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Themes: Dom/Sub, Rough Sex, Loving Sex

Summary: An AU where Aladdin is the Prince and Jasmine the street urchin. Well, former street urchin. When Aladdin saved her from having her hand cut off for stealing, he also decided to take her into his service. Jasmine, clever street rat that she is, sees how amazing life could be so long as she's willing to spread her legs for the Prince. Aladdin, meanwhile, is shocked by just how good his new harem girl cleans up.


You didn’t survive on the streets as long as she had by being an idiot. But there was also a certain amount of luck involved as well. Didn’t matter how smart you were, if your luck ran out than that was that. Unfortunately, Jasmine’s luck had run out on the exact same day that she’d decided to be an idiot.

“That’s her! That’s the little thief!”

She struggles against the grip of the big burly guards holding her arms in place, even as the bread seller fingers her as the one who just stole two loaves of bread from his stall not too long ago. Two… instead of one. She was so stupid. She’d gotten greedy. If she’d just taken one loaf then maybe… but no. She’d gone in for the second to give to those kids and in doing so she’d drawn the ire of the guards and this merchant.

“Well now, looks like we’ve got you dead to rights, bitch. You know the punishment for thieving, I imagine. Hmm, but maybe I can be persuaded to look the other way…”

The lecherous look on the disgusting Guard Captain’s face is enough to turn Jasmine’s stomach. Maybe if she wasn’t so out of sorts, or if she had a moment more to think about it, she could have put on a convincing act and even made him think she WANTED to give him what he desired. It was better than the alternative after all.

Unfortunately, she never gets the chance. The look of pure, honest revulsion on her face is caught by all in the wake of his suggestion, and while his fellow guards snicker at his expense, the Captain’s expression turns from lecherous to furious. In an instant, he’s drawn his scimitar.


Jasmine struggles all the harder as the guards holding her force her arm straight on a box. The bread merchant looks on with a satisfied expression on his face, even as the Guard Captain lifts his blade, fully ready to chop off her hand. It’s the price for thievery after all. Steal and you lose a hand. No take backs. Of course, losing a hand is a death sentence on the streets. He might as well take her head.

However, before the blade can come down and divest her of her hand, a voice filled with authority and purpose rings out.

“Hold! What is going on here?!”

Everyone stops what they’re doing, even Jasmine. Blinking, she looks up and sees, to her utmost shock, THE Prince of Agrabah standing there looking at them all with a frown on his face… and concern in his eyes. Prince Aladdin steps forward, flanked by his Royal Guards as the Guard Captain stands at attention.

“Your Highness, sir! We were just punishing this thief for her crimes. As I’m sure you know, the punishment for theft is the loss of a hand. She stole two loaves of bread from this fine, upstanding merchant here.”

Everyone bows, merchant included, as Prince Aladdin gets closer. Everyone except Jasmine, who is already bent over the crate, her arm still outstretched. He looks at her for a moment… and then reaches into his belt and pulls out a thick golden coin.

“For the loaves, good merchant, as well as any loss of business. Consider the debt paid. No hands need to be chopped off today.”

Jasmine blinks. She’s heard rumors of the Prince’s good nature, but this… this is new. Maybe because she’s actually experiencing it firsthand. A feeling of warmth fills her chest as he graces her with a smile. Of course… his smile fades when he realizes the guards aren’t releasing her.

“What are you all doing? Let her go.”

Clearing his throat, the Guard Captain speaks up.

“Ahem… begging your pardon, Prince Aladdin… but she’s still a criminal sir. We won’t chop off her hand… but she still deserves some form of punishment… else she’ll never learn.”

Jasmine stiffens, easily able to imagine what sort of punishment the Captain and his guards have in mind. Aladdin frowns, looking at all of them and seemingly having similar thoughts. After a moment, he shakes his head.

“You’re right of course, Captain. I shall take this one into my service.”


“It is my right as Prince of Agrabah, is it not? I claim this one for my Harem.”

For a moment, the Guard Captain looks gobsmacked. Then, he looks disappointed. But in the end… what can he do? The Prince has made his decision. He’s staked his claim.

“… As you say, your Highness.”

Rather than releasing her, the city guards hand her over to the royal guards escorting Prince Aladdin. And so Jasmine finds herself taken off of the street and brought to the palace. But while the situation is certainly not an ideal one… it’s better than what could have been. And Jasmine is nothing if not adaptable. If Prince Aladdin wants her for his harem… then she’ll be the best damn Harem Girl he’s ever seen.


Obviously, Aladdin hadn’t gone to the market solely for the purposes of picking up some street rat for his harem. As the Prince of Agrabah and one day Sultan, he was expected to have a sizable harem ever since he came of age. And he did, sort of. Girls from all over, from both near and far, had entered his service. And Aladdin made sure to… use them once in a while, so that rumors did not start.

However, he did not entirely enjoy the practice. Oh, he enjoyed the acts and so did they, he made sure of it. But he did not necessarily enjoy keeping a stable of women for his sole pleasure. He told each and every one of them that none were actually required to spend any time in his bed, and that they were to seek company and comfort from one another when he was not available.

So far it was working just fine. No one had killed anyone else in a fit of raging jealousy, and altogether the whole one guy, multiple women thing was working out pretty well.

He wasn’t sure how adding a street urchin to that dynamic would change things, however. Something about seeing the young woman in that situation at the market… it had felt like a strange, twisted case of déjà vu. And Aladdin had known instinctively that he had to intervene. So he had.

But he’d also known somehow that if he left it at just paying off the merchant, the guards would still take their pound of flesh from the poor woman. So he’d gone a step further. But that was a problem for another day, he figured. For now, Aladdin was ready to sleep. He was ready for-

… Well, he was ready for a lot of things, but finding the girl from the market in his rooms was not something he was prepared for. Especially not when she cleaned up so damn nicely. Aladdin can only gape at the beauty that turned out to be under all that dirt and sand. Gone are the rags she was wearing earlier. In their place are light red cloth, wrapped around her chest but showing off her belly and shoulders, along with sheer, see-through red pants that are closed off by golden cuffs around her ankles.

She’s also wearing her hair up in a high-top ponytail, held in place by more golden cuffs. And they match rather well with the golden hoops dangling from her wrists as she stands there waiting for him.

The moment Aladdin steps into the room, the girl begins dancing… and he has to admit, for all that she’s clearly inexperienced, she’s also plenty good. Though that could just be her beauty… she’s quite gorgeous now that she’s had a bath and gotten all dressed up for him. Despite himself, Aladdin’s cock begins to grow hard in the confines of his pants, causing him to grunt.

Moving forward, he places his hands on her shoulders, stopping her.

“Stop… stop this. You do not… who put you up to this? Who among my harem told you that you needed to do this?”

The street urchin stops and stares at him in surprise, blinking rapidly.

“N-No one, er… your highness. I chose to do this myself. To… to thank you.”

He doesn’t believe her. But he doesn’t want to lead with that. So instead he just lets out a bark of laughter.

“I don’t even know your name!”

Blushing rather prettily, the street rat lowers her gaze.

“Jasmine, my Prince.”

And now he does. Jasmine. Aladdin rolls the name over in his head, finding it to be good. It feels strangely right, like it resonates with him or something. He smiles, opening his mouth to greet her properly, only to realize she’s staring down at his crotch now… his crotch where his erection has tented his loose pants.

“You seem to be encountering some difficulties, your highness.”

Aladdin just groans and shakes his head.

“Jasmine… you… I… I did not take you into my service to fuck you. I did it to save you. You don’t… you don’t have to do anything with me. Not if you don’t want to.”

Normally this conversation was the first thing he took care of with new members of his harem. But Jasmine’s joining was obviously… different. However, much to Aladdin’s shock, she doesn’t sigh in relief or pull away or anything like that. She just gives him a coy smile.

“I know, my Prince.”

“Wha- you know?!”

Giggling now, Jasmine wastes no time. His newest harem girl reaches down and suddenly pulls his cock free from its confines, stroking it in her hands as he squawks indignantly.

“The others told me about you. They said you wouldn’t expect me to attend to your needs so soon. And they helped… once I explained that I needed to repay you for all you’ve done for me so far.”

Aladdin gulps, finding it a lot harder to say no to her now. And when Jasmine gives his cock a tug, the Prince of Agrabah finds himself being led by a street urchin of all people back towards the bed. Not a street urchin anymore, he supposes. She’s a harem girl now…

“You don’t have to-!”

“I want to, my Prince. I want this… and I know that you do too.”

Jasmine positively purrs as she falls back onto the bed and tugs him down with her. Aladdin yelps as he finds himself on top of her, his cock brushing against the front of her leggings. Maintaining eye contact the entire time, Jasmine reaches down, hooks her thumbs into her pants, and yanks them down her legs and off of her feet in one incredibly smooth motion.

And just like that… his cock is touching her slit. Pressing against her wet pussy lips. Aladdin lets out a shuddering breath… and gives in to his inner desires at long last, his shaft sliding into her right there on the spot. A groan leaves his lips, matched by a moan from Jasmine at the same time. The two of them hold each other tightly, clinging to one another as though for dear life.


“I know, Aladdin… I know.”

The breach of decorum, the lack of proper address… he would have cause to punish her most severely for it. But the thought never even enters Aladdin’s mind. He’s too busy entering her, pushing deeper into her body… and feeling oh so right doing it. It’s crazy. He’s a Prince and she’s a street rat. They couldn’t be further away from one another. They’ve had two very different lives.

And yet… and yet, he can’t help but feel like they were made for each other. As he fills her with his cock, it’s like two puzzle pieces perfectly slotting together. His body molds to her body, his chest pressing down on her breasts, but far from feeling suffocated or pinned, Jasmine just moans, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down into a kiss.

Aladdin’s eyes widen, but he quickly begins to kiss her back. His latest harem girl is quite the independent, forward-thinking minx of a woman. All this initiating of events is supposed to be HIS prerogative, but instead Jasmine is being very demanding, for all that he’s the one on top of her. He’s still controlling the pace of things of course, still deciding just how fast he’s fucking her… but she’s the one prompting him and that’s not usually how this is done.

The Prince can’t bring himself to mind though in all honesty. He likes it. He likes Jasmine’s attitude. He likes Jasmine herself more than he could have imagined he would. He’d took her into his service with the intention of saving a street urchin from great pain and hardship, and in doing so… he’d found a diamond in the rough.

Jasmine, for her part, cries out into his lips, her body flexing and pulsing beneath him. Her inner walls clench and squeeze along his cock and it takes him a second to realize it… but she’s cumming. She’s cumming for him, and he hadn’t even had to put nearly as much effort or thought into making it happen as he normally did. It was just… so natural. THEY were just so natural together it wasn’t even funny.

Like they were made for each other. Like this was where they belonged, in each other’s arms, no matter what their lives looked like, no matter who they were or where they came from. Kissing Jasmine all the more furiously, Aladdin feels right at home inside of her, until at long last… he cums. With a groan delivered right into her lips, he fills Jasmine’s womb with his seed. He pumps his newest harem girl full of his cum and watches as her eyes flutter beautifully, almost rolling back in her head… but not quite.

And then it’s done. Aladdin rolls off of her, not wanting to make her feel suffocated or claustrophobic, but defying his expectations, Jasmine hurries to follow him. As he lands on his back, she rolls over onto his front, giving him a cheeky grin as she lays on top of him, rubbing herself against his deflating cock… and keeping it from fully going soft.

In fact, under her efforts, he begins to harden once more, even as she licks her lips.

“I hope you’re not done yet, my Prince~ Because I’m just getting started.”

In the face of such impishness, Aladdin’s exhaustion rapidly vanishes and he growls as he reaches down and grabs her by her wide hips, holding her in place so he can slot himself back inside of her.

“You’d better be ready to put your money where your mouth is, sweetheart.”

Jasmine’s grin doesn’t falter in the face of his challenging tone. It doesn’t falter until he’s bouncing her up and down on his cock and she starts to realize just how much he was holding back before. But that doesn’t stop her from giving as good as she gets. Nor does it stop them from enjoying one another’s company most vigorously for the entire rest of the night.


Morrigan Newhart

Typo when everyone is bowing for Aladdin and Jasmine is stretched over the crate - her name was Jaina there it seems like.


I also noticed the Jaina thing. But I loved this; will it remain a oneshot?


It'll be up to the original prompter if they want to submit a sequel piece, and then up to you guys my patrons if you vote for it to win in the Weekly Prompt Poll or not! Personally, I feel like its a really good standalone one-shot, but it's not up to me lol