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The Successor Ch. 44 (My Hero Academia)

  • Go over and fuck Mitsuki tomorrow 510
  • Tell her no, he fucks her on his own time 69
  • Leave her completely hanging with no response, let her stew. 47
  • 2023-04-30
  • —2023-05-13
  • 626 votes
{'title': 'The Successor Ch. 44 (My Hero Academia)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Go over and fuck Mitsuki tomorrow', 'votes': 510}, {'text': 'Tell her no, he fucks her on his own time', 'votes': 69}, {'text': 'Leave her completely hanging with no response, let her stew.', 'votes': 47}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 13, 7, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 4, 30, 14, 14, 11, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 626}


A/N: Katsumi makes her move. Mitsuki counter-attacks!


“What the fuck are you doing, you old hag?!”

All but exploding into the living room, Katsumi snarls at her mother as Mitsuki Bakugo goes still in response. Then, fast as can be, the older woman is up on her feet, fixing up her clothing in record time as she hurries to hide the evidence of her… of her infidelity!

Not that Katsumi actually cared that her mother was cheating on her father. No, it was more about who Mitsuki was cheating WITH!

“Katsumi… I didn’t expect you to be home q-quite so soon.”

That was a fucking lie. She’d heard what Mitsuki had said over the phone. She’d used Katsumi’s impending arrival as fucking masturbation fuel, the bitch! Growling, Katsumi pushes that aside, choosing to get to the heart of the matter instead. Stomping forward, she gets right in her mother’s face. She knows she has the bitch on the ropes. Mitsuki is putting on a brave face, but she’s already faltering.

“Deku?! You’re fucking DEKU of all people?! What the actual fuck?! How does that even happen?! He’s absolutely worthless, nothing but a limp dicked pussy who-!”


Katsumi is cut off when Mitsuki suddenly slaps her across the face. The younger of the two women goes wide-eyed at this. Her mother and her have a physical sort of relationship. They wrestle all the time, with Mitsuki more often than not getting Katsumi in an armbar and grinding her knuckles into the top of the younger woman’s head.

But slapping? Mitsuki has never slapped her before. And suddenly, while it had initially seemed like she had the older woman right where she wanted her, Mitsuki was in Katsumi’s face instead of the other way around.

“You don’t get to talk about him that way you little cretin. You don’t get to call Izuku Midoriya names or say he’s worthless when you and I both know it’s a fucking lie.”

The vehemence in her mother’s voice makes Katsumi blink in shock. She’s used to having an altogether antagonistic relationship with the other woman, but never before has she seen Mitsuki point such a venomous, disappointed look her direction.

“I know about the bullying, Katsumi. I know that you did everything in your power to make Izuku’s years in middle school a living hell. I can’t believe that the girl I raised would act like that… but don’t even try to deny it. I know the truth.”

Katsumi stiffens… and then sneers.

“Why would I deny it? Useless Deku had it-!”


Again! For fuck’s sake! Before she can finish the sentence and get out ‘coming’, Mitsuki slaps her again, making Katsumi snarl and take a few steps back.

“Quit slapping me you bitch!”

Holding up her hand in a fist, Mitsuki shakes it angrily at her daughter.

“I should do a lot more than that, you little cunt! I should take you over my lap right now and spank your ass until it’s raw and red for all the shit I’ve found out you’ve been up to over the years! Izuku Midoriya was your FRIEND Katsumi! You don’t just toss friends aside! I never should have let you abandon him like you did, but I never thought you’d have it in you to treat him like trash after the fact!”

Katsumi bristles, opening her mouth to declare that Izuku WAS trash… but Mitsuki raises her open palm in warning and on instinct, Katsumi’s mouth clicks shut. Before she can second guess herself (like hell is she letting her mom intimidate her now, she’s never let it happen before) Mitsuki crosses her arms over her chest.

“I went to Izuku to apologize for your bullshit, Katsumi. He’s grown into a fine young man. One thing led to another… and I saw a way to make up for my part in all of this.”

Katsumi blinks before narrowing her eyes.

“Your part? What the hell are you talking about?!”

Mitsuki just scoffs, as if it’s supposed to be obvious.

“I let you get away with this shit, didn’t I?! I’m your mother, which means I’m to blame for your bullying as much as you are. Especially since Inko Midoriya is one of my friends, and you were treating her SON like shit. You remember her, don’t you?! Your Auntie Inko!”

Katsumi flinches at that. Inko Midoriya had never been anything but nice to her, admittedly. But that was neither here nor there. For ‘Auntie Inko’ and fuck Deku too! And fuck her mom if she thought she was just going to stand here and take this!

“Ugh, you know fucking what?! Do whatever you want! Fuck Deku for all I care! I don’t give two shits-!”

This time, when Mitsuki goes to slap her, Katsumi catches her wrist and sneers… only to miss the second slap as it comes from the other side.


“You old hag-!”

“Quiet! This isn’t like our usual fights, Katsumi! So be quiet and listen! You want to know why I keep slapping you? Because I know EVERYTHING! Including the little duel you and Izuku had after your first day at UA. How he beat you… and how you PROMISED to never call him Deku again!”

Katsumi flushes at that, some of the fight going out of her. Those had been the terms, yes. But damn it all… he’d cheated o-or something!

“And you know how I found out about it all in the first place? You know why I reached out to Inko about meeting and talking with Izuku? It’s because I caught you.”

Katsumi goes stiff and wide-eyed at that, as her mother leans in nice and close.

“I caught you masturbating over your little defeat in your bedroom the other week, Katsumi. I caught you BEGGING Izuku to fuck you while you drilled your cunt with those fingers of yours.”

N-No. That wasn’t… she hadn’t…

But Mitsuki just grins, as if knowing exactly what Katsumi was going to say in her defense.

“Oh sure, you didn’t outright say it. In fact, there was a lot of cursing involved wasn’t there? But I’m your mother. I can read between the lines, Katsumi. You’ve got a fucking crush on Izuku Midoriya. You like that he kicked your ass. You want him to do it again. You want him to do MORE than kick your ass, don’t you?”

Trembling now, Katsumi… Katsumi whimpers. It’s an uncharacteristic sound from the normally explosive blonde, and Mitsuki blinks, taken slightly aback by it. Her face grows somewhat expressionless, as she finally pulls away from Katsumi entirely.

“Yeah, I’m fucking Izuku Midoriya. And I know you want him to fuck you too, Katsumi. So I suppose I’m left wondering… where does that leave us?”

Katsumi’s mouth opens and closes, but no words come out. Where did that leave them? Where did that leave HER?


A fair distance away, unaware of the confrontation taking place between mother and daughter, Izuku Midoriya pushes Himiko down onto the cot where she’d been asleep while he’d messed with her Quirk. The red-eyed blonde giggles as he does so, licking her lips some more as she spreads her legs nice and wide for him.

The two of them are completely naked at this point, not a stitch of clothing left on them. As Izuku leans over her, his cock, rock hard and throbbing again, flops down between her legs, landing atop her pussy mound. Her sopping, slippery, dripping wet pussy mound. Himiko gasps from the contact, even as Izuku pauses and tilts his head to the side.

“I wasn’t expecting you to already be this aroused, Himiko…”

Letting out a melodic moan, the young woman squirms underneath him.

“Of course I am, I-zu-ku~ Your cum was absolutely delicious! It’s got me soooo turned on. Please… please don’t’ hold back on my account. I want it. I want you inside of me!”

Well… it seemed that most of her personality was still the same. She was still a teensy, tiny bit unhinged. But maybe that was okay. No one HAD to be normal, and frankly Izuku was already surrounded by a bunch of women with their own idiosyncrasies. He didn’t do normal himself, so it would be silly to expect anyone in his orbit to be normal either.

That all said… as Izuku slots his cock against Himiko’s slit and begins to thrust in, he does keep an eye on her. She’s all moans and mewls now, squirming and writhing away underneath him… but at the same time…

“Any… urges, Himiko?”

Blinking, she looks up at him in confusion, forcing Izuku to clarify as he slowly slides more of his cock inside of her.

“Any desire to find the nearest sharp object and paint us both red with my blood?”

Her eyes light up in realization and she blushes before nodding.

“O-Oh! Ah… no, I suppose not.”

After a moment of furrowing her brow in thought, a look of wonder spreads across her face.

“W-Wow… I have… all this love for you… but not one bit of me wants to see you bleed. I don’t want to hurt you, Izuku. I just want to make you mine. And be yours.”

The broadest smile yet spreads across the broken young woman’s face, and she reaches up, wrapping her arms around his neck as he meets her halfway and lets her pull him down into a tongue-filled kiss. He’s happy that she’s happy, and he’s more than willing to bask with that feeling of satisfaction with her. Though if he’s being honest, he’s even happier that she’s no longer so damn incentivized to take a knife to him or anything like that.

He would have felt odd if he had changed Himiko too much. Obviously, change was a fact of life. No one stayed the same, no matter what. But there was a difference between changing and being changed. The difference between internal and external pressure and forces, he supposed. Obviously, he was an external force that had come in and removed an internal pressure that Himiko had been laboring under.

Now, hopefully, she could be a lot happier about not just herself, but everything in her life. As he kisses her, their tongues entangling together and their bodies intertwined, Izuku makes sure to give her as much pleasure as he possibly can. Starting by soundly fucking her into the cot.

Himiko moans into his mouth as he does so. She lifts her legs up into the air, her toes curling as she wraps them around her waist. His cock pistons in and out of her clenching pussy and the blonde shudders beneath him as her inner walls flex and clench all the while. He fucks her for quite some time, having already cum once in her mouth. Indeed, he could continue going for some time longer… but he’s not trying to exhaust her or anything like that.

As he fucks her, Himiko spasms beneath him, experiencing more than one climax at the end of his cock. Eventually, he deems their time together well-spent and decides it’s about time for them to begin winding down… only to blink in surprise when Himiko pulls back at that point, seemingly detecting that the conclusion of their sexual intercourse is rapidly encroaching.

“W-Wait… please… if you’re going to cum… cum in my mouth, o-okay?”

It’s the latest in a laundry list of red flags, and even as Izuku pulls out of Himiko and moves up the length of her body… he grabs her by her hair and holds the tip of his dick away from her lips.

“Himiko… are you becoming addicted to the taste of my seed?”

The blonde freezes and then blushes, squirming for a second on the cot under him.

“I… uh… m-maybe?”

Should he stop that? Should he take her Quirk back again and try to change it further? But no… no, he had already decided he would make this work, hadn’t he? Nobody was perfect. Chaos was always a factor. Izuku could try and control everything… but the truth was, that was impossible.

Gracing Himiko with a kind smile, he places the tip of his cock against her lips and watches as she greedily inhales his dick. A moment later and he’s cumming, letting her drink down his seed yet again. Sure, she was trading one addiction for another… but it was better than blood by a wide margin. Better that she have the unenviable urge to drain his balls into her belly, than to cut him or anyone else open to see their blood spill out of them.

It was a… much healthier coping mechanism, as he saw it. Though, something else does come to mind, even as Himiko is guzzling down his seed.

“Himiko… you already know about Momo. You should be aware, she’s far from my only woman. And there will probably be a lot more down the line too. I don’t even know how many it’ll be in the end.”

Looking up at him, Himiko continues to suckle at his cock until there’s nothing left, before pulling back with a gasp. As she lays there under him, nuzzling his softening dick and panting noisily, the blonde licks her lips… and nods.

“I-I understand. It would be… criminal to try and hoard this delicious cock all to myself. Just… please don’t forget about me?”

She looks uniquely vulnerable in that moment, her face framed by his cock pressed against her cheek. Sighing in relief, Izuku chuckles and shakes his head.

“Never, Himiko. How could I ever forget about you?”

That makes her brighten up considerably and before he knows it, she’s taken him back in her mouth for Round Three. In the end, Izuku indulges her until it’s rather late in the evening. Then, he reintroduces her to Tomura. Himiko is right, she can’t live a normal life. But with the League at her side, she’ll be happy… and he’s promised to visit her plenty and also let her come over to his place sometimes if she needs her ‘fix’.

Specifically, he’s given her permission to sneak into his bedroom in the morning and suck him off if she wants to. Izuku just warns her that there’s every possibility he might react in a half-conscious state and restrain her before she can properly suck him off. Himiko seems to take that as a challenge though.

It’s only as he’s heading home to get some shut eye that he finally listens to the message from Mitsuki Bakugou. She sounds desperate in the first one… but there’s a second one a little while after it where she sounds more composed.

“Izuku, sir… I really want to see you again. I want to give you everything I have. Please, can we meet tomorrow at my place so you can fuck me silly on my marital bed?”

The earnest desire in her voice makes his cock twitch, he won’t lie. But while he’s interested… part of him wonders if he shouldn’t just leave Mitsuki hanging, to make the older woman sweat. He’s got enough going on as is, he doesn’t need Katsumi’s mom constantly pestering him all the time for hook ups.


A/N: Totally innocuous discussion question, definitely has nothing to do with the future of this fic *whistles innocently*

If you're Izuku from this story and you're fucking your bully's mom and you head over to her place to fuck her again... but then your Extrasensory Quirks let you know that your bully is actually close by, bound and gagged and spying on you and her mom fucking... what do you do? Do you pretend like you don't notice, ignoring your bully and fucking her mom right in front of her... or do you bring it up?

Just a simple thought experiment, nothing to see here (though responses are appreciated) :P


Krystopher L Williams

Personally I’d make sure she knew I was aware because the look in her eyes would be all the sweeter if not ready for her to join.

Collar Spider

There are a lot of ways to handle such a hypothetical scenario. You could ignore it, showing that Katsumi isn't worth your time. You could acknowledge it to Mitski and you both have a good laugh at her. Or you just fully go up to her and let her know this is what she deserves for being a huge bitch and then go fuck her mom. Personally I think the last option is a little too cruel and would alienate her, like there's only so much abuse one can handle.


Ignore the bully, focus on the Mom, though maybe make sure to show off to the bully a little to see, what they're missing out on and make them stew.


I’d make the mom badmouth the bully and praise me just to show the bully how much power I have over the mom

Justyn Morton

Ignore the bully at first. Fuck the mom good and hard in every hole. Then head straight to the bully and look her in the eye and explain if she ever wants the same treatment, she needs to "apologize" and warn her she will have no pride left when the "apology" is done.


yup not letting Katsuki know he knows but hamming it up letting Mitsuki know he does know and leaving the mother insensate from pleasure would be fun. Now if he either reveals or hints at the end thats up in the air. Kinda like the idea of this happening more regular thing for them and Katsuki having to find a way to get a final defeat would be fun later as well.


Honestly just cuck katsuki or edge her for a few chapters. Hell even when she finally cracks and begs you should still punish/deny her for a bit.


I don't know I vote for the option that leads us towards not fucking katsuki torture her with the fact that she's never gonna get that good dick


Ignore her but play it up, tell the bully’s mom loudly that she’s going to have to raise a better daughter this time as she gets impregnated


While I doubt he would bring it up, I would think in the end She would because while she is disappointed in her daughter she wants her to be better, and the only way for her to stop being such a bitch is if she gets broken by izuku.