave him questioning just how long Asami Sato had been watching him and collecting information on him before she’d chosen HIM as her and Korra’s sperm donor.

Some might call it stalking… but when you were rich and beautiful like Asami, you got away with it.

Sokan certainly wasn’t complaining, his cock damn near fit to burst as he continues to rail Korra. His hands move from her hips to her abs, running across them up to her breasts. Those abs of hers are hard enough to grate cheese on, but her tits are where the real fun is. Making the Avatar herself squeal and squirm, even if her noises are muffled by her rich wife’s cunt, is everything for Sokan.

With a loud groan, he proceeds to cum at long last inside of Korra. His cock surges and his balls churn, and the hugest fucking load of his life spills forth into the Avatar’s womb. He pumps and pumps until there’s nothing left, and by the time he’s done Korra’s chiseled abs look slightly distended and bloated from the sheer amount of seed he’s packed into her.

As he slowly pulls out of her, Asami pulls off of her wife’s face as well, revealing Korra’s eyes have rolled up in her head and her tongue is wildly writhing around in the air, searching for a cunt that’s no longer there. On top of that, her face is covered in Asami’s pussy juices, even as his seed slowly begins to seep out of her freshly fucked twat.

It’s a disgraceful expression and pose that the Avatar is currently making, but Sokan doesn’t have time to admire it. Not when Asami crooks a finger back at him, making him circle around the desk to come to her.

Turning, the beautiful CEO climbs into her office chair, kneeling in the seat of it and grasping at the back of the chair as she arches her spine and thrusts out her hips in his direction. There, down betwixt her thighs is her glistening wet cunt, her puffy pussy lips and engorged clit on full display as she offers herself up to him.

Sokan doesn’t hesitate. His hands grab Asami by the hips and his cock, still rock hard, presses against her slit for a mere moment before he begins to push inside of her. The beautiful pale woman moans happily through ruby red lips as he fills her with inch after inch.

“Mmm… that’s it. Fill me up, big boy. Make me your woman. Fuck me silly, just like you did Korra. Your job is to breed us both, Sokan… and I’m confident we won’t be pregnant after just one setting. There are many long, sleepless nights in your future… but not to worry, you’ll be paid exceptionally well for your time. You-!”

Sokan cuts Asami off by pulling out and thrusting into her again. Leaning forward, he grabs her by her hair and growls into her ear.

“You talk way too much…”

Rather than be offended, Asami just giggles and looks back at him, a challenge in those beautiful green eyes of hers.

“Then why don’t you shut me up, big boy?”

With another lustful growl, Sokan proceeds to do just that. He’s mindful of Asami’s body type in comparison to Korra’s to be fair. He can’t fuck the CEO nearly as hard as her Avatar wife and expect Asami to come out the other side without any injuries. And he has NO intention of hurting her. Not least of which because of the aforementioned Avatar wife.

Still, she’d asked for it, and Sokan was willing to give it to her. Asami Sato herself had headhunted him for this position… so he might as well prove he had what it took to do the job and do it well. Fucking her from behind, he makes her office chair rock back and forth from his thrusting. He pounds into her pussy as she clenches down and cums for him again and again.

She’s not nearly as toned or well-muscled as Korra, so her inner walls can’t quite squeeze along his throbbing massive mast like the Avatar’s could, but where she’s lacking in strength, she more than makes up for in softness. His hands are all over Asami’s body, from her sides to her hips to her ass and tits. He gropes and squeezes and no matter where he finds himself gripping down, he finds her to be soft and curvaceous, incredibly feminine in all the right ways.

Holding onto her, he grunts and fucks her gushing cunt silly, just like he did her wife. He listens to her melodic cries, listens as she squeals like a stuck pig, and listens as she BEGS him for more, begs him to knock her up and breed her… her and Korra both.

Finally, Sokan cums inside of Asami, just as he did Korra. He fills the CEO of Sato Industries right up, pumping her full of his seed and leaving her flat little tummy a little distended and bloated as well by the time he’s done.

Only after he pulls out of her does it truly hit him what’s just happened… but before he can even begin to wonder if this is a bad idea or not, Korra is suddenly there again, on her knees and sucking his cock. And as he stares down into the Avatar’s blue eyes… Sokan knows he wouldn’t trade this for anything in the world.



Damn this actually won and got through 😍, hot af 🔥


Love the cumflation with the "distended and bloated" stomachs of Korra and Asami.


There is a spelling error "Hix boxers come next, and his cock comes flopping out right onto Korra’s face"