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A/N: We're off to see the wizard... err no, not the wizard. The Lord of the Forest. That's it.


As they come over the tall mountain ridge surrounding the hidden hilly forest of the Moonglade, Maiev pulls back on the reins of her hippogryph, finally letting it slow down for a beat to let the tired beast catch its breath. Her and her fellow Wardens have all pushed their mounts hard in order to get here from Azshara in record time… though not entirely by their own volition.

A bestial cry comes from the solitary wyvern in their midst as he also slows down and points himself towards the beautiful and ancient forest glade below to begin descending. As Maiev and the Watcher Forces with her all begin to follow the riderless wyvern down, she finds herself mutely shaking her head.

The orc known as Rognak, Chieftain of the Warsong Clan and druid trained by Lord Cenarius himself, had continually proven to be full of surprises, truth be told. However, privately at least… Maiev could admit that she’d found herself somewhat softening towards the young orc. He wasn’t quite the troublemaker she’d initially assumed him to be, and he was in fact quite the powerful ally to have in a fight.

She’s confident that they still could have handled those Naga Creatures in Nendis even without his help, but there was no denying that WITH his help, the number of casualties they experienced had been lowered dramatically.

And then to have him prove to be capable of not just a flight capable druid form, but a full-blown wyvern of all things? He’d even offered to provide a ride to one of her Wardens, but while Naisha had looked tempted, Maiev had shot that down. She didn’t want the druid to think they were getting too chummy. She certainly wasn’t about to let him know that he was slowly but surely managing to get on her good side.

Frankly, as far as most people were concerned, Maiev Shadowsong didn’t HAVE a good side. It was best if it stayed that way and no one had any expectations of her going soft and becoming… ugh, friendlier.

As it so happened, the only one who had any inkling that she might actually be coming around to the orc druid besides herself… was her mate and Lieutenant, Naisha. The other Warden even shoots her a teasing grin as they descend, likely knowing what’s going through Maiev’s head.

Briefly, she considers throwing Naisha a rude hand-gesture in response, but before she can decide one way or the other, another cry from Rognak’s currently transformed mouth sounds out, drawing her attention.

Maiev’s eyes widen as she looks to where he’s now angling and sees Moonglade’s solitary town, Nighthaven, settled next to Lake Elune’ara… is under attack. And not just under attack, though that’s bad enough, but under attack by the very same creatures they’d fought back in Nendis. These… Naga. Hissing in anger, she whips her head towards Naisha and the rest of her Watchers.

“Fan out, all of you! The Demon Lord must be close by if his forces are attacking here as well! Find him but do not engage. Send a signal immediately and we’ll be there as fast as we can once we’ve helped Lord Cenarius beat back this attack!”

Confirmation comes from the others, with a personal nod from Naisha specifically. Then, all of them peel off, spreading out over the Moonglade as Maiev directs her hippogryph down towards the ground at a much faster pace.

She arrives just in time to leap off and sink her Umbra Crescent into the back of one of the sword-wielding Naga’s necks as it tries to slash out at Rognak while the transformed orc is savaging another of its kin. Cutting it down quite effectively, Maiev hops off of the serpentine creature’s back and watches as Rognak pulls away from his own kill, transforming back into his orcish self.

The Orc Chieftain gives her a single nod before unsheathing his axe from his back and stomping forward. Together, they make good time in reaching the inside of Nighthaven, where they find Lord Cenarius leading the town’s defense.

“Lord Cenarius! You look like you could use some help!”

The Lord of the Forest’s eyes flicker over to her, before moving onto Rognak. The Demigod’s whole countenance brightens up as he takes in the sight of the two of them.

“Hm, indeed we could. Warden Shadowsong. Rognak. It is good to see you both, especially under such dire circumstances. To think that the Naga have resurfaced after all this time… I had hoped they would stay to their ocean depths, but perhaps that was a foolish hope of mine.”

Maiev blinks at that, even as Rognak grunts, throwing out a hand and applying entangling sets of roots to the current wave of attackers, supporting and alleviating the burden on Nighthaven’s defenders by quite a bit.

“You know these creatures, Lord Cenarius? You know where they come from and what they are?”

She hadn’t missed the Demon Lord’s words back in Nendis. How this ‘Detheroc’ had spoken like the Naga were her people’s long lost kin or something. She’d merely put it in the back of her mind, to be investigated later. Now however, despite the dire situation, Maiev can’t help but fall into interrogation mode. It’s all too natural for someone like her.

Cenarius, for his part, does not reprimand her nor tell her this is not the time. Instead, the Lord of the Forest looks almost tired, his eyes drifting shut for a moment as he lets out a sigh.

“… Indeed. Ten thousand years ago, the War of the Ancients and the Great Sundering resulted in the Night Elf People turning away from Arcane Magic and embracing Nature in all its glory. Your people settled the remaining lands of Kalimdor and cared for the forests here, and in turn the forests cared for you. In the case of the World Tree Nordrassil, this was quit literal until recently, seeing as it provided you with immortality.”

Maiev is well aware that there’s a battle going on still, but for the moment at least, they seem to have it well in hand. The Naga are relentless… but disorganized. It’s obvious from the glaze in their eyes that they are under the same mind control that the ones in Nendis were. However, much like happened in Nendis after Detheroc fled like a coward, they aren’t able to do much beyond attack, attack, and attack. Not without his direct presence on the battlefield, it would seem.

As such, she feels secure in listening to Lord Cenarius’ explanation. And admittedly, she’s drawn in by the tale he’s weaving. Utterly fascinated by where he’s going with all of this.

“… However, you and your people are not the only survivors of the Great Kaldorei Empire, Warden Shadowsong.”

Maiev’s eyes widen at that.

“What?! But the rest were-!”

She cuts herself off, the realization hitting her like a boulder as she whips around and stares at these… aquatic serpentine creatures in a whole new light. Looking at them, it’s hard to see any similarities… until she looks from the males in the frontlines to the females in the back. The Naga Sirens who are mindlessly casting frost magic at their defenses… staring at their faces, she can almost see the kinship.

“Lost beneath the waves. That was what you were going to say, wasn’t it Warden? Hm, indeed they were. But just because they were lost… does not mean they were killed. There are things lurking in the shadows of this world that even I would not dare to face head on or alone. The Naga… the Naga are what remains of the Highborne. It is said that they are led by Queen Azshara herself to this day, though you would not likely recognize her.”

Maiev jolts at that piece of information. She might not have had any personal interactions with Azshara, certainly not on the same level as say, someone like Tyrande who had been one of the Queen’s personal handmaidens. But she knew enough about the Queen to know she was a massive threat to Azeroth. The bitch’s vanity had damn near led to the destruction of Azeroth!

Oh what Maiev wouldn’t give to be able to have Azshara in her prison, languishing right next to Illidan for these past ten thousand years. If they’d known the cunt had survived… but no. No point wasting time mooning over what could have been. And besides, Maiev has a more pressing question at this point.

“How do you know all of this, Lord Cenarius? And… why keep it from us all this time?”

Lord Cenarius is quiet for a moment, before shaking his head.

“Parental concern, perhaps? I have no good excuse. Your people should have been told. Forewarned is forearmed, after all. Keeping the knowledge of the Naga from all of you was a mistake. As for how I know… the oceans are as much part of Nature as these forests are. And in the same way I am Lord of the Forest, there are Wild Gods of the Ocean. One of them, Wil’hai, takes the form of a Great Whale Shark, a creature that not even the Naga have sought to meddle with. He… complains most frequently about their ocean empire all the same whenever we speak.”

For a moment, Maiev’s thought processes stutter to a halt as she finds herself picturing the Forest Demigod and a giant whale shark conversing and griping about their respective problems over some tea or something. Before she can fully get that out of her head, Lord Cenarius growls, his eyes staring out at the waves of Naga still streaming into view to waste themselves against the defenses of Nighthaven.

“… However, I know not how these Naga have managed to make it so deep in-land, to arrive at the Moonglade. Nor why they would do so in the first place rather than strike out at the many coastal towns that dot the shores of Kalimdor.”

Maiev opens her mouth to answer, only to be cut off by Rognak.

“That is because they are being forced to attack by a dreadlord named Detheroc. And as for how they are here… I believe he is also the answer to that as well. Cenarius, you would be able to check better than I… but I suspect there might be a portal at the bottom of Lake Elune’ara that these Naga Forces are coming from.”

Lord Cenarius’ eyes widen at that assertion, even as Maiev’s do the same. The Lord of the Forest is quick to focus on the Lake off in the distance… and then nods sharply.

“You are correct, Rognak. The Naga are coming from a portal tainted with Fel Magic, hidden in the depths of the Lake.”

Maiev’s respect for the Orc Druid goes up another notch at that reveal, even as Rognak develops a savage grin and hoists his axe in the air.

“Then we just have to get over there and shut it! At least now we know how to end this!”

Indeed. Though, just as Maiev is moving to leap back on her hippogryph and Rognak looks ready to transform back into a wyvern so they can both fly on over and attack from the air… Lord Cenarius chuckles.

“You’ve been away too long, Rognak. You’ve forgotten what exactly it is I’m capable of.”

Before their eyes, the Lord of the Forest reaches out with a hand of branches and focuses his power. They don’t actually see anything happen… but after a moment, he lets out a grunt of exertion and pulls back, nodding sharply.

“It is done. The portal has been closed.”

Maiev can’t help but be impressed, though she hides it better than Rognak. And indeed, Lord Cenarius’ words prove themselves true, as the waves of Naga Attackers slowly begin to peter out. Seeing this, the Night Elf Warden smirks and turns to Lord Cenarius and Rognak.

“Excellent. With this, we need only wait for word from Naisha and the others and-!

“Bahahaha! To think, like buzzing gnats you try to stop my progress at every turn!”

Eyes widening once again, Maiev whips around along with Cenarius and Rognak, just in time to see the fat, slothful form of the Demon Lord Detheroc unveil itself. The loathsome creature isn’t alone, however. As he appears before them all, his massive bat-like wings flapping behind him and holding him aloft… the demon holds a prisoner in his hand. Maiev’s heart damn near stops as Naisha struggles in his grip, his claws wrapped around her neck.

“Unfortunately for you, the same trick doesn’t work on me twice! This little bitch thought she could take me unawares like she did my Naga Pet, but in the end, all she’s done is reduce herself to a bargaining chip! Surrender and I shall spare her life! Fight me, and she dies like the rest of the pathetic rabble that was with her!”

Maiev stiffens at that. If Detheroc was telling the truth… then he was much more powerful than she’d initially given him credit for. She thought him just a schemer with a powerful mind control ability, but for him to have killed the entire contingent of Watchers Naisha had had with her… gritting her teeth, Maiev’s mind races.

Beside her, meanwhile, Rognak seems ill-inclined to just stand there.

“That’s obviously not going to happen, dreadlord! Why are you even doing this?! Why are you here?! Why do you want the shards of Frostmourne? The blade is shattered, broken into a hundred pieces! It’s useless to you!”

Lord Cenarius’ head snaps to Rognak and Maiev has to give the orc credit. She’d been so busy interrogating Cenarius about these Naga that she’d missed her chance to warn the Lord of the Forest about what Detheroc was really after. Sloppy of her. But now he knows at least. Even if their situation is not any better than it was before. And surely this Demon Lord isn’t about to tell them anything, right? Who could be that foolish?

“Bahahaha! A sword can be reforged, pesky little orc! Even a Runeblade as powerful as that one can be made whole again! And the Lich King will have need of it, in order to keep his promises to the Legion and Lord Kil’Jaedan!”

Maiev blinks, even as Detheroc scratches his belly with his free hand, looking overly pleased with himself.

“But then, why am I still talking to you, buzzing gnat?! Cenarius! Forest Lord! I know that it is you who are keeper of Frostmourne’s Shards! Give them to me and I shall leave you all in peace. You may cower in fear, knowing that one day soon the Lich King and the Legion will come for you all! Bahahaha!”

Of course, Lord Cenarius remains silent. And Maiev feels like her heart is about to be ripped out of her chest, because she knows full well that none of them are going to give the demon what he wants. Not even her. Not even to save her mate. Meeting Naisha’s eyes, Maiev expects to see resignation there. She’s a little surprised to find defiance instead.

A silent tableau has developed, but it’s suddenly shattered when Naisha rears her feet up and plants them on Detheroc’s arm. The Demon Lord looks over at her with a contemptuous sneer.


“I am not… a bargaining chip!”

With a snarl, Naisha takes the dagger that she’s managed to slip from the small of her back while they had Detheroc monologuing and slams it down into the fat demon’s wrist. With an angry cry, Detheroc’s claws spasm open, and Naisha begins to drop. Unfortunately, he is not so surprised that he doesn’t immediately retaliate.

Letting out a roar, the flying Demon Lord immediately opens his mouth and lets out a blast of felfire that engulfs Naisha in an instant.


Maiev reaches for her mate, anguish alongside rage filling her voice. Her heart breaks, even as her blood SINGS for violent revenge. But before she can dart forward to dole out retribution for Naisha’s death… the smoke clears and Maiev is brought up short, blinking at the sight.

Rather than Naisha’s charged corpse, there is a thick bramble shell still burning merrily with felfire covering the spot where she fell. And as it pulls back, a single solitary figure darts out from it, racing across the ground to their defensive line with all her speed. Maiev can hardly believe it when Naisha slams into her arms just as Rognak is pulling back his hand, the shell of roots proving to be his quick thinking.

Detheroc, meanwhile, scowls angrily at the sight and then takes in what he’s up against. With a snarl, the Demon Lord once again begins to pull back and up into the air… only to slam into some invisible force that shoves him back towards the ground.

“I think not, Dreadlord. You wanted this battle. And now, you shall have it.”

Lord Cenarius’ words ring out over the suddenly hushed battlefield… only to provoke a raucous war cry from the defenders of Nighthaven, all of whom are all too ready to put the Demon Lord to death for his actions. Maiev joins them, removing her arms from Naisha and lifting up her Umbra Crescent as a snarl of righteous fury overtakes her features.

Detheroc was a threat before. But now? Now he’d made it fucking personal.


A/N: Maiev is pissed off, but hey at least Naisha has escaped her death flags for the time being! Good for her.

As always, hope people enjoyed and be sure to let me know what you think!



I know they portrayed the Dreadlords as unjustly arrogant in Warcraft for their given power level... but damn did Detheroc take the cake! Physically appearing before Cenarius with merely one hostage... that he couldn't hold onto for a single chapter!


lmfao yeah, apparently a dev described him as 'oafish' and given his Reforged appearance as a fat slob, I decided to run with it in this story's portrayal of him lol. Of course, later on in the timeline in WoW he shows up without the fat gut and with enough intelligence to take over SI:7 for a while, so my head-canon is that at some point in the next ten-twenty years, Detheroc gets a wake up call and gets his act together xD


I like the idea of Maiev being a pokemon tranier for war criminals. Gotta catch them all


The risk he took was calculated, but damn is he bad at math

Ricky Clevinger

Keep in mind that as of this time the Nathrezim and demons think it's a well kept secret to the people of Azeroth that they can survive/reform after their bodies are killed without special circumstances being involved (something to attack their soul, or killing them in the Twisting Nether). I'd be pretty cocky/risky too if I was effectively immortal and no one knew about it.


Yeah, but they still got to report back that they failed to their bosses and tempers are rather short after Archimonde's fuck up of getting blown up at the fucking finish line!


Yes, they might be immortal but they can still be punished. See Varimathras' fate, heh


That got a laugh from me, well done. I was thinking to myself that Maiev definitely has a capturing kink.


I'm really loving these Maiev chapters. She's been my favorite NE ever since I played WC3.

Tristan R Mitchell

Is soaking in enough Nature Magic to counter the Fel magic in their soul "special circumstances"? Because if it is, a wild god would be one of the most likely to manage such a thing.