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Themes: Rough Sex, Dom/Sub, Breeding

Summary: Keeping secrets is never not stressful, but luckily Cinder Fall is an old hat at it by now. And yet... she has to admit, this particular secret is proving to be more and more worth it. Ever since she helped one Jaune Arc figure out his semblance for no other reason than she was bored, he's been using his immense stamina to push her down and have his way with her. Honestly, it's tempting her to give up her other secrets more and more by the day... 


She’s leaning over a balcony when he comes up behind her, grabs her by the hips, and pulls her backside right back into his crotch. Feeling his bulge against her ass, Cinder Fall moans, tilting her head to the side as his lips find purchase on her neck.

It’s funny, under most circumstances she would immediately retaliate if someone laid hands on her, no matter who they were. The number of people who had been allowed to touch her and not face immediate reprisal before these past couple of weeks had numbered all of one until now. Salem, Queen of the Grimm, could do whatever she wanted to Cinder because Cinder couldn’t do anything to fight back.

This new situation she found herself in, with a certain younger man necking her while his hands move from her hips up and around to her top, beginning to undo buttons… that was something else entirely.

“… Jaune…”

Cinder doesn’t even have to fake the breathless moan, which turns into a squeak when Jaune growls into her ear and grinds all the harder against her ass. A laugh escapes her lips at that, and she arches her back as he finally manages to free her breasts from their confines, his fingers digging into her sensitive tits as she moans and wiggles against him.


Jaune Arc. He was a nobody. Literally just a nobody. And yet here she was, jeopardizing the entire mission for him. For what? To get her rocks off? Ah… but everyone needed a way to destress, didn’t they? That was why Jaune was here, after all. He’d just got done training with his team and now he’d come to her for stress relief.

Abruptly, Jaune spins her around and forces her to her knees. Cinder goes willingly of course, dropping down as her tits bounce and her eyes come to level with his crotch. Smirking up at him, she makes a show of licking her lips for a moment before reaching up and unbuckling his belt. As she pulls open his pants and extracts his cock from its confines, Jaune looks at her with some serious darkness in his eyes.

This was what she liked about him. He was a nobody. No one important. No one special. She’d done her background check when this had all started just to make sure. He was just your run of the mill blond boy with aspirations of being a hunter. But… there was that little something that the background check couldn’t tell her. Jaune Arc… had a dark side.

As his cock slaps down across her face, Cinder gasps and moans, kneeling there on the balcony. Meanwhile, Jaune growls and grabs hold of her hair, fisting her luscious locks in one hand and forcing her up a little higher so that his cock slides down to her lips. Opening wide, Cinder takes him in her mouth, letting him begin to thrust back and forth and face fuck her right there on the spot.

“Hulghk… Hulghk… Hulghk…”

It had taken a bit to bring it out of him. His inner darkness. When she’d first encountered him training himself half to death all alone in the wee hours of the morning, Cinder hadn’t known what to think of him at first. He’d been out in the Emerald Forest, killing Grimm with his sword and shield and screaming like a mad man.

He thought he was all alone, but Cinder had been watching. She’d watched him let out the demon inside of him… and she’d been intrigued. Eventually, a couple days later, she’d approached him. She’d offered to spar with him. And then she’d done everything in her power to tease that inner darkness out of him. Obviously, when it was her instead of the Grimm, Jaune didn’t want to unleash the beast so to speak.

But Cinder didn’t get where she was today by taking ‘no’ for an answer. She wasn’t a quitter, and it wasn’t long before she was really riling Jaune up. That was when he’d discovered his Semblance thanks to her. The ability to amplify his aura, or the auras of others… that was impressive. And valuable. Jaune had been amazed and asked how he could ever thank her.

Cinder could have used it to wrap him around her little finger, turning his gratitude into corruption and bringing him over to her team. But the plans for Beacon and the Vytal Festival were already going just fine. She already had Mercury and Emerald and all of the other pawns she needed to complete her plans and make Salem happy.

She didn’t need Jaune to serve her in that way… no, she needed him in another way.

“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”

The more he thrusts, the faster he becomes. He starts out a little hesitant, acting like he doesn’t want to hurt her even though they both know she does. She might have initiated their relationship and their first sexual encounters, but Jaune… Jaune was quite the forward man these days thanks to her. He knew what he wanted, and it was Cinder… in any way he desired her.

Spittle, saliva, and drool all soon coat her chin as involuntary tears streak down her cheeks. He’s treating her like absolute trash, utterly dominating her. If anyone else saw her like this, she’d have to kill them. If Emerald ever caught Jaune treating her like this, the dark-skinned girl probably WOULD try to kill him. But… it turned Cinder on immensely. To get pushed down. To get mistreated and abused.

When Jaune finally yanks her back off of his cock, the first thing out of Cinder’s mouth is a gurgling, wanton moan. Meanwhile, he’s not even breathing heavily yet. His Semblance lets him go on for ages… and that’s precisely what Cinder needs.

“F-Fuck… fuck me, Jaune. I want you to-!”

Before she can even finish the sentence, Jaune yanks her back to her feet by her hair, making her gasp in pain. He spins her around, bending her back over the balcony railing she’d been leaning on before he arrived. Cinder grasps at it with both hands, moaning and wiggling her hips as Jaune hikes up her skirt and-


“A-Ah… heh, bastard…”

The blond boy just snorts as he takes her balled-up, torn panties and stuffs them in his pocket. His cock slides up between her ass crack, moving between her exposed buttocks now as she moans from the hot contact. His member throbs with need, covered in her spit and dribble.

“If I’m a bastard, it’s only because you made me one, bitch.”

His snarling growl is without any real heat as he leans in and presses himself against her from behind, one hand moving around to her front again to go back to playing with her tits. And he’s right, of course. She’s sculpted him across multiple sexual encounters. The boy had been a virgin when she’d first gotten him to fuck her silly. And he’d apologized profusely afterwards, as though he’d hurt her or something.

Obviously, he hadn’t. She’d loved every bit of it. Just as she knew she’d love this now. Still, it had taken a long time to get Jaune to this point. To train him to mistreat and abuse her so. As he molests her, his fingers find her nipple and pinch and pull it, resulting in a particularly wanton groan leaving Cinder’s lips.

“Just fuck me already, damn it…”

“Say please~”

Yeah, the Jaune Arc she’d started with would never have teased her or talked back to her. He’d definitely come a long way in a very short amount of time. He was… perfect once she tore away all of his insecurities, all of his doubts and anxieties. He was absolutely perfect. And she was desperate for his big fat cock by this point.


To his credit, once she gives in he doesn’t waste a single moment more. His cock slides back across her ass crack and slaps up into her cunt lips and a moment later, he’s inside of her. Cinder cries out, mewling and moaning into the open night air of Beacon Academy as she’s fucked from behind. Technically, anyone could look up and see them going at it on this balcony. That’s part of the fun. But it’s not actually going to happen. This time of night, there’s no one around down below. Just her and Jaune and his big fat cock buried in her hungering snatch.

Deep down inside, Cinder knew she should be focusing on the mission. Even as the sound of flesh slapping against flesh fills the air and her eyes threaten to roll back in her head, she knows it’s true. Beacon’s Fall will happen sooner rather than later, and she will become Fall Maiden. That is the goal, that is the task at hand, and anything that keeps her from her duty is a distraction and should be swept aside.

… But she has to admit, Jaune has been a particularly enjoyable distraction for her. And a particularly fun secret to keep as well. Cinder Fall is no strange to secrets. She’s actually quite the expert at keeping them at this point in fact. And yet… this is the most pleasurable one she currently has, by far.


Jaune grunts, his hands moving up to her shoulders so he can REALLY give it to her, even as his crotch impacts her exposed ass cheeks with repeated, bruising force. Letting out a moan followed by a breathless laugh, Cinder looks back at him with a twinkle in her eye.

“Mm, you’re really pent up today, Jaune. Training not go well?”

Grunting as he continues to ‘clap her cheeks’ and fuck her roughly from behind, Jaune shakes his head.

“It went… fine. We’re doing… better than ever.”

Cinder cooed at that. On the one hand, she probably shouldn’t have been happy to hear that a Beacon Team, her would be enemies in the coming battles, was doing so well. Especially when it was her assistance in unlocking Jaune’s Semblance that had given them such a leg up in the first place. But… she was pleased all the same. She was happy for Jaune, to be quite frank. Still…

“Then, mm, why so r-rough? Just happy to see him?”

Jaune chuckles at that and leans forward to bite at her shoulder for a moment before pulling back.

“Always and you know it. But… no. Pyrrha was asking, hah, questions again.”

Cinder hums at that, before letting out another wanton moan as he hits a particularly deep spot inside of her. Her eyes flutter, but she gets herself back under control long enough to answer him with a throaty chuckle. Pyrrha Nikos had become something of a sore spot for Jaune. Early on, he’d all but worshipped the ground the young woman walked on. But the more Cinder got her hooks into him, the more he and Pyrrha had begun to clash.

Mostly because Jaune was loyal. Loyal to a fault. For her help, he wouldn’t betray her confidence, not even to his team. And Pyrrha wanted to know exactly where he went off to. She wanted to know how he’d figured out his Semblance and she wasn’t buying his obfuscations. In the end, Cinder felt that there was really only one answer, especially after her own observations of the pair.

“You need to bend her over and fuck her already, Jaune. Just like you do with me~”

For a moment, the blond young man misses a beat, nearly tripping. Then, he growls and begins fucking her even harder.

“Don’t talk like that. I’m not about to betray you like that, not even with Pyrrha.”

Cinder lets out a gasping laugh, rolling her eyes in good humor.

“We’re not… a couple, Jaune.”

He sighs, still fucking her.

“I know that. But still…”

Moaning up a storm, Cinder feels herself getting closer and closer to a climax. Even still, she focuses on the conversation at hand.

“You and I… we’re not going to last much longer. You, mm, know that I’m going to leave after the Vytal Festival.”

He didn’t know everything else, of course. Cinder was good at keeping secrets. But even if he didn’t know about her double life, he knew their time together was limited and the end was approaching fast.

“Yeah… maybe.”

Cinder’s eyes narrow at that. She doesn’t like the tone of his voice. She DOES like how he’s picking up speed, however it probably means he’s getting closer to cumming.

“Not… not inside, Jaune.”

But he just growls and fucks her faster, until Cinder feels that orgasm cresting at long last, her eyes half-rolling back in her head as she cums all over his throbbing cock. She’s in no position to stop him from doing the same… in fact, her pussy walls flexing along his dick probably help to finish milking him of his load. And as he cums in her, Jaune’s voice is in his ear, half-growling, half-purring.

“If I knock you up… then we’ll have to figure something else out, won’t we? Maybe you’ll stay in Vale… or I’ll leave with you. How about that, huh?”

Cinder’s eyes roll the rest of the way back in her head at the idea he’s just put in her mind’s eye. As she envisions it, she cums AGAIN, even more messily than before, back to back climaxes that have her gurgling in pleasure.

Finally though, it’s over and done and he’s pulling out of her. Cinder’s head falls forward and her legs quake as she holds herself up against the balcony railing, his seed dripping out of her stuffed womb already.


“Cinder… I don’t know what came over me, I-mmph!”

Spinning around, she pulls him into a deep, tongue-filled kiss to shut him up. She doesn’t want to see him backtracking after all. She doesn’t want him reverting to that anxious boy who apologized for every-fucking-thing he did. And so she kisses him soundly on the lips and only when they both have to come up for air does she pull back and glare at him, lightly smacking his chest.


He blushes but doesn’t try to apologize again. Instead, he takes her in his arms and activates his Semblance, amplifying both of their auras and energizing the two of them, reinvigorating them both on the spot.

Cinder just sighs, knowing full well that he’s going to fuck her again and she’s going to let him. And he’ll probably want to cum inside her again… and she’ll probably let him. Because apparently she was going all out in risking everything she’d worked for now. And all for Jaune Arc.

Yet… she really couldn’t bring herself to care. Sure, she might get pregnant. But they’d cross that road when they got there…


Lord of Debauchery

I could see Pyrrha joining in the fun in the near future


I request more politely


Him or me?

Osiris Sundavr

This shows promise. I would love more.


I know what you mean. I could definitely see a confrontation where Pyrrha accuses Cinder of taking advantage of Jaune or something. Cinder would of course laugh and say it's most definitely the other way around… and then Jaune would destroy her!