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Themes: Competitive Sex, Mind Break, Fucked Silly

Summary: Part 9 of Preemptive Action. A depressed Ochaco complains to Tsuyu Asui about how Momo 'stole Izuku' from her. Funnily enough, this isn't even a scheme on the brunette's part. She's truly melancholic over it. This results in Tsuyu, the caring yet blunt person she is, telling Izuku that he needs to break up with Momo for Ochaco's sake. Obviously, this pisses Izuku off something fierce... but luckily Momo has an idea. 


“… Excuse me?”

Izuku Midoriya and Tsuyu Asui were pretty good friends, or so he felt. Tsuyu was a unique sort of girl. Short with a slender build, she had some froggy characteristics thanks to her genetically inherited Quirk ‘Frog’, but they weren’t that pronounced. Big hands, wide mouths, long tongue, and oval-shaped eyes… and that was about it. Otherwise she was a perfectly normal looking, fairly pretty girl.

Personality-wise, however, she was the sort of girl who was only ever straightforward and very blunt. She tended to always say what was on her mind, and she didn’t sugar coat anything, no matter what. Not even with her friends. Izuku had always liked that about her… until now.

Staring at the frog-like girl standing in front of him with her unblinking large eyes, Izuku puts a finger in his ear and twists it for a moment, making a show of cleaning out any lingering earwax that might have impacted his hearing.

“Sorry Tsuyu… I don’t know if I heard you right. Could you repeat that?”

Unhesitating, Tsuyu just nods and says exactly what she said before.

“You’re both hurting Ochaco with these games. You and Momo should break up and stop playing around like this.”

Beside him, Momo, who had gone perfectly still the FIRST time Tsuyu said something so hurtful in that matter-of-fact tone of hers, finally breaks out of her stupor at hearing it repeated. Her hand is in Izuku’s, their fingers intertwined, and she clenches down hard as she grits her teeth, narrowing her eyes at the other girl.

“Why would you say something like that, Tsuyu? Izuku and I aren’t playing any games. And Ochaco is just fine.”

Shrugging, the frog-like girl shakes her head.

“No she’s not. You’re both making her cry. She told me herself… Momo only got with you because she overheard Ochaco talking about her crush on you, Izuku. And now you’re both flaunting it constantly. Don’t you think this has gone on long enough?”

Izuku… Izuku isn’t used to being this angry, truth be told. He’s really not someone that’s quick to blow a gasket. Certainly, he doesn’t tend to get truly furious unless a real injustice is slapped down right in his face. But this right here? Tsuyu was managing to push all of his buttons. Gritting his teeth, he squeezes Momo’s hand reassuringly, fully intending to handle Tsuyu with the next words out of his mouth. They would probably end their friendship, but then… if the frog-like girl was siding with Ochaco, then it wasn’t much of a friendship anyways.

However, before he can do so… Momo squeezes back. Hard. And a glance over to his girlfriend shows that the young woman is silently asking for him to let her handle this. So… Izuku keeps his mouth shut, giving her a slight nod of his head.

Momo, turning back to Tsuyu, tilts her head to the side.

“I don’t think this is about Ochaco, Tsuyu. Not really. While it’s interesting to hear that that girl is actually feeling any sort of pain over my and Izuku’s loving relationship… I don’t think you really want him to break up with me for her sake, do you?”

Izuku blinks, a little confused. Where is Momo going with this? Tsuyu on the other hand stiffens up in response, suddenly seeming a little… shifty.

“… I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Blunt and straightforward a person as she is, Tsuyu is a terrible liar. Now Izuku finds himself peering at the frog-like girl, wondering what the heck is going on.

“Don’t you? Are you sure you’re here to champion Ochaco’s cause… and not your own? Are you sure it’s Ochaco that has a crush on Izuku… and not you?”

Wait, what?! Izuku can’t help but be taken aback. Tsuyu had a crush on him?! And she’d somehow managed to keep it a secret?! Her of all people?!

“That… that’s not why I’m here. I’m here for Ochaco.”

Momo just smirks, still holding Izuku’s hand.

“Sure you are. So then you won’t mind putting your money where your mouth is, will you? You want to prove to us that this is about Ochaco? You want me to break up with Izuku? Then how about we settle both issues with one competition. You and Izuku have sex and the first one to cum loses. If you win, then not only will I acknowledge I’m wrong, but I’ll also break up with Izuku. If Izuku wins though… you never bring her up in our presence ever again. I’m not going to tell you that you can’t be friends with her or anything like that… but you never talk about her to either of us, ever again.”

By the time Momo is done, Izuku is staring at his girlfriend in disbelief. Not only could he hardly believe she was wagering their whole relationship on a competition like that… but did she really think Tsuyu would agree to such a thing? It was insanity! There was simply no logical explanation for why a… a sex competition would be the way that they would determine whether Tsuyu had a crush on him or not!

In fact, the only way Tsuyu would ever agree to such a thing was if she was secretly carrying such a HUGE torch for him that she-!

“I accept.”

Izuku’s mind bluescreens for a moment at that. He stares at Tsuyu, baffled. The frog-like girl looks embarrassed, her face red with a bright blush… but at the same time, she looks determined as all hell.

Meanwhile, Momo just leans in close and whispers into his ear.

“Take her down a notch, Izuku. And show her what she’s been missing by ignoring her feelings for you all this time…”

Now Izuku is the one blushing. And yet… he’s not about to back down now, is he?


“… Why is there an audience?”

“Oh, these girls? What… didn’t you know? I’m not Izuku’s only girlfriend. Kendo is also his girlfriend now. And she invited Setsuna along because… well, apparently she’s been begging for a turn.”

Tsuyu’s eyes flick between Kendo and Setsuna and then back to Momo and Izuku at that. They’ve all reconvened after school for this… competition. The fact that Tsuyu was even willing to agree to this all still boggles Izuku’s mind, but rather amusingly, she’s walked right into Momo’s trap, hasn’t she? Even if she somehow manages to win… well, it’s not like Izuku will suddenly be single.

He expects Tsuyu to raise a fuss about it, but instead she simply nods after a moment.

“I see. Very well… let’s begin.”

With that, the froggy girl reaches down and begins yanking off her clothes. Izuku watches her for a moment, before beginning to do the same. He’s pondering just how to start off this encounter, when Tsuyu takes the choice right out of his hands… by snapping out her overly long tongue, grabbing hold of his boxers, and tearing them right off of his body.

As far as opening moves go, it’s not a bad one. Izuku snorts as his cock flops free, noting the way that Tsuyu’s eyes immediately lock onto it and refuse to let go. With that, he knows exactly how he’s going to handle her to start.

“Go ahead, Tsuyu. You get the first move.”

She blinks at that, and then narrows her gaze at him.

“… Are you trying to lose?”

Izuku just chuckles and waves her on, prompting the frog-like girl to move in and drop into her signature crouch. Large hands down between her splayed legs, Tsuyu promptly wraps her massive tongue around Izuku’s cock and begins sucking it, her eyes locked on his face as she begins to really go to town on his dick. Izuku… Izuku doesn’t even blink.

His cock throbs and pulses under her tongue and in her mouth, but he’s far from worried. After all, he can’t lose here. If he loses here, he loses Momo. And that’s not allowed. So, as Tsuyu does her best to give him the most spectacular, unique tongue-job of his life… Izuku reaches down and easily picks the young woman up.


Tsuyu’s muffled exclamation as he spins her around on his dick doesn’t stop Izuku, with him chuckling some more.

“What? I gave you the first move. Did you really think I wasn’t going to do anything to win though?”

In the background, Izuku is well aware that Momo, Kendo, and even the newcomer Setsuna aren’t just watching. No, they’re also stripping down, and even touching each other in preparation for their turns. In fact, Setsuna in particular is getting a lot of attention from his two girlfriends. She’ll definitely be his next conquest… and at this point, Izuku is looking forward to it. But first, he has a competition to win.

“I like your tongue technique, Tsuyu. Let me show you mine.”

It was, in his humble opinion, the best way to put the froggy girl in her place. Beating her at her own game would leave no room for doubt in this case.

With Tsuyu forced to wrap her legs around his head for stability and Izuku holding her by the waist, it means that her pussy is right in front of his mouth and tongue. So… without further ado, Izuku dives in and gets to work.


Immediately, he can sense Tsuyu’s alarm as he puts his tongue to the task of going to town on her already moist cunt. She’s not dripping with arousal right off the bat, but she’s definitely already turned on. Momo was right, Tsuyu DID have a crush on him. It was why she’d agreed to this crazy competition in the first place. Still, Izuku was still peeved over how she’d tried to white knight for Ochaco. For that… he wouldn’t go easy on her.

In the end, he makes quick work of the froggy girl. His tongue might be tiny in comparison to her tongue, but it’s not always about the size… rather, it’s how you use it. Tsuyu might have had the advantage, but she’s clearly inexperienced with fellatio. Her enthusiasm and eagerness to try and make him cum are certainly there… but she’s got nothing on his technique and expertise.

She fights it for as long as she can, but ultimately Izuku smirks into her muff as she jerks, shakes… and squirts all over his lower face. Holding her spasming body tightly to him, he rides out her ensuing orgasm, while her reverberating moans up and down the length of his cock tease him closer to the edge… but never quite over.

To borrow a very old phrase from an English poet… Izuku is the master of his fate and the captain of his soul. More than that, he is in charge of his body, not the other way around.

As Tsuyu cums helplessly for him, Izuku pulls away from her cunt… and yanks the froggy girl off of his cock. She comes away with a gasp, her tongue dangling limply as he spins her end over end.

“W-Wait… I’m not…”

She trails off as she finds herself folded up in his arms, caught in a perfectly executed full nelson with her dripping, drooling quim mere centimeters above his throbbing, spit-polished cock.

“You’re not… what? Done? You lost, Tsuyu. You came first and lost the competition. So now we’re done… unless you want me to finish what I started and fuck you silly.”

He offers it all nonchalantly, as though that wasn’t what she’d really wanted all along. He gives her room to back out. After all, nothing in the wager said Tsuyu would necessarily belong to him and Momo once they were done with her. Technically, it was already over. Unless…

“… please…”

Izuku smirks and glances over at Momo and Kendo. Both of his girlfriends, who at this point have a naked Setsuna between them and are making the panting girl squeak and squeal with their efforts, smile and nod at him.

So, without further ado… Izuku drives Tsuyu down onto his cock, filling her from below as the frog-like girl squeals at being impaled upon him in the full nelson. He grunts, her pussy walls clenching and flexing around his dick as his balls churn with his unrealized load. He could have cum right then and there… but he doesn’t. No, he needs to prove a point now. He needs to teach Tsuyu a lesson, sort of in the same way they taught Jiro a lesson.

With that in mind, Izuku begins to bounce Tsuyu on his cock, enjoying the way her sizable ass claps against his crotch with every downward motion in particular. As he thrusts up into her while driving her down his length, Izuku groans at her tightness… while Tsuyu squeals and shrieks at his throbbing manhood stretching out her poor, aching cunt.

She cums for him again and again, the normally aloof young woman brought to climax over and over by his cock. She might have been relatively cool and collected most of the time, but this wasn’t ‘most of the time’. This wasn’t anything that Tsuyu was really prepared for whatsoever. His cock inside of her is unlike anything she’s probably ever done before, whether it was masturbating with her over-sized hands, eating herself out with her long tongue, or even using sex toys.

He makes sure her eyes roll up in her head and that long tongue lolls ALL the way out of her mouth, the tip reaching the floor by the time he’s done with her. And only once she’s completely fucked silly and broken upon his cock, only when she’s reduced to guttural slurred noises around her tongue and wanton moaning… only then does Izuku finally cum inside of her.

With this, he forgives her for her presumption. He forgives her for trying to be Ochaco’s white knight. He knows the two girls are friends, so it’s not entirely out of the question. Still, that doesn’t mean he’s forgotten. Pulling Tsuyu off of his cock, he drops the young heroine-in-training to the floor, letting her fall flat on her face with her ass in the air and her cunt disgorging his cum for all to see.

Then, he turns to Momo, Kendo, and Setsuna, his cock still twitching and ready to properly fuck the latter girl.

The fact that Tsuyu believed Ochaco was actually depressed and heartbroken over him and Momo’s relationship was… something Izuku and Momo would have to talk about later. Because it was obvious the brunette wasn’t stopping. And if she actually somehow had feelings for him, she might never stop. Not until she WAS stopped.

But that was something they could discuss at a later time. Right now… it’s Setsuna’s turn. Somehow, Izuku doesn’t think the Class 1-B girl is going to make a competition of things like Tsuyu did. No, Setsuna knows exactly where she wants to be… at Izuku’s feet, like the good girl she is.



Eh, didn't really feel this one tbh. I mean, wasn't it obvious that Tsuyu was manipulated by misinformation? Unlike Jiro, Tsuyu seemed un-bothered by the challenge, even wanted it. If, say, she knew of Ochaco's manipulation; her and Momo could've schemed to say "haha, another plan failed". Seemed like a missed opportunity to uno reverse it.


Fuck yeah, finally Setsuna’s turn!